incipitIncipit altercatio inter filomenam et bubonem. MS: Written in red ink (and not found in C).back to note source
1Ich. MS: Begins with blue capital I, nine lines high.back to note source
6among. So MS (amgng with g1 corrected to o), Wells, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
10alre-wrste. So MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: alre-wurste.back to note source
13The. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, one line high.back to note source
19gladdur. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: gladder. Hall: gladdre.back to note source
25Tho. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, one line high.back to note source
29The. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, one line high.back to note source
30bihold. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: biholdeþ.back to note source
35wle. So MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: vule.back to note source
41Theos. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, one line high.back to note source
55The. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, one line high.back to note source
57wit. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: yit (ƿ/y confusion). Hall: wiþ.back to note source
blete. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: bléte.back to note source
74ne. So MS, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: þan.back to note source
75eyen. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: éyen.back to note source
91 and. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: & and.back to note source
93brode. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: bróde.back to note source
108Biheold. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: Bihéold.back to note source
139Theos. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
146iswolwe. So MS (s inserted), Wells, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
148bysemar. So MS, Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Hall: bisemar.back to note source
150bare. So MS, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: þe bare.back to note source
152brihtur. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Hall, Atkins: brihter.back to note source
162swikehede. So MS, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: swikelhede.back to note source
163swikedom. So MS, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: swikeldom.back to note source
165thu2. So MS, Hall. Wells: þin. Atkins: omitted. Grattan-Sykes: þn.back to note source
167swikedom. So MS, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: swikeldom.back to note source
het. So MS (a final letter may be cut off), Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: hete.back to note source
177lete we. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: lete.back to note source
187Tho. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
199The. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
202breme. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: bréme.back to note source
203wre. So MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: were.back to note source
205nuthe. So MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: nu suþe.back to note source
209Ne. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: N.back to note source
210vor. So MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: for.back to note source
215The. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
223Thu. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: Þu.back to note source
224ihere. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: ihére.back to note source
226ac that. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: at.back to note source
229uych. So MS, Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Hall: vich.back to note source
232Hit. So MS (t smudged), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Hall: hi.back to note source
234imene. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: iméne.back to note source
239And. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: An.back to note source
wene. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: wéne.back to note source
253Theos. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
269strong. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Hall, Atkins: stronge.back to note source
272wunne. So Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: ynne. Wells: wune.back to note source
284chatere. So MS (word written above line for lack of space), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
288wende. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: wénde.back to note source
290ilome. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: ilóme.back to note source
301imene. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: iméne.back to note source
303wrse. So MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurse.back to note source
309Yet. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: þet (þ/y confusion). Line begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
312ihere. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: ihére.back to note source
321singe. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
329god. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: gód.back to note source
358That. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þa.back to note source
359of. So MS, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: euer of.back to note source
363Yet. MS: Begins with red capital Y, two lines high.back to note source
364am. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: an.back to note source
368gode. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: góde.back to note source
371mwe. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: muwe.back to note source
391The. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
400wrthe. So MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþe.back to note source
404That. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: hwat.back to note source
406That. So MS (Þat with t inserted), Wells, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
ne. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
407nart. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: art.back to note source
411Hule. So Hall, Atkins. MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes: þule. Line begins with capital red Þ, two lines high.back to note source
426Teres. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: Téres.back to note source
427he. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: þe (þ/h confusion).back to note source
439wlite. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: ylite (ƿ/y confuson).back to note source
458wyntres. So MS, Wells, Atkins. Grattan-Sykes: wintres.back to note source
467Theos. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
473Thu. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
474wynter. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: winter.back to note source
477iknowe. So MS, Wells, Atkins. Grattan-Sykes: iknou.back to note source
478blissi. So MS, Wells, Atkins. Grattan-Sykes: blisse.back to note source
throwe. So MS, Wells, Atkins. Grattan-Sykes: þrou.back to note source
499thet thu wilt teme. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þu wilt teme þet.back to note source
505wrse. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: worse.back to note source
hey-sugge. So MS (gge written above line for lack of space), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
513Vor. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: Vo.back to note source
518abrode. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: abróde.back to note source
534Vor. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: Vo.back to note source
541inume. So MS (in a later hand over erasure), Grattan-Sykes. Wells: yet inome. Atkins: inome.back to note source
543Nay1. MS: Begins with blue capital N, two lines high.back to note source
546to. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: tó.back to note source
548wrth. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþ.back to note source
549That. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, one line high.back to note source
551iyive. So Atkins. MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes: iyiue.back to note source
554speke. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: spéke.back to note source
572wrth. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþ.back to note source
573furwrthe. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: furwurþe.back to note source
575furwrthe. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: furwurþe.back to note source
584Thu nart.1 So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: Þnart.back to note source
589tharto2. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þart to.back to note source
wunst. So Atkins. MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes: wenst.back to note source
592run-huse. So MS (n abbreviated). Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes: rum hus.back to note source
594seotle. So MS, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: þe.back to note source
614other. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: oþe.back to note source
620frost. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: hwanne hit.back to note source
627nest. Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
636mysketh. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: mysdeþ.back to note source
642miht. So Atkins. MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes: mist.back to note source
648Ac. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: Ac hwat.back to note source
649We. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þe (ƿ/þ confusion).back to note source
651iyende. MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes: iwende. Atkins: ihende (ƿ/ȝ confusion).back to note source
652run-hus. So MS (n abbreviated). Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes: rum hus.back to note source
659The. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
667strong. So MS, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: swiþe strong.back to note source
670winne. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þinne (ƿ/þ confusion).back to note source
679hyet. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þ hyet.back to note source
682a wene. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: á wene.back to note source
689wit west. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: yit yest (ƿ/y confusion).back to note source
696Ne vynt. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: Nvynt.back to note source
701The. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
hire howe. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: hit.back to note source
703towehte. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: towe (with hte added in later hand).back to note source
707Ule. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: . . . le.back to note source
708If. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: . . . f.back to note source
709sumeretyde. MS, Wells, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes: sumetyde.back to note source
714that. So MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: þat evre.back to note source
721Holy. So MS, Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Hall: holi.back to note source
722wrche. So MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wirche.back to note source
726bigete. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: bi gethe.back to note source
729canunes. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: canúnes.back to note source
734Hwenne the liht of day springeth. So C, Atkins. MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
746Rome. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: róme.back to note source
748bles. So MS (in a later hand), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. See Explanatory Note.back to note source
768knyhtes. So MS, Wells, Atkins. Grattan-Sykes: knyhte.back to note source
769wrth. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþ.back to note source
770wrth. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþ.back to note source
unwrth. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: vnwurþ.back to note source
782hit. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: h.back to note source
785were. So C, Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: yere (ƿ/y/þ confusion).back to note source
793wrs. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurs.back to note source
799anne. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: onne.back to note source
802other. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: oþe.back to note source
805Thu.1 So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þe.back to note source
812fox. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: for.back to note source
824abak. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: ábak.back to note source
826creophth. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: creopþ.back to note source
837Abid1. MS: Begins with red capital A, two lines high.back to note source
842bisemed. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: bisemeþ.back to note source
biliked. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: bilikeþ.back to note source
846wrthe. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþe.back to note source
852wndre. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wundre.back to note source
853thu. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
873pulte. So MS (in a later hand), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
896wileth. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: willeþ.back to note source
897hevene. So MS (ne written above line for lack of space), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
905onother. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: an oþer.back to note source
906Thar. So MS (Þat with t corrected to r), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
917ydel. So Wells. MS, Grattan-Sykes: yde. Atkins: an ydel.back to note source
923north. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: nórth.back to note source
925bere. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: bére.back to note source
926forlere. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: forlete.back to note source
932deovele. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: deoulene.back to note source
933The. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
943lothe. So MS (lowþe with w cancelled), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
945meynth. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: meyuþ.back to note source
952avergan. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: ouergan.back to note source
955Ule heo. So C, Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þe vle. Line begins with red capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
981thar. So MS, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: war.back to note source
983nother. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: noþe.back to note source
999este. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: éste.back to note source
1000weste. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: wéste.back to note source
1019bet. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: be.back to note source
stille. So MS, Wells, Atkins. Grattan-Sykes: stylle.back to note source
1025songe. So Wells, Atkins. MS (last letter cut off), Grattan-Sykes: song.back to note source
1030ise. So Atkins. MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes: ire.back to note source
1043The. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
1051luve. So Atkins. MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes: lyve.back to note source
1052sunge. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: singe.back to note source
1062were todrawe. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: todrawe.back to note source
1067The. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
1075Hwat. MS: Begins with red capital H, three lines high.back to note source
1080nolde. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: wolde.back to note source
1092Jhesu. So Grattan-Sykes. MS: ihc. Wells, Atkins: Jesu.back to note source
1099wrthsipe. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþsipe.back to note source
1100wnne. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wunne.back to note source
1113miht. C: miȝt. MS, Wells, Atkins, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: mist (s/ȝ confusion).back to note source
1156rune. So Wells, Atkins. MS (last letter cut off), Grattan-Sykes: run.back to note source
1158wrth. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþ.back to note source
1173wrthe. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþe.back to note source
1175The. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
1177ihoded. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: ihóded.back to note source
1189witi. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þin.back to note source
1190wot. So Atkins. MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes: wod (first letter is ƿ or þ).back to note source
1198wot. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: wt.back to note source
1205schipes. So MS (i inserted), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
1208 lore. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: lóre.back to note source
1211ilome. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: ilóme.back to note source
1229fleo. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: flo.back to note source
1234he me. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: me.back to note source
1244Hwanne. So C (ƿ for w). MS, Wells, Atkins, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: þanne (þ/ƿ confusion).back to note source
1246thar-rihte. So MS (te written above line for lack of space), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
1260harem. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: a tem.back to note source
1271him beo. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: beo.back to note source
1274thah. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þat.back to note source
1277noht. So MS (t inserted), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
1284the-solve. So Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þe soule. Wells: þe seolue.back to note source
1288wrthsipe. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþsipe.back to note source
1291The. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, three lines high.back to note source
1307thu. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
1308The wicchecrafte never ne lete. C: The wiecchecrafte neaver ne lete. MS, Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
1311ihoded. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: ihóded.back to note source
1315child. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: chid.back to note source
1321wrecche. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: wrcche.back to note source
storre. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: storie.back to note source
1322bihaitest. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: behauest.back to note source
1330the1.So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þu.back to note source
1341were. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: wére.back to note source
1358Ne may. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: Ne ne may.back to note source
1369gode. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: góde.back to note source
1370aquolde. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: aqolde.back to note source
1374mysfonge. So MS (fonge written above line for lack of space), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
1380atbroyde. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: abroyde.back to note source
1381unvele. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: unvéle.back to note source
1384hit is. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: his.back to note source
1388lustes. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: lust.back to note source
1400wlonkhede. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wrouehede.back to note source
1402monne shonde. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: monnes honde.back to note source
1405thur. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: þurh.back to note source
1410fleyes. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: fleyses.back to note source
1440misfonge. So Wells, Atkins. MS (last letters cut off), Grattan-Sykes: misfon.back to note source
1441hit2. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: his.back to note source
1447the yunglinge. So C, Wells, Atkins. MS: e (me with m canceled) wunglinge. Grattan-Sykes: me wunglinge.back to note source
1451lutle. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: lude.back to note source
1454hote breth. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: heorte bred.back to note source
1458lutle wile. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: lude wise.back to note source
1459swike. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: sike.back to note source
1460That. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: And.back to note source
iliche. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: ilike.back to note source
1478no. So MS, Wells, Atkins. Grattan-Sykes: ne.back to note source
1481wrthful. So MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: wurþful.back to note source
1494buve. So MS (inserted at left margin marked /. for insertion), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
1498a reu. So C. MS: at þeu. Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes: at þen.back to note source
1511The. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
1548Thi. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: Forþi.back to note source
1549luve. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
1556monne. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: manne.back to note source
1566pine. So C, Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: wiue.back to note source
1586houth-sythe. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: houhsyþe.back to note source
1602ho geth. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: howeþ.back to note source
1607ic. So MS (word inserted), Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
1610tobursteth and tobeteth. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: to burste & to bete.back to note source
1619thah. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þhah.back to note source
1633brod. So C. MS, Wells, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes: word.back to note source
1635The. MS: Begins with red capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
1638heo. So MS, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: he.back to note source
wer. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þer (þ/ƿ confusion).back to note source
1640thu. So MS (word inserted), Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. Wells: þe.back to note source
1641Thu1. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þ.back to note source
1653icwede. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
1662forthan. So MS, Wells, Atkins. Grattan-Sykes: vor þan.back to note source
1667Theos. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high.back to note source
1681bothe. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: beo þat.back to note source
1685That. So MS (Þat with t inserted), Wells, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes.back to note source
1699fihtlak. So MS, Wells, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: fihtlac.back to note source
1705non. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: nón.back to note source
so. So MS, Wells, Atkins. Grattan-Sykes: o.back to note source
1711 The. MS: Begins with blue capital Þ, two lines high. The error was in the exemplar shared with C for it appears in both copies. See Explanatory Note.back to note source
1717The. MS: Line does not begin with a colored or enlarged capital. The error was in the exemplar shared with C for it appears in both copies. See Explanatory Note to line 1711.back to note source
1720theih. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
1731kinge. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: omitted.back to note source
1734ye. So C. MS, Wells, Atkins, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: we (y/ƿ confusion).back to note source
1739Ich. MS: Begins with red capital I, one line high.back to note source
1741for. So MS, Wells, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Atkins: omitted.back to note source
1743ende. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: ende me.back to note source
1747us. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: eu.back to note source
1749war. So Wells, Hall, Atkins. MS, Grattan-Sykes: þar (þ/ƿ confusion).back to note source
1751Nuhte ye. So Wells. MS: mihte yet (lyet with l canceled). Hall, Grattan-Sykes: mihte yet. Atkins: nute ye.back to note source
1754see. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: séé.back to note source
1765ilome. So Wells, Hall, Atkins, Grattan-Sykes. MS: ilóme.back to note source
1769Certes. MS: Begins with red capital C, one line high.back to note source
1780thar. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: þat.back to note source
1781Do. MS: Begins with blue capital D, one line high.back to note source
1783deme. So Wells, Atkins. MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes: dome.back to note source
1791hi. So MS, Hall, Grattan-Sykes. Wells, Atkins: heo.back to note source
explicitExplicit. MS: Written in black ink (and not found in C).back to note source