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[fol. 8r] Zalquaquine seith: "Ho that knowith the daye, he wol aryse more erly." And seith that men resceyven their goodis that thei have in erthe of her Creatour nat- withstonding that thei do synne, yet bene thei bounden to thanke God of the goodes that He hath sente hem and to aske forgevenes of her evell dedis. And seith: "Many thingis semyn goode and ben moche preysed that aftir be moche blamed, and many thingis ben displesaunte at the begynnynge whiche afitrwarde bene gretly desired." And seith: "It is bettir to thee to have grete nede thanne for to borow at him whiche thu haste no truste inne." And seith: "Yf thu woldeste teche a foole, thu shalt make him more fool thanne he was before." And seith: "I have grete merveile of hem that done abstynence of mete, whiche that noyeth the body, and absteyneth nat hemself fro synne, whiche noyeth the soule." And seith: "Lete scilence be multiplied in you, for it shal put awey periles, and use trouth, whiche is the lernyng of talis." And seith: "Ho that wole kepe wele the lawe shulde leeve of his good to his frende, and to be gracious to him that he knowith that wil nat denye justice to his enemye, and to kepe from alle thingis that touchith his dis- honour." |