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3. Rondel: «Je ne voy riens qui me doie suffire»




3. Rondel: «Je ne voy riens qui me doie suffire»

Je ne voy riens qui me doie suffire,
Ce jour d’avril qui est si bel et gay.
De mon regart ja ne m’esjoiray
Se je ne voy celle que je desire.

Puisq’ainsy est c’on ne pourroit eslire
Dame qui soit se belle com je l’ay.
Je ne voy riens qui me doie suffire,
Ce jour d’avril qui est si bel et gay.

Riens qui soit bel a mon cuer ne puit luire,
Tout ce qui puit gecter mon cuer d’esmay,
Pour ce je doy par tout haultement dire:
«Par vous me vient tretout le mal que j’ay.»

Je ne voy riens qui me doie suffire,
Ce jour d’avril qui est si bel et gay.
De mon regart ja ne m’esjoiray
Se je ne voy celle que je desire.
3. Rondel: “I don’t see anything that should satisfy me”

I don’t see anything that should satisfy me
This April day that is so fair and gay.
I will never take any joy in my sight
If I do not see her whom I desire.

Since it is so, that one could not choose
A lady who is as beautiful as mine,
I don’t see anything that should satisfy me
This April day that is so fair and gay.

Nothing that is beautiful can brighten my heart,
Anything that can cast my heart from dismay.
Therefore I must say loudly, everywhere:
“From you comes all the pain that I bear.”

I don’t see anything that should satisfy me
This April day that is so fair and gay.
I will never take any joy in my sight
If I do not see her whom I desire.


(see note); (t-note)