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- Christine de Pizan
- Author
- Misty Schieberle
- Editor
- Stephen Scrope
- Translator
- Rate
- Author
- John Mirk
- Author
- Unknown
- Author
- George Shuffelton
- Editor
- contents
- categories
- Hagiography, Estates Satire, Proverb, Courtesy Book, Romance, Family romance, Biblical exegesis, Lyric poetry, Epigram, Prayer, Debate poetry, Exemplum, Breton lai, Hagiographic romance, Wisdom literature, Folk tale, Recipe, Sermon, Travel writing, Otherworldly, Rhyme royal, Legacy HTML, Authorship uncertain
- William Caxton
- Author
- Jenny Adams
- Editor
- William Dunbar
- Author
- John Conlee
- Editor
- categories
- Lyric poetry, Lyric poetry (Marian), Dream vision (Love), Wisdom literature, Prayer, Dance of death, Estates Satire, Complaint (Poetry), Dream vision, Elegy (Poetry), Ballad, Courtesy Book, Masque, Debate poetry, Fabliau, Legacy HTML