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Volume 1: Index of First Lines

This index lists first lines, titles, and incipits. Titles that differ from the first line or incipit are in italics.

After Emperor Nero, the next persecution of Christians [art. 4]
Al tens Herode rei de Judee, ert provere par nun Zacharie [art. 5]
Aprés Neron Cesar esteient a Rome [art. 7]
At the time of Herod king of Judea, there was a priest named Zachary [art. 5]
Çoe avint al quinzime an que Tyberie Cesar [art. 3]
Çoe cuntent cels qui sevent deviser les parties del munde [art. 6]
Ceste chartre enveia Pylate a Claudie [art. 3b]
De la Passioun Jhesu [L’Évangile de Nicodème, La Tradition A] [art. 3]
De seint Bartholomeu [art. 6]
De seint Johan le Baptist [art. 5]
De seint Johan le Ewangeliste [art. 4]
En l’onur de Damnedé le Omnipotent [art. 1]
Epistle a Claudie l’emperour [art. 3b]
Epistle a Tiberie [art. 3a]
He wrote this letter: ¶ “Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar [art. 3a]
Herman de Valenciennes, La Passioun Nostre Seignour [art. 2]
Herman de Valenciennes, The Passion of Our Lord [art. 2]
In honor of Lord God the Almighty [art. 1]
In the time of Nero Caesar there resided in Rome [art. 7]
Le secunt travails as cristiens, aprof Nerun l’emperur [art. 4]
Letter of Pilate to Emperor Claudius, The [art. 3b]
Letter of Pilate to Tiberius, The [art. 3a]
Life of Saint Bartholomew, The [art. 6]
Life of Saint John the Baptist, The [art. 5]
Life of Saint John the Evangelist, The [art. 4]
Lives of the Fathers, The [art. 1]
Mult fud grant icele electiun [art. 2]
Of Jesus’ Passion [The Gospel of Nicodemus, Tradition A] [art. 3]
Passion of Saint Peter, The [art. 7]
Passioun seint Piere [art. 7]
Pilate sent this letter to Claudius [art. 3b]
Si escrit tele chartre: ¶ “Punce Pilate a Tyberye Cesar [art. 3a]
Story of Thais, The [art. 1a]
Thais [art. 1a]
There was at one time a lady named THAIS [art. 1a]
This happened in the fifteenth year that Tiberius Caesar [art. 3]
Those who know how to distinguish the regions of the world [art. 6]
Une dame fut jadis ke out nun THAISIS [art. 1a]
Very meaningful was this election [art. 2]
Vitas patrum [art. 1]