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Jhesus Lord, well of all godnes, For thi grete pety I thee pray: Forgyffe me all my wykidnes Wherwith I have grevyd thee todey. Honour and praysing to thee be, And thankyng for thi gyftys all That I this dey reseyvid of thee; Now, curtas Cryst, to thee I calle. This nyght fro perell thou me kepe, My bodely rest whyll that I take; And als long as myn evyn sclepe, Myn hert in thi servys wake. For feryng of the fende owre fo, Fro fowll dremys and fantasys, Kepe this nyght from synne also, In clenes that I may upryse. Save my gode doers fro grevans, And quyte them that thei on me spend. Kepe my enmys fro noyans, And gyffe them grace for to amend. Mercy, Jhesu, and grante mercy; My body, my soule, I thee beken, In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, Amen.1 |
source; goodness (see note); (t-note) pity grieved received from you; (t-note) courteous throughout my evening sleep keep awake (watch over) threatening; foe foul; (see note) purity benefactors repay them (reward them for) enemies; trouble commend to you |