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¶ When the nyhtegale singes, the wodes waxen grene;
Lef ant gras ant blosme springes in Averyl, Y wene,
Ant love is to myn herte gon with one spere so kene!
Nyht ant day my blod hit drynkes. Myn herte deth me tene.
Ich have loved al this yer that Y may love namore;
Ich have siked moni syk, lemmon, for thin ore.
Me nis love never the ner, ant that me reweth sore.
Suete lemmon, thench on me — Ich have loved the yore!
Suete lemmon, Y preye the of love one speche;
Whil Y lyve in world so wyde, other nulle Y seche.
With thy love, my suete leof, mi blis thou mihtes eche;
A suete cos of thy mouth mihte be my leche.
Suete lemmon, Y preye the of a love-bene:
Yef thou me lovest ase men says, lemmon, as Y wene,
Ant yef hit thi wille be, thou loke that hit be sene.
So muchel Y thenke upon the that al Y waxe grene.
Bituene Lyncolne ant Lyndeseye, Norhamptoun ant Lounde,     
Ne wot Y non so fayr a may as Y go fore ybounde.
Suete lemmon, Y preye the, thou lovie me a stounde!
   Y wole mone my song
   On wham that hit ys on ylong.
¶ When the nightingale sings, the woods grow green;
Leaf and grass and blossom flourish in April, I know,
And love goes to my heart with a spear so sharp!
Night and day it drinks my blood. My heart brings me pain.
I’ve loved all this year so much that I may love no more;
I’ve sighed many a sigh, sweetheart, for your mercy.
Love is never the nearer to me, and that grieves me deeply.
Sweet dear, think about me — I’ve loved you a long time!
Sweet dear, I beg you for one word of love;
While I live in the world so wide, another I’ll not seek.
With your love, my sweet dear, you can increase my bliss;
A sweet kiss of your mouth can be my physician.
Sweet dear, I beg of you a love-favor:
If you love me as they say, sweetheart, as I believe,
And if it be your will, make sure that it be openly known.
So constantly do I think on you that I become all pale.
Between Lincoln and Lindsey, Northampton and Lounde,     
I know of no maiden so fair as she for whom I go fettered.
Sweet dear, I pray you, love me soon!
   I will express my song
   About the one on whom it depends.

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