fol. 41vO creatures ye that been resonable,have reason The liff desiryng which is eternall, Ye may seen heer doctrine ful notable,see Your liff to leede which that is mortall,life line5Therby to lerne in especiallin particular How ye shal trace the daunce which that ye seefollow To man and wooman yliche naturall, alike For Deth ne sparith hih nor lowe degre.does not spare
In this myrrour every man may fynde line10That hym behovyth to goon upon this daunce.That he must go Whoo goth before or who goth behynde,goes All dependith in Goddis ordynaunce.God’s plan Wherfore eche mann lowly take his chaunce;humbly Deth spareth nothir poore nor blood roiall.royal line15Eche man therfore have this in remembraunce: Of oon mateer God hath forgid all.
¶ PapaPope
Ye that be sett hih in dignyté Of all estatis in erthe spirituall,Out of all religious positions on earth And lik to Petir have the sovereynté line20Ovir the chirche most in especiall:in particular Upon this daunce ye first begynne shall, As most worthi lord and governour, For al the worshippe of your estat papallhigh esteem papal estate And of all lordshippe to God is the honour.dominion
¶ ResponsumResponse
line25First me bihovyth this daunce with Deth to leede,It is proper for me Wich sat in erthe hihest in my see —Who seat of authority Thestat ful perilous whoso takith heede To occupie Seynt Petris dignyté — But for al that fro Deth I may nat flee,from line30Upon this daunce with othir for to trace,with others to follow For sich honour, who prudently can see,such Is litel worthe that doth so soone passe.pass [away]
fol. 42r¶ ImperatorEmperor
Sir Emperour, lord of all the ground,earth Most sovereyn prynce surmountyng of noblesse:preeminent nobility line35Ye must forsake of gold your appill round, Septre and swerd and all your hih prowesse.Scepter sword martial deeds Behynde yow lat tresour and richesse,leave And with othir to my daunce obeye. Ageyn my myth vaileth non hardynesse;Against might prevails valor line40Adamis children all thei must deye.Adam’s children (i.e., humanity)
¶ Responsum
I not to whom I may appele,know not appeal Whan Deth me sailith that doth me constreyn.assails compel Ther is no gynne to socour my quarele,aid assist complaint But spade and picois my grave to atteyne,pickaxe reach line45A symple shete — ther is no more to seyn — to say To wrappen in my body and visage, face Wherupon sore I me compleynfervently That lordis grete have litel avauntage.advantage
¶ CardinalisCardinal
Ye be abaissht, it seemeth, and in drede,upset full of dread line50Sir Cardynall — it seemeth bi your cheer —expression But for al that ye folwe shal in deedeyou shall follow indeed With othir estates this daunce for to leer. to learn Your gret array al shal levyn heer,fine clothing shall be left Your hatt of red, your vesture of gret cost.garment line55Al these thynges rekenyd weel ifeere: In gret worship good avys is lost.judgment
¶ Responsum
I have gret cause — trewly it is no faile —certainly mistake To been abaissht and gretely to dreede me,upset to have great dread Sith Deth is come me sodeynly tassaile,Because to attack me suddenly line60That I shall nevir hereaftir clothid be In grise nor ermyn lik to my degré;gray fur (possibly squirrel) ermine Myn hat of red levyn heer in distresse,leave Bi which I have lernyd weel and see How that al joie eendith in hevynesse.sorrow
line65Lat se your hand, my lady dame Empresse,Let [me] see Have no disdeyn with me for to daunce.scorn Ye may aside leyn al your richesse,leave aside Your fresh attyres, devises of plesaunce,fancy clothes stratagems of flattery Your soleyn cheeris, your strange countenaunce,distant expression haughty attitude line70Your clothis of gold most uncouthly wrouht,outlandishly made Havyng of Deth ful litel remembrance. But now ye se weel al is come to nouht.nothing
¶ Responsum
What availeth gold, richesse, or perre,What use is wealth precious stones Or what availeth hih blood or jentylnesse,high birth or nobility line75Or what availeth freshnesse or beauté,radiance Or what is worth hih porte or straungenesse? haughty attitudealoofness Deth seith chekmat to al sich veyn noblesse.checkmate vain All worldly power now may me nat availe: Raunsoun, kynrede, frenshippe, nor worthynesse,Ransom kindred friendship line80Syn Deth is come myn hih estate tassaile.Because to attack
¶ PatriarchaPatriarch
Sir Patriarch, ful sad and humble of cheere, attitude Ye mote with othir gon on this daunce with me. must Your dowble cros of gold and stonys cleer,double cross Your power hool, and al your dygnytéwhole rank line85Som othir shal of trouth and equitétruth and fairness Be possessid in hast, as I rehers I can say Trust nevyr that ye shal pope be, For foly hope disseiveth many a man.foolish
¶ Responsum
Worldly honour, grete tresour, and richesse line90Have me disseyved sothfastly in deede.deceived truly indeed My joies old be turned to distresse. What availeth it sich honour to possede?What use is it suchpossess Hih clymbyng up a fal hath to his meede;for its reward Gret estat folk waste out of noumbre. line95Whoso mountith hihest stondith most in drede, Such hevy berden doth hem ofte encoumbre.
fol. 43r¶ RexKing
Right noble kyng, most worthi of renoun,renown Cum forth anon for al your worthynesse,Come at once nobility That somtyme had so gret possession,possession of lands line100Rewmys obeyng unto your hih noblesse.Realms high nobility Ye most of nature to this daunce yow dressemust naturally prepare yourself And fynally your crowne and sceptre leete.leave For whoso most haboundith in gret rychesseabounds Shal bere with hym but a sengle sheete.single [winding] sheet
¶ Responsum
line105I have nat lernyd heer afforn to daunceheretofore No daunce in soth of fotyng so savage,in truth frenzied Wherbi I see ful cleerly in substaunce:in essence What pride is worth force or hih parage? Deth all fordoth — this is his usage —destroys practice line110Gret and smal that in this world sojourne. Who that is most meek hath most avauntage, For we shul all to dede asshis torne.
¶ ArchiepiscoposArchbishop
Sir Archebisshop, whi do ye so withdraweretreat Your look, your face as it wer bi disdeyn?with contempt line115Yee must obey to my mortal lawe: It to constreyne it were but in control For day bi day, be right wele certeyn, Deth at hond pursewith every coste.course of action Preestes and Deth may nat be holden ageyn,Loans delayed line120For at oon our men contith wit ther oste.the [last] hour reckon host
¶ Responsum
Allas, I wot nat what partye for to flee,don’t know where to flee For dreede of Deth I stonde in sich distresse,such Tescape his power I can no refute see. But who that knewe his constreynt and duresse,oppression cruelty line125He wolde take reson to maistressemistress And seyn adieu pompe, and pride also,say goodbye My peynted paleys, my tresour, and richesse.painted palace Thyng that behovyth nedis must be do.
Riht myhty prynce, be rith weell certeynbe completely certain line130This daunce to yow is not eschewable. not avoidable For more myhty than ever was Carlemayn, Charlemagne Or worthy Arthour of prowes ful notablemilitary deeds With al his knyhtes of the Rounde Table — What did ther platis, ther armour, or ther maile,plate armor chainmail line135Ther strong corage, ther sheeldes defensable,spirit defensive shields Ageyns Deth availe whan he hem dide assaile?them
My purpos was and myn entencionintent To assege castellis and myhti forteresses, besiege castles mighty Rebellis to bryng unto subjeccion, line140To seeke worship, fame, and grete rychesses. But I se weel that al wordly prowesses earthly valor Deth can abate, wherof I have despite.demolish contempt To hym allon sorwe eke swetnesses, alone also For ageyns Deth is founde no respite.against reprieve
¶ EpiscoposBishop
line145Com ner, Sir Bisshoppe, with your myteer and croos,miter and cross For al your richesse, soth I yow ensure,truly I assure you For al your tresour so longe kepte in cloos,privately owned Your wordly goodis and goodis of nature,earthly goods natural goods (e.g., crops) And of your sheep the gostly dreedful cure,spiritual serious duty line150With charge commytted to your prelacie,prelacy (office of the bishop) For to acounte ye shal be brouht to lure. brought under control No wiht is sewr that clymbith on hih.person secure
¶ Responsum
Of these tidynges I am nothyng glaad,not at all Which Deth to me so sodeynly doth bryng.suddenly line155It makith my face and countenaunce ful saad That for discomfort me lyst nothyng to syng;desire The world contrary to me in werkyng Which al estatis can so disherite.disinherit And needis we must onto our departyng, line160And al shal passe save oonly our merite.
fol. 44r¶ Comes et Baro Earl and Baron
Erl or Baron, which that thourh regiounsthrough Have sore laboured for worship and renoun,earnestly Forget your trompetis and your clariouns. This is no dreem nor symulacioun.deception line165Somtyme your custom and your entencoundesire Was in estat and wordly wurshippe to glade,to take joy But often tyme it happith, in conclusion, Oo man brekyth that anothir made.One breaks
¶ Responsum
Ful often tyme I have ben auttorisedauthorized line170To hih empryse and thyng of gret fame.martial deeds Of gret estatis my thank also devised,gratitude contrived Cherishid with princes and lordis hih of name, Nor nevyr on me was put no diffame In roial courtes, which that weer notable. line175But Deth unwarly al power makith lame,unexpectedly helpless And undir hevene in erthe is nothyng stable.
¶ Abbas et prior Abbot and prior
Sir Abbot and Priour with your brood hatt,broad To been abassht ye have a maner riht.upset good reason Gret is your hed, your bely rounde and fatt;belly line180Ye must come daunce thouh ye be nat liht. Leven your lordshippe to som othir wiht,Leave person Your eyer is of age your state to ocupye.heir position Whoso is fattest to hym I have behiht,him I have designated In his grave sonnest shal putrefie.soonest decay
¶ Responsum
line185Of thy manace I have no gret envyethreat grudge That I shal leve al maner governaunce. But that I shal as a cloistrer die —cloistered monk This doth to me somwhat the lesse grevaunce. somewhat lesser offence My libertes nor my gret aboundaunce, line190What may thei availe in any maner wise?help any kind of way Yit aske I mercy with devoute repentaunce, Thouh toforn Deth too late men them avise.examine themselves
And ye, my lady gentyl dame Abbesse,of noble rank or birth With your mantyl furryd large and wide,sleeveless overgarment line195Your veile, your wympil, your ryng of gret richesse,headdress And beddis softe ye must now leyne aside,bedding discard For to this daunce I must be your gyde. Thouh ye be tendre, born of gentil blood,delicate noble Whil that ye live yoursilf provide,prepare yourself line200For aftir Deth no man hath no good. possessions
¶ Responsum
Allas, that Deth hath for me so ordeyned That in no wise I may nat hym eschewe;way escape Unto this daunce of riht I am constreynedrightly compelled That heer with othir I must his trace sewe.follow his steps line205This pilgrymage to every man is dewe,due An ernest mateer, a mateer of no jape.matter joke Who that is alwey redy shal nevir reweregret The hour abydyng that God hath for hym shape.awaiting created
That hand of youres, my Lord Justice, line210That have rewlid so long the lawe,ruled Weel may men holde yow war and wise,Well knowledgeable So that this drauht be weel drawe;drawn Escape shal ye nat, wold ye never so fawe,desirous Sich dome to have as ye have yoven in soth. line215Wherfore men seyn of an old sawe:adage Weel is hym that alwey weel doth. well
¶ Responsum
Allas, ne were that myn entent Was weele dressid, thouh I othirwhile erryd.intended well otherwise Now shuld I uttrely be shamyd and shentharmed line220For many causes that I have oftyn deferrid, referred to a higher court Sauff mercy oonly now were I marrid. Blissid therfore is every wiht,Blessed person As bi Holy Scriptur may ben averrid,demonstrated That in all tyme doth lawe and kepith riht.
fol. 45r¶ Doctor utrisque IurisDoctor of both laws
line225Com forth, Doctour of Canon and Cyvile. In bothe these lawis of long contynuaunce, Your tyme hath spent — bewar ye did no gile —deceit In your mateers for to han fortheraunce.matters personal benefit Now must ye lerne with me for to daunce; line230All your lawe may yow nat availe.assist Giff me your hand and make no perturbaunce: Your hour is come — this is withouten faile.
¶ Responsum
A mercy, Jhesu, whow mankynde is freelefrail And litel tyme in this worlde abydyng; line235No man of his liff hath charter nor seele. lifeseal Therfore it may be likned in all thyng Unto a flour so amorously floorsshyng,ardently flourishing Which with a froste bigynneth riht sone to fade.immediately Whan cruell Deth his massage list to bryng,message chooses line240Al liffly thyng he bryngeth in the shade. living
¶ Miles et armiger Knight or squire
Knyht or Scwyer, riht fressh of your arayattire That can of daunses al the newe gise: knows dances fashion Thouh ye bare armes wele-horsid yisterday, With speere and sheeld at your uncouth devise, of outlandish design line245And took upon yow many strange emprise, remarkable deeds Dansith with us, it wole no bettir be; Ther is no socour in no maner wise,assistance of any kind For no man may from Dethis power flee.
¶ Responsum
Sith that Deth me holdith in his lace,Because snare line250Yit shal I speke a woord or I pace:Yet before go Adieu, al myrthe, adieu now al solace; Adieu, my ladies somtyme so fressh of face;youthful Adieu, beauté that lastith but short space!time Of Dethis chaunge every day is pryme;a new beginning line255Thynk on your sowlis or that Deth manace,before Death threatens For al shal rote, and no mann wot what tyme.decay knows
Com forth, Sir Mayr, which had governaunce Bi pollicie to rewle this cité:policy rule Thouh your power were notable in substaunce,great line260To flee my daunce ye have no liberté.freedom Estate is noon nor wordly dygnyté That may escape on of my daungeris.any powers To fynde rescew exaumple ye may se Nouthir bi richesse nor force of officeres.
¶ Responsum
line265What helpith now thestat in which I stood,the estate To rewle cites or comouns to governe,rule populaces Plente of richesse, or increce of good,increase Or olde wynnyng that cometh to me so yerne?wealth quickly Deth al defaceth, whoso list to lerne;desires line270Me for tareste he comyth on so arrest Eche man therfore shold afore discernein advance Prudently to thynk upon his laste.
¶ Canonicus RegularisCanon Regular
Lat see your hand, Sir Chanon Reguler, Somtyme ysworn to religion,vowed line275As humble soget and obedienceer,subject subordinate Chastly to live lik your profession.according to But ther may be no consolacion Ageyn my sawes sodeyn and cruell,decrees Except oonly — for short conclusion — line280Who liveth in vertu mot nedis dey weel.virtuously must
¶ Responsum
Whi shulde I grutche or disobeyecomplain The thyng to which, of verrey kyndly riht,by truly natural right Was I ordeyned and born for to deye, As in this world is ordeyned every wiht?person line285Which to remembre is nothyng liht;no small thing Prayng the Lord that was sprad on the RoodePraying spreadCross To medle mercy with His eternal myhtmix power And save the sowles that he bouht with his blood.
fol. 46r¶ DecanusDean
Sir Dean or Chanon, with many gret prebend, line290Ye may no lenger ha distribuciounshave a share [of alms] In gret array your tresour to dispende,fine clothing to squander With all your richesse and your possessiouns, For Kynde hath sett hir revoluciouns,Nature Eche man som day to daunce on Dethis brynk. line295Therof ye may have no dilaciouns,delays For Deth cometh evir whan men lest on hym thynke.always least
¶ Responsum
My divers cures, my riche personages — Allas ful litel thei may me now comforte.very little Deth upon me hath geten his avantages;got the better of me line300All my richesse can make me now no consolation Amys of grey, thei must ageyn resorteFine garments of grey return Unto the world with many a gret prebende; For which trewly, as clerkis can reporte, To deye weel eche man sholde entende.
¶ MonialisMonk
line305Thouh ye be barbid and claad in clothis blaake, tonsured wearing Chastly receyved the mantil and the ryng, mantle ring Ye may nat the cours of nature forsake, To daunce with othir now at my comyng. In this world is non abidyng,no one living line310Nouthir of maide, widewe, nor wiff,Neither As ye may seen heer cleerly bi wrytyng, That ageyns Deth is founde no
¶ Responsum
It helpith nat to stryve ageyn Nature, Namely whan Deth bigynneth tassaile,begins to attack line315Wherfore I counseil every creature To been redy ageyn this fel batayle.fierce battle Vertu is sewrer than othir plate or maile,Virtue more secure either armor chainmail Also nothyng may helpe more at sich a nede Than to provide a sur acquytaile line320With the hand of almesse to love God and drede.alms
fol. 46v¶ ChartreuxCarthusian
Yeve me your hand with chekis ded and pale,Give Causid of watche and long abstynence,wakefulness (i.e., for a vigil) Sir Chartreux, and doth your chyne valelower your chin Unto this daunce with humble pacience. line325To stryve ageyn may be no resistence;against Lenger to live set nat your not your attention Thouh I be lothsom outward in apparence,loathsome Above all men Deth hath the victorie.
¶ Responsum
Unto this world I was ded ago ful longe line330Bi myn ordre and my profession.[Carthusian] order Thowgh every man, be he nevyr so strong, Dredith to deye bi naturall mocionnatural instinct Afftyr his flesshly inclynacion, Plese it the Lord my sowle for to borweborrow line335Fro feendis myht and fro dampnacion;the Devil’s might damnation Som arn today that shal nat be tomorwe.are
¶ Sergeant in lawe
Come neer, Sir Sergeant, short processe for to make,legal argument Ye must cum pleete afore the Juge on hihe,plead your case before Many a quarell thouh ye have undirtakecomplaint line340And for lucre doon folk gret remedie.profit legal redress Ther shal your sotil wittis be deemyd foly, crafty Yif sleathe and covetise be nat exiled.sloth covetousness Bewar bitymes and labour for mercy,promptly For thei that trust most themsilf ar sonnest bigiled.themselves deceived
¶ Responsum
line345Of riht and reson bi Natures lawe, I can alleggen nor make no diffence,make a formal legal claim defense Nor bi sleihte nor statute me withdrawecunning myself excuse Tescape awey from this dreedful sentence,To escape For al my witt nor gret prudence. line350No thyng in erthe may no man preserve Ageyns His myht to make resistence; God qwyteth al men lyke as they deserve. repays
fol. 47r¶ Generosa Rich Gentlewoman
Com forth maistresse, of yeeres yong and grenemistress fresh Which hold yoursilff of beauté sovereyn.preeminent line355As fair as ye was whilom Polliceene, once Polyxena Penolope and the queen Eleyn, Helen Yit on this daunce thei went bothe tweyn, Yet both of them And so shal ye for al your strangenesse.despite haughtiness Thouh deynous daungeer longe hath lad your reyn,scornful resistance reign line360Unto this daunce ye mote your fotyng dresse.must footing turn
¶ Responsum
O cruel Deth that sparist non estat, To old and yong thou art indifferent. To my beauté thou hast seyd chekmat,checkmate So hasty is thi mortall jugement.swift line365For in my youthe this was myn entent, To my servise many a man to have lurid.lured But she is a fool, shortly in sentement,concisely That in hir beauté is too myche assurid.
¶ Magister in AstronomiaMaster of astronomy
Com forth, mayster, that loken up so ferre line370With instrumentis of astronomye To take the grees and hithe of every sterre.degrees and height What may availe al your astrologye, help Sith of Adam al the genealogie,Since descendants Maade first of God to walke upon the gronde, line375Deth doth arrest? Thus seith theologie, And alle shul deie for an appyll rounde.
¶ Responsum
For al my craft, connyng, or scienceknowledge I can fynde no provision,provision (i.e., against death) Nor in the sterris serche out no difference, line380Bi domofyeng nor calculacion,By locating the position of the stars Sauff fynaly — in conclusion —Except For to descrive our connyng every deel,explain in every aspect Ther is no more bi sentence of reson,by doctrine Who livith aryght most nedis deye weel.must necessarily die well
fol. 47v¶ FraterFriar
line385Com forth, thou frere, to thee myn hand is rauhtextended Upon this daunce thee to conveie and lede, Which in thi prechyng hast ful ofte tauht,taught How that I am gastfull for to dreedeterrifying (Althouh that folk take ther of non heede). line390Yit is ther non so strong nor so hardy,no one fearless But I dar arrest hym and lett for no meede,confinefree compensation For Deth eche hour is present and redy.
¶ Responsum
What may this be that in this world no man Heer for tabide may have no sureté?to abide certainty line395Strengthe, richesse, nor what so that he can:nor anything else he can do Of wordly wisdam is al but vanité.vanity In gret estate nor in poverté Is no thyng founde that may fro Deth deffende, For which I sei to hih and lowe degré, line400Wis is the synner that doth his liff amende.
¶ Sergaunt
Com forth, thou Sergeant with thi stately maas; Make no deffence nor no rebellion. Nouht may availe to grotchen in this caas,aid complaincase Thouh thou be deynous of condicioun,arrogant by nature line405For nouthir appele nor protectiounappeal May thee franchise to do nature wrong.empower For ther is non so sturdi a champioun; Thouh he be myhty, Deth is yit mor strong.
¶ Responsum
How darst thou, Deth, set on me arrest,take me into custody line410Which am the kyngis chosen officeerWho And yistirday walkyng est and west Myn office did with ful dispitous cheere?scornful attitude But now this day I am arrested heeredetained And may nat flee, thouh I hadde it sworn. line415Eche man is loth to deie, ferr or neer,unwilling to die That hath nat lernyd for to deie afforn.before
fol. 48r¶ IurourJuror
Maister Jurour, which that at assisessessions of civil court And at shiris questis didist enbrace,shire’s inquests illegally influence Departist lond aftir thi devises,Divided schemes line420And who most gaff most stood in thi grace:gave (i.e., bribed) The poore man lost bothe lond and place;position For gold thou coudist folk disherite.disinherit But lat se now, that withynne so short a space,see time Before the Juge how thow canst thee acquyte.acquit yourself
¶ Responsum
line425Somtyme I was callid in my contrécountry The bellewedir, and that was nat a lite.bellwether not a small thing Nat lovid but drad of hih and lowe degré,feared by For whom me list bi craft I coude endite,I pleased cunning convict Hang the trewe and the theef acquyte; line430Al the contre bi my woord was lad.led But I dar say, shortly for to write,quickly Of my deth many oon wole be ful glad.multiple ones (i.e., many) will
¶ MimusMinstrel
Gentil menstral, shewe me now thi witt,skill How thou canst pleye or foote ariht this daunce.step correctly line435I dar weel sei that an harder fitttune Than this fil nevyr unto thi chaunce.befell luck Look therfore what may best avaunceassist Thi sowle as now and use that I reede:advise Refuse nyce play and veyn plesaunce;foolish merriment and vain delight line440Bettir late than nevyr to do good deede.
¶ Responsum
Ey, benedicité, this world is freele.Oh, bless changeable Now glad, now sory, what shal men use? Harpe, lute, phidil, pipe — farwell! —fiddle Sautry, sithol, and shalmuse,Psaltery stringed instrument (cithole)reed flute line445Al wordly myrthe I here refuse.reject God graunte me grace of sich penaunce,such As may myn old synnes excuse, For alle be nat mery that othirwhyle daunce. otherwise
Servant or officer in thyn office, line450Yifthou hast ben as God wold and riht,If desires righteous To pore and riche doon pleyn justice,complete Fled extorcioun with al thi myht, Than maist thou in this daunce go liht,easily Or elles ful hevy shalt thou be thanne.then line455Whan alle domys shal fynaly be diht,judgments made Go we hens, the tyde abidith no man. time waits for
¶ Responsum
Shal I so sone to Dethis daunce,soon That wend to have lyved yeeris many moWho supposed more And sodeynly forsake al my plesauncedelight line460Of offices and profites that long therto?belong Yit oon thyng I consel or I go —before In office lat no man doon outrage,injury For dreede of God and peyn also; Also service is noon heritage.inheritance
¶ PhisicusPhysician
line465Ye phisiciens for mony, that loken so fastmoney intently In othir mennys watris what thei eyle, urine ails them Look weel to yoursilf or att lastAttend to yourself I not what your medicynes nor crafte may availe,know not help For Deth comyng sodeynly doth assaileattack line470As weel lechis as othir — that shal ye knowe.easily physicians Atte , withouten any faile, Whan al men shal repe as thei have sowe.
¶ Responsum
Allas too long and too myche in phisikmedicine For lucre I plyed al my bisynesse,profit plied business line475Bothe in speclacion and in practik,theorizing practice To knowe and konne al bodily siknesse.understand But of gostly helthe I was reklesse,spiritual well-being ignorant Wherfore shal helpe nothir herbe nor roote,neither Nor no medicyne, sauff Goddis goodnesse,except line480For ageyns Deth is fynaly no boote. remedy
fol. 49r¶ MercatorMerchant
Come, riche marchant, and looke hidirward,over here Which hast passid thorow many dyvers lond,various On hors, on foote, havyng most rewardesteem To lucre and wynnyng, as I undirstonde:To profit and wealth line485But now to daunce thou must yeve me thyn hond.give Al thyn old labour, wher is it become now? Adieu, veynglorie, bothe of fre and bonde!master and servant Non more coveitith than he that hath inow.No one covets enough
¶ Responsum
Bi many an hill and many strong valeBy foreign valley line490I have travailid with my marchaundise, Bi straunge seeis carried many a bale,seas unit of measurement for goods To sondri iles, more than I can devise.tell Myn hert inward evir frett with covetisealways loaded But al for nouht — Deth doth me constreyne —detain line495For which I sei, bi record of the wise, Who al enbracith, he lityl shal restreyn.embraces restrain
Yeve hidir thyn hand, thou Artificeer,Give here Craftsman For ther is founde no subtilitécleverness Bi witt of man that fro my daungeerpower line500To save hymsilff can have no liberté.ability My strook is sodeyn, fro which no man may flee, Bi coriousté nor cunnyng of fressh devise.ingenuity new plans Kynde hath ordeyned it will non othir be:Nature it will not be otherwise Eche man mote passe whan deth settith assise.must session of civil court
¶ Responsum
line505Ther is no craft serchid out nor souht, Cast nor compassid, bi old nor newe entaile —Reckoned or measured design I se ful weel withynne myn owen thouht — Ageyns Deth ther may nothyng availe;help She pershith sheeldis, she pershith plate and maile,pierces line510Ageyns hir strok cunnyg nor science,cleverness knowledge Whan that hir list mortally to assaile —chooses Allas, allas — ther may be no deffence.
fol. 49v¶ LaborariusLaborer
Thou, Labourer, which in sorwe and peyn Hast lad thi liff and in gret travaile,toil line515Thou must here daunce and therfore nat disdeyn,do not be angry For thouh thou do it, may thee nat And cause whi that I thee assaileattack Is oonly fro thee for to dissevirein order to separate This fals world that causith folk to faile. line520For he is a foole that wenyth to liven evir.desires
¶ Responsum
I have wisshid aftir Dethe ful oft,very often Althouh I wold have fleed hym now — I had levir to ha leyn unsoftrather to have lain uncomfortable In wynde and reyn and gon forth at the plouh, line525With spade and picoys laboured for my prouh,pickaxe fortune Dolvyn and dikid and atte cart goon.Worked hard at manual labor For I may seyn and pleynly avow: In this world here rest is ther noon.
¶ InfansChild
Litil child that were but late born,recently line530Shape in this world to have no plesaunce,Created delight Thou must with othir that goon her toforngo here before Be lad with hem with sotyl ordynaunce.led skillful judgment Lerne of newe to gon on this daunce,again Ther may non age in soth skape truth escape from there line535Lat every wiht have this in remembraunce:person Whoso lengest levith most shal sofren woo.suffer
¶ Responsum
A, A, A — o worde I cannat I am ful yong, I was born yisterday. Deth is ful hasty on me to been wrekeeager to do me harm line540And of his strok list make no delay.desires I cam but now and now I go my way, Of me no more tale shal be tolde. The will of God no man withstond may, For as sone deieth a yong sheep as an olde.
fol. 50r¶ HeremitaHermit
line545Ye that have lived long in wildirnesse And contynued long in abstynence: Tyme is come that ye mote yow dressemust prepare Of my daunce to have thexperience, For ther ageyns is no resistence. line550Take now leve of thyn hermitage. Wherfore eche man advertise this sentence:take note of wisdom That this liff heer is but a pylgrymage.
¶ Responsum
Liff in deserte callid solitarye May ageyns Deth have no respite nor space. reprieve line555At unsett howr his comyng doth nat tarye,unspecified hour delay And for my part welcom be Goddis grace, Thankyng my Lord with humble cheer and faceattitude Of his yiftis such as I have assayed,gifts determined Fynally affermyng in this place, line560No man is riche, but he that halt Hym payed.he who pleases the Lord
¶ ConclusioConclusion
Ye folk that loken upon this scripture, Conceyveth heer that al estatis daunce,Understand Seth what ye be and what is your nature:See Mete unto wormys, nat ellis in substaunce.Meat nothing else line565And have this myrrour ay in remembrauncealways Before your mynde aboven al thyng: To all estatis a trew resemblaunce That wormes foode is ende of your lyvyng.
What is mannys liff but a countenaunceoutward show line570Or as a puff of wynde that is transitorie, As may be weel perceived bi this Daunce? Therfore ye that reden this storye, Keepe thentent in your memorye,the intent And it shal steer yow into gostly liff,spiritual life line575Teschewe peyn and come unto glorie,To avoid punishment And be your socour in al gostly spiritual struggle
fol. 50vBe nat afferd this scriptur in tyme of pleyafraid pleasure In your mynde to revolve and reede.contemplate For trust trewly ye shal nevir the sonner deye,sooner line580But it shal cause yow synne for to dreede; The which refusid, ye shal have gret meede.reward Therfore among have mynde on this lettircontinually And use vertu, prayer, and almesse deede,charitable deeds And than I dar sey ye shal doon the bettir.