1. Rondeau: «Se Dieu eust oblié ‘non’»
Se Dieu eust oblié «non»
Quant il faisoit le langaige,
Je tien qu’il eust fait que saige
Et que gracieux et bon
Des dames pas ne fusson
En si dangereux servaige,
Se Dieu eust oblié «non»
Quant il faisoit le langaige.
Certes, a m’entencion,
Ce ne fust point de dommaige.
Mais eust esté avantaige
Tresgrant a maint compaignom.
Se Dieu eust oblié «non»
Quant il faisoit le langaige,
Je tien qu’il eust fait que saige
Et que gracieux et bon.
1. Rondeau: “If God had just forgotten ‘no’”
If God had just forgotten “no”
When he created language,
I hold he would have proven wise
And gracious and good.
To the ladies we would not be
In so painful a servitude
If God had just forgotten “no”
When he created language.
Certainly, it seems to me,
This wouldn’t have been any harm,
But would have been great benefit
To many a companion.
If God had just forgotten “no”
When he created language,
I hold he would have proven wise
And gracious and good.