prose-textblock1 [fol. 1v] Unto
the right noble puyssaunt
and excellent pryncesse my redoubted
lady, my lady Margarete duchesse of Somercete,
moder unto our naturel and soverayn lord and most Crysten kynge Henry the seventh, by the grace of God, kyng of Englonde and of Fraunce, lord of Yrelonde, et cetera., I Wyllyam Caxton,
his most indygne
humble subgette and lytil servaunt, presente this lytyl book unto the noble grace of my sayd lady. Whiche boke I late receyved in Frenshe from her good grace
and her commaundement wythalle for to reduce
and translate it into our maternal and Englysh tonge. Whiche boke I had longe tofore solde to my sayd lady, and knewe wel that the storye of hit was honeste and joyefull to all vertuouse yong noble gentylmen and wymmen forto rede therein as for their passetyme. For under correction in my judgement, it is as requesyte
other whyle to rede in auncyent hystoryes
of noble fayttes
and valyaunt
actes of armes and warre which have ben achyeved in olde tyme of many noble prynces, lordes, and knyghtes, as wel for to see and know their walyauntnes
for to stande in the specyal grace and love of their ladyes. And in like wise for gentyl yonge ladyes and damoysellys for to lerne to be stedfaste and constaunt
in their parte to theym that they ones have promysed and agreed to, suche as have putte their lyves ofte in jeopardye for to playse theym to stande in grace, as it is to occupye theym and studye overmoche in bokes of contemplacion. Wherfore at the ynstaunce
and requeste of my sayd lady, whiche I repute
as for a commaundemente, I have reduced this sayd boke out of Frenshe into our Englysh. Whiche boke specyfyeth of the noble actes and fayttes of warre achyeved by a noble and victorious prynce
named Blanchardin, sone unto the kynge of [fol. 1v] Fryse,
for the love of a noble pryncesse callyd Eglantyne otherwyse named in Frenshe lorguylleuse damours, whiche is as moche to saye in Englyshe as the proude lady of love, quene of Tormaday; and of the grete adventures, labours, anguysshes and many other grete dyseases of theym bothe tofore they myghte atteyne
for to come to the fynall conclusion of their desired love, as alonge by the grace of God it shall be shewed in the historye of thys present book.
prose-textblock2Bysechynge my sayd ladyes bountyuous grace to receyve this lityll boke in gree of me, her humble servaunt, and to pardoune me of the rude and comyn Englyshe
whereas shall be found faulte, for I confesse me not lerned ne knowynge the arte of rethoryk
ne of suche gaye termes as now be sayd in these dayes and used. But I hope that it shall be understonden of the redars and herers. And that shall suffyse.
prose-textblock3Besechynge allmyghty God to graunte to her moste noble goode grace longe lyffe and the accomplysshement of hir hihe, noble, and joyes desires in thys present lyff. And after this short and transytorye lyff, everlastynge lyff in heven. Amen.