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Herkyns, syrys, that standys abowte: I wyll yow tell with gode entente, How ye to God schuld knele and lowte, If ye wyll kepe his commandment. Thow schall loff God with herte entere, With all thi sawle and all thi myght. Other god in no maner Thou schall not have be dey ne nyght. Thy Godys name in vanyté Thow schall not take, for welle ne woo; Dismembyr hym not that on the rode tree For thee was made full blake and bloo. Thy holy deys kepe wele also; Fro werldly werkys thou take thi reste. All thy howsold the same schall do, Bothe wyffe and chyld, servant and beste. Thy fader and moder thou schall honour, Not only with thi reverence: In all ther nede be ther sokowre, And kepe aye Goddys obedyence. Of mans kynd thou schall not sley, Ne herme with word ne wyll ne dede. Ne no mans gode thou take awey, If thou may helpe them at there nede. Thy wyff thou mayste in tyme wele take, Bot non other lawfully. Lechery and synfull luste thou forsake, And dred aye God wereever thou be. Be thou no theffe ne theffys fere, Ne nothyng wyne thorow trechery. Ocure ne symony cum thou not nere, Bot consciens clere kepe aye truly. Thow schall in word be trewe also, And wytnes fals schall thou non bere. No lye thou make for frend ne foo, Leste thou thy sawle full gretly dere. Thi neyghbours wyff thou nought desyre, Ne womane none throw synne covet; Bot as Holy Chyrch wold it were, Ryght so thi pourpos luke thou sette. Howse ne lond ne other thing Thow schall not covet wrongfully; Bot kepe well aye Godys bydding, And Crysten feyth leve stedfastly. Thes be the commandmentys ten That bene wryte in this scryptour, That God gaff to Moysen (Them to kepe, loke ye before) In two tabullys of ston ryght To helpe mans kynd forth of synne, Wryten with the hond of God allmyght, To teche mankynd this werld to wynne. All thei that thes commandmentys kepe, In heven with God schall ever wonne; Yiff that they wyll fro syn them kepe, They schall be bryghter than the sonne. AMEN QUOD RATE |
Harken, sires; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) obey; (t-note) sincerely; (t-note) god good or bad cross; (see note) (see note) household support always at an appropriate time always companion gain Usury; (see note) keep always damage [shall] not through sin wants it to be always believe text Moses look to it tablets out of sin gain; (see note) dwell (see note) |