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Thescile seith: "Thu oughtest to love bettir the boystous and true wordes that bene profitable thanne the sweete wordes that bene medled with barate and flaterye, for somme medlen the venyme with sweete drynkes: and thes medecynes that sonnest geven heele bene bitter and of evel savoure." And seith: "It is an evel thinge for us to be desyerous of goode meetes for the body, and leve the coryous meetes that shulde refresshe the soulle." And seith: "A maryner dare nat put him- self into the see but yf the wynde be propre for hym, and we dyspose oure soulle absolutely to alle maner of wyndes." And seith: "Thu oughtest to do suche thinges as bene moste profitable for the body and moste covenable to the soulle, and flee the contrarye." And seith: "He that counsellith other men wele ought by reasoun to counseyle [fol. 61v] wel himself and to thenke wele on his soule, for ho that can honoure other men and dyshonoure himself it is right a sorowful vyce." And seithe: "In lyke wyse as it becometh a man evel that hathe a foulle body and a sluttysshe to be cladde in cloth of golde or sylke, in lyke wyse it is a lewde thinge to a man for to have grete beauté in his body and vysage and to be full of evell werkes." And seithe: "Lyke as we are bounden of propre nature to kepe oure membres, and namely the heed that is moste pryncipal, meche more are we bounden to kepe that that geveth us suche knoweleche, that is to seye oure undirstondinge." And it was asked him how a man myght kepe himself from angre. He aunsuerd and seide: "Lete him bethenke hym wele that it is impossible that men shulde alleweyes ob- beye to hym, for he himself muste nedes serve at somme tymes othir men, wher- fore he maye not at alle tymes commaunde other men, but he shal be com- maunded himself. And also God seethe everythinge, and yf his thinges weren wele consydered, he shulde nat be at any tyme longe wrothe though so were that he were angred." And he sawe a man whiche was right fatte, to whome he seide: "Thu doste grete peyne for to breke the walles of thi pryson." And seithe: "Whanne thu wilte corecte anothir man, loke thu shewe nat thiself lyke him that wole be avenged on his enemye, but shewe thiself lyke the leeche that speketh sweetely to his paciente, and whanne thu wilt corecte thiself, shewe thee as the seeke man dothe to the leeche." |