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Festum Omnium Sanctorum Jhesu Cryst of myghtys most, Fader, Sone, and Holy Gost, Be at our begynneng, And save mans kynd fro spyllyng. And gyfe us grace after to fynde, Holy Chyrch to have in mynde, And do therafter and to wyrche As teches us Holy Chyrch. Feyr it is on to se Of holy seyntys that have be, And have ther festys in the yere As is wryten in kalender. Som be halowyd and are sought And sum also be halowyd nought. Many thousandys, as I fynd, In kalender have no mynd, Ne be wryten hye ne low i.e., Ther holy deys for to know. Oute-take one thei knaw all: All Halow Dey that men call, A dubull fest and ever schall be Thorowout all Chrystyanté. Wele aught we halow this fest deye Of All Seyntys that lastys aye. In heven thei be befor Jhesus, And as we do, thei pray for us. Lystins now, for Godys grace, How this feste com into place, How it is fond, on what maner, And dubull holy among us here. In Rome, that holy cyté, som tymes Was a temple of Saryzens, Of pagaynus and Saryzens stoute and stern, And all that were of myssebelevyn. To that temple thei gan draw To wyrschyp ther godys in ther law. That temple was callyd Panteon; In all this werld was not sych one. Panteon is, to sey in Greke, Of all godys and devellus eke. Thus was ordeynd this temple hous Of all devyllus to have ther cours. In the syté of Rome that tyme was The holy Pope Bonyfase. He was the forth pope, sothly, After Seynt Gregory. Of this errour he han envy For to destrew that mawmentry That was ageyn the ryght beleve And Holy Chyrch began to greve. That temple son in that cyté, He thought it schuld amendyd be. He com befor the emperour And prayd, for hys grete honour, Grante hym this temple, withouten more, In the syté that was ther, To do therwith what he wold, That no man lete hym schuld, Crystindom to encres sone And that fals errour to fordone. Than the emperour and kyng Grantyd the Pope hys askyng For to have ever fre To Holy Chyrch and Chrystianté. Pope Bonyfas son anon To that place he gan gone, And toke hys clergy and hys power For to make that temple clere, And pute oute all that tyrandry, And sette therin hys clergy. He wessche the temple within and owte, And halowyd the cherch all aboute. Thys holy chyrch he made holy In the worschyp of Seynt Mary, Angellus, patriarkys, prophetys mo, Apostellus and martyres also, Confessorys, vergynes that holy were. All Hallow Chyrch was made ther As Crystenmese Dey holy in the yere, The fyrst dey of Novembyre, And dowbull fest for to last ay, And was callyd All Hallow Dey. The Pope and hys clergy wyse Ordeyned for that dey servys. Als Holy Chyrch berys wytnes, The Pope sang ther the fyrst mes Of All Hallowys and gafe perdon Thorow the grete cyté of Rome. Thys fals errour gan to sese, And Crystendom for to encres. Thrughe the werlyd, in every lond, Pope Bonyfas sente his sond. He commandyd to kepe hys heste: All Hallow Dey a dowbull feste Fro any seculer werkys told, Withouten ende for to be hold. For grete skyll ordend it was For them that had don trespas Ageyn the commandmentys of Holy Chyrch, That on the holy dey dyde wyrche Slauth in Godys servys and in fastyng, In byddyng ther bedys and in lettyng. Thys All Hallow Dey be skyll; He may amend hym if he wyll To com to Holy Chyrch in clenesse At evensong, matyns, ourys, and messe. All trespas befor than is forgyffen, And he be in gode lyffe and clen schryfen. All gode seyntys, for to sey, To Jhesu Cryst schall for hym pray To com to the joy aboven That thei be in with Cryst alon. The joy and blys within that place, God grante us for his holy grace. Crystyn man, for Godys ore, Herkens now and here more: The solempnyté of this feste, How hye it is thorow Godys heste. As I fynd in boke and rede, God was payd with that dede. And that it schuld ever be do, Of his grace he grantyd therto. To save mans saule fro pyne and sorow, All Saule Dey uppon the morow Was ordenyd, as ye may here, To be a fest on this maner. In Rome that tyme, as I yow tell, A holy man ther dyd duelle In a hous of relygeon, A munke of grete devocyon. He lovyd God and kepyd hym clen, And God lovyd hym, and that was sene. Of All Hallow Evyn in honour, As he ley in hys dortour With hys brether in slepyng, Ther com an angell fro heven kyng, And toke the saule of hys bodye And bere it into hevyn on hye Befor God in magesté, And bade hym loke aboute and se. He saw ther a blyssfull thyng: In magesté a worthy kyng. Forthermore he dyd sene Befor the kyng ther com a quen — Upon hyr hede a crowne of gold, And with hyr meydens manyfold. When sche was com before the kyng, Sche saluted hym in thankyng With grete honour in that tyde, And stude by the kyngys syde. Sethyn the meydens dyd them schew And worschyped the kyng on a rew. Joy and blys among them was; They stude up and toke ther place. Semly men cum sone twelve, And worschyped the kyng be themselve. And fore thei wold be nyghe at hond, Besyde the kyng thei gan stond. Therafter, sone ryghtys, Com a compeny of knyghtys And stode together in a rowte And worschyped the kyng aboute. Anon after the saule gane se Of clerkys a grete compené. In whyte was all ther clothyng; They knelyd done befor the kyng And worschyped hym and dyd hym grete, And after stude upon ther fete. The angell stud the saule besyde And seyd to hym in that tyde, And bad he schuld not adrede be, For the joy of God he schuld se. The prinsypall of the twelve than Matyns of the dey began. Than was the fest of them all To worshype God in hys halle. A joyfull servys was seyd ther Of all the seyntes that ther were. With joy and myrth in that nyght The saule had a joyfull syght, Yit he wold wyte more. The saule seyd to the angell ther, “What may all thys mervellus be Of this peple that I se?” The angell seyd to hym anon, “Thys kyng that thow seys in trone Is Jhesu Cryst, owre savyour, That all the peple doys honour. The quen that stondys hym bye Is hys modour Seynte Marye. Fore all mankynd sche do praye That worschype hyr this ilke deye. Thes meydens that with hyr geyth Be holy vergyns that sofferd deth And kepyd them clen in chastyté; In heven therfor thei ever schall be. Some in erth hath no mynd, Ne fest dey among mankynd Bot this dey that is holy; Therfor thei make this melody And pray for them in all wys That worschype this dey servys. Thes twelve that stond so neyghe above Be apostellus with God alone. The Holy Gost is with them, sothe; They pray fore them that worschype doyth. The feyre knyghtys that thow sene, Holy martrys thei bene, And sofferd in erth mekyll angwys; Therfor thei be here in blys. Clerkys, in clothyng whyte as floures, Be holy byschopys and confessoures That kepyd them ever in clenes And pute ther bodys in grete destres, In wakyng, fastyng, and in prayer; Therfor thei be in joys here And pray for them to our lord Jhesus That worschype them in erth thus. More now yit I schall tell thee Of many seyntys that here be And hafe no fest dey in mynde Bot this fest dey, as I fynde, Among all crystynd that ther is. Therfor thei make this joy and blys And pray to God soverandly Of all crystend to have mersy, In worschype of them that hallow aye In clen lyfe All Hallow Deye. He that begynes matyns of the twelve Is Seynt Peter all hymselve. All crystend be in hys power, And all chyrches ferre and nere. Now pray I God of hys grace Restore the saule into hys place To the body that it was ine, To have the strenghe of mankyne, And tell the pepull, to and fro, What thou hast herd and sen also. Bot yit or thou departe fro me, Mo mervellus thou schall se.” To a place of mervellyng The angell dyde the saule bryng, Als he wold at hys wylle, And brought hym to a hye hylle; Aboute the hylle he gan ryn. Water and fyre together gan bryn; It myght be no wey be slakyd. Many men ther were in nakyd, Overall thyke every dele As in the se is gravelle. In the water som were ine Depe pute unto ther chyn, Turmentyd so thei had no reste. And sum stond up to the breste, Som unto the fete were schove, And som unto the kneys aboven. Thus he merveld of that syght. The angell led hym forth ryght; To another hylle wente he Mo merveyles for to se. Ther was joy inowghe to sene: A suete medew feyr and grene. It was closyd for the nonys All aboute with presyous stones. In this medew was to behold Setys schyneng all of gold. Beddys of gold many ther were That were ordeynd to be ther — Bryght and suete of savour More than any lycour. The sall merveyled of this aray. As he stud, thus more he sey: Of feyr yong men grete compeny Com into this medew sothanly, All of an age, for to abyde. Thyke thei com in every syde, Al so thyke semyd they As the sterres in the sky. They pleyd and song among; Of joy and myrth was all ther song. To sytte in the setys some caste, And sum in the beddys for to reste. Joy and blys over all was In that medew in every plas. As thei were glad in ther setys, Ther were ordeynd dyverse metes. Full suete metys delysyous Com befor them in every course; Ther couth no man telle aryght The kynd of that mete how it was dyght. As thei sate and ete there, Sothanly com them before, When thei were most in ther gladyng, Mekyll peple come on begyng. So many thei were in dele That no man myght tell them wele. They stude withoute the medew clos; For to bege was ther pourpos. They begyd fast and cryed herd; No man toke of them werd, Bot lete them stond ther alon — For them made no man mone. Than seyd the saule with grysly chere, “Lord God, what do I here? So many mervellus be schewyd me to I know not how it is do.” Than spake the angell to hym anon, “I schall thee schew everychon. Thys medew that is so gren this tyde Is paradys with grete delyte. Ther Adam the fyrst fader was; He was pute oute for hys trespas. Thys men that thou seys in water here Be saulys to make hem clere. Water and fyre that thow hast sene, Of pourgatory it is the peyne. Holy wryte therof hath mynde: In the Sauter, as we fynde, David the prophete, seys the letter, Seys he passyd fyre and water: ‘Lord and thi wyll be, Thy mersy thou grante me.’ Every man, when he schall dyghe, Hys saule fro the body schall flye, And if he be in gode speranse And underfonge gode penans That his body had not fullfylled, The saule he schall have the gylte. In this fyre he schall be so, To his penans be all do. When it is don, all entere, And the saule be made clere, He schall com to the wele, Into paradys of hele — The medew that thow se befor That all this men in were. They be saules that clene be In paradys that is so fre. Thes setys and beddys of ryches, They be for saules of bodys. Ther schall ther saules be hente To the dey of jugement. When this dey is com so neghe, Of jugement of Owre Lord so fre, Than schall thei all, God wote whyder, Body and saule cum togeder. All maner men that ever were, Or ever schall be, lesse or more, That dey thei schall cum thus, Body and saule, befor Jhesus. All that have servyd on this wyse Go into the joy of paradys. They schall have onour of hys — In hys blys, befor hys face — Aye lastyng lyfe and God ther frend, Joy and blys withouten ende. All that dyde not on this wyse In pourgatory and in paradys Deservyd never for to com. Other wey thei schall be nome, Depertyd fro God that ilke dey, To the peyne of hell that lastys aye.” The angell seyd the saule untylle, “In the fyre thou saw are-whyle, Thow saw men in fyre up to the breste And other penans — thei had no reste. In erth thei have frendys trew That thynke of them and of them rew, In almus dede and offeryng, In prayng and messe synging, And other god dedys that they fynd Of ther frendys that be kynd. That makys ther saules soner slake And to paradys the wey take. Ther thei be, as I sey how, In merth and in joy inow. “Thes men that stond and fast callys Withoute paradys wallys, That be nedfull of beggyng And no man bed them nothing, Thei be the saules of thes men: In erth hemselve wold not ken, Ne to ther neyghbourus wold be kynd; Therfor no man have of hem mynd. God send them catell, grete plenté, To do with, and thei wold not se Nether to gyff nether to lene1 To helpe ther neyghborys that were pore men, Nether gyffe ther tythes to Holy Chyrche — They lovyd that not for to wyrch. For Godys love, thei myght not spede That were pore men that had nede. Riches and catell was all ther thought, And for seke men and pore thei had nought. Thys was ther lyfe to the ende; Therfor here have thei no frende. The bodys be dede, the catell ago, Ther saules be in care and wo. In defaute of helpe and prayer They stond and bege in myscheff here Withouten paradys gate — To bege here it is to late.” Than seyd the angell the saule tylle, “I have thee schewyd all thi wylle. Now pray I God, most of myght, Into thy body thi saule myght lyght And go and tell the holy Pope What thou hast sene with gode hope. As he hath ordeyned All Hallow Dey To be wyrschyped ever and aye, So onne the morne, among mankynd, All Crysten saules to have ther mynd, Ther dey to be halowyd so, And namely to servys be do. It is Godys wyll and hys beheste Crysten saules to have ther feste, So that they that no frendys have Thys is helpe withouten crave Of ther peynes to have pardon To com to salvasyon.”2 Anon the angell, as he thought, To the body the saule he brought And lefte them ther alyfe togyther, And toke hys wey, God wote whyder. Of this monke, the holy man, When fro the body the saule was tane In tyme of All Hallow Nyght, The monkes to the chyrch hem dyght, Als thei were wonte ther bokys brynge To sey ther matyns and to syng. Or thei began ther servys than, They myssed ther brother, that holy man. For every nyght that usyd he The fyrst at matens he wold be. For wyrschype of hym and honour, They sought hym in ther dortour. When thei come to hys caban Ther thei fond this holy man Feyre colouryd whyte and rede, And ley as he had ben dede. The body was dede, it was non other; They made grete sorow for ther brother. And as thei wepe and handys wrong, They toke ther consell them among Where thei wold this body berye, That was so holy and so merye. In serteyn place thei toke ther wytte, And dyged ther and made a pytte. When this pytte was redy ther They sette the body on a bere And sete it done the pytte besyde, And seyd ther servys in that tyde. With solempne devosyon As is the maner of relygeon, They stode all aboute the bere And made full grete dole ther. When thei had ther servys seyd, The body schuld in grave be leyd. His saule into the body lyght And stude up quyke anon ryght. Thes monkys were adred sore And wold have go ther wey therfore. He seyd unto them lovelyke, And seyd, “Breder, I ame now quyke; Be no aferd that I ame thus — It is the grace of our lord Jhesus. I praye you all or that we gone Brynge me to the Pope anone. Where I have bene, in what maner, I schall you tell all in fere.” The abot anon and hys covent With ther brother forth thei wente. To the Popys palys wente he With full grete solempnyté. When thei com befor hys face, The holy Pope Bonyfas, The munke knelyd son adoune. The Pope gafe hym hys benyson. Anon the abote in knelyng Told the Pope of ther comyng: “Reverand fader,” seyd he, “Thys monke, our broder, that ye se, On this holy All Hallow nyght, When we were to our matyns dyght, We myssed hym at that stond — Dede in our dortour we hym fonde. We couth non other our state to save, Bot seyd hys dyregy and mad his grave. When we schuld into the grave hym do, He rose up quyke and spak us to. A comforth us with a gode chere And bad us bryng hym to you here. We mervellyd gretly in this case: What he wold and why it was. He has lovyd God ever in clenesse; At evynsong, matyns, oures, and messe Fyrst at the cherch he wold be. Oft tyme be hymselve we myght se In his bedys and hys prayers. Wyte ye hys wyll now he is here?” Thys holy Pope Bonyface Was amervylled of that case: How this munke schuld be blyve When he was dede to cum to lyve. He schewyd to hym with grete wyte And spake to hym of holy wryte, Namly, for hys saule evyn, Yiff he were in gode belevyn, And after if any wyked sprete Had brought hym in myssedelyte. The munke ansuerd and seyd this thyng: “I beleve in God all weldyng, Fader and Son and Holy Goste. I beleve that God is moste; He made this werld all of nought. Message fro hevyn I have brought — Holy Fader, I tell thee ryght. As I ley this All Hallow nyght In oure dortour in sclepyng, Ther com an angell fro heven kyng. The saule he toke fro my body And lede it into hevyn onne hye Befor God in hys magesté, And all seyntys ther I se. Grete joy thei made of that feste That is ordand at thy beheste.” Thus the munke all hys wey To the Pope he gan sey: Of joy and peynes, all in fere, All together as ye may here, And as the angell dyde hym charge To the Pope he seyd large. “Holy Fader,” seyd he, “The angell bade me sey to thee As thou hast ordeynd All Hallow Deye To be wyrschyped and halowyd aye, So on the morne among mankynd All crystynd saules to have in mynd And ther dey be ordend faste. Thys word he send at the laste, After he made me with hym gon, And toke to my body the saule anon And made us ther togeder quyke, And went hys wey privylyke. Hys message now I do fullfylle — God gyf us grace to do hys wylle!” Thys holy Pope Bonyface Of this tydingys glad he was. He knelyd doune on hys kne And thankyd God in Trinyté That he wold have rememorans Of that grasyos ordynans. He sought after ferre and ney, After all his grete clergy, To all the bysschopys that were wyse, Thys dey to orden the servyse. When thei were com togeder clene, The Pope ther he held hys sene And told them of this encheson Of ther congregasyon. Thei were glad of this tyding And thankyd God, heven kyng, That seyntes ther schuld have ther mynd And all saules among mankynd. Ryght as the Pope wold do, All thei assentyd therto. The Pope anon, be all asent, Ordeynd be hys comandment Thorowoute all Crystyanté All Halow Dey to halowyd be. Double fest to be ever more The fyrst dey of November, Men for to hallow fro all werkys To here servys of prestys and clerkys. All Salle Dey be onne the morow Fro peynes of purgatory them borow, And ever more among mankynd To praye for them and have in mynd. As all seyntys be halowyd ryght To pray for us to God allmyght, So all saules in ther maner Be relesyd throw prayers here, And com to joy of paradys clere, Ther to lyve ever in fere To that it be Domes Dey, And than to be in other aray — The saule with body throught Godys heste — And cum befor hym at ther feste. In heven above, ther he is, That is full of joy and blysse. Ther is no tong that may telle The joy and blys ther is to duelle. God grante us all here to do That we may cum that joy unto, Into that joyfull place That he hath ordend with his grace For lufe to save all mankyne, Withouten ende to duell therine. Wyth gode hert that it so be, Sey we Amen, for charyté. AMEN |
Feast of All Saints; (see note) (t-note) damnation receive grace afterwards that have been feasts liturgical calendar; (see note) sought [in pilgrimage] no description (memorial) anywhere; (t-note) Except for one [day] double; (see note) observe forever is established at one time Saracens pagans religion Pantheon; (see note) devils also have their customs; (see note) (t-note) fourth; (see note); (t-note) was hostile to destroy; idol worship without delay hinder him increase (spread) quickly destroy free (from other claims) legal authority (military force) evil authority (outrage) washed blessed (see note) (t-note) As holy as Christmas Day (t-note) forever (t-note) [a] service cease world message proclamation any kind of secular business; (t-note) merit (power) those who Who Sloth praying their prayers; neglect powerful (effective) purity (see note) If; confessed mercy; (t-note) Listen God’s commandment pleased so that it should always be done punishment on the next day i.e., a monastery; (see note) himself pure evident In honor of All Hallows’ Eve dormitory (t-note) (t-note) numerous thanksgiving; (t-note) Then; brought themselves forth honored in an orderly way Handsome; soon came nearby soon crowd soul (i.e., the monk) crowd greet (salute) spoke afraid Morning services know (learn) marvels go have no memorial Except all ways (see note) truly do; (t-note) anguish (pain) purity distress vigils in remembrance (t-note) baptized people always revere (see note) yet before to go burn slaked (extinguished) thick in every way (i.e., crowded) (see note) (t-note) thrust enclosed for the occasion Seats shining; (t-note) Beds smell; (see note) soul; decoration saw suddenly the same age foods could prepared rejoicing begging in number count outside the meadow’s walls i.e., no one listened No man lamented on their behalf unhappy mood how it is done (i.e., what it means) explain time punishment Holy writ (the Bible); recalls Psalter (Psalms) scripture; (see note); (t-note) (see note) (see note) hope (trust, faith) received (t-note) soul it shall [pay for] the guilt Until; done completely joy health (forgiveness) (t-note) taken Until (t-note) knows from where in this way honor Ever (t-note) taken; (t-note) forever unto saw earlier (t-note) pity almsgiving good deeds sooner relieved enough offers (t-note) would not recommend themselves; (see note) (t-note) lend; (t-note) did not like to do that assist Those who were property sick property gone lack misfortune to the soul explained all you wished for return So [too] on the morning after remembrance be reserved for worship (t-note) God knows where from the body the soul was taken; (t-note) took themselves to church; (t-note) accustomed Before he was accustomed (see note) dormitory cell not otherwise so excellent they made their decision bier; (t-note) down (t-note) lament returned alive immediately i.e., run away [in a] friendly [manner] alive before we depart together benediction ready for our matins time knew no other way to keep our honor Dirige (funeral Mass) (t-note) He comforted; (see note) hours (daily prayers) prayers [Will] you learn his desire; (t-note) amazed willing (able) (t-note) examined; (see note) orderly soul faith then; spirit; (t-note) sinful pleasure all mighty greatest command all his journey all together spoke freely (at length) have memorial (t-note) (t-note) mysteriously (t-note) this message (news) remembrance gracious command far and near (everywhere) ordain the service entirely synod cause (t-note) by everyone’s agreement [He ordained] All Souls’ Day to be to rescue them released together Judgment Day costume by God’s command provided (see note) |