This index lists first lines, titles, and incipits. Titles that differ from the first line or incipit are in italics.
After Emperor Nero, the next persecution of Christians [art. 4]
Al tens Herode rei de Judee, ert provere par nun Zacharie [art. 5]
Aprés Neron Cesar esteient a Rome [art. 7]
At the time of Herod king of Judea, there was a priest named Zachary [art. 5]
Çoe avint al quinzime an que Tyberie Cesar [art. 3]
Çoe cuntent cels qui sevent deviser les parties del munde [art. 6]
Ceste chartre enveia Pylate a Claudie [art. 3b]
De la Passioun Jhesu [L’Évangile de Nicodème, La Tradition A] [art. 3]
De seint Bartholomeu [art. 6]
De seint Johan le Baptist [art. 5]
De seint Johan le Ewangeliste [art. 4]
En l’onur de Damnedé le Omnipotent [art. 1]
Epistle a Claudie l’emperour [art. 3b]
Epistle a Tiberie [art. 3a]
He wrote this letter: ¶ “Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar [art. 3a]
Herman de Valenciennes, La Passioun Nostre Seignour [art. 2]
Herman de Valenciennes, The Passion of Our Lord [art. 2]
In honor of Lord God the Almighty [art. 1]
In the time of Nero Caesar there resided in Rome [art. 7]
Le secunt travails as cristiens, aprof Nerun l’emperur [art. 4]
Letter of Pilate to Emperor Claudius, The [art. 3b]
Letter of Pilate to Tiberius, The [art. 3a]
Life of Saint Bartholomew, The [art. 6]
Life of Saint John the Baptist, The [art. 5]
Life of Saint John the Evangelist, The [art. 4]
Lives of the Fathers, The [art. 1]
Mult fud grant icele electiun [art. 2]
Of Jesus’ Passion [The Gospel of Nicodemus, Tradition A] [art. 3]
Passion of Saint Peter, The [art. 7]
Passioun seint Piere [art. 7]
Pilate sent this letter to Claudius [art. 3b]
Si escrit tele chartre: ¶ “Punce Pilate a Tyberye Cesar [art. 3a]
Story of Thais, The [art. 1a]
Thais [art. 1a]
There was at one time a lady named THAIS [art. 1a]
This happened in the fifteenth year that Tiberius Caesar [art. 3]
Those who know how to distinguish the regions of the world [art. 6]
Une dame fut jadis ke out nun THAISIS [art. 1a]
Very meaningful was this election [art. 2]
Vitas patrum [art. 1]
After Emperor Nero, the next persecution of Christians [art. 4]
Al tens Herode rei de Judee, ert provere par nun Zacharie [art. 5]
Aprés Neron Cesar esteient a Rome [art. 7]
At the time of Herod king of Judea, there was a priest named Zachary [art. 5]
Çoe avint al quinzime an que Tyberie Cesar [art. 3]
Çoe cuntent cels qui sevent deviser les parties del munde [art. 6]
Ceste chartre enveia Pylate a Claudie [art. 3b]
De la Passioun Jhesu [L’Évangile de Nicodème, La Tradition A] [art. 3]
De seint Bartholomeu [art. 6]
De seint Johan le Baptist [art. 5]
De seint Johan le Ewangeliste [art. 4]
En l’onur de Damnedé le Omnipotent [art. 1]
Epistle a Claudie l’emperour [art. 3b]
Epistle a Tiberie [art. 3a]
He wrote this letter: ¶ “Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar [art. 3a]
Herman de Valenciennes, La Passioun Nostre Seignour [art. 2]
Herman de Valenciennes, The Passion of Our Lord [art. 2]
In honor of Lord God the Almighty [art. 1]
In the time of Nero Caesar there resided in Rome [art. 7]
Le secunt travails as cristiens, aprof Nerun l’emperur [art. 4]
Letter of Pilate to Emperor Claudius, The [art. 3b]
Letter of Pilate to Tiberius, The [art. 3a]
Life of Saint Bartholomew, The [art. 6]
Life of Saint John the Baptist, The [art. 5]
Life of Saint John the Evangelist, The [art. 4]
Lives of the Fathers, The [art. 1]
Mult fud grant icele electiun [art. 2]
Of Jesus’ Passion [The Gospel of Nicodemus, Tradition A] [art. 3]
Passion of Saint Peter, The [art. 7]
Passioun seint Piere [art. 7]
Pilate sent this letter to Claudius [art. 3b]
Si escrit tele chartre: ¶ “Punce Pilate a Tyberye Cesar [art. 3a]
Story of Thais, The [art. 1a]
Thais [art. 1a]
There was at one time a lady named THAIS [art. 1a]
This happened in the fifteenth year that Tiberius Caesar [art. 3]
Those who know how to distinguish the regions of the world [art. 6]
Une dame fut jadis ke out nun THAISIS [art. 1a]
Very meaningful was this election [art. 2]
Vitas patrum [art. 1]