This index lists proper names found in the articles of MS Harley 2253. Each entry is listed by variant spellings (if any), article number, and lines. Translated forms are indicated by italic font. Excluded from this list are terms for God, terms for Mary, and titles of rank.
Aaron (Aaron): art. 2.238; art. 5.2
Abbacus (Habakkuk): art. 3.645
Abel (Abel): art. 2.769
Abie (Abia): art. 5.1
Abiron (Abiron): art. 3.6
Abraham (Abraham [monk]): art. 1.306, 316
Abraham, Abrahans (Abraham [patriarch]): art. 1.109, 2923; art. 2.774; art. 3.368; art. 4.145–58 passim; art. 5.62; art. 6.171
Acheldemac (Field of Blood): art. 2.1791
Adam(s) (Adam): art. 1.871; art. 2.765; art. 3.477, 497, 505, 509, 512, 601–39 passim, 657, 679; art. 4.24; art. 6.98,104
Addadas (Addadas): art. 3b.68
Adonay (Adonai): art. 3.463
Adverser(e), Aversaire, Aversire, Aversier (Adversary): art. 1.744, 1030, 1197, 1199, 1206, 1213, 1278, 1645, 1649, 1673, 1803, 2261, 2573, 2789, 3457, 3469, 4075. See also Deble; Enemi; Esperit Maligne, Sathan(as)
Agatun (Agatho): art. 1.2673
Agrippe (Agrippa [Jewish witness]): art. 3.92
Agrippe (Agrippa [Roman magistrate]): art. 7.85–104 passim
Alexandre, Alisandre (Alexandria [city]): art. 1.490, 3357
Alisandre de Sire (Cyrus of Alexandria): art. 1.954
Alixandre, Alisandre (Alexander [Jewish elder]): art. 3.7, 29
Amerine (Ameria): art. 3b.135, 178, 203
Ammon. See Hamiun
Amnes. See Annes
André (Andrew): art. 3b.172
Anna(s) (Annas): art. 3.6, 88, 90, 98, 323, 326, 329, 376, 410, 440, 441, 449, 458; art. 5.116
Annes (Amnes): art. 3.92
Anoub. See Anub
Anthony. See Antoine
Antioche (Antioch): art. 1.3309
Antoine, Antoni(e) (Anthony): art. 1.22, 24, 34, 934, 1443, 1458, 1459, 1867, 1873, 2140, 2151, 2154, 2161, 2442, 2979, 2990, 3955; art. 1a.88, 90, 95, 99
Anub (Anoub): art. 1.2994, 3004, 3010, 3017, 3029, 3040
Apochalipse (Apocalypse): art. 4.49
Apollo, Appollo (Apollo): art. 1.680, 708, 719, 729
Apostoile, Apostoille (Pope): art. 1.3316, 3320, 3323; art. 2.45
April. See averil
Aramathie, Aramathia, Arimathie (Arimathea): art. 2.1928; art. 3.295, 351, 352, 395, 425, 455, 460
Arbre de Misericorde (Tree of Mercy): art. 3.500, 512
Arcemius, Aseine (Arsenius): art. 1.401, 1796
Arimathie. See Aramathie
Astaron (Asterius): art. 3.91
Astarot(h) (Astaroth): art. 6.6–25 passim, 47, 131
Astrige(s): Atene (Antenoë): art. 1.1178
Astrige(s) (Astyages): art. 6.201, 204, 206, 212, 228, 229
Athanasie (Athanasius): art. 1.487
Autonon (Autonius): art. 3.91
Averil (April): art. 3.3
Aversaire, Aversire, Aversier. See Adverser(e)
Babiloine (Babylon): art. 1.3056
Baptiste ([John the] Baptist): art. 5.87, 88. See also Johan(s)
Barrabas, Barraban (Barabbas): art. 2.1669, 1671, 1677, 1681, 1716; art. 3.213, 215, 249
Bartholomeu (Bartholomew): art. 6.5–230 passim
Bedleem. See Bethleem
Beelzebub (Beelzebub): art. 3.16, 602
Berith (Berith): art. 6.23–47 passim
Betanie, Bethanie (Bethania): art. 2.23, 94, 104, 783; art. 5.134
Bethleem, Bethlehem, Bedleem (Bethlehem): art. 2.470, 472, 509, 584, 600, 608; art. 3.80, 233
Caesar. See Cesar
Caiaphas. See Cayphas
Caim (Cain): art. 2.769
Calvarie (Calvary): art. 2.1805, 1867
Caninin (Chame): art. 1.195
Capitolie (Capital): art. 3b.186; art. 7.52, 54
Carinus, Karinus (Carinus): art. 3.466, 683
Cassian(s) (Cassian): art. 1.201, 647, 2180, 2532
Cayphas, Caiphas, Cayphaz, Cayfas, Caypfas, Chayphas (Caiaphas): art. 2.289, 300, 758, 762, 1046, 1337–439 passim; art. 3.4, 6, 88, 90, 98, 323, 326, 329, 376, 410–58 passim; art. 5.116
Cebedei (Zebedee): art. 2.1160
Cenophé (Scenopegia): art. 2.321
Cesar (Caesar): art. 2.1435, 1658; art. 3.1, 63, 94, 97, 142, 143, 178, 218, 219, 227, 229, 710; art. 3a.1; art. 3b.32, 40, 44, 47, 79, 126–87 passim, 203; art. 5.113; art. 7.1, 12, 15, 84
Chafarnaum (Carpharnaum): art. 5.178
Chame. See Caninin
Chayphas. See Cayphas
Christianity. See cristenté
Christian(s). See cristien(s)
Claudie, Claudius (Claudius): art. 3b.1, 3, 170, 184
Cleophas (Cleophas): art. 2.1981
Craton (Craton): art. 4.72, 78, 85, 102
Cripon (Cripon): art. 3.92
cristien, cristiene (Christian): art. 1.47, 54, 249, 702, 757, 959, 3020, 3547; art. 2.155
cristiens (Christians): art. 1.331, 1276, 1284, 1503, 3549; art. 2.12, 2041; art. 4.1, 99; art. 7.1, 3
cristienté, cristieneté, cristianitez (Christianity): art. 1.3550; art. 2.2035; art. 6.238
Cypre (Cyprus): art. 1.3328
Cyrenan, Cyrenee (Cyrene): art. 2.1807; art. 3.256
Daniel (Daniel [abbot]: art. 1.3055
Daniel (Daniel [prophet]): art. 1.149
Datan (Datam): art. 3.6
David, Daviet, Davis (David): art. 1.117, 1045, 4153, 4157; art. 2.243, 245, 469, 510, 571, 573, 581, 592, 710, 719, 732, 745; art. 3.192, 318, 557, 570, 575, 641
Day of Judgement, Day of Doom. See Jor/Jur de Juise
Deble, Deable, Diable (Devil): art. 1.284, 484, 512, 644, 665, 737, 758, 951, 1043, 1112, 1129, 1181, 1188, 1222, 1232, 1235, 1594, 1638, 1643, 1646, 1672, 1691, 1694, 1704, 1712, 1744, 1762, 2553, 2565, 3058, 3084, 3087, 3155, 3159, 3166, 3226, 3233, 3243, 3454, 3455, 3909, 3915; art. 2.512, 588, 828, 1036, 1041, 1114, 1780, 1894, 1924, 2043; art. 3.14, 185, 196, 627, 628; art. 3b.57, 196, 207, 209; art. 4.11, 113, 116, 170; art. 6.92, 109, 111, 121, 136, 172. See also Adverser(e); Enemi; Esperit Maligne; Sathan(as)
Diane (Diana): art. 4.11
Didarus (Didarus): art. 3b.68
Didimus (Didimus [Jewish witness]): art. 3b.68
Didimus ([Thomas the apostle] Didymus): art. 2.89
dimaine, dimaigne, dimainge (Sunday): art. 1.1666, 1667, 1670; art. 1945
Dismas (Dismas): art. 3.254, 260, 275
Domicien (Domitian): art. 4.1–52 passim
Doomsday. See Grant Juis; Jor/Jur de Juise; Juise
Drein Jugement (Last Judgement): art. 1.446. See also Drein Jur; Grant Judgment; Grant Juis; Jugement; Juise; Jor de Juise
Drein Jur (Last Day): art. 1.1830. See also Drein Jugement; Grant Jugement; Grant Juis; Jugement; Juise; Jor de Juise
Drusiene, Drusiane (Drusiana): art. 4.56, 60, 215
Eagle. See Egle
Easter. See Pasche
ebreu (Hebrew [language]): art. 3.33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 271
Ebreu(s), Hebree (Hebrews, Hebrew folk): art. 2.712; art. 3.30; art. 3a.6, 7
Ecripture. See Escri(p)ture
Effesie, Effecie (Ephesus): art. 4.3, 54, 56, 105
Egipte. See Egypte
Egle (Eagle): art. 2.14
Egypciens (Egyptians): art. 1.619; art. 3.172
Egypte, Egipte (Egypt): art. 1.1101, 1113, 1120, 3095, 3884; art. 1a.12; art. 3.80, 171, 223, 231
Effrem (Ephraim): art. 2.306, 310, 317
Elias. See Helie
Elijah. See Helyas
Elisha. See Helyseu
Elizabet(h) (Elizabeth): art. 5.2, 11, 28
Elyas. See Helyas
Enemi (Enemy): art. 1.970; art. 4.221; art. 6.228. See also Adverser(e); Deble; Esperit Maligne; Sathan(as)
Enfern (Hell): art. 3.514 passim
Engletere (England): art. 2.834
Enoc(h) (Enoch): art. 3.443, 663, 668
Ephesus. See Effesie
Ephraim. See Effrem
Epiphanie, Epiphaine (Epiphanius): art. 1.779, 790, 3328, 3336
Escoce (Scotland): art. 2.835
Escri(p)ture, Escrit, Escriz, Ecripture (Scripture): art. 1.28, 109, 117, 250, 930, 3632, 3636; art. 2.6, 34, 264, 402, 405, 412, 470, 496, 498, 507, 508, 1401, 1535; art. 3.384
Esperit Maligne (Evil Spirit): art. 1.670, 1347, 1553. See also Adverser(e); Deble; Enemi; Sathan(as)
Esyr (Jairus): art. 3.7
Ethyope (Ethiopia): art. 6.2
Evagrius (Evagrius): art. 1.296, 424
Eve (Eve): art. 1.871; art. 2.767
Evil Spirit. See Esperit Maligne
Ezras (Ezra): art. 3.91
Field of Blood. See Alcheldemac
Flum Jordan (River Jordan): art. 2.876; art. 3.492, 497, 509, 689, 693, 695; art. 5.57, 134, 137, 149, 180
Gabriel (Gabriel): art. 1.4140, 4145; art. 5.20; art. 6.83, 84
Galilé, Galilee (Galilee): art. 2.319, 468, 474, 506, 509, 1131, 1141, 1389, 1507, 1509, 1971, 1999, 2028; art. 3.2, 293, 295, 338, 352; art. 3b.61; art. 5.115, 149, 177, 180, 186, 219; art. 7.50
Galileus (Galilean): art. 2.1382
Gamaliel (Gamaliel): art. 3.6, 459
Gestas, Gestan (Gestas): art. 3.254, 260, 273
Golias, Goliam, Golie (Goliath): art. 2.244, 560; art. 3.317
Grant Jugement (Last Judgment): art. 1.16; art. 2.125. See also Drein Jugement; Drein Jur; Grant Juis; Jugement; Juise; Jor de Juise
Grant Juis (Doomsday): art. 1.626. See also Drein Jugement; Drein Jur; Grant Jugement; Jugement; Juise; Jor de Juise
Greek. See greu
Gregoire, Gregorie (Gregory): art. 1.45, 51
greu, griu (Greek [language]): art. 3.34, 271
Guales (Wales): art. 2.835
Habakkuk. See Abbacus
Hamiun (Ammon): art. 1.406
Hebree. See Ebreu(s)
Hebrew. See ebreu
Helie (Elias [abbot]): art. 1.477
Hell. See Enfern
Helyas, Helias, Helye, Elyas (Elijah): art. 1.113; art. 3.384, 385, 420, 445, 664, 668; art. 5.15, 91, 111, 124, 131
Helyseu (Elisha): art. 3.385
Henri (Henry [II]): art. 2.833
Herode(s) (Herod): art. 2.606, 609, 1511–68 passim; art. 3.2, 230–46 passim; art. 5.1, 115, 159–75 passim, 213–22 passim
Herodiana (Herodias): art. 5.219
Hyl(l)arin (Hilarion): art. 1.780, 787
Hyperechius. See Ipertius
Indes (Indias): art. 6.1
indiens (Indians): art. 6.30
Ipertius (Hyperechius): art. 1.845
Isaac (Isaac [abbot]): art. 1.2327. See also Ysaac
Iscariot. See Scariotis
Ischyrion. See Yseron
Israel (Israel): art. 1.620, 637; art. 2.709, 717, 1987; art. 3.375, 382, 387, 388, 390, 428, 430, 433, 439, 463, 464; art. 5.14, 46, 139
Iturea. See Yturie
Jacob (Jacob [patriarch]): art. 2.775; art. 3.368; art. 6.171
Jacob (Jacob [Jewish witness]): art. 3.91
Jairus. See Esyr
Jame (James): art. 2.1161
Jamnes (Jamnes): art. 3.172
Jerusalem (Jerusalem): art. 1.1048, 3302, 4154; art. 2.98, 108, 325, 727, 880, 1875, 1983; art. 3.29, 237, 238, 373, 408, 452, 462, 491, 666, 685, 691; art. 3b.4, 23, 24, 63; art. 5.56, 106, 121
Jews. See Judeu(s)
Job (Job): art. 1.147
Johan(s) (John [abbot]): art. 1.53, 202, 1464, 2831, 2993
Johan(s) (John [the Baptist]): art. 2.268, 270; art. 3.489; art. 5.11–239 passim
Johan(s) (John [the Evangelist]): art. 2.15, 21, 625, 952, 1161, 1897, 1972; art. 3.263, 264, 489; art. 4.2–253 passim
Jor/Jur de Juise (Day of Judgment, Day of Doom, Doomsday): art. 1.42, 418, 587, 1294; art. 2.779; art. 6.195. See also Drein Jugement; Drein Jur; Grant Jugement; Grant Juis; Jugement; Juise
Jordan. See Flum Jordan
Jordane (Jordan [country]): art. 5.119
Josep(h) (Joseph [of Arimathea]): art. 2.1928; art. 3.4, 295–459 passim, 701, 708; art. 3b.53, 54, 59, 66
Joseph (Joseph [abbot]): art. 1.81, 2365
Joseph (Joseph [Mary’s husband]): art. 2.467; art. 3.8, 80, 84, 231
Joseph (Joseph [patriarch]): art. 2.775
Josué (Joshua): art. 2.549
Juda. See Juda(s); Judee
Judas (Judas [Jewish witness]): art. 3.6, 92
Juda(s) (Judas [Iscariot]): art. 2.316, 927, 1033–94 passim, 1109, 1136, 1232–75 passim, 1335, 1343, 1718, 1730, 1760–79 passim, 1922
Jude. See Judeau(s)
Judee, Juda (Judea): art. 2.51, 66, 320, 322; art. 3a.7; art. 3b.25, 26, 177, 184, 185; art. 5.1, 42, 57, 106, 115
judee (Jewish): art. 2.1484
Judeu(s), Jude (Jews, Jewish people): art. 2.52–1984 passim; art. 3.7–710 passim; art. 3a. 2, 11, 12; art. 3b.25, 49–92 passim, 167, 201; art. 4.12; art. 5.121; art. 6.132
Jugement ([Last] Judgment): art. 1.442, 455, 583. See also Drein Jugement; Drein Jur; Grant Jugement; Grant Juis; Juise; Jor de Juise
Juise (Doomsday): art. 1.482, 837. See also Dreine Jugement; Grant Juis; Jugement; Jor de Juise
Jur de Juise. See Jor de Juise
Karinus. See Carinus
Last Judgment. See Drein Jugement
Last Day. See Drein Jur
latin (Latin [language]): art. 2.810; art. 3.5, 271
Lazar (Lazarus [Jewish witness]): art. 3.91
Lazarus, Lazarum, Laz(e)re, Lazar, Lazararum (Lazarus): art. 2.11, 13, 23, 37, 54, 76–105 passim, 156–99 passim, 258, 734, 783; art. 3.340, 533, 540, 541; art. 4.93, 143–51 passim
Leo. See Leun
Leucius (Leucius): art. 3.467, 683
Leun (Leo): art. 3.4
Levi (Levi [Jewish witness]): art. 3.6, 429
Levi (Levi [patriarch]): art. 5.104
Longis, Longui (Longinus): art. 2.1919; art. 3.270
Loth (Lot): art. 1.2574, 2583, 2584
Lucien (Lucius [abbot]): art. 1.2689
Lucius (Lucius [Jewish witness]): art. 3b.68
Macharie [le Greignur], Macharius (Macarius [the Elder]): art. 1.3093, 3131, 3152, 3165, 3515, 3525, 3557, 3564, 3584, 3610, 3979, 3983, 4080
Magdalene, Magdaleine, Madoleine ([Mary] Magdalene): art. 2.2, 100, 135, 1943. See also Marie
Malachie (Malachias): art. 5.99, 203
Malcus (Malchus): art. 2.1310
Mambres (Mambres): art. 3.172
Mammona (Mammon): art. 4.177
Marcellin (Marcellus): art. 7.118, 120, 122
March. See marz
Marcus (Marcus): art. 3b.96
Marie (Mary [Magdalene]): art. 2.35, 60, 100, 106, 110, 135–59 passim, 1897, 1943, 1951, 1957. See also Magdalene
Maries (Marys): art. 2.1946
Marone (Marone): art. 1.346
Mars. See Marz
Marthe, Martha (Martha): art. 2.34, 106, 114, 124, 126, 133, 147, 169, 172
Marz (Mars): art. 4.10
marz (March): art. 3.3
Matheu (Matthew): art. 1.172
Mathois, Matoen (Mathoes): art. 1.1479, 2219
Matthew. See Matheu
Mede (Medea): art. 6.2
Mer Rubrun. See Ruge Mer
Michael. See Michel
Micheas (Micah): art. 3.650
Michel, Michael, Michiel (Michael): art. 1.4140–59 passim; art. 2.823; art. 3.498, 503, 658, 659, 689
Milidie (Milesius): art. 1.1481, 1530
Mont des Olives (Mount of Olives): art. 2.1157
Mont Syon (Mount Sion): art. 1.1047
Mort (Death): art. 2.889, 2060; art. 3.514, 563, 579, 600, 628; art. 6.134, 135, 136
Moses. See Moyses
Mount Calvary. See Calvarie
Mount of Olives. See Olives; Olivete
Mount Sinai. See Synai
Mount Sion. See Syon
Moyses, Moysen (Moses [abbot]): art. 1.648, 649, 2348
Moyses, Moysen (Moses [patriarch]): art. 2.229, 232, 528, 541, 544, 548, 566; art. 3.148, 170, 225, 226, 444; art. 4.156, 158; art. 5.89, 95
Munt (de) Synai (Mount Sinai): art. 1.2607; art. 2.232, 545
Munt(e) (de) Calvarie (Mount Calvary): art. 2.1805, 1867
Munt(e)/Mont (d’)Olivete (Mount of Olives): art. 2.643, 1164; art. 3.383–84, 437, 447; art. 3b.61–62
Nazareth, Nazarene (Nazareth): art. 3.272; art. 3b.180; art. 5.175
Neirun. See Nerum
Neptalim (Nephthalim [Jewish witness]): art. 3.7
Neptalim (Nephthalim [region]): art. 5.178, 180
Nerum, Nerun, Nero(n), Neirun (Nero): art. 3b.170–206 passim; art. 4.1; art. 7.1, 6, 12, 15, 71, 84
Nichodemus, Nichodeme (Nicodemus): art. 2.497, 500; art. 3.5, 164–81 passim, 207, 302, 303, 309, 382, 393, 408, 410, 459, 701, 708
Nicholas (Nicholas): art. 2.826
Nil (Nile): art. 1.1145, 1151, 1158
Noé (Noah): art. 1.145; art. 2.772, 774
Normandie (Normandy): art. 2.834
Num (Nun): art. 2.549
Oile de Misericorde (Oil of Mercy): art. 3.505, 510
Olives ([Mount of] Olives): art. 2.1157
Olivete ([Mount of] Olives): art. 2.643, 1164; art. 3.383–84, 437, 447; art. 3b.61–62
Oxirince (Oxyrhynchus): art. 1.2081
Padme (Patmos): art. 4.49
Pambo (Pambo): art. 1.181, 488, 497
Pannutius, Pannitius (Paphnutius): art. 1a.10, 32, 61, 68, 88, 93, 102, 126
Pasche (Easter): art. 1.911, 912, 1267
Pasche, Pascha (Passover): art. 2.649, 895, 911, 1127; art. 3.212, 692, 694
Passover. See Pasche
Pastur, Pastor (Pastor): art. 1.128, 322, 330, 1463, 2248, 2256, 2266, 2272, 2365, 2367, 2403, 2409, 2427, 2440, 2994–3027 passim
Patmos. See Padme
Paul. See Pol(e)
Pere(s). See Piere(s)
Pergame (Pergamum): art. 4.110
Perse (Persia): art. 1.1482
Peter. See Piere(s)
Pharao(i), Pharaum (Pharaoh): art. 2.226, 237, 526, 530, 537, 565; art. 3.171
Pharisis, Phareseus (Pharisees): art. 2.487; art. 5.130
Philippe (Philip): art. 5.115, 159
Phinees (Phinees): art. 3.92
Pieres (Peter [abbot]): art. 1.2575, 2582
Piere(s), Pere(s) (Peter [apostle]): art. 2.824, 987, 995, 1024, 1026, 1099–1162 passim, 1281–1310 passim, 1345–1415 passim; art. 3b.172–200 passim; art. 7.1–127 passim. See also Symun
Pilate(s), Pylate (Pilate): art. 2.1429–1704 passim, 1929; art. 3.7–709 passim; art. 3a.1; art. 3b.1, 25–202 passim; art. 5.113
Pimenius. See Puctiun
Pol (Paul [abbot]): art. 1.2831, 2837; art. 1a.95, 135
Pol(e) (Paul [apostle]): art. 1.942; art. 2.824; art. 3b.172, 181; art. 7.2, 14, 51
Polimie (Polymius): art. 6.54, 69, 101, 198, 202, 236
Ponce Pylate. See Punce Pilate
porche Salomun (Portico of Solomon): art. 2.354
Prior (Prior): art. 1.2459, 2460, 2488
Procula (Procula): art. 3.68
Promised Land. See Tere de Promissiun
Puctiun (Pimenius): art. 1.3866
Punce Pilate, Ponce Pylate (Pontius Pilate): art. 3a.1; art. 3b.184; art. 5.114
Pylate. See, Pilate(s)
Red Sea. See Ruge Mer
River Jordan. See Flum Jordan
Romain(s) (Romans): art. 2.287; art. 4.52
Rome, Rume, Roum(e) (Rome): art. 1.45, 3315, 3320; art. 3.1, 710; art. 3b.78, 124, 125, 167, 171, 172; art. 5.114; art. 7.1, 3, 15, 80, 99
Rufin (Rufus): art. 3.3
Ruge Mer, Mer Rubrun (Red Sea): art. 2.227, 531, 537
rumance, rumanse (French [language]): art. 1.7; art. 2.810
sab(b)at (Sabbath): art. 3.9, 12, 104, 141, 190, 315
Salomun(s), Salomon, Salamon (Solomon): art. 2.245, 434, 452, 457, 478, 479, 623, 1465; art. 3.133
Samaritan (Samaritan): art. 3b.173
Samuel (Samuel): art. 3.91
Sarra (Sarah): art. 1.984
Sathan(as), Sathané (Satan): art. 1.949, 1369, 1377, 2542, 2638; art. 2.1043, 1139; art. 3.514–49 passim, 598–624 passim; art. 4.227; art. 6.96. See also Adverser(e); Deble; Enemi; Esperit Maligne
Saul (Saul): art. 2.242, 556, 558, 573
Scariotis (Iscariot): art. 2.316
Scenopegia: See Cenophé
Sciti, Scitez, Sit (Scete): art. 1.1104, 1108, 1111, 1220, 2118, 2120, 2345, 2456, 2656, 2996, 3151, 3980
Scotland. See Escoce
Sech (Seth): art. 3.498, 502
Secunde (Secunde): art. 1.918
Seinteletice, Sincletice, Sinclete (Syncletica): art. 1.509, 807, 2277, 2727
Seraphi(o)n (Serapion): art. 1.2181, 2203
Seth. See Sech
Silvein (Silvanus): art. 1.2606
Simon. See Symen; Symun
Sincletice, Sinclete. See Seinteletice
Sire. See Alisandre de Sire
Sisoi, Sysoi, Syosi (Sisois): art. 1.306, 310, 319, 2865, 3954
Sit. See Sciti
Sobna (Somne): art. 3.6
Sunday. See dimaine
Symen Scariotis (Simon Iscariot): art. 2.316
Symeon, Symeun (Simeon): art. 2.251, 620, 1905; art. 3.431, 452, 485
Symun, Symon (Simon [apostle]): art. 2.2, 1135, 1144, 1198, 1203; art. 3b.85. See also Pieres
Symun, Symoi (Simon [magician]): art. 3b.173–209 passim; art. 7.6–43 passim
Symun de Cyrenee, Symon de Cyrenen (Simon of Cyrene): art. 2.1806; art. 3.256
Synai ([Mount] Sinai): art. 1.2607; art. 2.232, 545
Syncletica. See Seinteletice
Syon ([Mount] Sion): art. 1.1047
Syosi, Sysoi. See Sisoi
Tebes (Thebes): art. 1.81, 1958, 2327, 2741
Teivre (Tiber): art. 3b.168
Tere de Promissiun (Promised Land): art. 1.639, 642; art. 2.246, 547
Terebutti (Terenuthis): art. 1.3000
Thais, Thaisis, Thaysis (Thais): art. 1a.1, 8, 33, 60, 69, 101, 103, 105, 110, 132, 173
Thebes. See Tebes
Theociste(s) (Theocistus): art. 1.3594, 3603, 3604, 3605, 3619, 3624
Theodorus (Theodore): art. 1.75
Thomas (Thomas [apostle]): art. 2.89, 2004, 2010, 2013, 2015
Thomas (Thomas [Jewish witness]): art. 3b.39
Three Kings. See Treis Reis
Tiber. See Teivre
Tiberius. See Tyberie
Traconitide (Trachonitis): art. 5.116
Tree of Mercy. See Arbre de Misericorde
Treis Reis (Three Kings): art. 2.583; 3.229, 232
Tyberie, Tyberye, Treberie (Tiberius): art. 3.1, 710; art. 3a.1; art. 3b.1–47, 79, 126–58 passim, 205; art. 5.114
Tyr (Tyre): art. 3b.105
Veronica (Veronica): art. 3.196; art. 3b.103
Vindemius (Vindemius): art. 1.3978
Volusien (Volusian): art. 3b.12–153 passim
Wales. See Guales
Ysaac (Isaac [Jewish witness]): art. 3.91; art. 3b.68. See also Isaac
Ysaac (Isaac [patriarch]): art. 2.775; art. 3.368; art. 6.171. See also Isaac
Ysaie (Isaiah): art. 3.480, 561, 565; art. 5.52, 120, 129, 179, 183
Yseron (Ischyrion): art. 1.2237
Yturie (Iturea): art. 5.116
Zabulon (Zabulon): art. 5.178, 179
Zacharie, Zachaire (Zachary): art. 2.268; art. 5.1–45 passim, 118
Zebedee. See Cebedei