C’est le myrroure pur lez jofenes dames a regardiraud maytyne pur lour testes bealment adressere.
Maist thou now be glade, with all thi fresh aray,May adornmentOne me to loke that wyl dystene thi face.Rew one thy self and all thi synne uprace.Repent of your ways root outSone shalte thu flytte and seche another place.Soon you flee seekline5Shorte is thy sesoun here, thogh thou go gay.season although are fashionably dressed
O maset wriche, I marke thee with my mace.frightened wretch [ceremonial] clubLyfte up thy eye, beholde now, and assay.test your strength [in combat]Vche loke one me aught to put thee in affray;Each look on frighten youI wyll not spare thee, for thou arte my pray.are my preyline10Take hede, and turne fro synne while thu hast space.from sin time
O thought, wel thee heele to this, thaught ye say nay;
My tyme muste nedis comme as I manace,must come threatenNe
one lyfe may lepe oute of my lace.
I smyte, I sle, I woll graunte no mane grace.smite slay will no manline15Aryse, awake, amend here while thou may.correct [yourself]