Her biginneth a tretisHere treatiseOf threo messagers of deth, iwis.
three certainly
The mon that is of wommon ibore,man woman bornHis lyf nis heere but a throwe.is not little whileSo seith Job us heer biforesaysAl in a bok that I wel knowe.
line5He hedde is muynde al of his deth;occupied his mind entirely withWel sore he con grone and grunte,can groan (complain)And seide his lyf nas bote a breth.
was not but a breathHeer mou we none stounde stunte.never tarry briefly
From Deth may no mon be fre;freeline10For his righte wol he not lete. will surrenderNow beoth ther messagers threthere are threeAmong monkuynde for to meete:With mankind clash
Aventures, Seeknesse, and Elde,Chance (Accident) Sickness Old AgeTheos beoth messagers of Deth.These areline15To hem we moten us alle yeldemust yieldAnd louten ther ur maystres geth.
Whon Deth cometh that is so derk,dismal (wicked)Ther may no mon him withstonde;I take witnesse on a noble clerkappeal for reference toline20That wrot theos vers with his honde:wrote hand
Mors vetat athletas;Ego mortis nescio metas;Inter
res letasCaveat sibi quelibet
line25Deth, he sleth this kempes kene,slays stalwart wrestlersAnd kynges in heore worthly won,their splendid abodeRiche and pore alle bidene,togetherYong ne old, spareth he non.spares
Ther is on of this messagers oneline30That of no mon wol take mede.rewardHe is so hardi and so fersbrave fierceThat alle men of him have drede.fear
The messager hette Aventours.is named Chance (Accident)Ageynes him may beo no strif;line35Whon he cometh to a monnes hous,man’sHe taketh bothe hosebonde and the wyf.both husband
He taketh the child in his cradel,Theih he beo bot o
niht old;Though but one nightThe kniht and
horse in his sadelsaddleline40I-armed, beo he never so bold.
Of him beo uche mon iwareach vigilantAnd mak him clene, ar he beo hent.himself guiltless, lest he be snatchedFor ther nis no geyncharis no escapeWhon Aventures cometh to tornement.challenge
line45Mony mon lihth in dedly synne lies sinAnd weneth that he beo not veyghe,
believes doomedAnd Aventures cometh with his ginne
And hontuth til he have his preye.hunts has
In dedly sunne he is ifoundesin foundline50Withouten schrift and repentaunce.confessionHe geth in to helle grounde,goes grounds of hellTher to suffre his penaunce.
Seint Poul bit we schulden awake —bids shouldThis clerkes witen as wel as I —knowline55That we schulden us clene makemake ourselves pure (i.e., confess)And of ur sinnes ben sori.our be repentant
And bote we ben, we schulen abugge;Ther schal no pledur plede that.advocate pleadTher God us fynt, he wol us jugge —finds judgeline60Nou uche mon be war bi that.Now each mindful of that
For Aventures wol come as a thefwill thiefBe nihte, whon mon ben aslepe,By nightAnd taken awey that him is leef.that which pleases himNou awaketh, that ye mowe him kepe.you may ward off
line65Another messager ther isOf Deth, whon Crist wol him sende —wishes to send himSeknesse — ic have iherd ar thisheard beforeThe messager is swithe hende. exceedingly skilled (crafty)
Whon Seeknesse cometh to a mon,line70He may bewar yif he is sleih,cleverAnd greithen his in, yif that he con,make ready his home canAnd thenken that Deth is swithe neih.think very nigh
For Seknesse cometh apertely;openly (without hesitation)He ne dareth not in his den.lurk lairline75Hit is ure lordes cortesyourWith Seknesse for to warne men.
Mony men, whon that heo beoth seke,they are sickTo Jhesu Crist a clepen and criyecall cryAnd to his mylde mooder ekehis gentle mother alsoline80And sigge: “Now thou help, Marie!say
Yif that we mowe be sound and savemay safeAnd kevere, that we mowen habben ur hele,delivered may have salvationAl the good that we haveFor Godes love we wolen
hit dele.”distribute [as alms]
line85We love wel God in al ur thoughtWhile we beo seeke and sore smerte.are sick in painWhon we beoth hol, we loven him nought,are healthy loveHe nis no lengor in ure herte.longer our
Cum fero langorem,line90Fero religionis amorem;Expers langorisNon sum memor huius amoris.
Of Crist ne taketh he non hede;He nath no more with him to donne.Nor has to doline95To thonken him for his goode dede;thankHe thenketh no more theruppone.thinks
Suche men ben ofte alone iletare leftTo pleye as the foul in the lift,
bird airTil Aventures have with hem met,line100Bereveth hem bothe hosel
and schrift.
Deprives Eucharist confession
Men oughten holden up bothe heore hondentheir handsTo God, while heo ben hol and feere,they are hale and heartyTo sende, whon he wol hem fonden,wishes to findSeeknesse to ben heore messagere.be their
line105Seynt Poul seith, ure Lordes kniht,In a pistel that he wrot,epistleThat he was strengest and most of mihtstrongest mightWhon God him with Seknesse smot.
Now ichulle siggen ou of Elde; I wish to speak to youline110Of messagers he is the thridde.thirdWhon monnes hed biginneth to elde,When man’s attention (head) to grow oldHe may not do but beodes bidde.recite prayers
And he leoneth uppon his crucche,leansWhon Deth him bekneth, comen he mot.beckons mustline115Hit helpeth nought thauh he grucche,though he grumblesHe schal withstonde never a fot.not even a foot
Also fareth Elde as doth a sweynbehaves servantThat stondeth at his lordes yategateAnd mot not wenden in ageyn,may not walkline120For the porter that is therate.Because of right there
For no yiftes that he may yiven,gifts giveNe feire wordes that he mai speken,fair speakHe worth out atte yate idriven;shall at [the] gate be driven outAnon the yate for him is steken.shut
line125Yif a mon may libben heerIf live hereAnd ben of pouwer for to gobe power to reachThe elde of fourescore yer,old age eighty yearsThat other del is serwe and wo.remainder [of his life] sorrow
For hose wole his lyf beholdehe who wishes toline130From biginnynge to the ende,Wel ofte may his herte coldegrow cold [with fear]That not what wey he schal wende.does not know way
Wel we witen we schule be ded;know shallUr dwellyng her nis bote a while.here is not butline135Jhesu Crist us wisse and rede,instructs teachesThat never the Fend ne do us gyle.[So] that the Devil never can deceive us
Nou is Deth a wonder thingNow strangeAnd grislich for to thenken on.horrible thinkHe ne spareth emperour ne kyng,sparesline140Ne pope for al the good that he con.knows
Wher ben heo that biforen us weoren,are they who were before usThat weore so mihti in heore deden?their deedsHoundes ladden and haukes beerenled hawks boreAn
hontyng heighe uppon heore steeden?
hunting loftily their steeds
line145Deth hit hath hem al byraft,it them all snatched awayWith hem ther nis no more pley.action (activity)And al that bereth monnes schaft,bear human shapeSchal go that ilke selve wey.very same
Uche mon may be sore aferdafraidline150That hath a soule for to save,Whon he geth bi a chirche yerdgoes yardAnd seoth wher dede men beth igrave.sees dead are buried
Riche men habbeth riche stones,have elaborate gravestonesThat alle men mouwe biholde:So that mayline155Therunder liggeth foule bones,lieIbeddet al in cloth of colde.
Wel pore halle ther is imakedVery poor madeWithouten eny worldes winne;any worldly wealthSave a clout, men beoth al naked,line160Whon Deth is comen, icast therinne.
The halle roof is cast ful lowe,Ther beoth none chaumbres wyde;are noMe may reche the helewowe Men touch (reckon) end wallAnd the wal on uche a syde.each
line165Heore bodies that weoren so softe ibathenTheir were so gently bathedAnd ibrought forth with mete and drynk,rearedTher hit schal crepe ful of mathen —creep maggotsIn al this world nis foulore stynk.there is no fouler
A mon that such a bodi seye,seesline170Whon wormes hit hath thorwsouht,dug throughHe oughte wepe with his eyeweepAnd evere have him in his thouht.always thought
Ther nis non so luyte ne so muche,is no one so slender or so bigThat is of flesch, blod, and bon,line175That we ne schule ben alle suche,all the sameWhon we ben huled under a ston.are kept
Hou may eny mon be proudHow anyFor eny thing that he may gete,getWhon he is huled under a schroud,kept shroudline180That thing that is wormes mete? meat
That thing that is ur moste fo —our greatest foeTherfore we don a gret folyedo follyTo love that thing that doth us wo,causes us woeAnd eke ur dedliche enemye.also [is] our mortal
line185Yif a mon may libben heerlive hereAs longe as dude Matussalé —did MethuselahNighene hundred and nyne and sixti yerNineSo longe on eorthe livede he —
That nis not also muche tymeis not as muchline190Ageynes the tyme that cometh afterwardIn comparison withAs fro the sonne rysing to prime: the time between six and nine a.m.To sunfol men that is ful hard.sinful difficult
That, I schal seye, nou taketh kepe,So that take heedI drawe to witnesse seynt Austyn: Augustineline195That a mon schal more wepeweepThat damned is to helle pynpains of hell
Then is water under the sonne,Than [there is] sunAnd he wepe uche day a ter.each tearAviseth ow now, yif that ye cunne,Contemplate if you canline200And doth that ye ne come not ther.act so that
A mon that dampned is to helle,His peyne may not ben forbought,punishment redeemedAc endeles he schall ther dwelle;But ratherAlmes dede helpeth him nouht.Alms-giving not at all
line205Thei alle men that libbeth nouthe Even if live nowWeore prestes masses to synge,
Were to sing priests’ MassesAnd duden al that thei ever couthe,did couldNe scholden him of pyne bringe.
That ilke soule that is dryvensame drivenline210With fendes in atte helle yate,fiends hell’s gateAnd his juggement be him yiven,is given to himTo bidde merci hit is to late.it too
Hevene hit is ure heritage,it (Heaven) our inheritanceTo ure bihove hit is diht.sake preparedline215We han do feuté and homagehave done fealtyTo ure Lord, as hit is riht.our right
Synful mon, yif that he falleth, fallsArys up and mak thi pees,make your peaceAnd cum to Crist, whon that he callethcallsline220To joye that is endeles.
He that is almihti kyng,almightyThat heighe sitteth in Trinité, sits aloftGraunt us alle his blessyng.Amen, Amen, par charité.by charity