IncipitVerba translatoris. All speaker markers in S are written in red. In RV this heading appears at line 17.back to note source
2the. RV: this.back to note source
have. RV: yeue.back to note source
5se. Cov: seene.back to note source
aforn. RV: afore; Warren: aforne.back to note source
6Of. Cov: O.back to note source
ben. So Warren. Cov: art; S, RV: be.back to note source
8yong and olde. RV: olde and younge.back to note source
lowe and hy. RV: high nor low.back to note source
9not. Cov: nothir.back to note source
lowe ne hy. RV: hie and low.back to note source
10Popes. N: Pepes.back to note source
emperours. N: emprours.back to note source
11thei. RV: thay.back to note source
in felicité. RV: in thaire felicite.back to note source
12fresshnes of her flours. Cov: fressheness of her flouris.back to note source
13The. Warren: ther.back to note source
clipsen with his shours. Cov: clipsinge with her shoures.back to note source
14Make. Cov: Maken.back to note source
her. Warren: theire.back to note source
17Considerith this. Cov: Considereith; RV: Consideryng this.back to note source
ben. So Warren. Cov, N, S: be.back to note source
18enprentith. RV: emprenteth.back to note source
19the exawmple. So Warren. Cov: to þe ensaumple; S, N: thensaumple.back to note source
20in. RV: vpon; Warren: on.back to note source
21notably. Cov: notable; Warren: notabely.back to note source
22takyng. Cov: taken.back to note source
23translatyn. Cov: translate.back to note source
24Machabres. Warren: Macabrees.back to note source
17–24Considerith this . . . Machabres Daunce. In RV and in Huntington Library MS EL26 A 13 (the base text for Warren), this stanza is marked verba translatoris.back to note source
25whos. N: what.back to note source
avys. Cov: avice; RV: advis.back to note source
atte the leste. Cov, W: atte leste; RV: at the leste.back to note source
26Thorugh. Cov: Through; N: Thurght; RV: Thurgh; N: Thurh.back to note source
steryng. Cov: strength.back to note source
her2. RV: thaire.back to note source
27her. RV: thaire.back to note source
28playn. W: pleyne.back to note source
30that ben. So Cov, Warren. N, S: þat be; RV: ben.back to note source
31toforn. So Cov, RV, Warren. N: to fer; S: tofor.back to note source
in. Cov: ne.back to note source
32Her. RV: Theire.back to note source
cleerly. Cov: clerkli; RV: clerely.back to note source
33By. Cov: Bi her; RV: By this.back to note source
exaumple. RV: ensample.back to note source
her. RV: thaire.back to note source
34her. RV: thaire.back to note source
36Portreied. N: portreyd.back to note source
surplusage. So Cov, RV, Warren. S, N: surpluage.back to note source
38Yeven. So Warren. Cov, RV: youen; N: yove; S: ȝove.back to note source
lyves. Cov: lifis.back to note source
39declare. RV: deliuer.back to note source
40wille. So RV, Warren. Cov, S: wole. N: woll.back to note source
41ben. N, S: be.back to note source
42desiring. Cov: deservinge.back to note source
wiche is. Cov: whiche; RV: whiche that is.back to note source
43se. Warren: sene.back to note source
46shul. Warren: schulle. Cov, RV: shal.back to note source
48ne2. RV: nor.back to note source
50goo. Cov: gone.back to note source
51toforn. Cov: to fore.back to note source
53eche. Cov: euery.back to note source
lowly. Cov: loweli; Warren: lowely.back to note source
54not. Cov: noþere.back to note source
royal. Cov: riall.back to note source
55Eche. Cov: euerie.back to note source
56o. N: a.back to note source
49–56This stanza is absent in RV.back to note source
Before 57Deeth to the Pope. Cov, Warren, RV, and S all include speaker markers. Cov, S, and W all follow the same format throughout, e.g. “Dethe to the Pope” and “The Pope” (although the word “pope” has been expunged from Cov by a later reader in both speaker markers, as well as at line 10); in RV the speaker markers give the identity of the speaker only in the response stanza, as in line 73: Dethe and line 81: The Emperour.back to note source
57O yee. Cov, N: Ye.back to note source
ben. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: be.back to note source
dignité. Cov: degree.back to note source
58alle estatis. N: astates.back to note source
59soverenité. Cov, RV: soverainte. Warren: soverente.back to note source
61ye firste. Cov: ye; RV: firste.back to note source
64of lordship. RV: lordship.back to note source
honour. Warren: honowre.back to note source
65First. Cov: Frist.back to note source
67perillous. RV: perlious.back to note source
ho. RV: who.back to note source
68dignité. Cov: dingnite.back to note source
69al for. Warren, RV: for all.back to note source
70other. N: oþer odyr.back to note source
71honour. Warren: honoure.back to note source
who. Cov: he.back to note source
prudently. Warren: prudentely.back to note source
72dothe. Warren: doth.back to note source
75must. RV, Warren: most.back to note source
your. Cov: the.back to note source
77Behinde. RV: behynde you.back to note source
ricchesse. Cov: your richesse.back to note source
79Agein. Warren: Aȝens; Cov: Ayenst. N: Aȝen.back to note source
is worth. RV: worth is.back to note source
80Adamis. RV, N: Adams; Cov, Warren: Adames.back to note source
mosten. So Cov, RV, Warren. N: must; S: moste.back to note source
81not. So Warren. Cov, S: note.back to note source
may. RV: may me.back to note source
83gein. Cov: gynne; RV: bote.back to note source
86visage. Cov: my vesage.back to note source
87Therupon sore I may compleine. RV: And thervpon I may me sore compleyn.back to note source
88have. Cov: han.back to note source
litel. RV: so litel.back to note source
89ben. So Cov, Warren. N, S: be; RV: been.back to note source
90shewith. Cov, RV: semeth.back to note source
by. W: be.back to note source
91shulle. Cov, RV: shal.back to note source
93bileven. RV: ye leue; Warren: beleue.back to note source
95rekenyd. Cov: I rekened.back to note source
yfere. N: I fere; RV: in fere.back to note source
96honour. Warren: honowre.back to note source
98ben. So Warren. Cov, S: bene; RV: be.back to note source
greetly. Cov: greteli; W: gretli.back to note source
99Sithen. So Warren. Cov: sethen; S: seth; N, RV: sith.back to note source
100That I shal nevere heraftir clothed be. This line omitted in RV.back to note source
101ne. W: ner.back to note source
RV inserts an additional line after line 101, replacing its missing line 100. This inserted line reads: alle myn aray to leue behynde me.back to note source
102My. RV: myn; Cov: myne.back to note source
103lerned. So Warren. Cov: levid; N, S: lyved; RV: conceyued.back to note source
104Howe that al. RV: That worldly.back to note source
107somtyme had. RV: had somtyme.back to note source
enviroun. Warren: envroun.back to note source
109al youre grete. RV: for all your.back to note source
hynes. Cov: hevinesse.back to note source
110shul. Cov, RV: shal.back to note source
113aforn. Cov, RV: afore.back to note source
114in sooth. Cov: of sothe.back to note source
footyng. Cov: fote; N: foot.back to note source
116or. Cov: ne.back to note source
118Greet. RV: Bothe grete.back to note source
119Who. So Cov, RV, Warren. S: ho; N: He.back to note source
he is. Cov: hym.back to note source
120we. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: he.back to note source
asshes. Cov: asshen.back to note source
121alle. RV: with al.back to note source
122quite. Cov: quiteth.back to note source
ne2. RV: for.back to note source
124al youre dignité. Cov: youre dingnite.back to note source
127shal. S: shulle; Warren: shul.back to note source
130Have. So RV, Warren. S: han; Cov: hath.back to note source
131ben. So RV, Warren. Cov, S: be.back to note source
to. Cov: into.back to note source
132vailith it. RV: availleth.back to note source
suche. N: shull.back to note source
134oute of. Cov: without.back to note source
136berthen. Cov: berden; RV: birthen; Warren: burdoun.back to note source
hym. Cov: hem.back to note source
ofte. Cov: offten.back to note source
Before 137Constable. RV: Knyght constable.back to note source
137my right. RV: right.back to note source
to. Cov: you to.back to note source
reste. Cov: areste.back to note source
yow constreine. Cov: constrene.back to note source
138Sir. W: sire.back to note source
Constable. Warren: Conestable.back to note source
139strong. RV: strenger.back to note source
Charlemayne. Cov: Chalemain.back to note source
140aforced. Cov, RV: enforced.back to note source
141ne. Cov: and; RV: nor.back to note source
this is. RV: is.back to note source
142armure. N: arm[ou]re.back to note source
plates. Cov: plate.back to note source
143folkes. Cov: folke.back to note source
144luste. So Cov, RV, Warren. S, N: lest.back to note source
Before 145The Constable answerith. RV: knyght constable.back to note source
146To assaille. RV: to haue assailed.back to note source
mighty forteresses. RV: forteresses. Cov: myghtilie to recesse; N: myghty to recesse.back to note source
147unto. Cov: to.back to note source
148seke. Cov: seche.back to note source
fame. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: and fame.back to note source
149worldly. Warren, N: wordli.back to note source
prowesses. Cov, N, RV: prowesse.back to note source
151him. N: hym hym.back to note source
sorwe. Cov, N, Warren: sorowe; RV: sorow.back to note source
swetnesses. Cov, RV: swetnesse; Warren: swetenesses.back to note source
152agein. Cov: ayen; RV: ayenst; Warren: aȝeyne.back to note source
founded. Cov, N, S, Warren: founden; RV: founde.back to note source
153yow. RV: so.back to note source
155muste. RV, Warren: most.back to note source
to. RV: vnto.back to note source
156contrarie. Cov: constreine.back to note source
were. So RV, Warren. Cov: neve; S: nere; N: ware.back to note source
not but. RV: but.back to note source
157for day by day. Cov: ffro daie to daie.back to note source
is noon othir geyn. Cov: is nis noo noþer.back to note source
158at. So RV, Warren. Cov: atte; S, N: at the.back to note source
159mote. RV: moste.back to note source
agein. RV: ayene; Warren: aȝeyne.back to note source
160counten. RV: compten.back to note source
her. RV: thaire.back to note source
161woote. N: wate.back to note source
partie. N: p[ar]tis.back to note source
162For drede of Dethe I have so grete distresse. Cov: Dethe hath in erþe noo ladie me maistresse.back to note source
163ascape. Cov: escape.back to note source
167chaumbres. Cov: chambir.back to note source
168must. Warren: mote.back to note source
169lordis. RV: ladyes.back to note source
barouns. Cov: barones.back to note source
170Hav. Cov, S: han. RV: haue.back to note source
171trumpetis. RV: trompette.back to note source
youre clariouns. Cov: clariones; N: youre clairons; RV: youre clarion.back to note source
174daunce. Cov: dauncen.back to note source
176o. N: a.back to note source
177sithe. RV: tymes.back to note source
auctorised. N: aucorised.back to note source
179thanke. N: thonke.back to note source
181Ne. Cov: no.back to note source
182court. Cov: courtes.back to note source
Before 185Lady of Grete Astate. RV: Princesse.back to note source
186muste. RV, Warren: most.back to note source
goo. Cov: gone.back to note source
187Nowt. So Warren. Cov, S: not. RV: noght.back to note source
188beauté. Cov: grete beaute.back to note source
greet plesaunce. Cov: plesaunce.back to note source
190so many holde. RV: holde so many.back to note source
on. So Cov, RV, Warren. S: an.back to note source
192Ye. So Cov, RV, Warren. S: þe.back to note source
mote. RV: most.back to note source
Before 193The Lady answerith. RV identifies this speaker as princesse.back to note source
194lady ne. N: lady no.back to note source
Deeth hath in erthe no lady ne maistresse. Cov: ffor drede of dethe I haue so grete distresse.back to note source
195his. Cov: this.back to note source
muste. Cov: mot; RV, Warren: moste.back to note source
I. So RV, Warren. Cov, S: ye.back to note source
196nys. RV: is.back to note source
contesse ne duchesse. Cov: duchesse ne Countesse.back to note source
197beauté. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: bounte.back to note source
198Deeth. RV: right.back to note source
mote. RV: moste.back to note source
199youre. RV: our.back to note source
countirfeet. Cov, Warren: counterfete. RV: contrefete.back to note source
fresshnesse. Cov: fairnesse.back to note source
200Owre. So Warren. Cov, S: youre.back to note source
rympled. RV: riveled.back to note source
age. Cov: face.back to note source
202I ensure. Cov: I you ensure.back to note source
203For al. RV: Alle.back to note source
205the. N: ȝe.back to note source
gostli dredeful. So RV, Warren. Cov, S, N: dredly goostly.back to note source
207acounte. RV: accompte.back to note source
shulle. Cov, RV: shal.back to note source
209My. Cov: Myne.back to note source
is. Cov: nys.back to note source
nouther. RV: nothing; N: nowether.back to note source
210tidinges. N: tithings.back to note source
ye bring. RV: ye me bringe.back to note source
211festis. Cov, RV: feste is.back to note source
into. So Cov, Warren. RV, S: into a.back to note source
ferye. N: fayres.back to note source
212list nothing syng. Cov: lust noo lenger sing.back to note source
syng. RV: to syng.back to note source
213contrarie nowe. Cov: is contrarie.back to note source
to. So RV, Warren. Cov, S, N: unto.back to note source
me in. RV: my.back to note source
215parting. Cov: departing.back to note source
216And al. RV: Alle.back to note source
217right fresshe of. Cov: fresshe in. RV: right fressh in.back to note source
222wil. Cov: wol.back to note source
224fro. Cov: from.back to note source
225Sithen. RV: Sith.back to note source
that Dethe. RV: dethe.back to note source
his. N: þis.back to note source
226pace. RV: passe.back to note source
227adieu nowe. RV: adieu.back to note source
228Adieu. Cov: Adewe nowe.back to note source
229beuté. Cov: now.back to note source
solace. Cov: all solace.back to note source
231Thinketh. Cov, RV: Thenke.back to note source
232wote. N: wate.back to note source
234abaisshed. N: abasshed is.back to note source
though. N: is þogh.back to note source
235hede. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: hood.back to note source
236mote. RV: moste.back to note source
237Leveth. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: leve vp.back to note source
239Who. Cov: he.back to note source
that is fattest. RV: is moste fatte.back to note source
have hym. Cov: have hit hym.back to note source
240In his grave shal. RV: Shal in his graue.back to note source
putrefie. Cov: purify.back to note source
241thretis. Cov: tretis.back to note source
have I. RV: I have.back to note source
242nowe leve. N: leve now.back to note source
al. Cov: all þe.back to note source
245nor. Cov: ne.back to note source
247axe I. RV: I ask; N: aske I.back to note source
248Though. Cov: For.back to note source
too late men. Cov: men to late.back to note source
hem avise. N: avyse.back to note source
249lady gentil. Cov: gentil ladie.back to note source
250mantels. Cov: mantelle.back to note source
251passinge of. Cov: of.back to note source
Youre veile, youre wymple passinge of greet richesse. This line is inserted in the margin in N.back to note source
252mote. RV: most.back to note source
leie. Warren: leyne.back to note source
aside. N: on syde.back to note source
253shal. RV: moste.back to note source
255provide. Cov: purveie.back to note source
256man. RV: wight.back to note source
258it not. Cov: nat.back to note source
262to. Cov, N: for to.back to note source
to walke atte large. In Selden, this line breaks off after ful ofte and space is left for the remainder, along with absent lines 263 and 264, which are supplied here from Warren’s edition.back to note source
263Thus cruel Dethe dothe al estates fyne. This line is omitted in N. Cov: To make þe worlde to me encline.back to note source
264mote. RV: moste.back to note source
265knowen. Cov: knowest; RV: know; Warren: knewe.back to note source
266rightwisnes. Cov: of right wisnesse; RV: rightwisnesse.back to note source
267must. RV, Warren: moste.back to note source
269ben. So RV, Warren. Cov, S: be.back to note source
somonyd. Cov: somned; N: somenyd; RV: somond; Warren: sommened.back to note source
bit. Cov: bytte; RV: biddeth.back to note source
270yelde. RV: yeue; Warren: ȝefe.back to note source
acountes. RV, Warren: accomptes.back to note source
wole. RV, W: wil.back to note source
272owne. RV: oune.back to note source
273this. RV: that.back to note source
274whiche. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: suche.back to note source
aforne. So RV, Warren. Cov: a forme; N, S: a fourme.back to note source
tooke. Cov: take; Warren, RV, N: toke.back to note source
275chaunge. Warren: chaunce.back to note source
276list. Cov, RV: lust.back to note source
277by. Cov, RV: for.back to note source
for. N: be.back to note source
278rescuse. So Cov, RV, Warren. N, S: rescws.back to note source
by. RV: ne.back to note source
280Agein. Cov: Ayenne; RV: Ayenst; Warren: Aȝen.back to note source
vaille. Cov, RV: availle.back to note source
281loken. Cov: lokest.back to note source
282instrumentis. RV, N: Instruments.back to note source
285Sethen of. Cov, N, S: Sethen. RV: Sith that of; Warren: Sith of.back to note source
alle. So RV, Warren. Cov, S: and alle.back to note source
286ferst. Cov: frist.back to note source
walke. Cov: walken.back to note source
287dooth areste. RV: aresteth.back to note source
seith. Warren: seieth.back to note source
theologie. S: Thelogie.back to note source
289or. RV: and.back to note source
291serche oute no. Cov: serche oute ne; RV: seche no.back to note source
292domefiynge. Cov: doome feynynge; RV: demonstring.back to note source
ne. Warren: nor.back to note source
293Safe. Cov, RV: saue.back to note source
296Who. Cov: He þat; RV: But who.back to note source
mote. RV: most.back to note source
298aver. Cov: honour; N: haver; RV: haueur.back to note source
youre greet. Cov: greet.back to note source
299straunge. N: stronge.back to note source
300mote yow. Cov: mote; RV: moste you.back to note source
302cam. N: com; RV: come.back to note source
303bysynes. Cov: a besynes.back to note source
305Certis. Cov: Sertes.back to note source
306not. Cov: nat.back to note source
308fordothe. RV: destroieth.back to note source
309wys is. Cov: right wise is; N: is wise.back to note source
310moot. RV: moste.back to note source
311The worlde it lente. Cov: To the worlde is lent; N: þe worldus lente.back to note source
wille. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: mot.back to note source
recovere. Warren, RV: recure. Cov: rekeuere.back to note source
Before 313Chanoun. RV: The Canon prebended.back to note source
313many. RV: many a.back to note source
grete prebende. Cov: prebende.back to note source
316For there. RV: There.back to note source
319dilacioun. Cov: delacioun.back to note source
320ay. RV: euer.back to note source
321benefices. Cov: benefice.back to note source
a personage. So Cov, RV, Warren. N: personages; S: personage.back to note source
322lite. RV: litel.back to note source
comforte. N: conforth.back to note source
323of. N: on.back to note source
324not. Cov: nat nowe.back to note source
325Amys of grys. Cov: amyses of greie.back to note source
wille. So RV, Warren. Cov, S: wole.back to note source
agein. Cov, RV: ayen; Warren: aȝen.back to note source
328shulde. Cov: sholde.back to note source
329marchaunt. N: marchand.back to note source
mote. RV: moste.back to note source
330ful many. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: many.back to note source
divers. RV: a divers.back to note source
333mote. RV: moste.back to note source
yeve. RV: ye; N: ȝefe.back to note source
334now. So RV, Warren. Cov, S: yow.back to note source
336No more coveite. So Cov. In S, a superscript y is inserted between more and coveite. RV: Nomore covet; Warren: None more coueite; N: No more covytt.back to note source
than. Cov: I þan.back to note source
have. Cov: han.back to note source
338my marchandise. In S, my is inserted in superscript. Cov, N: marchandise.back to note source
340iles. Cov: londis.back to note source
341My. Cov: mennes; RV, Warren: myn.back to note source
herte. Cov: hertis.back to note source
fret. Cov: freteth.back to note source
342doth me. So W. Cov, N: me; RV: me dothe; S: doith me.back to note source
constreine. Cov: constreineth.back to note source
343seie. RV: see.back to note source
344enbraceth. RV: embraceth.back to note source
shal restreine. Cov: he restreineth.back to note source
345Yeve. W: Gefe.back to note source
346longe. Cov: of longe.back to note source
347Chartereux. Cov: Chartereus.back to note source
and youresilfe. Cov: and your selue; N: ȝoursilf.back to note source
349agein. RV: ayen; N, Warren: aȝen.back to note source
350not. Cov: nat.back to note source
351as in. Cov, RV: in.back to note source
353the. RV: this.back to note source
354my1. RV: myn.back to note source
357flesshly. Cov: flossheli.back to note source
359from dampnacioun. RV: dampnacion.back to note source
360bene. RV: men ben.back to note source
today. RV: this day.back to note source
shulle. RV, Cov: shal.back to note source
be. N: ben.back to note source
363Not. Cov: nat; RV: Noght.back to note source
365pele. Cov, RV: appele.back to note source
367champioun. Cov: a champioun.back to note source
368another. RV: dethe.back to note source
369dare this Dethe. Cov: dare thus dethe; RV: durst thou sette.back to note source
370That am. Cov: That.back to note source
371west and este. RV, Warren: este and weste.back to note source
372ful surquidous of. RV: with surquidous.back to note source
374though I. N: y.back to note source
375and. RV: or.back to note source
377Sir Monke. Catchword ir monke appears in bottom right-hand corner of fol. 153v.back to note source
378no. RV: not.back to note source
sojour. N: ȝour soiour.back to note source
379is. RV: may.back to note source
that may yow here. RV: here you.back to note source
380Agein. Cov: Ayen; N: Aȝen; RV: Ayenst; Warren: Aȝein.back to note source
for to do. So Warren. S: for to. Cov: to. RV: to doo.back to note source
381mote acounte. RV: moste accompte.back to note source
382have spent it. Cov: han spent it; RV: haue spendid.back to note source
in dede worde. RV: worde dede.back to note source
384of nought. N: noȝt.back to note source
385the. RV: my.back to note source
be. RV: to be.back to note source
388vice. Cov: wise; Warren: vise.back to note source
389dissolut. Cov, RV: desolate.back to note source
391to. Cov: is to.back to note source
392be. Warren: ben.back to note source
se. Warren: seen.back to note source
393Thou. RV: O thou.back to note source
394you. Cov, N: þu; RV: that.back to note source
thi. Cov, RV: thy.back to note source
396thrust. Cov: therst; RV: thurst; N: thursse.back to note source
397you. RV, Warren: thou; Cov, N: þu.back to note source
402greet grevaunce. Cov, RV: greuance.back to note source
404ne. Cov: and.back to note source
chevesaunce. Cov: cheveshance; RV: chevissance; Warren: cheuisshaunce.back to note source
405thorugh. Cov: through; N: thrught; RV: thurgh; Warren: thrugh.back to note source
abit. RV: abideth; N: habit; Warren: abitte.back to note source
parveaunce. Cov: paruiance; RV, Warren: purviance.back to note source
406look. RV: see.back to note source
407happith. RV: it happeth.back to note source
408have. Cov: han.back to note source
see. Warren: seen.back to note source
411borwith. Cov: boroweth; N: borowith.back to note source
412lent. Cov: leueth.back to note source
414acountes. Warren: accomptes.back to note source
sette. Cov, Warren: fette.back to note source
416man. N: man man.back to note source
N has rubric in margin apparently anticipating an additional stanza following poem’s usual dialogue format: The poor man aswerith.back to note source
409–16Usuré to God . . . bihinde of dette. This stanza is omitted in RV. N misidentifies this stanza as Deth to þe poor man.back to note source
417on. RV: in.back to note source
418agein. Cov, N: aȝen; RV: ayenst; Warren: aȝenne.back to note source
419medicine. N: medcyne.back to note source
420Al. RV: And alle.back to note source
422Agein. Cov: Ayen; N: Aȝene; RV: ayenst; Warren: Aȝeyne.back to note source
423have. Cov: han.back to note source
424Good. Cov: A goode.back to note source
recure. Cov: cure.back to note source
425agon. So RV, Warren. Cov, N, S: agoo.back to note source
427also in. RV: in.back to note source
428gete. Cov: geten.back to note source
thorugh. Cov: through; RV, Warren, N: thurgh.back to note source
429agens. Cov: ayenst; RV: aenst; N, Warren: aȝens.back to note source
430Preservatives. N: Preseruatykes.back to note source
432Agens. Cov, RV: Ayenst; N: Aȝens.back to note source
Before 433Amerous Squire. Cov: Þe Squier; RV: the Galant Squyer.back to note source
433be. RV: ben.back to note source
gentil. Cov: so gentil.back to note source
amerous. Cov: so amerous.back to note source
434grene. Cov: yonge.back to note source
435free of herte. RV: free and of hert.back to note source
and eke desirous. So Cov, W. RV: desirous; N, S: eke desirous.back to note source
437of visage. RV: visage.back to note source
438asshes. Cov: asshen.back to note source
439bewté. RV: youre beaute.back to note source
442Agens. Cov, RV: Ayenst; N: Aȝens.back to note source
provide. Cov: purveie.back to note source
445service. Cov: the service.back to note source
446so fressh so wel besein. N: so flessh so well beseyn; RV: so wele and fressh beseyn.back to note source
447agein. Cov, RV: ayen.back to note source
448gon. So Cov, RV, Warren. S: goo; N: go.back to note source
Before 449The Gentilwomman Amerous. Cov: þe Gentilwoman.back to note source
450holde. Cov: ye holde.back to note source
451Polycene. Cov: Pollicene; RV: Pollixene.back to note source
452Penolope. N, RV, Warren: Penelope.back to note source
453wente. Warren: wenten.back to note source
454shulle. Cov, RV: shall.back to note source
youre. Warren: ȝow.back to note source
455hath. RV: haue.back to note source
456Arestid. RV: Arest.back to note source
455–56Though daunger longe . . . chaunge of doubilnesse. Lines 455 and 456 are transposed in N. This error is corrected in the margin.back to note source
459hast. Cov: has.back to note source
yseide. Cov, N, RV: seid.back to note source
462a man. RV: man.back to note source
to have. RV: have; W: to a.back to note source
463fool. RV: fole.back to note source
sentement. RV: sentence.back to note source
464assurid. Cov: ensured.back to note source
Before 465the Man of Lawe. RV: the Advocate.back to note source
466Ye. N: I ȝe.back to note source
highe Juge. RV: Iuge.back to note source
470availe may. RV: may availle.back to note source
472Tofore. RV: Before.back to note source
474cannot. RV: can.back to note source
agein. Cov, RV: ayen; N: aȝen.back to note source
475me kepe. Cov: kepe me.back to note source
ne. N: and; RV: nor.back to note source
478Nothing. RV: man.back to note source
479Ageins. Cov: Ayenst; N: Aȝens; RV: Ayen; Warren: Aȝeyne.back to note source
resistence. RV: no resistence.back to note source
480quite. Cov: quiteth; RV: quyteth.back to note source
481that at. Cov: that atte. N: þat.back to note source
assise. RV: assises.back to note source
482atte. N: had.back to note source
doste. RV: diddest.back to note source
483londe. Cov: londis; RV: land.back to note source
devise. RV: devises.back to note source
486cowdest. RV: kewde.back to note source
folkes. Cov, Warren: folke.back to note source
487lete. RV: lat.back to note source
488thou canst. Cov: canst thou; Warren: thou cannest.back to note source
490bellewedir. Cov: bellwethir; N: belwedur; RV: belwether.back to note source
was. Cov, RV: is.back to note source
491Nought. Cov, N, RV, Warren: Not.back to note source
lowe and hie. Cov, RV: hie and low.back to note source
492list. Cov, RV: lust.back to note source
493And hange. Cov: And honge; RV: Hange.back to note source
respite. Cov: acquite.back to note source
494lad. Cov, RV: ledde.back to note source
497mynstral. RV: ministral.back to note source
canst. Warren: cannest.back to note source
498do. Cov: done.back to note source
499I shal anoone. RV: soone I shal. Warren: anoone I shal.back to note source
thee. N: þi.back to note source
500other. N: oder.back to note source
goo. Cov: gone.back to note source
501neither avoidaunce. Cov: noo voidaunce; Warren: nowther avoydaunce.back to note source
504maister. Cov: þat maister.back to note source
shewe. RV: shal shew.back to note source
science. So Cov, RV, Warren. S: sentence.back to note source
505newe. RV: new.back to note source
506passingly. Cov: passinge.back to note source
508sithes. RV: tymes.back to note source
509to me is. Cov: is to me.back to note source
511tarie. Cov: vary.back to note source
512Ofte. RV: Ofte tyme.back to note source
of. RV: at.back to note source
513Rikele. Cov: van rikell; RV: Rykel.back to note source
514Harry. Cov, N: herry; RV: Henry.back to note source
Engelond. N: ynglong.back to note source
516sleightes. N: slightnes.back to note source
517must. RV, W: moste.back to note source
this. Cov: and this.back to note source
to undirstond. Cov: undirstond.back to note source
518Nought. Cov: Nat.back to note source
519nouther. RV: neith.back to note source
on. Cov: in.back to note source
ne. RV: and.back to note source
520nought. Cov: nat; RV, Warren, N: not.back to note source
none. N: noo.back to note source
522Or any. N: Of my.back to note source
524of the hevene. RV: of heven.back to note source
al the influence. Cov: the influence.back to note source
525Ageins. Cov, RV: Ayenst; N: Aȝens.back to note source
stonde at defence. Cov: stonden atte defence.back to note source
526Legerdemeyn. N: Largerdemeyn.back to note source
528Deth moo. Cov: dethe yitte moo; RV: dethe hath moo.back to note source
yit than. Cov, RV: than.back to note source
hath. Cov, RV: haue.back to note source
529bene. Cov: art.back to note source
nowe here. RV: here; Warren: here now.back to note source
535Like. Cov: Like to.back to note source
536And. RV: As.back to note source
537must. Cov: mot; RV: most; Warren: moste.back to note source
538lifly. N: lufly; Cov: liffeli; RV: lyvely.back to note source
541tithis and. RV: my tithe.back to note source
542mote. RV: moste.back to note source
counte. Cov: account; RV: compte.back to note source
543make. Cov: to make.back to note source
544he is. Cov: hym.back to note source
545Thou. RV: O thou.back to note source
546lad. RV: ladde.back to note source
547Thou. N: ȝow.back to note source
moste. Cov, N: must.back to note source
eke. RV: now.back to note source
548if. Cov, RV: thogh.back to note source
550oonly. Warren: wonli.back to note source
this from thee. Cov: for me the; RV: this the.back to note source
551The. RV: ffro the.back to note source
that can so folke. Cov: that so folke; RV: that can folkes.back to note source
faile. N: failly.back to note source
552fool. RV: foole.back to note source
553wisshed. Cov: wesshid.back to note source
554be that. Cov: be it.back to note source
have. Cov: han.back to note source
555have. Cov: han.back to note source
leyn. Cov: leien.back to note source
556reyn. Cov: in reine.back to note source
and2. RV: to; Cov: I.back to note source
at. RV: at the; Cov, Warren: atte.back to note source
557and2. RV: have.back to note source
558Dolve. Cov: Delfe.back to note source
diched. Cov: dike; RV: dyked.back to note source
the carte. Cov, W: atte carte.back to note source
561myn. RV, Warren: my.back to note source
563 have. Cov: han.back to note source
itaught. RV: taught.back to note source
564Howe that. RV: how.back to note source
am. N: may.back to note source
gastful. RV. gastly.back to note source
forto drede. Cov: in dede.back to note source
566is ther. Cov: þer is.back to note source
ne. N: nor.back to note source
567dare reste. Cov, RV: areste.back to note source
561–68Sir Cordeler . . . present and redy. Ink fading at bottom of fol. 156v.back to note source
570sureté. RV: seurte; Warren: seuerte.back to note source
571Strengthe. Warren: strengh.back to note source
what so. RV: what.back to note source
572Worldly. Warren: wordly.back to note source
574fro. Cov, RV: from.back to note source
Before 577the Childe. RV: the younge Childe.back to note source
577borne. So RV, Warren. Cov: ibore; S: yborn.back to note source
579must. RV, Warren: most.back to note source
here toforn. Cov: heretofore.back to note source
580Be lad. Cov, RV: Be ledde.back to note source
fatal. Cov: sharper.back to note source
581goo. Cov: gone.back to note source
on. Cov, RV: vpon; N: to.back to note source
582in soth. Cov: for soth.back to note source
583every. Cov: oueri.back to note source
584moost. RV: moste.back to note source
585o. RV: omitted; Warren: a.back to note source
I cannot. Cov: can I nat.back to note source
586bore. Cov, RV: born.back to note source
587be. Cov: ben.back to note source
wreke. RV: awreke.back to note source
588list. Cov, RV: lust.back to note source
lenger. Cov: longer.back to note source
589cam. RV: come.back to note source
590no tale. Cov: tales.back to note source
591wil. RV: wille.back to note source
Before 593the Clerke. RV: The younge beneficed Clerk.back to note source
593O ye Sir. Cov: O sir; RV: O ye.back to note source
594or. Cov: on.back to note source
defende. Cov: to defende.back to note source
595wende have. Cov: wend han; RV: haue.back to note source
unto. Cov: up onto.back to note source
596benefices. RV: benefice.back to note source
or. Cov: of.back to note source
greet prebende. Cov: prebende.back to note source
597hiest. RV: hie.back to note source
598agens. Cov: ayens; N: aȝens; RV: ayenst.back to note source
600ponissheth. RV: punysshet.back to note source
602bettir. N: bett; Warren: bette.back to note source
603no1. Warren: noon.back to note source
geyn. Cov: gynne.back to note source
ne. Cov: no.back to note source
bettir. Cov: lenger.back to note source
604sure. RV: seure.back to note source
606bene. RV: be.back to note source
611Atte. So Cov, Warren. N, RV; S: At the.back to note source
mote. RV: most.back to note source
Signature in left margin: Thomas Holt.back to note source
613agein. Cov: aȝenne; N: aȝen; Warren: aȝeyne.back to note source
is. RV: may be.back to note source
615this. Cov: his.back to note source
616this. RV: in this.back to note source
here is. RV: is.back to note source
618agein. Cov: ayenne; N: aȝen; RV: ayenst; Warren: aȝeyne.back to note source
no respite. RV, Warren: respite noon.back to note source
619our. RV: steven.back to note source
doth. RV: deth.back to note source
not. Cov: nat.back to note source
620welcome be. Cov: welcome.back to note source
627al his herte. RV: hert.back to note source
628Seth. Cov: Sethen.back to note source
629deserve. Cov: disserueth; RV: serue.back to note source
quit. Cov: quiteth.back to note source
630To. RV: The.back to note source
632sure to. RV: seure.back to note source
N has rubric: þ(e) armytt answerith.back to note source
Before 633The Kyng ligging dead and eten of wormes. Cov: A kynge lienge deede and eten with wormes; RV: A kyng liggyn in his grave; N: þe kyng liggyng ded & eten with wormes.back to note source
633folke. Cov: folkis.back to note source
portrature. Cov: portatrure.back to note source
634the estates. So Cov, Warren. RV: estates; S: the states.back to note source
635Seeth. Cov, RV: Sethe.back to note source
636not. Cov: & nat.back to note source
638I. So Cov, RV, Warren, N. S: ȝe.back to note source
kyng. RV: a king.back to note source
640fyne. Cov: ende.back to note source
Before 641Machabre the Doctour. RV: The wordes of the Doctour Machabre.back to note source
641not. Cov: nat; Warren: nowght.back to note source
642wiche. Cov: that.back to note source
643whether. N: wedur.back to note source
he. Cov: ye.back to note source
645Remembringe ay. Cov: remembreth.back to note source
bet. Cov, RV: better.back to note source
646at the. Cov, Warren: atte.back to note source
647shul. RV: shal.back to note source
648that maketh in hevene. RV: in heuen that maketh.back to note source
651helle none ne. So Cov, RV, Warren. S, N: hell none nor.back to note source
655lyve wel. N: lyve.back to note source
take this. RV: take.back to note source
best. So Warren. Cov, RV, N: the best.back to note source
656Is. Cov: It is.back to note source
shul. Cov: shullen.back to note source
pace. RV: passe.back to note source
Before 657Lenvoye de Translator. RV: Verba Translatoris.back to note source
657my lordis. RV: maisters.back to note source
maistres. RV: folkes.back to note source
659myn. RV, N: my.back to note source
661aske. So RV, Warren. N, Cov, S: axe.back to note source
662goodly. RV: godely.back to note source
this. N: his.back to note source
663to sowpouaile drede. Cov: subhope away drede; N: sowpowayle; RV: suppowel drede; Warren: soupewaile.back to note source
664Benignely. So RV; Cov: Benyngli; Warren: Benyngneli.back to note source
665drewe. Cov: drowe; RV: drow; Warren: drowe.back to note source
666by. RV: for.back to note source
667Engelonde. RV: England.back to note source
670Have. RV: Holde.back to note source
my name is John Lidgate. In Cov, the name of the author is omitted and a blank space is left.back to note source
671her. RV: thare.back to note source
672Her. RV: thaire.back to note source
ExplicitHere endith the Daunce of Deeth. N: Laus tibi sit christe etc Finis; RV: Explicit.back to note source