5 10 15 20 25 fol.108v 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 fol.109r 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 fol.109v 106 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 fol.110r 146 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 fol.110v 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 fol.111r 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 fol.111v 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 fol.112r 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 fol.112v 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 fol.113r 366 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 fol.113v 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 fol.114r 445 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 fol.114v 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 fol.115r 525 530 535 540 545 550 555 560 fol.115r 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 fol.116r 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 fol.116v 640 645 650 655 660 665 670 675 fol.117r 680 685 690 695 700 705 710 715 fol.117v 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 755 fol.118r 760 765 770 775 780 785 fol.118v 790 795 800 805 810 815 820 825 fol.119r 830 835 840 845 850 855 860 865 fol.119v 870 875 880 885 890 895 900 905 |
Septem psalmos penitensiales Domine, ne in ira furore tuo arguas me, neque in ira tua coripias me.1 Lord, in thyn anger uptake me nought, And in thy wreth blame thou not me. For certys synne hath me throught sought That I were loste nere helpe of thee. The wantones that I have wroght Oute sette it, Lord, for thi pyté, That I be not fro blysse ibrought To the place ther that peynes be. Miserere mei, Domine, quoniam infirmus sum; sana me, domine, quoniam conturbata sunt omnia ossa mea.2 Mersy, Lord, for I ame seke. Helpe, Lord: forbryssyd be all my bonys. My flessch is freyll, my soule hath eke Full grete matyr of mournyng monys. Bot when my corse is cast in creke And be dolvyn under the stones, Jhesu Lord, mersyfull and meke, Lese not that thou boughtyst ones Et anima mea turbata est valde, set tu, Domine, usquequo?3 And my soule dystrublyd is sore — Bot Lord, how long schall it be so? For yife I synne more and more, Then mote I suffyr peynes mo. I lede a lyve ageyn thi lore, So wrechyd that me is wo; Bot thy mersy me may restore, Ther is non helpe when that is so. Convertere, Domine, et eripe animam meam; salvum me fac propter misericordiam tuam.4 Turne thee, Lord, my soule to wynne, And make me safe for thi mercy. For fowle with fedyr, nor fyssch with fynne, Is non unstedfaster than I. When I thynke what is me withine, My concyens makys a carefull crye; Therfor thi pyté, Lord, upspryng, That I may mende or I dyghe. Quam non est in morte qui memor sit tui. In inferno autem quis confitebitur tibi?5 For in deth is non that thee thinkys onne. Who schall knawlege to thee in helle? When bodyes stynken under the ston, Wher soules ben no wyght can telle. Therfor, Jhesu, doune-fell owre fone That all dey on us yelpe and yelle, And grante us or we hens gone That we be wessch in thy mersy welle. Laboravi in gemitu meo; lavabo per singulas noctes lectum meum; lacrimis meis stratum meum rigabo.6 I have traveyld in my weyling; My bed schall I wessch every nyght, And the terys of my wepyng My bede-straw water as it is ryght. Synne is cause of my mournyng. I fele me feynt in gostly syght; Therfor, I wepe and water out wryng, As I welle aught and every wyght. Turbatus est a furore occulus meus; inveteravi inter omnes inimicos meos.7 Myn eyghe for angour dystrublyd is, Y eldyd myn enmys among. For welle I wote I have don mysse And grevyd God with werkys wrong. And therfor, when I thinke on this, I ne can bot cry with steven strong And sey, “Jhesu Lord, kyng of blys, To thi mersy me underfong.” Discedite a me omnes qui operamini iniquitatem, quoniam exaudivit Dominus vocem fletus mei.8 Ye that don wrong, goth fro me all, For God my wepyng voys hath herd. To hys fote wyll I ryght feyn fall And be chastyst with hys yerd. Now, curtas kyng, to thee I calle: Be not vengeabyll; put up Thy suerd. In heven when thou beholdyst alle, Late me not be ther out isperd. Exaudivit Dominus deprecacionem meam; dominus oracionem meam sussepit.9 Oure Lord hath herd my prayere And resavyd myn oryson. For all the bedys that we sey here To hym thei be full suete of sowne. Now, Lord that boughtyst man so dere, With blody bake and body browne, That thou wyte save so us to here, That never synne us draw adowne. Erubescant et conturbentur omnes inimici mei; convertantur et erubescant valde velociter.10 Sore astonyed and schamyd Mote all that my enmyse be. Turnyd and with schame atamyd Right sone be thei, Lord, I pray to thee. The werld, the fend, the flessch be namyd Agene mankynd are enmys thre; That I be not throught hem defamyd, Mersyfull God, defend thou me. Beati quorum remisse sunt iniquitates et quorum tecta sunt peccata.11 Blyssed be thei whos werkys wrong Be forgyven and synne hyde. For thei be of God underfonge And in hys courte full wyde ikyde. Bot he that lyveth in lust longe And doyth no better than beyste or byrde, He may be sykyr of stormys strong Ther wrechys be full wo betyde. Beatus vir cui non imputavit Dominus peccatum, nec est in spiritu eius dolus.12 That man is blyssed to whom God knyteth, That no syn hathe in gost ne gyle. For at a grete price the gode Lord settythe Hym that meneth in word no wyle. Bot he that consyens unknytys And sufyre falsyd hyte to defyle, Ageyn hymselve hys wepyn he whetys — God wyll be wroth ryght in a whyle. Quoniam tacui inveteraverunt ossa mea, dum clamarem tota die.13 For I was styll; therfore my bones Elded whyle I schuld cry aldey. I cryed and yit mote more than ones To gete forgyffnes and I may. I have matyr of grevus grones: I have trespassyd, I sey not nay. I cryghe thee mersy, kyng of thrones, That have made many a wyld outray. Quoniam die ac nocte gravata est super me manus tua; conversus sum in erumpua mea dum configitur spina.14 For bothe be dey and nyght also On me thy hond lyghet hevyly, And I ame turned in my wo, With thornes priked grevosly. Ther prykyth perylous thornes two Of synne and peyn — this fele wele I — And therfor, Lord, syth it is so, I pute me holy in thy mersy. Delictum meum cognitum tibit feci et injusticiam meam non abscondi.15 My gylt to thee have I made knowen; I have not hyde fro thee my wronge. Throught schryft wyll I fro me ithrowen All my mysded and mournyng among. For sertys, Lord, we truste and trowe The welle of grace with stremys stronge Oute of thy feyr flessch began to flow When blode out of thy herte sprong. Dixi confitebor adversum me iniusticiam meam Domino, et tu remisisti iniquitatem peccati mei.16 To God I seyd I schall knawlege Ageyn myselve my wrong withine. And thou, Lord, as a louely leche, Forgyfe the trespas of my synne. Than spedyth it not to spare speche; To cry on Cryst wyll I not blynne, That he ne take of me no wreche For word ne werke that I begynne. Pro hac orabit ad te omnis sanctus in tempore oportuno.17 Therfor beseke I schall every seynt In tyme that is therto covenabulle. For thei be trew and I ateynte; They be stedfast and I unstabulle. Ther frenschype fond I never feynte; Them wyll I praye as thei ben abull That thei wyll meve my compleynte To God that is so mersyabulle. Veruntamen in diluvio aquarum multarum, ad eum non approximabunt.18 Bot in the flode of watres fele To hym schull thei nought neghe nere. Hem nedyth not that ben in wele The water that us wasschet here; Bot we that all dey fro hym stelle And greven God that hath no pere, We may not us fro hermys hele, Bot if that we wepe water clere. Tu es refugium meum a tribulacione que circumdedit me; exultacio mea erue me a circumdantibus me.19 Thou arte my refute in every wo, That hatyth myn enmys me abowte; My joy, delyver me them fro That me beclype withine and oute. The fendys fle both to and fro Me to dampe — this is my doute. Bot Lord, when I schall hens go, So kepe me fro that reuly rowte. Intellectum tibi dabo et instruam te in via hac qua gradieris; firmabo super te occulos meos.20 “Understonding I schall thee gyfe, And I schall tech thee withall, And in the wey that thou schall wende, On thee myn eyghen sette I schall. I ame thi God; have me in mynde. I made thee fre ther thow were thralle; That thee no dedly syn schende, Latte wytte and wysdom be thi walle. Nolite fieri sicut equus et mulus quibus non est intellectus.21 “Ne fareth not as muyle ne hors In whych non understondyng is. For syche is folke that gyve no fors To lif in lust and don amysse. Thynke thi courruptabull corse Is nought bot wormys mete, iwys. Therfore, in myrthe have thou remourse And ever among, man, thynke on this.” In camo et fremo maxillas eorum constringe, qui non aproximant ad te.22 In bernacle and brydell thou constreyn The chekys of them that negheh thee nought. For sertys, Lord, bot thou refreyn, We schall forfete in every thought. Thys werld is nought bot synne and pride And wrechydnes that man hath wrought; Of this myscheve fro me thou hyde, I praye thee, Lord, that me hast bought. Multa flagella peccatoris; sperantem autem in Domino misericordia circumdabit.23 Many one is the sore betyng That to the synfull man schall betyde. Bot he that is in God trustyng Schall mersy have on every syde. When wrechys schall ther handys wrynge That were so full of pompe and pride, Than schall the savyd sawlys syng For blys that they schall in abyde. Letamini in Domino et exultate justi et gloriamini omnes recti corde.24 In your Lord be mery and glade, They that of ryghtfull hertys be, For he that was on rode isprade Now syttys in hys fader se. In syght of hym schall we be glad As angellus that be bryght of ble. Now Jhesu grante us to be lade So that we may that syght se. Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me, neque in ira tua coripias me.25 Lord, blame me not when thou arte wrothe; Uptake me not in thi hastynes, Thogh I have lyved as thee is lothe, Unkynd ageyn thi kyndnes. For wonton word and idell othe And many a werke of wyldnes, I drede thy dome ageyn me gothe, Bot grace go with ryghtfulnes. Quoniam sagitte tue infixe sunt michi et confirmasti super me manum tuam.26 For thy arwys ben in me ipyght; Thou hast sette fast on me thy hond. And as man withouten myght I wexe wayke, so is the wonde. Bot Lord, meynten thou thy ryght: Suporte thy man that may not stond, And send conforth to thy knyght That ferre is flemyd of thy londe. Non est sanitas in carne mea a facie ire tue; non est pax ossibus meis a facie peccatorum meorum.27 For in my flessch is ther non hele In presens of thi wrethly face. My bones wanten pese and wele For synne that me thus deface. My wyld wylle, my wytte frele, Encombyr me when I trespas; Therfor, when deth schall with me dele, I se non helpe bot only grace. Quoniam iniquitates me supergresse sunt caput meum, et sicut onus grave gravate sunt super me.28 For now aboven my hede ben growyn The werkys of my wrechydnesse, And upon me my synnes are throwyn As charge of grete hevynesse. I may nowher me bestowen, Bot hyde me fro thyn hastynes. Bot Lord, take hede: I ame theyn awen; Late mersy reule ryghtwysnes. Putruerunt et corupte sunt sicatrices mee, a facie insipiencie mee.29 My wondys ben all roten and ranke After the face of my foly. For syth that fyrst that I in synne sanke To late I began for mersy cry. Bot Cryst that quykedyst hym that stanke, The broder of Martha and of Mary, So bryng us fro this breyry banke To be in blys aboven the sky. Miser factus sum et curvatus sum usque in finem; tota die contristatus ingrediebar.30 I wax a wrech and all to the ende I bow a carfull hede all dey. For myrthe may non come in my mynd When I thinke onne myn endyng dey. I wote wele I muste hens wend, Bot whyder ne when no wyght can sey. Therfor, I bow and my bake bend That God me kepe, for he best may. Quoniam lumbi mei impleti sunt illusionibus, et non est sanitas in carne mea.31 For freylty hath full fyllyd my reynes, And in my flessch ther is non helthe. Therfor, of grace, God, send me granes That I may fle all flesshly fylthe. Late never the fend with all hys tranes Styrt upon me with no stelthe, To fest on me hys fyrie cheynes For weldynd of this werldys welthe. Afflictus sum et humiliatus nimis; rugiebam a gemitu cordis mei.32 I was afflycte and made full meke; I roryd for weyling of myn herte. Oure forme frendys a forwerd breke; Therfor all we be with wo begyrte, And I therfor my synne eke. What wonder is it thou my saule smerte? Therfor, Lord, I thi mersy seke, For I may not thyn hond asterte. Domine ante omne desiderium meum, et gemitus meus a te non est absconditus.33 Lord, all my desyre is thee beforn; My weylyng is not fro thee hyde. For if my soule schuld be lorn, What were I better than best or bryde? Therfor, Jhesu of Jues iborn, God and man on erth ikyde, Late never the tresoure be to-tourne That thou were for so wo betyde. Cor meum conturbatum est in me; dereliquit me vertus mea, lumen occulorum meorum et ipsum non est mecum.34 Myn hert in me distrubled is; My vertu hath forsakyn me. Myn eyghen syght with me non is; My savyour may I nought se. I erre all dey and do amysse, I stombyll as thei that blynd be, And synne iwys is cause of this. Mersy, Jhesu, for thy pyté! Amici mei et proximi mei adversum me appropinquaverunt et steterunt.35 My neyghbourus that my frendys were Noyghed and ageyn me stode. In welth a man may wysdom lere, So wele were hym that understode How frendys flokyng everywher As foulys that fleyn after ther fode. Bot be a man dede and brought on bere, Wele many be feynt and few gode. Et qui iuxta me erant de longe steterunt; et vim faciebant qui querebant animam meam.36 They stode aferre that were me neyghe, They strenthyd them that my soule sought. The werld is fals, the fende is sleghe, The flessch dyde so that me forthought. And therfor to my God I fley; With louly hert I hym besought To gife me comforth fro hevyn on hey To werkys, that he with hondys wroght. Et qui inquirebant mala michi locuti sunt vanitates, et dolos tota die meditabantur.37 And thei that thought to do me skathe Spoke wordys that were veyne. And all the dey, bothe late and rathe, They thought on gyle and upon treyne. Bot when thei fynd mosse and mathe And brymblys growyng upon ther breyne, Than wyll the soth hymselve unswathe, For wrong hath many a saule sleyne. Ego autem tanquam surdus non audiebam; et sicut mutus non aperiens os suum.38 Bot I as defe nothing herd, And as a dom man that no mouth undothe, So sparyd I and spech upsperde. Bot mede it is to sey the sothe, For he that Jues so foule with faryd, He seyh how every gyle gothe, Full sore wyll smyte with hys yerde, Bot thei amend them that mysdothe. Et factus sum sicut homo non audiens et non habens in ore suo redarguciones.39 I becam as man that myght not here, Ne had in mouth non undernemyng. When I sey synfull men make chere, I went forth full sore syghying. Bot Lord that boughtyst us so dere, Late hem no blysse in bales bryng, Bot send them myght to amend them here, And grante hem grace of uprysyng. Quoniam in te, Domine, speravi; tu exaudies me, Domine Deus meus.40 Lord, for I have tryst in thee, My Lord, my God, thou schall me here At the reverans of that Lady fre That gave thee souke and haste no pere. To that Lady betake I me That wonneth above the cloudys clere, For whyle sche syttys so neyghe thi se, I hope to spede of my prayere. Quia dixi: Nequando supergaudeant michi in inimici mei; et dum comoventur pedes mei, super me magna locuti sunt.41 For I have seyd, “Lord mersyabull, Late not onne me my foys be glade!” And whyll I styred my fote unstabull, Grete wordys upon me thei hade made. Bot Lord that arte so comforthabull, Thou make ther flowrys fallow and fade. And thee to plese make thou me abulle, For in synne wyll I no lenger wade. Quoniam ego in flagella paratus sum, et dolor meus in conspectu meo semper.42 Bot I ame redy to be bete; My sorow is ever in my syght. To do hys wyll I wyll God late; Ageyn my lord wyll I not fyght. Now Lord that woldyst thi blod out suete, For hem that thee to deth hath dyght, So send me grace for to grete Syche water that mey my solle lyght. Quoniam iniquitatem meam annunciabo, et cogitabo pro peccato meo.43 For I wyll my wrong telle oute, And for my syn forthynk I schall How perylows it is to be prowte, And lechery may schend all. Envy and wreth of herte stoute Schall stand a man bot lytell in stawle When he is closyd in a cloute To woune within the wormys walle. Inimici autem mei vivunt et confirmati sunt super me, et multiplicati sunt qui oderunt me inique.44 Myn enmys ben quike and bold And stertand abovyn me myghtly. They be incresyd many a fold That hath me hatyd wrongfully. Bot Godys lombe, that Judas sold For thryty penys unryghtfully, Now wyll I folow in all hys folde And do hys bydyng buxumly. Qui retribuunt mala per bonis detrahebant michi qui sequebar bonitatem.45 Thei for gode evyll me quite; For I folowyd godnes, thei bacbyted me. Bot thei that so lyghtly do bakebyte Dredfull aught ther hertys be, For God wyll all ther wordys wryte, And schew, that all the werld schall se, How scherply that he schall them smyte That wyll not ther vyces fle. Ne derelinquas me, Domine Deus meus, ne disseseris a me.46 My Lord, my God, forsake me nought; Forsake not, Lord, my saule so. Hold in thi hond that thou hast wroght; Depert thou me never fro. It is thi boure that thou hast wrought, Elynge it is when thou arte go; Therfor, Jhesu, late never thought Ner word, ne dede us parte a-two. Intende in adiutorium meum Domine, Deus salutis mee.47 In my helpyng take thou hede My Lord, God of allmyghty helthe. Be not to ferre when I have nede, And wys me when I ame in welthe With gostly fode that thou me fede, And kepe me from all fleschly fylthe, And grante me grace to do som gode dede To se the fruyt of gostly tylthe. Miserere mei, Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.48 Mercy, God, of my mysdede! For thi mercy that mekyll is, Late thi pyté spryng and sprede, Of thi mercy that I ne mysse, And after thi gostly grace me rede. Lord God, thou grante me this That I may lyve in love and drede And never after to don amysse. Et secundum multitudinem miseracionem tuarum dele iniquitatem meam.49 And after thi mersys that be fele, Lord, thou fordo my wykednes. Helpe me for to hyde and hele The werkys of my wrechydnes. If any steryng wyll me stele Out of the close of thi clennes, Wysse me, Lord suete, in wo and wele, And kepe me for thy kyndnes. Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea, et a peccato meo munda me.50 Moreover, thou wessche me of my synne, And fro my fylthys clens thou me. Enserche my soule without and ine That I no more defoulyd be. And as thou dyghed my soule to wynne With dolfull deth on the rode tre, Thou late me never werke begynne, Gowde Lord, bot if it plese thee. Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosco, et peccatum meum contra me est semper.51 For I myn awne wykydnes knaw; My synne is ever me ageyn. In me, therfor, late thi grace grow, Jhesu that were with Jues sleyn. For ryche and pore, hey and law, Grete and small, I ame serteyn, At domesdey when thou schall blaw, Of thi mersy schall be full feyne. Tibi soli peccavi et malum coram te feci; ut justificeris in sermonibus tuis et vincas cum judicaris.52 To thee only trespast have I; Wrought wekydly, not thee plesynge. Thi werkys preve thee ryghtfully To be victor in thi demyng. Demyd were thou full wrongfully For me, that hath thee oft grevyd. Bot Lord, late me never do why That I fro thee be remevyd. Ecce enim iniquitatibus conceptus sum, et in peccatis concepit me mater mea.53 Behold, in synne I was consevyd Of my modour as men bene all. And of my fader not resevyd Bot flessch full frele to synne to fall. Bot sythen thi flessch was consevyd And for oure love leyd streyt in stalle, Was never synfull man dysevyd That wold unto thi mersy calle. Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti; incerta et occulta sapiencie tue manifestasti michi.54 Lo, for soth thou hast lovyd ryght The privy counsyll of thi wytte. Thou hast schewyd to me by thi myght How two kyndys be togeder knytte: Thrall is fre, as thou knawyst it, God is man, as gospell wryte. And yit my sawle in peryll is pytte; Now mersy, Lord, and helpe thou ytt. Asperges me, Domine, ysopo et mundabor; lavabis me et super nivem dealbabor.55 With holy water thou schall me sprynk; Als whyte as snaw I schall apere. For if my soule of synne do synke, Oft for to wepe than I must lere. Dedly draughtys tho I do drinke, Of repentans gif me respyte. For who so on thee trowys or thinke In wrechydnes hath no delyte. Auditui meo dabis gaudium et leticiam, et exultabunt ossa humiliata.56 To my heryng thou schall gyfe Gladnes, and glad the bones meke; In clenes send me grace to lyve. Go not to fer when I thee seke, And late me nought to deth be dryve — Louely, Lord, I thee beseke — Tyll all my synne be forgyve Of herte and word and dede eke. Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis, et omnes iniquitates meas dele.57 Fro my synnes turne thy face; Pute all my wykednes away. Gret is my gylte, gretter thi grace, And els feylyth all our fey. Defautys fell that me deface Make that I may nothing sey, Bot cry mersy when I trespace; I se ther is non other wey. Cor mundum crea in me, Deus, et spiritum rectum innova in viceribus meis.58 God, make in me myn herte clen; Thy ryghtfull gost in me renewe. Fro seven synnes thou make it schene, Wherso thou goyst that I may sewe. In tribulacion and in tene, Curtas Cryst, thi knyght reskew, And make within my saule sene Gostly grace and eke vertu. Ne proicias me a facie tua, et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me.59 Cast me noght fro thy vysage; Take nought fro me thi holy gost. For in the syght of thi image Is provyd of myrthes to be moste. A blyssyd byrd was brought in cage, Yknawyn and dred in every coste, When thou was chast in tendyr age, To dryve downe the devyles host. Redde michi leticiam salutaris tui, et spiritu principali confirma me.60 Of thyn helth send to me gladnes, And strenth me with thy spyret cheve. And all my fautys, Lord, redres, And make me do that thee is leve. And as thou suferd grete destres To save us all, both les and more, The werkys of my wrechydnes, Jhesu, thou take not to greffe sore. Docebo iniquos vias tuas, et impii ad te convertentur.61 The wykyd I schall thi weys teche; The synfull I schall to thee converte. Thou, synfull man, bewere of wreche. And lufe thi God with all thy herte, That sofyrd scourn and spyting speche, And strokys strong hym not asterte. So, for to be oure gentyll leche, He suferd so that he sore smerte. Libera me de sanguinibus, Domine, Deus salutis mee et exultabit lingua mea justiciam tuam.62 Deliver me fro synfull blode, Allmyghty God of all myn helth. My tong dyspos to wordys gode, That it telle thi ryghtfull welth. Thy nobulle blode ran doune on rode That wesschyd us fro synnes all; Jhesu, thus with thi presyos blod Thou madyst fre that are was thralle. Domine, labia mea aperies, et os meam annuciabit laudem tuam.63 Lord, thou schalt opyn lyppys myne, And thy praysing my moughth schall spelle. Thy myght, thi godnes most fyne, No tonge perfytly can telle. For when we wyrche dedly synne, Thy ryght may deme us don to helle. Bot when we thynke thi love to wynne, Thy mersy is our clensyng welle. Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium, dedissem utique; holocaustis non delectaberis.64 For yf thou wold have sacrifyse, I schuld it gyf with herte full fre. Bot now to thee is no servys In sacryfyce yn sych degré. Thyselve was offyrd up, honging For mannys saule on the rode tre, When thi herte blode began to spryng; Wherfor my herte I gyff to thee. Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus: cor contritum et humiliatum, Deus, non despicies.65 To God is a grete sacrifyse A saule that is agreyvd sore. A meke herte schall thou not despyse Whyll repentans may it restore. I have ben slaw in thi servyse, And lytell wrought after thi lore. Bot I repente me now and ryse; Mercy, Jhesu, I wyll no more. Benigne fac, Domine, in bona voluntate tua Syon, ut edificentur muri Jerusalem.66 Lord, benygnly do to Syon Jerusalem wallys that thei were wroght. Jerusalem, as wytnes Seynt John, Is holy chyrch that erryth nought. Two testymentys acordys in one: The wallys were togeder brought When Jhesu was the corner ston Whych manys saule full dere hath bought. Tunc acceptabis sacrificium justicie oblaciones et holocausta; tunc imponent super altarem tuum vitulos.67 Than thou schall accepte sacrifyse Of ryghtfulnes and treuth enter. And calvys to thi suete servyce Schall be pute on thyn autere. On Calvery a calfe was sene: Jhesu on crosse, both pure and clere. For terys of hys moder clen, He kepe us fro all cursyd fere. AMEN Domine exaudi oracionem meam, et clamor meus ad te veniat.68 Lorde, herkyn thou my prayer, And unto thee late com my cry. Wyte-saffe to herkyn and to here The mon that I make so mekely. To cry on thee with carefull chere Ther nedys non so mekyll as I. Therfor, my stevyn strenth and stere, That I not speke unspedfully. Non avertas faciem tuam a me; in quacunque die tribulor, inclina ad me aurem tuam.69 Turne not, Lord, fro me thy face; Bow doune thyn hede when I ame wo. Late greynes grow of thy grace, That quensyth synne and peyn also. The wey of charyté thou me chase; Thy feyth late me not fallyne fro, And late me not that I trespace Up hope of mersy never mo. In quaecunque die invocavero te, velociter exaudi me.70 What dey that I to thee calle, Redyly, Lord, lystyn thou me, For ryghtfull ben thi werkys all, Bot mersy is thi properté. Therfor, Lord, yife I thorow freylty falle In dedly syn that I schuld fle, Ne hunt me not oute of thi haule; Teche me to turne agene to thee. Quia desfecerunt sicut fumus dies me et ossa mea sicut cremeum arverunt.71 “For my lyve deys, lyke the smoke, Have feyled and aweywerd hyed. My bones be dryed and all thrught soke Lyke a thing that were forfryghed.” Wele myght Cryst this word a-spoke, That on the crosse was don and dryved. Bot when hys blyssyd brest oute broke, For drught and thyrst full longe he cryed. Percussus sum ut fenum, et armit cor meum, quia oblitus sum comedere panem meum.72 “Smyten I was lyke gresse or hey; My herte welawyd, I wex all dede. Bot I forgate what maner wey That I schuld ete myn awne brede. To peyne me was all ther pleye: Thei thurstyd thornes thrught myn hede. Dyspytowysly than dyde they With blode to make my body rede. A voce gemitus mei adhesit os meum carni mee.73 “Fro the voys of my weylinge Unto my flessch my bone gan schrinke. I saw my cosyn John mournyng, And my moder in swonyng synke. I herd Jues me skornyng; Galle and aysell was my drynke. I wepyd as chyld of yeres yonge On this myscheffe when I gan thinke. Similis factus sum pelicano solitudinis; factus sum sicut nicticorax in domicilio.74 “I was made lyke the pylicane, In wyldernes ther hymselve slethe. So redyly to the rode I rane For mans saule to sufyr dethe. And as a nyght crow in hyr hous can By nyght se to holt and heythe, So soveryd I to save man; Blyssed was that ylke brethe. Vigilavi, et factus sum sicut passer solitarius in tecto.75 “I woke in wo, made lyke the sperow That in the rofe is solytary. Upon the tre my nest was narow: Theron myght I no brydys carye. As erth is hurlyd under the harow, So was my flessch that sprong of Mary. In this werld is non scharpere harow Than was the tyndys that me gan tary. Tota die exprobrabant michi inimici mei, et qui laudabant me adversum me jurabant.76 “All dey thei dryven me to skorn, Men that myn enmys were. And thei that praysed me toforn Afterwerd ageyn me were. Than was I tuggyd and all to-tourne, Fote, hond, eyghen, mouth and ere, Tyll every lymbe had lyffe ylorne; The turmentorys upon me tere. Quia cinerem tanquam panem manducabam, et potum meum cum fletu missebam.77 “For als it were brede of askys I ette, Wepyng I mengyd with drynke among; For lufe of man, me thought it suete, So sufyrd I all as stormys strong. For sethyn Adam the law breke Thorught hyr that of hys rybe sprong, Was never man to mersy meke Tyll I had sofyrd wo and wrong. A facie ire et indignacionis tue, quia elevans alicisti me.78 “Afor the face of thi grevans Thou dryve me doune with uplyftyng. Fader, I was to thi plesance Lyft up as God in God duellyng. Bot for to stynte all dystrublance Of man that synned not sessyng, Thou drove me downe to chese a chance, As man for man the deth takynge. Dies mei sicut umbra declinaverunt, et ego sicut fenum arvi.79 “My deys be passyd as chadew of lyght; I welkyd as do the gresse. I went as man withouten myght, Wher every tradde was blody treyse. When I was thus full blody dyght, That never yit dyde no trespace, Senturyo seyd, ‘We don unryght, For treuly Godys son this was.’” Tu autem, Domine, in eternum permanes et memoriale tuum in generacionem et generacionem.80 Thy mynd abydeth in every kynde, For thi godhed was noyghed never; Ther was no schowre that it myght schend. Thy manhed myght men wele dysever; Therof thei made a reufull ende. Therfor ilke man is thee lever That this matyr wyll have in mynde. Bot sertys, Lord, thou lyfyst ever. Tu exurgens, Domine, misereberis Syon, quia tempus miserendi eius, quia venit tempus.81 Thou schalt upryse and onne Syon rewe, For tyme is come of thy mersy. Syon is holy chyrch trewe Of men that lyven ryghtfully. A stedfast sede onne hyr thou sewe, And taught hyre full tenderlye How that sche schuld synne exchewe And love thee moste hertylye. Quoniam placuerunt servis tuis lapides eius, et terre eius miserebuntur.82 For stones of Syon thi servantys lyked, And on ther grond schuld have pyté. Cryst, cornerston, twelve stones out pykyd The twelve apostyls for to be. On hem twelve the grawnd is dygyd Thoroughe feyth, that we in Syon se, That whoso be with synne entrykyd May savely to that strenthe fle. Et timebunt gentes nomen tuum, Domine, et omnes reges terre gloriam tuam.83 And all men schall thi name drede; Erthely kyngys doute thi blysse, That privyst princes of ther pride That wykydly her wyttys wysse. Bot as thou lykyst thou may men lede, Save and slee and longer lysse; Wo is hym that doth a dede Wherfor he mote thi mersy mysse. Quoniam edificavit Dominus Syone, et videbitur in gloria sua.84 For God hath beldyd up Syon; In blysse he schall be sen and knaw When holy chyrch schall be made one In heven, as we tryste and trow. Than schall all our gostly fone Into the fyre be thyrst and throwne, And we schall into gladnes gon, That now onne grownd of grace growen. Respexit in oracionem humilium, et non sprevit preces eorum.85 The oryson of the meke he seyghe And nought dyspysed ther prayer. Bot thei that be onne herte hyghe, He herys them not in no maner. At hym that all vices sleghth Cryst Jhesus, iche man may lere. For ther is non to that estat stygh Bot ever was law in word and chere. Scribuntur hec in generacione altera, et populus qui creabitur laudabit Dominum.86 In another kynred late this be wryten, Than schall it prays the pepull unbore. For if thei may this wordys wyten, Than schall thei thanke God therfore, That was for them so falsly flyten, With tene and tourment all to-tore. For mannes sake so sore smyten Was never non syth ne afore. Quia prospexit de excelso sancto suo Dominus de celo in terram aspexit.87 For he seyth fro hys holy hyght, To erth our Lord seys oute of heven. He seys men welow under the erth In all the dedly synnes seven. He seys man throght the fendys sleghe Lye slepand in a synfull sueven. Therfor, he proferd for to feyght Tyll God and man were onys evyn. Ut audiret gemitus compeditorum, et solveret filios interemptorum.88 To here the weyling and the wo Of them that ben in fetres bounde, And for to unbynd the sones of tho That were hurte with dedly wounde, For this causes and many mo Was God made man to go on ground. And for man schud not falle hym fro, He suferd many a stourmy stounde. Ut annuncient in Syon nomen Domini et laudem eius in Jerusalem.89 And for men schuld in Syon teche Owre Lordys name, that holy is, And in Jerusalem hys praysing preche, Hymselve he cam and taught this: Ther may nothyng withstond hys wreche, Ther is non nay wher he seyth yis. Therfor, is good in dede and speche To plese wele hym, for all is hys. In conveniendo populos in unum et reges ut serviant Domino,90 In gederyng of peple into one, And of kyngys God to serve, For if we do thus everychon, Ther schall no care our comforth kerve. Respondit ei in via virtutis sue: pausitatem dierum meorum nuncia michi.91 He him ansuerd in the wey of myght, “Tell me the lytelhed of my deys.” Thus ansuerd Crystys awne knyght, That gyffys no fors of ryche arays. For thoff he thinke how deth is dight To sese iche man with scherpe aseys, Allwey he had hys herte upryght And feryght hym nought of syche afreys. Ne revoces me in dimedio dierum meorum; in generacionem et generacionem anni tui.92 Withcalle me nought in the halvyndele In my deys throughoute the yere, For thei passe oute as the myddey mele, And slyden out as cloudys clere. Ther is no suerté withouten wele Of mannys lyve whyll he is here; Therfor, Lord God, thou knawyst us freyll. Wysse us to wele that we bewere. Inicio tu, Domine, terram fundasti et opera tuarum sunt celi.93 Fyrst, Lord, thou began the ground; Thyn handwerke ben hevenys all And all this werld that is so rounde. Of creatures, as clerkys calle, Thow hast hem pute within a pounde, Withouten werd of house or walle. And when thou wylt, thou savyst hem sounde, And when thou lyst, thei schall done falle. Ipsi peribunt, tu autem permanes, et omnes sicut vestimentum veterascent.94 They schall passe and thou schall duelle, And all schall elde lyke a cloth. All vanytés thou schall doune felle And make it leffe that now is loth. Ther is no tong that here can telle What peyn schall be to syche wroth When thou schall close the gate of helle And curse hem all that thyder goth. Et sicut oportorium mutabis eos et mutabuntur; tu autem idem ipse es et anni tui non deficient.95 And thou schalt as a coverlyte Them change, and thei schall changyd be. Bot thou arte ever more perfyte; Thy yeres schall not feylen thee. Therfor, Lord, make us clere and quyte Throught feyth and hope and charyté, That we may have fulle delyte In mersy of inmortalité. Filii seruorum tuorum habitabunt, et semen eorum in seculum dirigetur.96 Thy servantys sones schall duell and dure, And in kynd here sede schall sprede. For sertys thei may not be unsure That thee wyll serve in word and dede. Therfor, Jhesu, now do thi cure, Ne dampe us not when we be ded, Bot or we passe, make us so sure To the lond of lyve that thow us lede. De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine; Domine, exaudi vocem meam.97 To Thee fro depnes I have cryed; Lord, Lord, thou here the voyse of me. Thys prison depe ther I abyde, Lord, breke it up for thi pyté. Fiant aures tue intendentes in vocem deprecacionis mee.98 Lord, late thi eres ben intendyng Unto the voys of my prayer, And whatsoever I rede or syng, Lord, here it with thi lovely chere. Sy iniquitates observaveris, Domine, Domine, quis sustinebit?99 If thou reward all wykednes, Lord, Lord, who schall that peyn susteyne? For by the law of ryghtfulnes, Everlasting schuld be our peyne. Quia apud te propiciatio est et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine.100 For that with thee is forgiffnes, And Lord, I suffer for thi law. Thi law schall unryght redres; Therfor, Lord to thi love me draw. Sustinuit anima mea in verbo eius; speravit anima mea in Domino.101 My saule hath sufferd in his word; In God my saule schall ever truste. For synne is scharpe as knyfe or suerd; It hurte them sore that lyve in luste. A custodia matutina usque ad noctem speret Israel in Domino.102 Fro the morntyd unto the night In hys Lord Israel must trow. And Israel is every wyght That God will se and gostly know. Quia apud Dominum misericordia et copiosa apud eum redemptio.103 For with oure Lord is grete mersy, And of rawnson is myche plenté. He payd for us hys awne body; Therfor, it schuld be grete deynté. Et ipse redimet Israel ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius.104 And Israel he schall redeme From hys synnes universall. When thou schall quyke and all ded deme, To blys, Lord, bryng us eternall. AMEN Domine, exaudi oracionem meam. Auribus percipe obsecracionem meam in veritate tua, exaudi me in tua justicia.105 Lord God, lystine my oryson; With eres my prayer thou persayve. In thi sothnes thou here my soune And in thi ryght thou it resave. Jhesu that arte of gret renoune, For hyr sake that thee gan conseyve, Lat not synne me draw adowne, Ne dredfull devyllus me deseyve. Et non intres in judicium cum servo tuo, quia non justificabit in conspectu tuo omnis vivens.106 Come not in dome with thi servant, For no lyfe schall be justyfied In thi syght: ne, nought the infante That this dey fyrste in cradell cryghed. For us schall plete no sargeante; All sotylté schall ben aspyed. So well is he that kepyth covenant; For word and werke all schall be tryed. Quia persecutus est inimicus animarum mearum; humiliantur in terra vitam meam.107 For me myn enmy hath pursued My saule, and lawyd my lyfe in londe, That when I myght have synne exshewed, My wyll to wyrke wold I note wonde. Bot Lord Jhesu, that arte endued With grace to brynge men oute of bond, Send me some grace to be vertued, So that I may the fend withstonde. Collocavit me in obscuris sicut mortuos seculi. Et anxiatus est super me spiritus meus; in me turbatur est cor meum.108 He put me in placys of derknes to be, As thei that of this werld ben dede. My gost was grevyd upon me; Astonyd was myn herte for drede. In this myschefe I may me se Whenever I do a dedly dede; Therfor Jhesu, full of pyté, My lyve oute of this anger lede. Memor fui dierum antiquorum; meditatus sum in omnibus operibus tuis; in factis manuum tuarum meditabar.109 I me bethought of deys olde; Of thi handwerke I me bethought. How that synfull Judas sold Hym that this werld with handys wrought. With grete penans he pyght hys fold, The schypherd that our saules bought. The comforth of our carys colde, Of Cryst it come, for he it bought. Expandi manus meas ad te; anima mea sicut terra sine aqua tibi.110 To thee, Lord, my hondys I sprede. My saule is lyke lond waterles; I may not wepe, I ame so bade, So bareyn and so sorowles. Synne settys me full sade; Therfor, I pray thee, Prince of Pese, Helpe that I some teres hade, That gostly frute myght have encrese. Velociter exaudi me, Domine, defecit spiritus meus.111 Lysten me, Lord, and here me yerne: The gost — for soth — of me hath feyled, For I have ben full loth to lerne Thing that myght me have aveyled. Lord, opynyst thi posterne gate For he that hath for thee trayveyled, So that they wyll ther penans take That is with sorow of synne aseyled. Non avertas faciem tuam a me, et similis ero descendentibus in lacum.112 Thy face turne thou not me fro; I wrought lyke them that fallys in lake. The dampnyd man may wele sey so, That is betaught the fendys blake; Lord, late me nought be one of tho. Thynke onne thou dyghest for my sake; And grant me grace or I hens go; For my trespas amendys make. Auditam fac michi mane misericordiam tuam, quod in te speram.113 Thy mersy makys me to here at morow, For I have in thee myne hope. Helpe that I were out of sorow, And tho that ben therin istoke. And Lord, that suffyrd scham and sorow And bled many a blody drope, From gostly bandys thou me borow, That I were out of synne icrope. Notam fac michi viam in qua ambulem, quia ad te levavi animam meam.114 Lord, tech me the wey that I schall wend, For to thee I my soule have lefte. Thys werld wyde hath sone an ende, And revys mannys lyfe hys reste. Therfor, Jhesu curtas and kynde, Whos body was onne the crosse feste, Thou gyff us grace our lyve amend And ever more to do thy beste. Eripe me de inimicis meis, Domine, ad te confugi; doce me facere voluntatem tuam, quia Deus meus es tu.115 Delivere me fro my fo men fele, Lord, for to thee fled ame I. Tech me thy wylle to fullfylle, For thou arte my Lord only. All my fo men doune thou felle; Restreyn me to thi mersy, That I may dredles in thee duelle And thou in me, Lord, endlesly. Spiritus tuus bonus deducet me in terram rectam. Propter nomen tuum, Domine, vivificabis me in equitate tua.116 Thy gode gost, Lord, schall me lede Stryght into the lond of ryght. And for thi name, in ryghtfull hede Thou schall me make quike and lyght. Than schall I duell oute of dred Ther dey is ever and never nyght. For grysly gost schall ther non grede Onne hem that ben in blys so bryght. Educes de tribulacione animam meam, et in misericordia tua disperdes omnes inimicos meos.117 My saule thou schall bryng out of care; In mersy my fone dysperbely. Make the devyll to droupe and dare, That he me draw to no foly. And thoff I be made now bare Off all godnes that I can spye, Yit Lord God, abyde and spare, That I be amendyd or I dyghe. Et perdes omnes qui tribulant animam meam, quoniam ego servus tuus sum.118 And thou schalle lese them that dysseyven My soull, for I have servyd thee. Late them no more upon me reysen The gostys that have grevyd me. Send me grace thee to plesyn, And when thi dredfull dom schall be, In heven kyngdom to have sesyn, Allmyghty God in persons thre. Amen. Nomen scribentis benedicat lingua legentis.119 AMEN QUOD RATE |
(see note) Psalm 6; (see note) reprove attacked throughout; (see note) were it not [for] your help (see note) Forget [So] that the place where sick shattered moans (laments) in [a] coffin buried Lose; once; (t-note) troubled sorely if I must against; teaching; (t-note) Unless less steady raise up; (see note) amend before I die acknowlege (praise) you no man throw down (overcome); foes; (see note) washed in your well of mercy labored spiritual; (t-note) I and everyone ought [to do] for anguish is distressed I grew weak among my enemies amiss voice receive; (t-note) eagerly chastised with his rod vengeful excluded from there (t-note) prayer prayers sound black and blue; (t-note) consent to hear us May; (t-note) tamed (see note) Psalm 31; (see note) (t-note) hidden accepted by God; (t-note) widely known beset with woes God unites; (see note); (t-note) [So] that (t-note) wiles (deceit); (t-note) loosens allows falsehood to defile it whets (sharpens) (t-note) Weakened; (t-note) if I may matter (cause for) (see note) (see note) [I] who; outrageous (harmful) act; (t-note) lies heavily wholeheartedly hidden confession; cast away from me; (see note) (t-note) sprang (gushed) (t-note) acknowledge humble doctor it does not profit to withhold cease [So] that; vengeance (t-note) suitable (opportune) tainted friendship (t-note) [So] that; take up (advice) (t-note) many not draw near They who are well need not steal (hide); (t-note) peer (equal) harms Unless we (t-note) refuge punishes; (see note); (t-note) seize fly condemn wretched crowd slave condemn; (t-note) (t-note) Act not like a mule (t-note) no heed [And] live in desire; (t-note) body indeed repeatedly; (see note); (t-note) bit and bridle who do not draw near to you withhold (restrict); (see note) transgress; (t-note) There is many a sore beating spread on the cross see (throne) appearance to be led Psalm 37; (see note); (t-note) Chastise as is loath to thee judgment; (t-note) arrows; placed; (see note); (t-note) such is the wound (spear); (see note); (t-note) maintain (t-note) put to flight far from; (t-note) health angry (t-note) (t-note) find shelter; (t-note) thine own (t-note) Too late raised; (see note) thorny (see note) whither (to where) back organs (kidneys, heart); (see note) grains (small amounts); (see note) (t-note) fiend; tricks Jump (attack) fasten; (t-note) use first (former); promise surrounded increase (t-note) escape (t-note) beast or bird known torn apart so woefully afflicted (t-note) (t-note) indeed (t-note) Troubled me; against; (see note) learn [Are] as birds bier near me strengthened sly acted so that I regretted fly To influence [me], whom he made harm (t-note) late and early (i.e., always) tricks maggots truth reveal (uncover) itself (t-note) opens withheld retribution that the Jews so cruelly treated sees [And] will sorely smite no criticizing saw Let them get no joy in evils (t-note) i.e., Mary has no peer I entrust myself dwells see (throne) succeed in foes comforting i.e., their triumphs fade (t-note) I will allow God condemned weep may lighten my soul proclaim regret perilous; proud; (t-note) ruin in little use wrapped in a shroud To dwell within the worm’s domain (t-note) risen; (t-note) many times (manifold) (t-note) lamb (t-note) sheepfold (flock) (t-note) repay good with evil; (t-note) take note of (record) (t-note) (t-note) dwelling Ailing; gone too far instruct (t-note) spiritual cultivation Psalm 50; (see note); (t-note) [so] that I not lack counsel me; (see note); (t-note) [So] that numerous drive out stirring (disturbance, temptation) sanctuary; purity; (t-note) Instruct (t-note) Examine cross Good in front of me high and low blow [the trumpet] desirous (t-note) judgment let me never cause received nothing frail narrowly (t-note) (t-note) placed (t-note) sprinkle; (see note); (t-note) sinks because of sin learn (t-note) trusts the meek bones rejoice too far Humbly (Lowly) deed also (t-note) faith Many faults (t-note) (t-note) spirit bright follow harm Courteous; (t-note) to be seen every coast (everywhere) chaste (innocent) devil’s power chief (greatest, supreme) what is pleasing to you (t-note) vengeance Who did not spare him on the cross ere (before) my mouth shall speak condemn; down pour slow according to your teaching desire nothing more (will [sin] no more) treat Sion benignly; (t-note) [So] that the walls of Jerusalem were built witnesses; (see note) (see note) (t-note) (t-note) entire (complete) calves altar mother pure (see note); (t-note) Psalm 101 hear let my cry come Consent moan; (t-note) strengthen and guide my voice unsuccessfully grains; (see note) quenches impel me on the way Against (t-note) (t-note) through frailty chase; hall (t-note) (t-note) fled sucked [dry] fried placed and persecuted grass grew feeble torture thrust shrink; (t-note) fall in swooning vinegar when I considered this evil (see note) slays cross (see note) see in woods and heath; (t-note) suffered that very breath sparrow carry chicks As the ground is turned was born; (see note); (t-note) thorns (spears); harass formerly torn apart lost bread of ashes mixed meek (i.e., ready); (see note) (t-note) (t-note) Before; (t-note) God’s dwelling; (t-note) stop all disturbance without ceasing seize an opportunity; (t-note) (t-note) shadow; (t-note) withered; grass every step was a bloody path (trace) made bloody Centurio; act unjustly; (see note) (t-note) affected suffering; ruin destroy; (t-note) dearer to you will meditate on this manner have pity seed (t-note) eschew (shun) ground is dug ensnared stronghold fear; majesty deprives informs their wits relieve sickness; (t-note) (t-note) built seen and known spiritual foes thrust (t-note) prayer of proud heart learn none who rises up; (see note); (t-note) low[ly] generation know these words taunted distress; torn apart (t-note) decay; (t-note) deception dream fight once even (forever reconciled) (t-note) those so that violent time vengeance (wrath) no denial [it] is (see note) harm (t-note) insignificance gives no heed to rich display ready attacks fears nothing of such attacks (t-note) (t-note) Recall; halfway point pass away; mealtime surety (certainty); well-being; (t-note) Guide us to well-being that we may use (t-note) (t-note) enclosure Without shelter grow old dear coverlet (bed cloth) quit (free) endure in kindred their seed Psalm 129; (see note); (t-note) from deepness ears; attending; (t-note) i.e., justly repay wrong trust person ransom (redemption) delight judge the quick and the dead (see note) Psalm 142; (t-note) (t-note) listen to my prayer (t-note) truth; cry receive; (t-note) deceive (t-note) in judgment against; (t-note) plead no lawyer subtlety; discovered degraded (t-note) I would not refrain from doing my will endowed (t-note) (t-note) spirit was worried within me Benumbed (t-note) I contemplated prepared his sheepfold (flock) shepherd (t-note) besets (surrounds) swiftly (without delay) (t-note) side (hidden) gate; (t-note) pit (grave, hell) consigned to; black fiends Remember thou died to make amends (t-note) listen in the morning; (t-note) stuck redeem escaped robs fastened (t-note) fierce (numerous) Embrace; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) just confidence (t-note) cry out my foes disperse fear and tremble delay and withhold [justice] before I die condemn (t-note) judgment seisin (legal right); (t-note) (see note) |