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16. A Little Sooth Sermon

fol. 185rHerkneth alle gode men,and stylle sitteth adun,And ich ou wile tellena lutel soth sermun.Wel we wuten alle,they ich ou nouht ne telle,Hw Adam ure vorme-faderadun feol into helle.

line5Schomeliche he forlesthe blisse that he heddeTo yvernesse and prude —none neode he nedde!He nom than appel of the treothat him forbode was,So reuthful dede idonnever non nas!

He made him into helle falle,line10And, after him, his children alle.Ther he wes, fort ure DrihteHyne bouhte myd his myhte.He hine alesede myd his blodeThat he schedde upon the rode.line15To dethe he yef him for us alleTho we weren so strong atfalle.

Alle bakbytares, heo wendeth to helle,Robbares and revaresand the monquelle,Lechurs and horlyngs,thider schulleth wende,line20And ther heo schulle wunyeever buten ende.

Alle theos false chapmen,the Feond heom wule habbe,Bakares and breowares,for alle men heo gabbe.Lowe heo holdeth heore galun;mid beorme heo hine fulleth,And ever of the purse that seolver heo tulleth.

line25Bothe heo maketh febleheore bred and heore aleHabbe heo that seolver,ne telleth heo never tale!Gode men, for Godes luve,bileveth sucche sunne,For at then ende hit binymethheveriche wunne.

Alle preostes wives, ich wot heo beoth forlore;line30Thes persones, ich wene,ne beoth heo nouht forbore,Ne theos prude yonge menthat luvyeth Malekyn,fol. 185vAnd theos prude maydenesthat luvyeth Janekyn.

At chireche and at chepyng, hwanne heo togadere come,Heo runeth togaderesand speketh of derne luve.line35Hwenne heo to chirche cumethto thon holy daye,Everuych wile his leof iseother yef he may.

Heo biholdeth Watekinmid swithe gled eye;At hom is hire Paternoster, biloken in hire teye.Masses and matynesne kepeth heo nouht,line40For Wilekyn and Watekynbeoth in hire thouht.

Robyn wule Gilotheleden to than ale,And sitten ther togederesand tellen heore tale.He may quyten hire aleand seoththe don that gome;An eve to go myd himno thincheth hire no schome.

line45Hire syre and hire damethreteth hire to bete;Nule heo furgo Robynfor al heore threte.Ever heo wule hire skerene com hire no mon neyh,Forte that hire wombeup aryse an heyh.

Gode men, for Godes luve,bileveth oure sunne,line50For at thon ende hit binymethheoveryche wunne.Bidde we Seynte Marie for hire milde mode,For the theres that heo weopfor hire Sune blode.

Al so wis so he god is,for hire erendynge,To the blysse of heovenehe us alle brynge. Amen.

fol. 185rHearken all good men,and sit down quietly,And I will tell youa little true sermon.We all know well,though I didn’t tell you,How Adam our first fatherfell down into hell.

line5Shamefully he forfeitedthe bliss that he hadTo avarice and pride —no need had he!He took the apple from the treeforbidden to him,So pitiful a deedwas never done!

He made him fall into hell,line10And, after him, all his children.There he was, until our LordBought them with his power.He freed them with his bloodThat he shed on the cross.line15He gave himself to death for us allWhen we were utterly fallen.

All backbiters,they shall go to hell,Robbers and thievesand the murderers,Lechers and whoremongers,thither shall they go,line20And there they’ll dwellforever without end.

All these false merchants,the Fiend will have them,Bakers and brewers,for they deceive all people.They measure their gallon low;they fill it with froth,And always they wheedlesilver from the purse.

line25Both of them weakentheir bread and their ale —Once they have silver,they don’t care at all!Good men, for God’s love,abandon such sin, For in the end it forfeitsheavenly joy.

All priests’ wives,I know they’ll be lost;line30These parsons, I think,they’ll not be spared,Nor these proud young menwho love Malkin,fol. 185vAnd these proud maidenswho love Jankin.At church and at market,when they come together,They whisper togetherand speak of secret love.line35When they come to churchon a holy day,Each wants to see his sweetheartthere if he can.

She looks at Watkinwith a very flirty eye;Her Paternoster is at home,locked in her box. She pays no attentionto masses and matins,line40For Wilkin and Watkinoccupy her thoughts.

Robin wishes to lead Gilothto the alehouse,And they sit togetherand spin their tales.He may pay for her aleand later play that game;To go with him at nightshe thinks it no shame.

line45Her father and her motherthreaten to beat her;She won’t give up Robinfor all their threats.Always will she claimno man came near her, Until it happens that her wombrises up high.

Good men, for God’s love,abandon your sin,line50For in the end it forfeitsheavenly joy.Let us pray to Saint Maryfor her gracious manner,For the tears she weepsfor her Son’s blood.

As wise as he is good,through her intercession,May he bring us allto the bliss of heaven. Amen.