fol. 185vIncipit antiphona de sancto Thoma martyre in anglico.
Haly Thomas of heoveriche,Alle apostles eveliche,The martyrs the understondeGodfullyche in heore honde.line5Selcuth dude ure DryhtinThat he water wende to win.Thu ert help in Engelaunde,Ure stephne understonde.Thu ert froure
among monkunne —line10Help us nu of ure sunne. Euouae.
fol. 185vHere beings the antiphon of Saint Thomas the martyr in English.
Holy Thomas of heaven’s realm,Equal to all apostles,The martyrs welcome youGraciously into their hands.line5Our Lord performed miraclesWhen he turned water to wine.You’re a help in England,Understanding our language.You’re a comfort among mankind —line10Help us now out of our sin. Euouae.