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Onese seith: "Whanne men wexen olde, theire vertues bene lesse preysed, and theire ricchesse is more ferefull thanne the poure mannes." And seithe: "The noble dethe is bettir and fairer thanne the foulle domynacioun." And seith: "Oon of the beste goodnesses that a man maye have is for to have a good felawe, wherfore loke thu fellaship thee with goode men and thu shalt be oon of hem." And seithe: "Oon of the moste inyquytees of the worlde is for to do velanye to a persone that is im- potente." And seith: "Yf thu haste done any delyte, loke thu repente thee anone withoute taryenge til on the morne." And seith: "Thu oughteste for to conne thanke to him that dothe thee good, of what estate or condycioun that ever he be of, with that he do it lyberally or with a good entente." And seith: "That man maye nat perceyve many thinges that maye nat perceyve and knowe himself." And seith: "Yf thu maiste have a durable love with anothir, loke [fol. 65v] thu do thi peyne to en- fourme him in goode maners." And seith: "Yf a kinge be juste and true, he shal be lorde over the comounes of his peple; and yf he be othirwyse, though so be thei calle him for here kinge, yet shulle thei have theire courages unto anothir." |