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When Jhesu was in grave leyd, The bysschop unto another seyd, “The best rede that we can done, To Syr Pylate we wyll gone To aske hym conseyll. Withouten hym we may not do The thingys that touch the croune unto, Withoutyn any feyle.” The Jues thei toke ther gate, To thei com to Syr Pylate. To hym thei gan to sey That “Jhesus seyd in hys lyve Thyng that made us to stryve: He wold ryse up the thyrd dey, “And bryng the Jewys in blame.” Than seyd Syr Pylate sone anone, “So ne schall it not gon; It were to us grete schame.” Syr Pylat was so grym, Cayfas he callyd to hym To aske hym counseylle. “Cayfas,” he seyd, “I thee beseche, What to do thou me teche, Withouten any faylle. “The prophetys,” he seyd, “that were wyse, Seyd that Jhesus schuld aryse Upon the thyrd dey And bryng mans saule out of helle.” “That is a lesyng, I thee telle,” Cayfas gan to sey. “Pylate, do as I thee kend: Foure knyghtys thou thether send, Bold men and wyse. And do them for to wake the stone Tyll the thyrd nyght be gone, That Jhesus not up ryse. “And Joseph of Aramathy allso, Into prison late hym go, For doute of hys treson. For yf Jhesus be stolne awey, My hede to wede I wyll ley Yt is thourght hys encheson.” And than Syr Pylate sone on hyghe Send into Aramathy Joseph for to take, And dyde hym in a depe prison, Depe in a strong dongeon, For Jhesus Crystys sake. He made a ston walle befor the dore, And grete othys Pylate suere He schuld ther lye and dye. A hole was in the walle wrought, Ther hys mete was to hym brought That he had to hys lyverey. Pylat callyd to hym knyghtys, Olde men that were wyse: Syr Cosdram and Syr Emorant, Syr Arfax and Sir Gemarant, And told hem hys avyse. “Com forth Syr Amorant, Syr Arfax and Syr Gemorant, And Cosdram the prowde. Go and loke wele to that stone Tyll the thyrd dey be agone, That no man com ther aboute.” Syr Emerand seyd than, “Thoff ther com a thousand men, Therof I ne reche. Bot I sle them in a stound And make them falle to the grond, Hew me all to flyches.” Syr Gemerant seyd tho, “Ther if ther com syche two, Stond I therof no doutes. Bot if I do hem sle, Saffly hew thou me All to smale cloutys.” Syr Cosdram seyd, “So mote I thé, Thoff ther com sych thre, I giff not therof an haw. That ilke dey that he upryste That is callyd Jhesu Cryst, I wyll be all to-draw.” Syr Arfax seyd, “I dred no dele; We wyll kepe the sepulker wele Agen the thyrd nyght. Thoff all thei be twenty this many and some To the sepulker were icom, Thei schall dyghe anon ryght.” When the knyghtys had thus seyd, Syr Pylate was ryght wele apayd And gave hem hys blyssyng, And bad hem be as trew as stele For to kepe the sepulkyr wele, Withouten any slepyng. Syr Amorant seyd, “Lysten to me: Us behovyth slyghe to be. One behovyth at hys hede to wake, Another at hys hede take, That he go not awey. “Kepe we wele both sydys, What aventour so be tydys, That Jhesus not owte come. If any com to hym here, Smyte of hys hed in fere, Bot he be sone inome.” Thus ganne the knyghtys to manas, And drew ther suerdys in that place, The knyghtys everychone. And a grete slepe thei gane take, That thei had no power to wake When Jhesus wold forth gone. Syr Amorant seyd, “Alas, alas, For never so slepy I was, For all my lyffys dey. Me behovyth to rest me a stound, Thoff I wyst to be bound And with a wyld horse drawe.” Syr Gemorant seyd so than, “So sore onne slepe now I ame, I ne may no lenger wake. Me behovyth my hede doune lye, What so Pylate or Cayphas sey, Or what noys so thei make.” Syr Cosdram seyd “What ayles me? I ne may with myn eyghen se; I may not wake longe. Me behoveth to rest me a thraw, To the cokys have thrys crow, Thoff I schuld be heyghe honge.” Thus gan the knyghtys to slepe. They had no power for to wake When Jhesus wold upryse. And Jhesus, as it was hys wylle, Oute of the sepulcour he rose full stylle And seyd on this wyse: “Fadere,” he seyd, “that arte in heven, With word with myght and with steven, Now I thanke thee That thou wold late me be born To save mankynd that was forlorn. Mych hast thou done for me. “I fast in erth fourty deys To fullfyll the olde lawys That here was sete in lond. Fader, now I have fullfyllyd That mankynd had myssegylte, So as I understond. “Now is fullfyllyd the profecy That was seyd of Jeromy And of other mo: That a chyld schuld be born To save mankynd that was forlorn Out of peyn and wo. “Now it is all comply And fullfylled the prophesy That seyd Danyell: That a lombe schuld com beforn And by the folke that were forlorn, Mankynd to save wele. “Therfor I have my blod spyld And now the prophesy fullfylde Of that ilke lombe. Herkyns Fader, if thou wylte, Whether I have bought mans gylte With hede, fote, and hond. “I was nayled thourht hond and fote, And for man saule my lyve I lete And many peynes gan to fonde. Man, if that thow wer kynde, Thys dey thou awe to have in mynde, If thou it wold understonde.” He callyd up with myld stevyn Unto hys Fader in hevyn, And ryght as it was hys wylle: “Fader that arte fulle of myght, Send doune an angell bryght To comforth me wele stylle.” Ther com angelle Gabryell With hys felow Raphaelle To Jhesu agen onne hyght. “Jhesu, blyssed mote thou be, Fader and God in Trinyté; Now is alle complyght.” They seyd, “Thou that arte so gode, That wold hong upon the rode To save all mankynd, Blyssed mote the tyme be That we may thee here se, Jhesu, that arte so hende. “Lord Jhesu, Hevyn Kyng, Thow grante us all thi blyssing, If it thi wylle be. For all this werld aught to be blythe That thou arte rysen fro deth to lyve; Suete is the love of thee.” Jhesu seyd, “My blyssing have ye And all that beleve on me, Todey and ever more. Manys saule, that was becaught, With my blod I have hym bought Out of peynes sore. “Here I kepe to duell nought; In other stedys is my thought, To fette oute one of myne That hade me in grave brought. My love he hath dere bought With sorow and strong pyne. “Come with me,” he seyd, “Gabryele, And leve thou here, Raphaelle, To kepe the thre Marys. The one is Mary Jacobye, Mary Mawdeleyn and Salomé; Thou schall gyffe them ansuere. “And sey that I ame rysen and gone Oute of my grave stone; Make them glad and blythe. Sey I ame gon to Galylé With full grete dygnité, And rysen fro deth to lyve.” “Lord,” seyd the angell, “thi wyll be do, Both in hevyn and erth also, As thou arte Hevyn Kynge. I schall kepe the Marys thre, And wele ansuerd schall thei be Thorow all thing.” Thus seyd the apostyll Seynt John That Jhesus in hys wey was gon To Jherusalem, that syté. To the prison he went onne hyghe To Joseph of Aramathé, Ther hym deliverd to be. Herkyns all that be hend, I schall thou telle word and ende Of the Marys thre: How thei sought suete Jhesu With ontementys of grete vertu Hys wondys to alyghe. Full wo were thei that he was dede, Bot thei couth non other rede, Bot wepyd with ther eyghen. Lystens now how sche seyd, How sche gan hyr feleys rede, The Mary Maudeleyn. Sche seyd to Mary Jacobé And to Mary Salomé, “What is your best rede? Now my Lord is slaw And with Jues all to-draw; Synfull is that dede. “For he myssegylt never man That any tonge tell canne, Ne never no trespas. Sych a deth, I understonde, Was never don in no londe, Ne non so synfull was. “Alas,” sche seyd, “my herte wyll breke When that I here of Jhesu speke. He was so myld of mode: Never yit was none so myld, Ne the moder to the chyld Nether halve so gode.1 “Alas,” sche seyd, “that I ame wo, For that I may not com hym to Hys body for to se. Thyder to go it were grete doute, For the foure knyghtys stoute, As it thinkys me. “It were grete doute theder to gon, We syngle wemen thre. Go thou Mary Jacobé And byde me ther alone, No noys thou ne make. And of thos foure knyghtys Wete anon ryghtys Whether thei slepe or wake. “If that thei slepe, anon late se; Hastely come anon to me And tell me how it is. And we schall wend to suete Jhesu With oyntmentys of grete vertu And se hym ther he is.” Mary wente forth in that sted As Mawdeleyn hyr had bede, By hyrselve alon. And sey an angell feyr and bryght, Was com fro hevyn lyght, Dyde rest hym on that stone. “Gode men,” sche seyd, “what do ye? If that ye wake, now speke with me, As ye be knyghtys hend.” The knyghtys lay styll and slepyd fast. Sche lete hem lye and have ther reste; Agen sche gan to wende. When that sche com to them agene, Sche seyd to Mary Maudeleyn, “Go we in Crystys name, For the knyghtys slepe everychon. Savely we may theder gone Withoutyn any blame.” The thre Marys forth thei went And com to that moniment, As it was Crystys wylle. When the angell gan hem sene, He spake to Mary Maudeleyne, He seyd to hyr full stylle. Thre Marys that be to Jhesu dere To the sepulkyr com in fere And lokyd in the stone. Ther fond thei ryght nought Bot ryche clothes wele wrought, And Jhesu was forth gone. When that Maudeleyn was ware That Jhesu hyr lord was not ther, Sche suonyd and fell to the grond. The two Marys that stode hyre by, For hyr thei were full sory In that ilke stonde. Anon Maudeleyn gan to sey, “Were is my Lord that here ley In this monyment?” The angell ansuerd here agene, “In Galalyé thou may hym sene: Thether he is wente.” Anon the Maudeleyn Mary To Galaly gan hyr hyghe With Jhesu for to mete. And in the garthyn feyre and styll, As it was Oure Lordys wylle, To hym sche gan to speke. Anon the Maudeleyn Mary Fell on hyr kneys and began to cry, And seyd, “Jhesu, thyn ore! Late me do, Lord, as intente, To hele thee with this oyntment, Thy wondys that are sore.” Jhesu seyd, “Woman, com not hend. Into other stedys I must wende, My nedys to fullfylle. Go to my moder and Seynt Jhon And to the apostolys everichon, And sey to hem full stylle. “Sey I ame resyn fro deth to lyve. Thorow vertu of my wondys fyve The fend I have overcom.” The Maudeleyn forth went To do Jhesus commandment; To Jerusalem sche is gone, To Oure Lady Mary. When sche fond hem all in fere, Sche grete hem with glad chere, That feyr compeny, And bade them all be glad and blyth. Sche seyd, “Jhesus is rysen fro deth to lyve, As I you telle may. For sothe, as ye may here of me, I spake with hym in Galalé Thys ilke same dey.” When his dyssiplus this word herde, With mych joy forth thei ferde For love of that tyding, Save one discypull that ther was Of Ynde — his name was Thomas; He seyd it was a lesyng. “How myght a man ryse from deth to lyve That sufyrd sych wondys fyve? Man that myght never be. For nothyng that any man may sey, Never leve that I ne may, Bot if that I it se.” Two palmers in that tyde The castell of Eamas com besyde, And Jhesu Cryst ther thei mette. In palmers wede Jhesu went also, And when thei spake together tho, Jhesu them feyr grete. And askyd what men thei were, And what thing that they sought ther, And why thei were sory. They ansuerd and seyd, “Wotys thou nought How Jhesu was to deth brought On the mounte of Calvery? “Among us whyll that he yede, He told us of that ilke dede What schall after the thyrd dey that syth. The thyrd dey after, he dyd sey, He schuld ryse fro deth to lyve that dey, And schew hym with hys wondys fyve Among hys dyscipulus alle. “And now is the thyrd dey gone, And word of hym had we non; Therfor we be agreved alle.” Jhesu ansuerd them agen, “Now me thinke ye agrevyd ben, A party myssbelevyd. “Have not ye herd in prophesy Of Moyses and of Isay And wryten in story That Jhesu schuld on the thrid dey Aryse up as God veray And sty to his glory?” Glad were thei of that he seyd, And went in hys felowrede Tyll agen the nyght. Therin thei toke all in fere, And sett them don at ther soper With Jhesu in that plyght. They had spred both bord and cloth, And Jhesu Cryst betwen hem both At the soper he sate. The bred he toke upon the borde And blyssed it with holy worde, And brake it after that. By the brekyng thei hym knew, Bothe be hyde and by hew, And seyd it was Jhesu. And as he sate betwen hem, I sey, He vanysched sone fro hem awey Thorow hys holy vertue. Than thei gan to make grete mone, For Jhesus Cryst was fro them gone, And thei wepyd with ther eyghen. Cleophas seyd, “For soth it is, Jhesu Cryst arysen is — Both we hym sene!” Than seyd the palmer Lucas, “Anon here with us he was; We couth hym not knowyn. The prophesy he us undyde And sate with us in that stede; The blame is all oure awne.” To Jerusalem swyth he yede, And told all hys feloys-rede That were in grete longyng. And seyd, “Feloys, for iwys, Jhesu Cryst arysen is — Thys is no lesynge.” That ilke dey what so befall, The apostylls toke ther leve all At on paleys of stone. Dores and wyndos thei sperd faste; Of the Jues thei were agast, And Thomas was oute gon. And as thei were in grete longyng Of Jhesu to have som tyding, Amonge hem he gan to stond. All thei were in full grete care, A gost thei weyned that it were; He schewyd them fote and hond. Jhesu seyd, “Pes among you be, And drede ye not me, Thoff I be com so late. I ame God and man Jhesu; I ame com in thorow my vertu, Tho schyte beth dore and gate.” When Jhesu had thus iseyd, He was gon sone in a breyd, And in ther come Thomas. The apostyllys seyd, “Iwys, Jhesu Cryste rysen is; Ryght now here he was!” Thomas ansuerd and began to stryve. “Ther may no man ryse fro deth to lyve That sofyrd wondys syche.” Peter ansuerd agene, “Of Jhesu thou schall have a syght Ryght sone privelyche.” (When he com besyde the ston, Of Jhesu he had a syght anon Besyde the monyment. Bot Thomas wold it leve nought That ther was sych a meracle wrought, That Jhesus forth was went.) Mary, Peter, and Seynt John, And the apostyllus everychon, They spoke to Thomas of Ynde: “Prophetys that were wyse Seyd that Jhesus schuld aryse To save all mankynde. “Thomas of Ynde,” thei seyd all, “Thou arte in wanhope falle And in mysbyleve. Cry hym mersy, we thee rede, Or body and saule thou arte bot dede, Withoutyn any endyng.” Thomas gan to wepe sore; He durst not speke a word more To John ne to Mary. Forth in hys wey he gan to gon Tyll he unto Galalé com, Jhesu mersy to cry. Every wey as he yede, Mersy of Jhesu he bede. In that ilke stounde. Jhesu Cryst agen hym com, And be the ryght hond he hym nome And put it in hys wonde. “Thomas,” he seyd, “levyst thou not yit That I was nalyd thorow hondys and fete Upon the rode tre, And now I ryse fro deth to lyve? Ther agene may no man stryve; The soth thou may se.” “Lord,” Thomas began to sey, “Now beleve it I wele may, In this ilke stond. Mannys soule that was caught With thi blod thou hast it bought Out of hell grond.” Jhesu seyd, “Blyssed mot thei be That beleve and not it se, And on my uprysing. And whoso that beleve it nought, Into helle he schall be brought, Withoutyn any endyng.” When Jhesus had seyd thus As it hys wyll was To Thomas of Ynde, Thomas lokyd after hym anon; Whetherward Jhesus wold gon, He couth hym nowher fynde. Late we now Jhesus and Thomas be, And of the foure knyghtys speke we That kepyd the moniment, What noys thei gan make When thei were fro slepe awake And Jhesus was forth wente. Syr Amorant styrte up anon: “Alas, he hath don awey the ston That on the tombe ley! It was an hevy ston withall; I wote not how it is befall. It is remevyd awey.” Syr Gamorant seyd tho, “Is Jhesu Cryst from us go Oute of the monyment? What schall we sey to Syr Pylate? Now he is rysen and gon hys gate, Sertys we be schente.” Syr Cosdram seyd, “Alas this dey! Is Jhesu scapyd awey? Oute of this lond we muste fle, For if we com Pylat beforne, With wyld hors we schall be torne — Full syker may we be.” Syr Arfax seyd, “Be now stylle. Thys is do by Godys wylle, As ye may at me here. Com ther no man Jhesu to stelen, Nother hys body awey to beryn; Therof I make you syker. “I slepyd no slepe this nyght. Fro heven I saw com a lyght — Sych one saw I never none. Syxty thousand angellus bryght Com agen hym this same nyght When Jhesu wold forth gon. “Ther com with them sych a smelle, As it hade be bame every dele And other spysery. With hem Jhesu gan forth glyde; He bad an angell ther abyde To kepe the Marys thre. “We wyll sey as we haffe se; Out of this lond we wyll not fle For no kyns thing. We wyll take the ryght gate, To we com to Syr Pylate And tell hym this tydyng.” The knyghtys ther wey nom, To thei to Syr Pylat com And feyre thei gon hym grete. “Pylat,” thei seyd, “wylt thou here, Of us may thou awntres lere Of this vary prophete. “Hym we wakyd this nyght, He is a man of mekyll myght And of a grete posté: Hymselve hath lyft up the ston. Whether that he wold, he is gon Into Galalé.” Than seyd Pylat, “Sey not so, If that ye wene wele to do, Nother be dey ne nyght. Bot sey hys dyssiples come And hys body fro you nome With grete stryff and myght. “And ye schuld gode mede have, Also mych as ye wold crave Of sylver and of gold.” Than were the knyghtys ryght feyn — They wend thei schuld be sleyn — And seyd as Pylat wold. And suere be ther god Mahune, “We wyll it not telle in feld ne towne, Ne of non other thyng, Bot that Jhesu dyssipullus com And hys body fro us nome With full grete fyghtyng.” This is trew that I you telle, As is the trew gospell, Withoutyn lesyng. They that this talkyng herd sey, God send hem grace to take the wey To the blysse without endyng. AMEN QUOD RATE |
(see note) bishop (i.e., Caiaphas) best advice we can follow pertain to royal authority their way; (see note) Until quarrel (see note); (t-note) dishonor instruct lie suggest watch [So] that For fear of his treachery head as a wager because of him put him allotted to him (see note) (see note) plan care not Unless; in an instant flesh (i.e., bloody pieces) (i.e., twice as many); (see note) I stand in no doubt Safely (freely) shreds may I prosper; (t-note) hawthorn berry (i.e., I care little) drawn apart no bit (not at all) Until (t-note) come pleased (see note) sly (prudent) Whatever adventure (chance) may happen Cut off his head together Unless he is quickly captured make threats each one [Such] that; (see note) (t-note) On any day of my life a while Even if I thought Despite what a while Until the cocks quietly in this way with voice lost repaid done wrong by Jeremiah; (see note) complete (see note); (t-note) lamb pay for (t-note) (t-note) Listen through hand and foot man’s soul; gave up endure ought voice (t-note) To meet Jesus in joy may kind joyful trapped (deceived) plan my thoughts are elsewhere (t-note) watch over; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (see note) (see note) In all things (see note) [for] him to be delivered gentle the story and [its] conclusion ointments of great effect allay (treat) knew no alternative (see note); (t-note) advise her companions (t-note) (t-note) best advice slain drawn apart wronged (see note) Jesus spoken of (t-note) dangerous seems to me (see note) (t-note) Nor make any noise (t-note) Discover immediately (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) in that time had commanded (t-note) (t-note) [Who] had come Back she began to go disgrace monument spoke; peacefully; (see note) together nothing aware swooned same time in reply is gone hurry (see note) your mercy as [was my] intention wounds near I must go elsewhere humbly (privately) fiend (see note) all together (see note); (t-note) news a lie [A] man [like that] pilgrims; (see note) Emmaus pilgrim’s clothes greeted them kindly And [Jesus] asked Do you not know (see note) shall [happen] after the third day wounds are distressed; (see note) in reply resentful Partly unbelieving (in doubt) Moses and Isaiah; (see note) true ascend fellowship (company) Until [they came] to nightfall together in that manner; (t-note) table appearance and manner eyes pilgrim (t-note) could not recognize him revealed place (time) companions indeed (see note) retreat a palace barred afraid (t-note) (t-note) thought his feet and hands (i.e., his wounds) power; (see note) Though the door and gate are shut; (t-note) spoken moment Truly; (t-note) dispute such wounds privately [i.e., Peter (see note)] not believe (see note) despair doubt Beg him for mercy or [in] body and soul you are dead Forever (t-note) prayed same place came to him took (see note) Against this no man can argue imprisoned redeemed may; (t-note) (t-note) Where guarded the tomb rose up I do not know how it happened gone on his way ruined We can be sure [of that] done hear from me (see note) Came to him As if it had been balm in every way go forth to wait there guide have seen (t-note) no reason whatsoever direct way took their way; (see note) (t-note) if you will listen miracles learn; (t-note) watched; (t-note) power Wherever he wished expect seized battle reward as you might want pleased had thought as Pilate wished Mahound (Mohammed); (see note) i.e., anywhere seized Without lie heard this story told (see note) |