Feria ii. Evangelium secundum Lucam. In illo tempore:1 Ibant duo ex discipulis Jhesum.2 |
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Saynte Luk saise how dissiples two, That with Jesu was wont to go, Yede als todaie the waie right, To a castell that Emaus hight; Fyve myle or more of that contré, Fra Jerusalem that hye cité. And of Criste gon thai wordes warpe, And of his ded sorowfull to carpe; And als thai of Criste carpande yede, He ovretoke thaim in palmare wede, And askid thaim what thai spak, and whie That thai ware sorowfull and sarie. Bot knawynge of him had thai nane, Forthi thus answerd him the tane That Cleophas hight, and saide to him: “Ertou in Jerusalem a pilgrim, And wote noght of tha plightfull plaies That tharein es wroght in thir daies.” Than askid Jesus what thai ware, And bothe answerd and saide with care: “Swilk mornynge and dole, allase, That es of Jhesu that prophete wase, Before God in worde mightie, In werk to folk in werld traystie;3 And how oure princes with the prestis rede, Gert him on rode be done to dede. We wend he suld oure folk have boght, And Israel of thraldome broght, And this daie es the thrid daie, Sithen this was done, bot we herd saie That he now lives, for wymen ware Areli at his toumbe and sawe thare Ane aungele that saide he es livand; And some of oures yode thider and fand, Right als the wymen thare had saide: Noght thai fand thare he was laide; And sone onane thai come agayne, And thus er we a parti fayne; For risen hope we that he be Bot siker thareof yitt er noght we.” Than saide Criste, “A, foles unwise, And late to trowe the prophecyese. Behoved noght Criste on rode to dye And so into his blisse to stye?” Than he undid with wordes swete, The sawes of Moyses the prophete; And of other prophetes ma That saide the Jewes suld Criste sla. And als he spak thus bi the waie, Nere thaire innes neghid thaie. And Criste toke leve with worde hende, And saide, “Ferrer behoves me wende.” And thai him praied till thaire innes sone, And saide the daie was nere done. Thai gert him to the sopere dwell, Als saise Saynte Luke in oure Gospell. Criste satte with thaim at the supere, And blissid thaire mete on fayre manere, And brak thaire brede, and in the brekinge Had thai of him full graithe knawynge. And of that sight full fayne ware thaie, Bot of thaire sight he went his waie. When Criste was thusgate went thaim fra Thai spak and saide betwene thaim twa: “Ne was oure hertes brinnande hate Whiles he spake with us in the gate? And undid us wordes wyse Of Hali Writte and prophecise?” Apon the morn areli als daie To Jerusalem than tornid thaie, And fand thare when thai come thidir, Ellevene of the apostlis togidir; And thai thaim talde that Criste risen wasse,4 And schewid to Symon sythen he rase. This Symon of wham I mene, Was Sainte Petire als I wene: For first was he Symon callde, And sithen Petir als Criste walde; For Petir on Ynglihsse stane es saide, In the grounde of wall to be laide;5 For Criste him sette grounde wall to be, In Hali Kirk, als writin finde we. Bot noghtforthi als I you talde, Saynte Petir was Saynte Symon callde. That ylke man forsothe hight Lucas, That sawe Jhesu Criste with Cleophas; And talde with him how thai Criste kende, When Criste brak brede with his hende. This es the strenghe of oure Gospell. Als man with Ynglihsse tonge mai tell. This spell es bothe sermoune and tale, And lange withall, forthi I sale Leeve it all bot the last worde, That es whi Criste brak brede on borde. And in that brekinge knawen wasse, With Lucas and with Cleophas. Thir twa betaknes all men bowsome, To gasteli mete gladli to come; That es to saie to Goddis worde, That prechurs bringes of Goddes horde. For Goddes worde es brede gastelie, Als Criste saise us aperteli: For right als brede the bodi fedis, And makes it stithe in werlde dedes, Right so fedes Goddes worde the gaste, And it in trouthe mase full stedefaste. And Criste before us brekes it, When he unduse us Hali Writte, And brekes it small to us to schewe, Bothe the Alde Lawe and the Newe. For when we se wele what thai mene, Than es Criste gasteli of us sene. Bot Crist of that man sight sone witis, That him in prechinge noght delitis; For mani foles heres sermoune, Withouten ani devocioune; And som man comes to the sermoune, That ware bettir be in the toune, For to do thaire other thinges, For in his hert na likinge springes, To here of thinge that lastis aie, Bot thinkes all on othir plaie. On werldes welthe som men thinkes so mikil, That fals and fayleand es, and fikile, That prechinge savours thaim right noght, So es thair hertes on other thinges broght. And som men comes thidir full yare, All anerli for to be sene thare, For to be halden in felde and toune, Man of grete devocioune; Bot of the prechinge litil he kepis, For att the prechinge he routis and slepes. Att Goddes worde he es slepeande, And att the taverne all wakande; And atte lykehouse for to plaie, Thare will he wake to it be daie. Bot when he comes sermoune to here, He es so hevye and so swere, That he may noght his heved hald uppe, Bot bringes it in the fendes cuppe; For Sathanase gase than aboute To ger men drink his cuppe alloute. His cuppe forworthinnes call I, That geres men slepe and be hevye, When that thai Goddes worde suld here: Oure Lorde us schelde fra his pycchere! Herebi ligges a litil tale, How the fende geres men drink dwale, And geres thaim slepe for dronkennes, And helde unto forworthinnes. A hali man at prechinge gon site And thoght the prechinge ferli swete, And als he lokid him besyde, The fende sawe he bi him glyde, With a picchere in his hande, And yede aboute with cuppe birland. And ilk man that his cuppe kepid And drank therof, full swith he slepid. Thus duse the fende for to lette The folk that er at prechinge sette, To here that es spoken thare; For he wote wele that gastli lare Geres thaim leeve his wickid trace, And fro him torne and go to grace. For he that Goddis worde techis, The sinfull man tharewith he lechis; How he sall leve the fendes servyse, And sare he geres the fende than gryse. Forthi the fende fondes to spere With slepe the sinfull mannes here, That he ne maie here his saule hele, Thus fast he fondes mannes saule to stele. Oure Lorde us schelde fra his stelinge, And to the blisse of hevene us bringe. Amen. |
were accustomed Proceeded (see note) did they [with] words converse death; speak pilgrim’s clothing recognition the one of them; (see note) was called Are you know; terrible events have occurred sorrow Such mourning; grief priests’ counsel Had; put to death thought; redeemed out of bondage Since Early where at once partly glad certain slow Was it not necessary ascend interpreted sayings lodging approached gracious Farther must I invited immediate recognition But out of burning on the way revealed; after; rose; (see note) speak; (see note) believe afterward; wished (see note) established foundation nevertheless (see note) recognized hands (t-note) long, moreover, [and] therefore; (see note) omit By; (t-note) willing spiritual nourishment bring forth from God’s treasure openly strong makes [us] expounds (see note) But Christ soon withers the sight of that man Who would be better off desire perpetually pleasure (see note) failing has no savor for them readily solely regarded [As a] snores tomb; (see note) remain awake slothful head make; completely sloth; (see note) indolent pitcher lies; (see note) error cleave to did sit wondrous offering every; took quickly hinder spiritual instruction path heals makes; fear attempts to close ear protect; theft |
[Homilies 26–31 not included in this edition. See Explanatory Notes.]