prose-textblock1[fol. 2r] Here begynneth the table
of the victoryous prynce Blanchardyn, sone of the noble kyng of Fryse, and of Eglantyne quene of Tormaday otherwyse callyd lorgoylleuse damours, whiche is to saye the proude lady in love.
prose-textblock2The first chapitre conteyneth how Blanchardyn departed from his fader and moder wythout lycence. Capitulo primo.
prose-textblock3How tofore his departyng he devysed
wyth his mayster,
enquyring hym of the bataylles of Troye the grete cyté, whiche he sawe in tapysserye
the fygures of the knyghtes, and other affyares. Capitulo ii.
prose-textblock4How Blanchardyn departed wythout knowleche of the kynge his fader and the quene his moder, and ledde wyth hym the beste hors and courser that the kynge his fader hadde, and his goode swerde. Capitulo iii.
prose-textblock5How the kyng of Fryse sent out men for to folowe and to seche Blanchardyn his sone, and of the grete angre and displayser that the kynge and the quene hadde. Capitulo iiii.
prose-textblock6How Blanchardyn fonde in his waye a knyght wounded to the deth by another knyght whiche had taken his lady from hym, and how by the sayd Blanchardyn was promysed to rescowe hir agayn, and how he receyved the order of chivalrye of the wounded knight. Capitulo v.
prose-textblock7How Blanchardyn wente after the knyght soo ferre that he fonde hym, and wolde have enforced the lady of
the hurte knight. Capitulo vi.
prose-textblock8Of the bataylle that betwene Blanchardyn and the knyght whiche soo longe fought togyder that Blanchardyn slewe hym and rescowed the mayden, whom he brought agayn to her love and frende whome she fonde ded, wherfor the mayde deyde for sorowe. Capitulo vii.
prose-textblock9How Blanchardyn fonde a knyght whiche sente to hym a [fol. 2v] bote to passe over a ryver, and of the dyvyses that they had togyder and of the good chier that the goode knyght dyde to Blanchardyn. Capitulo viii.
prose-textblock10Of the devyses and fayr exhortacions that the knyght of the fery
gaaf to Blanchardyn, and how he conveyed hym on the waye toward Tormaday curtoysly. Capytulo ix.
prose-textblock11The tenth chapiter conteyneth how Blanchardyn departed fro the knyght of the ferye and went all alone after the orguylleuse damours. Capitulo x.
prose-textblock12How Blanchardyn rode so ferre that he overtoke the orguyllouse damours and kyssed her, for to accomplysshe his enterpryse, wherof she was in grete sorow. Capitulo xi.
prose-textblock13Of the grete anger and sorowe the orguylleuse damours had of the kysse that Blanchardyn had receyved of her and of the complayntes that she made to hir maystresse,
which dyde grete payne to appease her. Capitulo xii.
prose-textblock14How after that Blanchardyn had kyssed the orguylleuse damours departed fro hir and rode thynkyng all on her tyl that he cam to Tourmaday and arryved at the ostell
of the provost
for to lodge there, where as he dyd mervayllus armes.
Capitulo xiii.
prose-textblock15How Blanchardyn justed wyth the provost and overthrewe hym, and by two damyselles doughters of the saide provost was ladde into their hous for to be lodged honorably. Capitulo xiiii.
prose-textblock16How Blanchardyn was richely lodged and receyved into the hous of the provoste by his two doughters, and of the complayntes that the orguylleuse damours made to her maystresse of Blanchardyn. Capitulo xv.
prose-textblock17Of the complayntes and grete thretenynges and menaces that the orguylleuse damours made to her sayd maystress of Blanchardyn. Capitulo xvi.
prose-textblock18How the orguylleuse damours after many remonstraunces [fol. 3r] whiche by her maystresse were made to hir, bygan to modere
her anger and hate whiche she hadde toward Blanchardyn for the kysse. Capitulo xvii.
prose-textblock19How the orguylleuse damours made the ordynaunce for the defence of the cyté, and how the Kyng Alymodes arryved and toke the porte nyghe unto Tormaday where he sette his siege. Capitulo xviii.
prose-textblock20How a doughter of the provoste brought to Blanchardyn a whyte coverture for his hors and gaaf to hym one of hir sleves praying hym to bere it on his helme, which he dyde gladly.
Capitulo xix.
prose-textblock21Of the grete bataylle whiche was tofore Tormaday ayenst the people of Kynge Alymodes, and of the grete prouesses that Blanchardyn dyde that daye, and how the orguylleuse damours becam amorouse of hym, and of the devyses whiche made to her maystress of Blanchardyn and other thynges.
Capitulo xx.
prose-textblock22How the orguylleuse damours by the grete love that she had sette upon Blanchardyn bycam moche jalouse and sore doubted leste he shold sette his love in one of the doughters of the provost, for whom she sente moche hastely and speke to hym secretely.
Capitulo xxi.
prose-textblock23Of the devyses that were bytwene the provost and the orguylleuse damours and of the grete love that she had sette in Blanchardyn. Capitulo xxii.
prose-textblock24How the provost retourned home and recounted to Blanchardyn all that the orguylleuse damours had sayd to hym, and how she sent for Blanchardyn to com to her, the whiche cam and of the devyses and how their loves were confermed. Capitulo xxiii.
prose-textblock25How Blanchardyn retourned home wyth the provoste and the fayr stede or courser all white and of the sleve of cloth of golde which his lady the orguylleuse damours sente to [fol. 3v] him, and of the grete bataylle bytwene Blanchardyn and a geaunt whiche was slayn, and of the mervelouse prouese doon by Blanchardyn, and also how he was taken. Capitulo xxiiii.
prose-textblock26How Kyng Alymodes wold have put to deth Blanchardyn, but at the request of his doughter fayr and good respyted him of hys deth, and how the orguylleuse damours sent the provost to Alymodes to offre hym raenson
for his delyveraunce whiche wold not accepte it. Capitulo xxv.
prose-textblock27How Daryus by the commaundement of the kyng his fader ledde Blanchardyn toward the Kyng of Salamandre, but the ship was perished
and all drowned except Blanchardyn, whiche arryved on londe and cam to the kyng of Maryenborugh
whiche reteyned
him and made him conestable
of his oost.
Capitulo xxvi.
prose-textblock28How a knight wounded cam and reported tydynges to the kynge of Maryenborugh that the kyng of Polonie his enmye was entred into hys royalme wyth a grete armye.
Capitulo xxvii.
prose-textblock29How the kyng of Maryenborugh delyvered his sone Sadoyn wyth fourty thousand men to Blanchardin for to fyghte wyth his enmyes and chased them oute of his royalme. Capitulo xxviii.
prose-textblock30How Blanchardyn and Sadoyn wyth ther armye dysconfyted their enmyes and Blanchardyn toke the kyng of Polonye prysoner whom he delyverd to the kyng of Maryenborugh. Capitulo xxix.
prose-textblock31How Daryus sone of Kyng Alymodes by fortune of the see arryved in Fryse, where he tok the kyng fader of Blanchardyn and dyde there grete dommage and ledde hym prysoner into Cassydonye.
Capitulo xxx.
prose-textblock32How Darius arrived in the ost of the kyng his fader where he was receyved with grete joye bycause he brought grete foyson
of bestaylle
and all manere of vitayll
to the oost. Capitulo xxxi.
prose-textblock33How the goode provoste wente oute of Tormaday and toke all the bestayll that Daryus hadde broughte in to the [fol. 4r] ooste and ladde it into the cyté, wherof they hadde grete nede. Capitulo xxxii.
prose-textblock34Of the complayntes that Blanchardyn made, and of the grete comforte that Sadoyne made to hym promysyng that to his power he wolde ayde hym. Capytulo xxxiii.
prose-textblock35How Sadoyne toke leve of his fader and also Blanchardyn and wente to the see wyth a grete navye full of men of armes for to socoure the orguylleuse damours, and of the goode provoste whiche they mette in the see of whome Blanchardyn was joyous. Capitulo xxxiiii.
prose-textblock36Of the grete devyses of Blanchardyn and of the goode provoste, and of the lettres that he sente to the orguylleuse damours, and of the joye that she had. Capitulo xxxv.
prose-textblock37Yet of the joye that the orguylleuse damours had for the comynge of her frende and love and of the grete sorow that sone after she demened
whan she sawe the tempest and fortune that so soone put hym soo ferre fro the porte. Capitulo xxxvi.
prose-textblock38How Blanchardyn and Sadoyne arryveden tofore Cassydonye where they fonde Daryus whiche cam and spake to theym. Capitulo xxxvii.
prose-textblock39How Blanchardyn sleue Daryus and of the grete batayll where Cassydonyens were slayen and dyscomfyte and the cyté taken, and how Sadoyne and the fayr Beatryce dyd do baptyse theym and their people. Capitulo xxxviii.
prose-textblock40How Blanchardyn fonde ther his fader kyng of Fryse whiche ther was prysoner, and of their pituose devyces that thei had togyder.
Capitulo xxxix.
prose-textblock41How Blanchardyn, Sadoyne, and the kyng of Fryse wente to the see wyth a gret puyssance for to com to socoure the fayr orguillouse damours, where they arryved in the ende wyth right grete joye by the prouesse
and valyaunce
of armes that they dyde.
Capitulo xl.
prose-textblock42[fol. 4v] How Blanchardyn recounted to the kynge his fader and to Sadoyne the beaulté and bounté of his lady and of the provoste whiche cam for to mete theym. Capitulo xli.
prose-textblock43Of the grete joye that the orguylleuse damours had whan she herd saye of the provoste the joyous tydynges of the comyng of Blanchardyn her frende and love. Capitulo xlii.
prose-textblock44Of the grete bataylle tofore Tourmaday ayenst the kyng Alymodes whiche was descomfyted, and of the takynge of Sadoyne and of the sorowe that Blanchardyne made. Capitulo xliii.
prose-textblock45How Blanchardyn made hym redy and toke his men in his shippe for to goo socoure his felawe Sadoyne whom Kyng Alymodes ledde wyth hym prysoner in grete distresse. Capitulo xliiii.
prose-textblock46How Blanchardyn put hymself to the see for to socoure his sayd felawe Sadoyne. Capitulo xlv.
prose-textblock47How Subyon, to whom Blanchardyn tofore his departing had lefte the governaunce of his love the orguylleuse damours, had made conspyracion ayenst her for to take hir to his wyff and make hymself kyng, and of his grete alyaunces.
Capitulo xlvi.
prose-textblock48How the erle of Castelforde, the provoste, and the knyght of the ferye toke and ledde the lady by force to Castelforde maulgré Subyon and alle his puyssaunce. Capitulo xlvii.
prose-textblock49How the kyng Alymodes arryved tofore Cassydonye and how he spack to his doughter the fayr Beatryce, and for to doo her despyte he ded reyse a payr galowes supposyng to have hanged theron Sadoyne her husbonde. Capitulo xlviii.
prose-textblock50How the fayr Beatryce sente socours to her husbond Sadoyne and was rescowed fro deth and brought wythin Cassydonye maulgré the kynge Alymodes. Capitulo xlix.
prose-textblock51[fol. 5r] How Blanchardyn arryved in the haven of Cassydoyne, before whiche towne he founde Alymodos the kynge. Chapter 50, folio 90.
prose-textblock52How grete the batayll was bytwyx Blanchardyn and Kyng Alymodos before Cassydonye and how Alymodes was overcome, take, and broughte prysoner into the cyté, and of the coronacyon of Sadoyn and of his wyff Beatryx. Chapter 51, folio 90.
prose-textblock53How the proude mayden in love sent the provost toward Blanchardin whiche after thees tydynges exployted so sore that he arryved wyth alle his exeercyte
nyghe to the oost of Subyon. Chapter 52, folio 92.
prose-textblock54How Blanchardyn and Sadoyne dyscomfyted Subyon and of the grete bataylle and manere how he was taken and what followed after. Chapter 53, folio 94.
prose-textblock55How Blanchardin wedded his love the proude pucell in amours, and of the grete joye that was made there, and of the kynge of Fryses deth. Chapter 54, folio 96.