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Art. 107, Quy est en tristour










¶ Quy est en tristour, prisone, poverté, ou chiet en maladie, face dire messes come
desouz est escrit, e yl serra aydé.

Face dire une messe de la Trinité par digmange: e illumer treis chaundeles e doner
treis almoignes as povres e offryr a la messe e ester.

Lundy, une messe de seint Michel e de tous angeles e archangles: e illumer sept
chaundeilles e doner sept almoignes, offryr, e ester.

Mardy, de Seint Espirit: e illumer sept chandeilles e doner sept almoignes, offryr,
e ester.

Mesgredy, de seint Johan le Baptiste e des patriarches: illumer iiij chandeilles,
doner iiij almoynes, offrer, ester.

Jeovedy, de seint Piere e des apostles: illumer xij chandeilles e doner xij almoignes,     
offryr, e ester.

Vendredi, de la croys: illumer v chaundeilles, doner v almoignes, offryr, e ester.

Samady, de Nostre Dame e de totes virgines: illumer une chaundeille e doner une
almoigne e offryr e ester. |
¶ One who is in sadness, prison, poverty, or falls in sickness, should say masses as
is written below, and he will be helped.

He should say a Mass of the Trinity on Sunday: and light three candles and give
three alms to the poor and make an offering at the Mass and stand.

Monday, a Mass of Saint Michael and all angels and archangels: and light seven
candles and give seven alms, make an offering, and stand.

Tuesday, of the Holy Spirit: and light seven candles and give seven alms, make an
offering, and stand.

Wednesday, of Saint John the Baptist and the patriarchs: light four candles, give
four alms, make an offering, stand.

Thursday, of Saint Peter and the Apostles: light twelve candles and give twelve
alms, make an offering, and stand.

Friday, of the Cross: light five candles, give five alms, make an offering, and stand.

Saturday, of Our Lady and all virgins: light one candle and give one alms and
make an offering and stand. |