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Seint Gregory seith: "Recommaunde to God the begynnynge and the ende of alle thi werkes, studye and do peyne to knowe alle thinges, and holde and cheese [fol. 62r] the beste." And seith: "Povertee is evel, but evell rycchesses ben wers." And seith: "Loke ye be constaunte and refreyne thyne yre, and take connynge for to lighte thee instede of a candel, and thenke nat thiself to be that thu arte nat, for thu arte mortal. Take thiself as for a straungier and loke thu worship straungiers." And seithe: "Whanne thi shippe is in grete tranquyllitee, thanne loke thu be aferde to be drownned." And seith: "A man shulde resceive with good cheere alle that God sendeth him." And seith: "The wrath of goode folkes is bettir to be chosen thanne the worshipp of evell folkes." And seith: "Use the house of wyse men and nat of the ryche." And seithe: "Dyspreyse nat a litil thinge, for it maye growe meche and amende, and endure paciently withoute vengeaunce." |