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Volume 3: Index of First Lines

This index lists first lines, titles, and incipits. Titles that differ from the first line or incipit are in italics.

A bok of swevenyng [art. 85]
A Book of Dreaming [art. 85]
Against Marriage [art. 83]
Against the King’s Taxes [art. 114]
All the World’s a Chess Board [art. 109]
Aventures e enseignement [art. 87]
Bené soit Dieu omnipotent [art. 83]
Blame of Women, The [art. 77]
Ce est le aprise que le roy Lewis de Fraunce aprist a Philip soun fitz [art. 94]
Cely que fra ces messes chaunter [art. 108]
C’est la conisaunce de les armes des roys [art. 96]
C’est la destinccioun de la estature Jesu Crist [art. 91]
C’est l’enqueste que le patriarche de Jerusalem fist [art. 95]
Confiteor tibi, Deus, omnia peccata mea [art. 103]
Contemplacioun de la passioun Jesu Crist [art. 115]
Contra inimicos si quos habes [art. 110]
De interrogandi moribundis beati Anselmi [art. 113]
De mal mariage [art. 83]
De martirio sancti Wistani [art. 116]
Dieu, roy de magesté [art. 114]
Distinguishing Features of the Bodily Form of Jesus Christ Our Lord [art. 91]
Enseignements de saint Lewis a Philip soun fitz [art. 94]
Est autem herba que vocatur apud Caldeos yryos [art. 112]
Estoyres de la Bible [art. 71]
Eulotropia et celidonia [art. 112]
Femmes a la pye [art. 78]
Genesis [art. 72]
Gloria in excelsis Deo en fraunceis [art. 102]
Gloriouse Dame [art. 104]
Glory to God in the Highest in French [art. 102]
God that al this myhtes may [art. 72]
God Who Wields All This Might [art. 73]
Hec est doctrina beati Anselmi, Cantuariensis archiepiscopi [art. 113]
Heliotrope and Celandine [art. 112]
Hending [art. 89]
Her comenses a bok of swevenyng [art. 85]
Heraldic Arms of Kings [art. 96]
Icest oreysoun enveia Nostre Dame seinte Marie [art. 104]
Ici comence contemplacioun de la passioun Jesu Crist [art. 115]
Incipit legenda de sancto Etfrido, presbitero de Leoministria [art. 98]
Je vous requer, Jaspar, Melchior, e Baltazar [art. 108a]
Jongleur of Ely and the King of England, The [art. 75]
Knight and the Basket, The [art. 82]
Knight Who Made Vaginas Talk, The [art. 87]
La countesse de Donbar demanda a Thomas de Essedoune [art. 90]
La destinccioun de la estature Jesu Crist Nostre Seigneur [art. 91]
La gagure, ou L’esquier e la chaunbrere [art. 84]
Land of the Saracens, The [art. 95]
Le blasme des femmes [art. 77]
Le chevaler e la corbaylle [art. 82]
Le chevaler qui fist les cons parler [art. 87]
Le dit des femmes [art. 76]
Le jongleur d’Ely e le roi d’Angleterre [art. 75]
Legend of Saint Etfrid, Priest of Leominster, The [art. 98]
Legenda de sancto Etfrido, presbitero de Leoministria [art. 98]
L’enqueste que le patriarche de Jerusalem fist [art. 95]
Les armes des roys [art. 96]
Les trois dames qui troverent un vit [art. 75a]
Letter for Pilgrims on the Relics at Oviedo [art. 97]
Ludlow Scribe, Old Testament Stories [art. 71]
Ludlow Scribe, Estoyres de la Bible [art. 71]
Lustneth, alle, a lutel throwe [art. 74]
Lutel wot hit any mon hou derne love may stonde [art. 93]
Lutel wot hit any mon hou love hym haveth ybounde [art. 92]
Man in the Moon, The [art. 81]
Martyrdom of Saint Wistan, The [art. 116]
Mon in the mone stond ant strit [art. 81]
Mon that wol of wysdam heren [art. 89]
Mundus iste totus quoddam scaccarium est [art. 109]
Names of the Books of the Bible [art. 72]
Nicholas Bozon, Femmes a la pye [art. 78]
Nicholas Bozon, Women and Magpies [art. 78]
Nomina librorum bibliotece [art. 72]
Occasions for Angels [art. 100]
Occasions for Psalms in French [art. 101]
Occasions for Psalms in Latin [art. 110]
Occasions for Psalms Ordained by Saint Hilary of Poitiers [art. 111]
Of rybauds Y ryme ant red o my rolle [art. 88]
Old Testment Stories [art. 71]
Order of Fair Ease, The [art. 86]
Ordre de bel ayse [art. 86]
Prayer for Contrition [art. 105]
Prayer for Protection [art. 99]
Prayer of Confession [art. 103]
Prayer on the Five Joys of Our Lady [art. 104]
Prayer to the Three Kings [art. 108a]
Prophecy of Thomas of Erceldoune, The [art. 90]
Puis que de fabler ay comencé [art. 75a]
Pur ce que plusours ount mervaille [art. 82]
Quant vous levez le matyn [art. 100]
Qui vodra a moi entendre [art. 86]
Quy chescun jour de bon cuer cest oreisoun dirra [art. 99]
Quy chescun jour denz seissaunte jours [art. 109a]
Quy est en tristour [art. 107]
Quy femme prent a compagnie [art. 77]
Quy velt que Dieu sovyegne de ly [art. 101]
Reasons for Fasting on Friday [art. 106]
Rex seculorum et Domine dominator [art. 105]
Saint Anselm’s Questions to the Dying [art. 113]
Satire on the Retinues of the Great [art. 88]
Sayings of Saint Bernard, The [art. 74]
Scriptum quod peregrini deferunt [art. 97]
Seigneurs, vous oy avetz molt sovent diverses estoyres de la Bible [art. 71]
Seignours e dames, ore escotez [art. 76]
Seint Hillere archevesque de Peyters ordina ces salmes [art. 111]
Seven Hours of the Passion of Jesus Christ [art. 115]
Seven Masses in Honor of God and Saint Giles [art. 108]
Seven Masses To Be Said in Misfortune [art. 107]
Seygnours, escotez un petit [art. 75]
Song on Women, The [art. 76]
Talent me prent de rymer e de geste fere [art. 80]
Teachings of Saint Louis to His Son Philip, The [art. 94]
Three Ladies Who Found a Prick, The [art. 75a]
Three Prayers That Never Fail [art. 109a]
Trailbaston [art. 80]
Um doit plus volentiers juner le vendredy [art. 106]
Une fable vueil comencer [art. 84]
Un sage honme de grant valour [art. 79]
Urbain the Courteous [art. 79]
Wager, or The Squire and the Chambermaid, The [art. 84]
Way of Christ’s Love, The [art. 92]
Way of Woman’s Love, The [art. 93]
When man as mad a kyng of a capped man [art. 90]
Women and Magpies [art. 78]