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Item 29, The Short Charter of Christ

fol. 106r      






Testamentum domini
Wyteh wele all that ben here,
And after schall be leve and dere,
That I, Jhesus of Nazareth,
For lufe of man have soferd deth
Upon a crosse with wondys fyve
Whyle I was man of lyve.
I have gyven and made a grante
To all that askys repentante:
Hevenes blysse withouten endyng,
Als long as I ame ther kyng.
Kepe I no more for all my peynes smerte
Bot trew lufe of manys herte,
And that thow be in charyté
And love thi neyghbour as I do thee.
Thys is the rente thow schall gyff me
As to the cheffe lord of the fe.
If any man can sey now
That I ne have dyghed for manys prow,
Rather than man schuld be forlorne,
Yite wold I efte be all to-torne.
Wytnes the dey that turnyd to nyght
And the sone that withdrew hys lyght.
Wytnes the erth that than dyde quake
And the stones that all to-brake.
Wytnes the vayle that than dyd ryve,
And dede men that rosse fro deth to lyve.
Wytnes my moder and Seynt John
And other that ther were, many one.
In wytnes of that yche thynge,
Myn awne sele therto I hynge.
The Lord’s Will; (see note)
Know well; (see note)
be cherished and loved

(see note)
ask penitently

I require no more

(see note)

fief; (see note)

man’s benefit
again; torn apart
(see note)
its light; (t-note)

broke apart
            veil [of the temple]; tear

many people
that same deed
seal; hang; (see note)