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Art. 108a, Je vous requer, Jaspar, Melchior, e Baltazar


¶ Je vous requer, Jaspar, Melchior, e Baltazar, rois coronez, que Jesum alastes
quere quant il fust né de la virge Marie, par icel douçour que vous vers ly ustes
quant vous quere ly alastes, e pur cele joye que vous ustes quant ly trovastes e vos
douns ly offristes, que vous me consilez de ce dont je vous requer sicome Dieu vous     
oy e vos offrendres resçust. Verroi Dieu, auxi come lur offrendres reçustes, recevez
huy ma oreisoun pur lur amour; e auxi come l’estoille lur apparust en orient, que
lur mena a vous al lu qu’il urent grantment desire, auxi, Sire Dieu, aemplez mon
desir a leesse e joie. Otreiez moi que je puisse avoir e vere ce que mon cuer desyre,
a la loenge Dieu e ma Dame seinte Marie. Amen.
¶ I entreat you, Jaspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, crowned kings, who went to seek
Jesus when he was born of the Virgin Mary, for that sweetness you felt toward him
when you went to seek him, and for that joy you felt when you found him and
offered him your gifts, that you advise me regarding that which I ask you inasmuch
as God hears you and accepted your gifts. True God, as you accepted their gifts,
may you accept today my prayer on account of their love; and as the star appeared
to them in the east, which led them to you in the place they had so greatly desired,
so too, Lord God, you filled my desire for gladness and joy. Grant me that I may
have and behold what my heart desires, for the praise of God and my Lady Saint
Mary. Amen.