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Textual Notes to Paris and Vienne

Chapter 1, Rubric

Chapter 1. The rubrics in BL are not numbered.back to note source

Here. So BL. A leaf has been inserted preceding Caxton’s text — a title page on which is printed his colophon. The type belongs to the eighteenth century, when the book was rebound.back to note source

Chapter 1, Paragraph 1

In. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

1271. So BL: MCClxxi.back to note source

that men calle Dyane. This phrase does not appear in BN1. See Explanatory Note.back to note source

gladnes and joye. So BL. BN1, L: feste.back to note source

bothe. So BL. BN1, L: que lune ne povoit estre sans laultre [that the one could not be without the other].back to note source

contrees. BN1 and L include a phrase to the effect that Vienne was also renowned for the great dignity of her father and mother.back to note source

Chapter 1, Paragraph 2

lygnage. So BL. BN1, L: moult puissant de terres de chateaulx et de richesses [very powerful in lands in castles and in wealth].back to note source

Syr James. So BL. BN1 and L: Jacques.back to note source

eightene. So BL: xviii. BN1, L: xv.back to note source

by the hande of the sayd lord daulphyn. L: et dedans peu de tamps fut fait chevalier [and in a short while was made knight]. BN1 lacks this concluding phrase. See Explanatory Note.back to note source

Chapter 1, Paragraph 4

Venus, the goddes of love. So BL. Not in BN1 and L.back to note source

But not long after . . . noble yong lady. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

fyre of love within hymself. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 2, Rubric

played wyth dyvers instrumentes by nyght. So BL. BN1, L: faire les aubades [perform songs]. See Explanatory Note.back to note source

Chapter 2, Paragraph 1

melodyous myrthe. So BL. BN1, L: aubades.back to note source

recourders. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

pypes. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

as wel of mans wyces as of dyvers instrumentes. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 2, Paragraph 2

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. L heading: Comment le daulphin ordonna dix hommes bien armez pour faire amener devant luy les dits menestriers [How the dauphin ordered ten well-armed men to bring before him the said minstrels].back to note source

Chapter 2, Paragraph 3

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital L heading: Comment Paris et Edouard son compaignon se deffendirent contre dix hommes darmes [How Paris and Edward his companion defended themselves against ten men of arms].back to note source

not. So BL. BN1, L: mais bien fut grief a iceuls espies de laisser la place et plus que deux mesmes mais pour doubte de mort sen fuirent et par ainsi sans nul dommaige ils eschapperent [but indeed it was painful to those scouts to yield the place, and more that for two only, but for fear of death they fled from there and in this manner escaped without any injury].back to note source

Chapter 2, Paragraph 4

And. So BL. BN1 heading: Comment Paris se miste avec levesque de saint Laurens [How Paris went with the bishop of Saint Lawrence].back to note source

chargyng that none hurte shold be doon to them. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 2, Paragraph 6

made lystes and scaffoldes to be sette up. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

herauldes. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Normandye. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

of fyn gold. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

noble and fayr mayden. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

and she thought . . . at Vyenne. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 2, Paragraph 7

Normandye. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

erle. So BL. BN1, L: conte [count]. Caxton always uses the English term; the rank is equivalent.back to note source

Chapter 2, Paragraph 9

two. So BL. BN1: v. L: ung [one].back to note source

Chapter 3, Paragraph 1

tofore the ladyes and damoyselles. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 3, Paragraph 2

kept theyr sterops. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 4, Rubric

in faytes of armes. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 4, Paragraph 4

sparkles of love that sprange out of hyr hert. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

bysshop. So BL. BN1, L: dyable devecque [devil of a bishop].back to note source

that hath be holden in Vyenne. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 4, Paragraph 5

Now. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. BN1 heading: Comment le roy de France va ordonner unes joustes in la cité de Paris [How the king of France proclaimed jousts in the city of Paris].back to note source

Breunes. BL: Brennes; twice later spelled Breunes. See note 4.11, below.back to note source

mayntened. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

reputed and holden . . . alle the world. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 4, Paragraph 6

tresour. So BL. BN1, L: et lequele luy avoit envoye la contesse de Flandres qui estoit sa dame [and which her mother, the countess of Flanders, had given to her].back to note source

wytte. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

renommé. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

quarelle. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 4, Paragraph 9

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. BN1 heading: Comment le roy de france va ordonner unes joustes en la cite de Paris [How the king of France proclaimed a joust in the city of Paris].back to note source

fourtene. So BL: xiiii. BN1: viii.back to note source

somme for to do armes and the other. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

moche sumptuous and noble. So BL. BN1, L: merveilleuse [marvelous].back to note source

these thre joyaulx. So BL. Not in L.back to note source

whyche shone and resplendysshed . . . in the baners. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 4, Paragraph 11

. So BL. So L: fiz du duc du Breuues [son of the duke of Breunes; u/n printer’s error]. BN1 and Vers. I read Bohemia.back to note source

Chapter 5, Paragraph 3

Thenne. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 6, Paragraph 2

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 6, Paragraph 5

The. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

bysshop. So BL. BN1: dyable deveque [devil of a bishop].back to note source

Chapter 6, Paragraph 7

worshyp. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 7, Paragraph 1

accesse. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 7, Paragraph 2

bysshop. So BL. BN1: dyable devesque [devil of a bishop].back to note source

Chapter 7, Paragraph 3

lytel crased and sodenly taken, wherfore. So BL. BN1 and L read grant mal mest venu [great sickness is come to me]; BN1: sur le cuer [in the heart].back to note source

that none myght come in. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 7, Paragraph 4

whyche was twelve foot longe. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 7, Paragraph 5

wysedom and reason. So BL. BN1, L: bon sens [good sense].back to note source

Chapter 7, Paragraph 6

veray. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

And thus . . . she coude not stynte. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 7, Paragraph 7

other jewellys. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 8, Paragraph 2

and prayers. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

shytte. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 8, Paragraph 3

contente. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 8, Paragraph 4

After. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 9, Paragraph 2

Thenne. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

eightene. So BL: xviii. BN1, L: viii.back to note source

Chapter 9, Paragraph 3

Thenne. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 9, Paragraph 6

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 9, Paragraph 7

doughter. So BL. BN1, L: folie [folly], which Caxton mistook for fille [daughter].back to note source

Chapter 10, Paragraph 2

menchon. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 10, Paragraph 3

Thenne. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. L heading: Comment Paris parla a Vienne par la fenestre [How Paris spoke to Vienne at a window].back to note source

Chapter 10, Paragraph 4

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

passages. So BL. BN1 and L include the word chevaux [horses].back to note source

Chapter 11, Paragraph 1

secretest wyse. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

taken. So BL. BN1, L: premier somme [first sleep, early in the night].back to note source

endured tyl on the morne at nyght. So BL. BN1, L: dura jusques a lendemain a vespres [lasted until the next day at vespers/evening].back to note source

Chapter 11, Paragraph 2

and fere. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 14, Rubric

How. So BL. BN1: Comment Vienne se retourna a la merci de son per [How Vienne returned to the mercy of her father]. L: Comment Vienne fut ramenee a lotel de son pere [How Vienne was led to the dwelling of her father].back to note source

Chapter 14, Paragraph 2

Now. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. BN1 heading: Comment Vienne demanda pardon a son pere [How Vienne asked pardon of her father]. L: Comment Vienne fut ramenee a lotel de son pere [How Vienne was led to the dwelling of her father].back to note source

soule. So BL. BN1, L: en dieu [God].back to note source

Chapter 14, Paragraph 5

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. BN1 heading: Comment le dauphin fist mestre sa fille hors de prison [How the dauphin had his daughter brought out of prison].back to note source

Chapter 14, Paragraph 7

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. BN1 heading: Comment le conte de Flandres manda au daulphyn une lettre [How the count of Flanders sent a letter to the dauphin].back to note source

Chapter 15, Paragraph 1

allone. So BL. BN1, L: avec son vartlet [with his servant].back to note source

Chapter 15, Paragraph 2

Ryght. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 15, Paragraph 3

Dere. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 15, Paragraph 6

Edward sayd. So BL. BN1 and L read “Il est verite,” dist Vienne, “mais ne me parler plus de la lettre” [“It is true,” said Vienne, “but do not speak to me more of the letter.”] See Explanatory Note.back to note source

Chapter 16, Paragraph 1

letter, whyche she reteyneth . . . said letter. So BL. Not in BN1 and Vers. I.back to note source

Chapter 16, Paragraph 2

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. BN1 heading: Comment Paris receust le change de iii mille florins [How Paris received the change of three thousand florins].back to note source

Chapter 16, Paragraph 3

Now. So BL. BN1 heading: Comment le fils du duc de Burgoine alla la cite de Vienne [How the son of the duke of Burgundy went to the city of Vienne]. L heading: Comment le filz du duc de Bourgoigne avec belle compaigne vint au Daulphine pour veoir Vienne son espeuse, et pour lemmener avec luy, and comment il fut receu en grand joye du daulphin, pere de la dicte Vienne. [How the son of the duke of Burgundy with good company went to Dauphiné to see Vienne his betrothed, and to bring her away with him, and how he was received in great joy by the dauphin, father of the said Vienne].back to note source

Chapter 16, Paragraph 4

honourable. BL: honouble. Omitted letters added.back to note source

Chapter 16, Paragraph 5

Thenne. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 18, Paragraph 4

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 18, Paragraph 5

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 18, Paragraph 7

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 19, Rubric

hys felowe. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 19, Paragraph 2

Edward. BL: Parys; this is an error; Leach emends to Edward, which I follow.back to note source

Chapter 20, Paragraph 1

Egypte. So BL. L: aultre pt. [other part]; BN1: Babilone. Leach suggests Egypte is a misreading.back to note source

Chapter 20, Paragraph 2

bynde. So BL. BN1: quil luy en donnast a menger [which they gave to him to eat].back to note source

Chapter 22, Rubric

How the doulphyn . . . goo into Jherusalem. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 3

Now. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

partyes, whych beyng in tho partyes. BN1: partie de elevante [region of the levant/east]; L: parties devers le vent [regions in the direction of the wind].back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 4

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 6

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. BN1 heading: Comment Paris alla en Alixandre pour veoir le dauphin [How Paris went to Alexandria to see the dauphin]. L heading: Comment Paris avec deux freres sen alla en Alexandrie et la fut receut de lamiral moult honnorablement [How Paris with two friars went to Alexandria and there was received by the emir with much honor].back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 7

weste. BL: theste. I follow Leach who emends to west, which is accurate in context, and BL elides “w” elsewhere: thorthy, [the worthy], so readers could have read the word as “the west.” However readings in the French texts point to eastern lands. L: du vent [of the Levant], BN1: levant [Levant].back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 8

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

and be welcome. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 10

On. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

God and. So BL. Not in BN1, L.back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 12

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. L heading: Comment Paris delivra le daulphin de prison en Alexandrie [How Paris delivered the dauphin from prison in Alexandria].back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 13

Thys. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. L heading: Comment le daulphin et Paris sen retournerent par mer [How the dauphin and Paris returned by sea].back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 14

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital. L heading: Comment le dauphin et Paris furent receus de peuple de France en grand joye and en grand honneur [How the dauphin and Paris were received by the people of France with great joy and with great honor]. BN1 heading: Comment chevaliers du dauphine vindrent au devant du dauphin [How knights of Dauphiné came before the dauphin].back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 16

And yet more . . . your fader. So BL. This sentence is punctuated with paragraph marks (¶) for emphasis.back to note source

Chapter 22, Paragraph 18

two quarters of an henne. So BL. BN1: Vienne avoit fait la mediecine quelle avoit fait au duc de bourgoigne des quartiers [Vienne had made the remedy which she had made to the duke of Burgundy of the quarters].back to note source

Chapter 23, Paragraph 3

Whan. So BL. First letter is an enlarged capital.back to note source

Chapter 24, Paragraph 1

world. So BL. BN1 and L add et croy que leur adventure fut mieulx de dieu que de nulle aultre personne [and think that no one else had a life as godly as theirs].back to note source

Chapter 24, Paragraph 2

Thus. So BL. Beside the colophon, in very faded grey ink, is written This was my boke followed by another word, perhaps omnis, and below that the word annus and the Roman numeral vxx. Cossyn is written near the bottom of the colophon, and again below. There is faint lettering also at the top of the page. The hand appears to be Elizabethan secretary.back to note source

translated. So BL. L: Emprientee en Anvers par moy Gherard Leeu, lan Mil CCCClxxxvii, le xv jour du mois de May [Printed in Antwerp by me Gherard Leeu in the year 1487, the fifteenth day of the month of May].back to note source