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John Lydgate, "Death's Warning to the World" (DIMEV 4905)

Syth that ye lyste to be my hostesse, Since desireAnd in youre book to set myne image, my imageWake and remembre wyth grete avyses much considerationHowe my custome and mortall usageline5Ys for to spare nether olde ne yonge of age,norBut that ye nowe in thys world levynglivingAfore be redy, or I my belle rynge.Be ready in advance, lest

My dredefull spere full sharpe ygrounde, spear very honedDoth yow now lo here thys manace:youthreatenline10Armoure ys noonne that may withstande hys wounde,There is no armorNe whomme I merke, ther ys non other gracewhom I mark no otherTo fynde respite of day, oure, ne space; reprieve brief whileWherfore be redy and have no dysdeyne,Therefore take no offenceYef of my commyng, the tyme be uncerteyne.Although

line15Remembre, youre yeres almost past be;Of flowryng age lasteth but a seasoun;age of flourishing (i.e., youth)By procese at ey men may seeIn due course with their own eyesBeauté declyneth, hys blossom falleth doune.falls downAnd lytyll and lytyll by successiounby degreesline20Cometh croked elde unwarly crepyng, old ageunexpectedlyWith hys patent purely thanne manysshyng.

The gospell byddeth than wake and pray, bids themFor of my commyng there is no tyme sette;Ne no manne knoweth whenne he shall dye, knows dieline25Ne agayne myne entré no gate may be shutte;against my entryTwene me and kynde there is a knot unknyt, Between creation loosenedThat in thys worlde every lyvyng creaturelivingFor Adams synne must dye of nature.sin naturally

Thyese balades that thus ben wrytenne here be tak owte of the book of Johnne Lucas and sayde to the peple that shall see thys lytell tretyse in tyme to come.

O worldely folke, averteth and take hedetake noticeline30What vengeaunce and punicyounpunishmentGod shall take after ye be dedeyou are deadFor youre trespas and youre transgressioun,Whiche breke his preceptys ayenst al reasoun;against all reasonYe have foryete how with his precious bloode,have forgotten bloodline35Yow for to save, he dyed onne the Roode.In order to save you the Cross

Lerne for to dye and hate for to lye;hate to live [in sin]Of olde offens amonge have repentaunce;sins constantlyAnd, to eschewe al scorne and mokry mockeryAyenst vyces, do almes and penaunce,Against do (perform)line40And for to have moste souveranly plesauncehighest pleasureTo sewe the pathes of oure lorde Jhesu,show (reveal)Trewe exampeleré of grace and vertew,True exemplar virtue

Whyche for oure sake and oure redempcioun WhoAnd for oure love was nayled to a tre,tree (i.e., the Cross)line45Suffred payne and passioun, painAnd nothyng asketh of hygh ne lowe degreeRecompensed ayenwarde for to be,But that we sette all holy oure ententesFor to fulfyll Hys commaundmentys.

line50Wherby menne may, that prudent be and wyse,The joyes clayme, whiche be eternall,claim the joysAnd entré in to paradyse,againFrom whens Adam had a fall;whenceTo whyche place above celestiallline55O Cryste Jhesu, so brynge us to that glory,Whyche by thy dethe had the victory. Amen.