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"The Ressoning betuix Deth and Man," Ascribed to Robert Henryson (DIMEV 4000)


O mortall man, behold, tak tent to me,pay heedQuhilk sowld thy myrrour be baith day and nicht.Which should both nightAll erdly thing that evir tuik lyfe mon die.earthly was alive may diePaip, empeirur, king, barroun, and knycht,Pope baronline5Thocht thay be in thair riall stait and hicht,May not ganestaind quhen I pleiss schute the derte.Waltownis, castelis and towris nevir so wicht Walled towns towers sturdyMay nocht risist quhill it be at his herte.while heart


Now quhat art thow that biddis me thus tak tentwhat bids pay heedline10And mak ane mirrour day and nicht of thee,a mirrorOr with thy dert I sowld richt soir repent?Lest should deeplyI trest trewly of that thuw sall sone lie.about that you shall readily be lyingQuhat freik on fold sa bald dar manniss meperson on earth so bold dare threatenOr with me fecht outhir on fute or horss?fight whether footline15Is non so wicht or stark, in this cuntré,no one brave fierce regionBut I sall gar him bow to me on forss.shall make by force


My name at me forsuith, sen that thow speiris, to me in truth, since askThay call me Deid, suthly I thee declair,They Death, truthfullyCalland all man and woman to thair beiris Calling their biersline20Quhenevir I pleiss, quhat tyme, quhat place, or quhair.please whereIs nane sa stowt, sa fresche, nor yit sa fair,no one so mighty youthfulSa yung, sa ald, sa riche, nor yit sa peur,old poorQuhairevir I pass, owthir lait or air,Wherever whether late earlyMon put thame haill on forss undir my cure.


line25Sen it is so that nature can so wirkSince true workThat yung and awld with riche and peure mon die,old poor mayIn my yowtheid allace I wes full irk.youth alas stubbornCuwld not tak tent to gyd and governe me,Could not pay heed guideAy gude to do, fra evill deids to fle,Always good from deeds fleeline30Trestand ay yowtheid wold with me abyde,Trusting always would abideFulfilland evir my sensualitieappetiteIn deidly syn and specialy in pryd.mortal especially pride


Thairfoir repent and remord thy conscience.fill with remorseThink on thir wordis I now upoun thee cry:these wordsline35O wrechit man, O full of ignorance,wretchedAll thi plesance thow sall richt deir aby.delight purchase at a great priceDispone thy self and cum with me in hy Make arrangements for quicklyAdderis, askis, wormis meit for to be.Adders’, lizards’, worms’ meatCum quhen I call, thow ma me not denny,may denyline40Thocht thow war paip, empriour, and king al thre.Though were pope all three


Sen it is swa fra thee I may nocht chaip,Since so from escapeThis wrechit warld for me heir I defywretched world here I disavowAnd to thee, Deid, to lurk under thi caip,Death cower capeI offer me with hairt rycht humly, offer myself heartfelt humblyline45Beseiking God the divill myne ennemyBeseeching [that] the devilNo power haif my sawill till assay.has my soul to attackJesus, on thee with peteous voce I crypiteousMercy un me to haif on .on have Judgment Day

Finis quod Hendersone The end. By Henryson