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8. Rondel: «Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle»




8. Rondel: «Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle»

Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle,
Joieusement et de loial penser
Vous doins mon cuer a tousjourz sans faulser,
Bonne, saige, gracieuse et tresbelle.

Car, par ma foy, vous estez seule celle
Sans qui ne puis leesse recouvrer,
Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle,
Joieusement et de loial penser.

Si pry Amours que pour moy se melle,
Qu’a mercy puit vostre doulx cuer tourner,
Et que Regart atire Bel Parler,
Ou l’un sans plus m’an doint bonne nouvelle.

Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle,
Joieusement et de loial penser
Vous doins mon cuer a tousjourz sans faulser,
Bonne, saige, gracieuse et tresbelle.
8. Rondeau: “This first day when the year begins anew”

This first day when the year begins anew,
Joyously and with loyal thought
I give you my heart forever without deceit,
My good, wise, gracious, and beautiful lady.

For by my faith, you alone are the one
Without whom I could not gain happiness,
This first day when the year begins anew,
Joyously and with loyal thought.

Thus I pray to Love that he intercede for me,
For he can turn your gentle heart towards mercy,
And that Looking attract Fair Speech,
Or that just one of these bring me good tidings.

This first day when the year begins anew,
Joyously and with loyal thought
I give you my heart forever without deceit,
My good, wise, gracious, and beautiful lady.


(see note)