22. Balade: «S’a ma cause perdoit sa bonne fame»
Ne doy je bien Male Bouche hair?
Par foy oil, quant par son faulx parler
M’estuet laissier l’aler et le venir
Vers ma dame, que je doy tant amer.
Mais j’ay plus chier, pour son honneur garder,
A m’en tenir que pour moy ait diffame.
On m’en porroit par raison bien blasmer
S’a ma cause perdoit sa bonne fame.
Combien, certes, s’elle ne veult mentir
Mauvaisement, elle n’en puet parler
Que tout honnour; mais pour anientir
Son langage et le faire cesser,
D’elle me vueil un petit eslongier.
Non pas du cuer: il est tout sien, par m’ame.
Bien devroie de tresgrant dueil crever
S’a ma cause perdoit sa bonne fame.
On ne s’en scet si gaitier n’ecapir
Que prest ne soit son arc pour descochier
Fleches teles que qui s’en sent ferir
A grans paine puet garison trouver.
Tel trait doit tout vray amant redouter.
Doubter le vueil pour le bien de ma dame.
Trop aroie le cuer dur et amer
S’a ma cause perdoit sa bonne fame.
22. Ballade: “If because of me she lost her good name”
Shouldn’t I really hate Evil Tongue?
In faith, yes, when because of its false speech
I am forced to give up the coming and going
To my lady, whom I must love so much.
But I would rather, in order to guard her honor,
Hold myself apart than for me she be defamed.
One could very rightly blame me for it
If because of me she lost her good name.
How much, indeed, unless it wishes to lie
Maliciously, it cannot say anything about her
Except all honor; but in order to suppress
Its speech and to make it cease,
I want to distance myself a bit from her.
Not in my heart: it is all hers, by my soul.
I should well perish of great grief
If because of me she lost her good name.
One cannot be on watch, nor prevent
Its bow from being ready to shoot
Arrows such that whoever feels them strike
Can find a cure only with great pain.
Such a shot should every true lover dread.
I want to be on guard for the good of my lady.
I would have a heart too hard and bitter
If because of me she lost her good name.