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Seynte Fredeswide was her of Engelonde. At Oxenford heo was ibore, as ic understonde. Aboute seve hondred yer and sevene and twenti right After that God was an erthe in Is moder alight, This holi womman was ibore - Seynte Fredeswide. Didan was hire fader name; hire moder het Saffride. Cristene man hire fader was. This maide of hem tuo, Seynte Fredeswide, com and hor eir was also. Tho this child was vif yer old and somwat more, Mid an holi womman iset heo was to lore. Ailgive het hire maistresse, that good womman was inough;1 This yonge child heo teighte wel and to godnesse hire drough. Ar this child were vol woxe, hire moder let that lif.2 That child bed hire fader yerne that he ne nome no wif, Ac that he arerde an chirche and in Godes service were. This gode mon at Oxenford an chirche let rere In honor of our Levedi and of the Trinité And eke of Alle Halwe, as the boc telleth me, Theras of Seynte Fredeswide an chirche nouthe is And an hous of religion of blake canouns, iwis. Tho this gode mon Sire Didan arered hadde this chirche, He feffede is doughter therwith, Godes service to wurche. This maide in this chirche bilevede in Godes service And bilevede hire eritage and everiche marchaundise, And seththe in this chirche, our Loverd vor te paie,3 Heo bilevede night and dai after hire fader daie In vasting and in orsouns and in other godnesse also. More godnesse then heo dude, me nuste no womman do.4 Thervore the devel hadde gret envie therto. He ne mighte wel tholie noght hire godnesse so. To hire he com in a tyme, in vair abit inou, With a company of develen that bihynde him drou. He sede he was Godes sone Jhesus fram Hevene igon And the develen with him angles were echon. "My lemman, com vorth," he sede, "com vorth here anon, Vor tyme it is that thou avonge with virgines mony on The croune of joie, of blis that ilasteth ever bright, That thou hast ofserved wel both dai and nyght. Com vorth and knele adoun, and honoure as ic fare The stapes here of myne fet that thou iwilned hast yare." Ne hure ye hou queynteliche the screwe it couthe bifynde? Nou luther thrift on is heved and on the companye bihynde!5 That maide hire bithoghte of this wonder cas; Hire inwit hire sede sone that it the devel was. "Wrecche," heo sede, "hou darstou bihote other men so Thing that thou ne might noght thisulf come to?6 Ac that thou vorlore thoru thi sori prute, And ic and alle other eke with thee were yute, Sunvol womman as icham, yif our Loverd ous nadde iboght, To wan thou evenest thee! Ac thou luxt: thou nart it noght."7 The devel anon myd this word with wel sori bere And with strong stench wende awei, and ne com na more there. "Nou an alle devel wei, amen," seggeth alle, "And ne come he never in gode stude in chirche ne in halle!"8 Tho the screwe was overcome, sori he was and wo. To the kyng he wende of Englond - Kyng Algar that was tho - And ofte entised him in thoght and in metynge That he scholde this maide of hire holi lif bringe, And ligge bi hire flescliche and bynyme hire also Hire abit of nonne that heo was inome to.9 Thoru the develes poer the kyng was in such mod That ar the dede were ido he was wel ny wod. To Oxenford is messageris he sende, that hi soghte This maide ware heo were ifounde and sone to him broghte. To this maide sone hi come, that ladde so good lif, And in vaire manere hire bisoghte to be the kynges wif. "Certes," quath this holi maide, "ye speketh al vor noght! To the Kyng of Hevene icham ispoused. I ne breke my thoght."10 Mid strengthe hi wolde hire nyme tho and to the kynge lede, Ac hi ablende tho anon echon myd the dede. Tho mighte hi somdel be itemed and bileve hor wildhede; Hi nolde tho habbe icome ther, vor al hor prute wede!11 That folc hadde deol of hem, and Seynte Fredeswide bede Vorgeve hor folie and wissi hem and rede. That maide bed vor hem anon, so that thoru Is grace Our Lord hem sende agen anon hor sight in the place. Tho wende hi sone agen and tolde the kynge vore In wuch manere vor hor dede hor sight was vorlore.12 The kyng verde as he were wod, and more oth suor therto13 That heo ne scholde noght ofscapie thoru wicchinge so. "Vor heo me hath so vorsake, ichulle do bi hire folie; And wen ichabbe bi hire ido my wille of lecherie, Ichulle bitake hire hose wole, stronge lechors and store, That wen heo vorsaketh me, heo schal be comun hore!" He lupte up is palefray and vorth then wei nom;14 As a man that were wod, to Oxenford he com. Ac this holi maide tofore myd two sostren wende Into Temese in a scip as God the grace sende. As sone as hi were in this scip, sodeinliche hi were Under the toun of Benteme - hi nuste hou hi come ther. Tho wuste wel this holi maide that it was Godes wille That heo bilevede ther. Heo wende hir up wel stille And bilevede longe in Godes servise there Mid hire felawes priveliche, that nonnon also were. The kyng com into Oxenford as man that were wod. He soghte vaste her and ther this maide that was so good. He mighte seche longe inou, ac ever he was bihinde! And wroth he was inou, vor he nuste war hire fynde.15 He asked that folc after hire, ac non ne couthe him telle. He suor bote hi tolde him other, mony mon to quelle, And throwe al the toun up-to-doun and bringe al to wrechede. He earnde to the North Gate to bigynne ther this dede. Anon he ablende ther, as he bigan this strif, And bilevede ther the sori wreche, blynd al his lif, And wende hom tame inou. Is prowesse was bihynde! He mighte segge war he com, "War, her cometh the blynde!"16 And, vor is eyen were so vor is folie bynome,17 Ther ne dar no kyng in Oxenford yut to this dai come. That holi maide at Bentone bilevede in Godes lore. Heo ne dradde nothing of the kyng, that he wolde hire seche more. Seththe toward Oxenford then wei hamward heo nom,18 To the toun of Bunseie, as God wold heo com. Thre yer with hire felawes heo bilevede there, And to servy Jhesu Crist a chapel heo let rere, Ther is yut a vair court and a chirche vair and suete, Arered in honour of hire and of Seynte Margarete. As this maide wonede ther in holi lif and clene, The maidens that with hire were gonne hire ofte bymene That water was somdel to ver to al hor nede And cride on Seynte Fredeswide that heo scholde hem therof rede.19 This maide Seinte Fredeswide bed our Lordes sonde That He water thoru Is grace sende hem ner in londe. Tho sprong ther up a wel vair welle, cler inou and clene, That fond hem alle water inough that hi ne dorste noght hem bymene.20 That biside the chirche yut is, a lute in the west side, That mony mon hath bote ido and that mony mon seche wide. A yong mon ther was in a tyme that was in fol thoght, To wurche in a Soneday, ac he belou it noght. Vor as he heu with is ax, is ax clevede vaste To is honden, that vor nothing he ne mighte hire awei caste.21 Ther was sorwe and deol inou among is frend echon, So that he was sone irad to the holi maide gon. To hire he com and cride vaste, with is frend mony on; This maide bad God vor him, and he was dilivered anon. Ac he was iwar afterward then Sonedai worke to do. Of hem that wurche Sonedai, to vewe me serveth so!22 Ate laste this holi maide, tho heo then tyme isei, Fram Bunseie wende to Oxenford, vor it was somdel nei. That folc of Oxenford anon wel thicke agen hire drou23 And broghte hire to hire owe chirche with nobleie inou. As vor te honoure hire that folc so thicke wende, Our Lord vor hire love a vair myracle sende. A mesel com among that folc, swythe grisliche myd alle, That hadde yare sik ibe and ne mighte no bote valle. Loude he gradde and ofte inough, "Levedi, bidde ic thee, Vor the love of Jhesu Crist, have mercy of me And cus me with thi suete mouth, yif it is thi wille!" This maide was sore ofschame and eode evere vorth stille. This mesel gradde evere on and cride "milce" and "ore,"24 So that this maide him custe and was ofscamed sore. A suete cos it was to him, vor therwith anon He bicom hol and sound, and is lymes echon, And vair man and clene inou was, and of thulke cosse there Me thencth the maide nadde no sunne, of ordre thei heo were!25 This maide wende in Oxenford to hire churche sone And ladde ther holi lif, as heo was iwoned to done. Seththe tho heo hadde ilyved in holi lif yare, And oure Loverdes wille was that heo scholde henne vare, Heo bigon to febli, and an hevenesse hire nom. And longe bivore hire deth an angel to hire com And sede that heo deie scholde in the monthe of Octembre, The fourtethe kalendes as vel of Novembre, The nyght after Seynte Lukes Day, in an Sonenyght, And wende after hire holi deth to the joie of Hevene right. Glad was this maide tho, as heo mighte wel ethe, That so longe was bivore iwarned of hire dethe. So that somdel bivore a fevere hire gan take, A Seynte Lukes Day, then Saterday, an put heo let make26 Right in hire owe churche, and an sepulcre also. Our Loverdes flesc and Is blod heo underveng therto. Tho caste heo up hire eien toward hevene an hei; The maide Seynte Katerine and Seynte Cecile heo sei With othere virgines mony on toward hire alight Fram Hevene wel mildeliche - ther was a suete sight! This holi maide with hem spac, as hurde mony on, And sede, "In youre companye ichulle wende anon." Heo bed hem alle good day that aboute hire were ther, And deide right thulke tyme that the angel hire sede er,27 And to the joie of Hevene with this virgines wende. Aboute hire ther as heo deide, our suete Loverd sende So gret suotnesse into al that hous that the folc that was there In so gret joie stode in Parais as thei hi were. Into hire owe churche this maide was sone ibore And bured in thulke stude that heo wilnede byvore,28 Theras nou arered is a vair chanorie And a churche in hire name, and priorie, Ther hath ibe vor hire love ofte gret botnynge.29 Nou bidde we God, vor hire love, that He to Hevene ous bringe! |
in this country she; born directly; (see note) on; His father's; was called; (see note) from the two of them their heir When; five; (t-note) With; placed; for instruction (t-note) she taught; drew; (see note) (t-note) asked her; eagerly; take But; should erect; should be caused to be built; (see note) Lady also; All Saints Where; now religious community; truly; (see note) When; had built endowed his; (see note) remained remained; father's time fasting; prayers enmity toward her could hardly endure on one occasion; very fine-looking garb; (see note) devils; went come devils; angels; all darling; forth; at once should receive; many forever remains bright deserved; at all times go (see note) pondered; amazing occurrence; (t-note) reason told her soon (t-note) very sad demeanor foul stink went; came When; villain; miserable went; then; (see note) tempted (enticed); dream from her holy life take away power; such a state of mind until; done; nearly insane his messengers; [so] that they; (see note) wherever they came a courteous way Certainly; for nothing (see note) The people; pity; asked [To] forgive; guide; instruct maiden prayed for; His restored soon their escape; witchcraft (t-note) (t-note) beforehand; sisters; (see note) the Thames; ship they knew not; (see note) Then knew should remain; very quietly remained; (t-note) companions; nuns (see note); (t-note) eagerly here the people; none; could swore unless; otherwise; kill upside-down; misery ran went blind chastened; fell short; (see note); (t-note) dares; still; (see note) seek further (see note) willed that she should come; (see note); (t-note) years serve; had built [Where] there is still; courtyard Built dwelled; (see note) complain somewhat too far away for asked; favor should send; nearby; (t-note) (t-note) still; little healed; from afar once; foolish intention; (see note) work; did not rejoice over it hewed; stuck fast great lamentation; his friends advised; to go cried earnestly prayed to God warned [against] when she saw the opportunity rather near great ceremony in such a crowd; (see note) pleasing; granted (sent) leper; very hideous indeed for a long time; remedy acquire cried out kiss ashamed; walked; quietly kissed; sorely ashamed kiss all his limbs with regard to that kiss accustomed to do After; for a long time go hence (die) grow weak; numbness came over her (see note) fourteenth; occurred (fell) on a Sunday night directly with good reason somewhat before (see note) own received; (see note) on high saw; (see note) descend very graciously; sweet; (see note) spoke; many people heard farewell these (see note) sweetness (fragrance) as though they were in Paradise carried; (see note) Where; established; community of canons; (see note) a priory (t-note) let us ask |