fol. 185vHwi ne serve we Cristand secheth his sauhtSeoththe us wes at the fontfulluht bytauht?Ne beo we siker of the lifonlepy nauht.fol. 186rCrist, kundeliche Kyng,cuth thu thi mayht.line5Rihtwise Louerdon rode wes rauht,
And tholede dom vor his duthe,
that he wes ded strauht.Yef we habbeth werkesyeynes thi wille wrauht,Louerd, have merci of us,that never ne faht.
Hwi ne beo we duhty menand duten ure deden?line10Al we schullen asyen and seo to the nede —Ther the crysme child for sunnessore schal drede —Iseon ure Louerd Crist,that schal this world fede,Showen his wundenso blodi tobleden,Nouht for his gultes,bute for Adames deden,line15Leste he schulde his duthefrom himseolve scheden.
Leve we this for saynsoth al so the Crede,As ich ihere bolde menupe bok rede:“Ther ere feole to fordemein schynynde wede.”
Nis so wlonk under Cristridynde on stede,line20Ne theos crefty clerekesthat upe bok rede,For gold ne for seolver,ne for glysyinde wede,For al the weole and the wynthat riche men fede,For seolk ne for cendalne for deore wedes,
That ne schal at the beon demed of heore dedes.
line25Ther is the sunfulleunsofte to beon;Hwer he not no weyfyr for to fleon,And Adames eyres beothparted on thre,Ther is gronynge and grureand gryslich gle.Biseche we the Louerd —that weldeth the veoline30As he, for monkunnes neodes,don wes on the treo —And Seynte Marie the brude,that bryht is and bleo,Leve that we moten at schrifteure sunnes unwreo.
Hwi nule we thenchenand beo tholemodeFor him that tholede for usthe wunden of blode?line35Thayh we her hoppenihosed and ischode,fol. 186vHeonne we schulle thrynge,that er were so mode.Bileveth oure weorre,warlawes wode!Al thes world is biheledmyd hethene-hode.Seynte Peter wes prynceand pyned is on rode,line40For to volewen ure Faderhis wille thet he stode,
And we wyth sunnes getethsaulene fode,Ye mowen iheren, fur drerlykeme demeth this gode.
Nu ye muwen iheren in chirechebo syngen and redeHw Seynte Laurence wes ibrouht,bunde for to brede.line45So he wes ihyedand hot on the glede.Ful derlike this deore mondute his dede,
Leste he schulde his saulehoryen and schede
In hethene helle,ther hirdsype
is gnede.Biseche we ure Louerde,that schal this world fede,line50That he have mercy of usof ure misdede.
Seynte Johan is the bestethat ever wes iwrouhtSeoththe God makede middel-erdand mon myd his thouht.Thureh his sely sermun,serewe him wes bythouht,The prophetes hevedto present me brouht,line55For to folewen ure Fader so he haveth thouht —Hwo ysayh ever blissebyterluker ibouht.
Seynt Thomas wes biscop,and barunes him quolde.Heo brutlede him ful breoly,the beornes that were bolde,For he wolde the laweleoflyche holde,line60As God wyth his werkesi this world stolde;For the luve of ure Fadervihten he nolde.Ther he tholede pyne,as the peple me tolde,For the dute of the , he thet lif solde.
Hwe schull ich,thauh ure heorte beon in holde.
line65Alle we schulle to the dethdreoreliche gon,And bileven ure leove freond,everuychon;Me graveth this godein greote and in ston,fol. 187rTher wereth ure wlitein wurmene won.Ne geyneth us no grenene no scarlat non,
line70The robes of russetne of rencyan,
Ne the ronke racchesthat ruskit the ron
—Bothe him schal rotye,that body and the bon!
Thayh thu frayny after freond,ne fyndestu non;
Bute, saule for seorewemaketh hire
mon.line75He that fulewede himseolvein the Flum Jurdan,Thureh the sybnesseof Seynt Johan,Thureh the riche blodethe roche tochon,Louerd, have mercy of useveruychon. Amen.
fol. 185vWhy don’t we serve Christand seek his accordAfter we’ve been baptizedat the font?We’re not secure at allabout our only life.fol. 186rChrist, lawful King,you’ve shown your might.line5The righteous Lordwas stretched on the cross,Suffered punishment for his people,stretched to death.If we’ve committed deedscounter to your will,Have mercy on us, Lord,who never resisted.
Why aren’t we loyal menand do your works?line10We shall all declineand confront the need —The baptized child for sinshall be sorely afraid —Upon seeing our Lord Christ,who sustains this world,Display his woundsall bloodily bleeding,Not for his own guilt,but for Adam’s deeds,line15Lest his worthy peoplebe parted from him.Let’s believe in this sayingas true as the Creed,As I hear good menread from books:“There are many to condemnin beautiful clothes.”
Under Christ there’s none so fineriding a horse,line20Nor such clever clerksreading from books,With gold or silver,or glistening clothes,Or all the wealth and winethat feeds rich men,Or silk or fine linenor precious garments,Who at the Doom won’tbe judged for their deeds.
line25There the sinful shall bedealt with severely;They won’t know which wayto flee the fire,And Adam’s heirs shall bedivided into three groups,Where there’s groaning and horrorand ghastly music.Pray we to the Lord —who sets the feeline30Because he, for mankind’s need,was put on the cross —And to Saint Mary the Lady,who’s bright and lovely,Allow us in confessionto expose our sins.
Why won’t we be mindfuland patientFor him who sufferedbloody wounds for us?line35Although we hop about herein our hose and shoes,fol. 186vLater we’ll be pressed,who once were so proud.Give up your resistance,insane sinners!All this world is coveredwith heathen practices.Saint Peter was a spiritual rulerand suffered on a cross,line40Because to follow our Fatherhe directed his will,And we sinful ones gainspiritual sustenance,As you may hear, for cruellythey judged this good man.
Now in church you may hearboth sung and readHow Saint Lawrence was brought,tied up to be burnt.line45Thus was he pushedand made hot on the coals.Very dearly did this dear manperform his death,Lest his soul he shouldcorrupt and destroy.In heathenish hell,where loyal service is scarceLet us pray to our Lord,who sustains this world,line50That he have mercy on usfor our sins.
Saint John is the best oneever createdSince God made with his thoughtmiddle-earth and mankind.For his wondrous message,sorrow was planned for him,They brought the prophet’s headto be presented,line55Because to follow our Fatherhe was determined —He who saw eternal blisspaid the more bitterly.
Saint Thomas was a bishop,and barons killed him.They violently cut him to pieces,the men who were brazen,Because he wished to maintainthe law justly,line60As God by his worksestablished in this world;For love of our Fatherhe didn’t fight back.There he suffered pain,as people have told me,In awe of Doomsday,he delivered up his life.We each should,though our hearts resist.
line65We all must to deathmiserably proceed,And abandon our dear friends,every one;They bury this good manin earth and in stone,fol. 187rWhere our beauty wastes awayin a wormy home.Of no use to us are gowns of greenor scarlet,line70Or robes of gray woolor mottled brown,Or strong houndsthat startle in the thicket —Both of them shall rot,the body and the bone!Though you call out for friends,you won’t find any;Instead, the sorrowful soulwill utter her lament.line75He who baptized himselfin the River Jordan,By the kinshipof Saint John,By the rich bloodthat broke rock asunder,Lord, have mercy on us,every one. Amen.