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Textual Notes to John Lydgate, "Death's Warning to the World" (DIMEV 4905)

RubricNone in D, H1. C: Dictamen. Vel lugubre carmen terribilissimi mortis. (Letter. A very grievous song of most frightful death.)back to note source

1hostesse. So C. D, H1: costes. We have chosen hostesse since it is an existing manuscript reading that fits in with the trope of female addressees found elsewhere in contemporary death poetry.back to note source

2And in youre book to set myn ymage. In Douce 322 and Harley 1706 (fol. 19v in both), the poem is immediately preceded by an inkdrawn image of a skeleton holding a bell and spear (see Explanatory Note to line 7 and Headnote to the Explanatory Notes) with the words “deth” written in profusion around the skeleton’s form, evoking the pealing of the bell as well as naming the figure.back to note source

3with gret avyses. So D, H1. C: by gret avisenesse.back to note source

4mortall. So D, H1. C: my mortal.back to note source

5to spare. So D. H1: spare.back to note source

nether. So D, H1. C: neither.back to note source

ne. So D. C: ner.back to note source

7Afore. So D, H1. C: Aforn.back to note source

8ygrounde. So D. H1: sharpe I grounde. C: whet and grounde.back to note source

9thys. So D, H1. C: thus.back to note source

10withstande. So D, H1. C: withstonde.back to note source

11Ne whomme I merke. So D, H1. C: Nor whan I marke.back to note source

other. So D, H1. C: othir.back to note source

12of day oure ne space. So D, H1. C: a day houre or space.back to note source

14Yef. So D, H1. C: Though.back to note source

15past. So D, H1. C: passed.back to note source

16lasteth but. So D, H1. C: lastyng.back to note source

17ey. So D. H1: eye. C: yhe.back to note source

18blossom falleth. So D, H1. C: blosmes falle.back to note source

20elde unwarly crepyng. So D, H1. C: age unwardly in crepyng.back to note source

21purely thanne. So D, H1. C: pouerly you.back to note source

22The gospell byddeth than wake and prey. So D. H1: The gospel than wake and pray. C: The gospel bit you for to wake and prey.back to note source

24Ne no manne knoweth whenne. So D, H1. C: Nor no man wote the houre whan.back to note source

dye. So D, H1. C: dey.back to note source

26kynde. So D, H1. C: kynge.back to note source

knot unknyt. So D, H1. C: knot upknet. These readings point to opposite understandings of the relationship between death and creation. C emphasizes how tightly bound death is with the very idea of life, while D and H1 instead speak to the theme, seen in other death-related works of this period, of death loosening all bonds. Compare the acrostic in “A Mirror for Young Ladies at their Toilet” (DIMEV 3454), spelling out MORS SOLVIT OMNIA (“death loosens all”).back to note source

27every. So D, H1. C: eche.back to note source

28For. So D, H1. C: Fro.back to note source

Adams. So D, H1. C: Adames.back to note source

RubricThyese balades that . . . tyme to come. So D, H1. Not in C. This omission is especially interesting since all three manuscripts then continue with an extract from Henry Suso’s Seven Points of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom, entitled “Orologium Sapientie,” suggesting some textual relationship between their contents, despite the differences in their presentation.back to note source

29worldely. So D, H1. C: wordly.back to note source

31be. So D, H1. C: bene.back to note source

33breke. So D, C. H1: breken.back to note source

preceptys. So H1. D: preceprt; C: preceptes.back to note source

ayenst. So D, H1. C: ageyn.back to note source

35he dyed. So D, H1. C: he shedde it.back to note source

36hate. So D, H1. C: hateth.back to note source

37offens. So D, H1. C: offences.back to note source

38mokry. So D. H1: mokey; C: mockery.back to note source

39Ayenst. So D, H1. C: ageyn.back to note source

do. So D, H1. C: doth.back to note source

40for to have. So D, H1. C: to have.back to note source

souveranly. So D, H1. C: soffevenly.back to note source

42exampeleré. So D, H1. C: exemplary.back to note source

43redempcioun. So D, H1. C: redempcion.back to note source

44nayled to. So D, H1. C: nayled on.back to note source

45Suffred. So H1, C. D: suffird.back to note source

passioun. So D, H1. C: cruel passyon.back to note source

46asketh. So D, H1. C: axed.back to note source

47ayenward. So D, H1. C: ageyn.back to note source

48 that we sette. So D, C. H1: we sette.back to note source

all holy. So D, C. H1: alonly.back to note source

52entré. So D, H1. C: entre ageyn.back to note source

53From. So D, H1. C: For.back to note source

55so brynge. So D. H1: brynge. C: do bryng.back to note source

56by thy dethe had. So D, H1. C: by dethe haddest.back to note source

Amen. So D, H1. Absent in C.back to note source