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Incipit vita sancte Katerine virginis. He that made bothe sunne and mone In hevene and erthe for to schyne, Brynge us to Hevene with Hym to wone And schylde us from helle pyne! Lystnys and I schal yow telle The lyf of an holy virgyne That trewely Jhesu lovede wel - Here name was callyd Katerine. I undyrstonde, it betydde soo: In Grece ther was an emperour; He was kyng of landes moo, Of casteles grete and many a tour. The ryche men of that land They servyd hym with mekyl honour. Maxenceus was his name hotand, A man he was ful sterne and stour. Mahoun heeld he for hys god: He trowyd in the false lay; On Jhesu Cryst levede he not, That Lord is and God verray. He was a Sarezyn ful tryst, With Crystyndom he werrede ay, For alle that trowyd on Jhesu Cryst He stroyyd bothe be nyght and day. Whenne he hadde fyve and fyfty yer Ben emperour and born the corown, Thorwgh al the land hys messanger He sente aboute fro toun to toun; To Alisaundyr he sente hys sawe And bad tho folk scholde come wel sone, Ryche and pore, heyghe and lawe, With here offryng to seke Mahone. He bad the ryche men scholde brynge Neet and scheep to here offerande, And pore men up alle thynge Quyke foulys in here hande; And as they wolde here lyvys hente, For nothyng ne scholde they wonde. This was the kyngys comaundement That he sente thorwgh al hys londe. The folk upon this manere yood - To wraththe the kyng they weren adrad. Beforn hys goddys hymselven stood, In ryche clothyng was he clad. Glemen were there, bothe false and fykil, He bad that they scholde be ful glad; Noyse they maden wundyr mekyl,1 As here emperour hem bad. Another kyng in that lande was thoo: Costus was hys name calde. A doughtyr he hadde - chyldryn no moo - Of eightene wyntyr was sche of alde: Kateryne was here ryghte name, Of wyt and wysdom was sche bolde. Sche lovyd Jhesu, though sche bar blame - For Hys love was here lyf solde. As sche stood in here fadyr coort, Glemen herde sche lowde synge, With pypys and trumpys they maden desport, And bellys herde sche lowde rynge. Sche fraynyd of here fadir men What was that noyse and that pypyng. They tolde here of that offryng then That Maxeens garte his folk to bryng. Sche hoof up here hand, that mayden yungge, And blyssyd here fol wyttyrly, Ferst here brest and thanne here tungge - So says the book of here story. Thedyr sche sayde, alone sche thoughte,2 For to se that melody. But al alone wente sche noughte: They wente with here, that stood here by. Whenne sche com to hys palayse, Sum sche sawgh make game and glee. That levyd on Jhesu weren evele at ayse.3 Sory men sche dede hem see: For eythir they scholde don sacrefyse To hys mawmettys imaad of tree, Of ston and bras, on alle wyse, Eythir they scholde imartyryd be. Sche com before the emperour there, There as he made hys sacrefyze, And grette hym al on this manere - Wordys sche spak bothe bolde and wyse: "Jhesu Cryst be with thee then, Ryghtwyse Kyng and heyghe Justyse, That tholyd deth for synful men And hadde pousty for to ryse. "I speke of Jhesu of Hevene within. Of alle kyngys He is flour, That suffryd deth for alle mankyn, He is oure alle Creatour. Behold Jhesu, the welle of wyt, Sere Maxence, kyng and emperour! This sacrefyse - to Hym doo it And seke Hym with thus mekyl honour! "But now me thynkith doost thou so nought. Thou wyrkyst on a werse wyse: This folk that thou hast hedyr brought, Thou doost hem make the devyl servyse.4 Al that they doo, withouten were, To these mawmettys upon this gyse, A dysseyvaunce is to hem here, Fykyl and fals and al fayntyse." This emperour awondryd was Of this maydyn, fayr of vyse; Here stedefastnesse in herte he has, And sayde to here wurdys ful nyse: "Why dyspraysyst thou oure goddys so And holdyst hem of so lytyl pryse? Iwis, so scholdyst thou nought doo, Me thynkith thou art nothyng wyse. "Yyf thou were leryd of oure lay lel And to oure scoles were entendaunte, Thou woldyst saye we deden ful wel, And with thy tungge thou woldist it graunte. To myghteful goddes thou thee take, Swylk as Mahoun and Termagaunt, And Jhesu Cryst look thou forsake The whylke thou holdyst thy waraunt!5 "And for we have now on hande This ryche feste, as thou mayst see, Come now forth with thyn offerande, And holde it for no vanyté! For to oure goddes, so good at nede, Yif that thou wylt buxum be, Ryche gyftys schal be thy mede And that thou sayde forgeve I thee." Thenne bespak here Kateryne - God of Hevene forgat sche nought; That schoop here wymman and virgyne, Sente grace intyl here thought: "These aren quyke develys to calle That this peple have here sought; Ther is no god but On of alle, That thee and me and al hath wrought." This emperour with woo gan wake, And thoughte on wylys and queynte crokes. Lettres gart he swythe make And prevyly, as saith the bookes, Ou a maydyn was come ful yyng, That here goddys alle forsook. He selyd hem with hys owne ryng That he of hys fyngyr took. He took the messanger in hande The lettrys selyd for gret tokenyng To alle the wyse men of hys lande, And bad hem come withouten dwellyng. Ful gret honour he hyghte hem yyt, As he was trewe knyght and kyng, Yyf they with here wysdam and here wyt Myghten ovyrcome that maydyn yyng. That maydyn was in presoun done, Soone as the messanger was went. An aungyl com to here fol sone That Jhesu Cryst here hadde isent. He sayde, "My Lord gretes thee weel That wyt and wysdam has thee lent - And that thyn herte be strong as steel And thynk on Hym with good entent! "Maxence hath isent hys sonde Ovyral aboute in this cuntree Aftyr men wysest in londe, With thee to stryve, as thou schalt see. Be that thy wurdys they have herd tel As Jhesu Cryst schal wysse thee, Here trowthe schal ben in God ful wel, And for Hym schole they martyryd be." Over al the world that was so wyde Hys messanger wente ful yare. Fyfty men he broughte that tyde, Grettest clerkys and wys of lare: In al wysdom and eke Latyne Men sayde that they ryght redy wore For to dysspute with Kateryne, That Maxcense hadde withholden thore. Amonges hem was that mayden anon. They desputyd with here of many matere, Here resouns sayde they on be on, Ylkon on hys beste manere. This maydyn, that I have of tolde, Sche stood with a stedefast chere, In herte here resouns gan beholde - Goddys aungyl was here fere. Whenne they hadden here resouns sayde, Everylkone bothe more and lesse, To ylke a poynt withinne a brayde Sche answerde with wol gret mekenesse. Al here devys thenne sayde sche Of God of hevene, that oure Lord ysse, Is and was and evere schal be - The Gospel took sche to wytnysse. Of Holy Wryt sche taughte hem thore And of Crystys Incarnacyoun, And of a maydyn hou He was bore, And hou He suffrede passyoun, And hou He sente Hys postelys wyde To brynge men to salvacyoun - And Crystene trowthe sche tolde that tyde And prevyd it hem with pure resoun. Whenne this mayden hadde isayde Alle here resouns that were so goode, Fol weel were these maystrys payde, And they begunne to chaunge here moode. But there Maxcence sat, in fay, For yre of herte he wax nygh wood And askyd, or they cowde ought say Agayn that maydyn that there stood. Thenne bespak a maystyr anon (Of ryche kynrede was he bore): "Sere kyng, I wene we have mysgon; Othere resouns beth betere us fore. For we scholen trowe on Jhesu Cryst That bar the corowne maad of thorn, As Kateryne hath itold fol tryst - Ful loth us were to be forelorn." Alle togedere hem askyd he Whether they wolde here thought ought wende. They sayden, on Jhesu that deyde on tree They wolde beleve withouten ende. He wax agrevyd, that stoute syre, He bad hem bynden feet and hande; He swoor he scholde quyte here hyre - They scholde be brend as brennyng brande. He garte hem caste al in gret feer. Gret myracle men myght ther see: Here fax, here clothis and here her Of wem were they quyt and free. Martyrdom they suffryd thore For Hym that deyde upon the tree; To hevene were here soulys bore, In Goddys frayry for to be. Thoo bad the emperour hys men, "Bryngys forth that fayre may!" And whanne sche com beforn hym then, "Welcome," he sayde, "par ma fay! Hast thou yit thy counseyl tan For to turne upon my lay? Have mercy on thy fayre pan! Me longis nought don it away. "Thou schalt be menskyd as a qwene, Bothe in boure and eke in halle; And in thy name I schal do clene An ymage make, ryght fayr withalle,6 And in this burgh thenne schal it stande, And heyghe and lowe schole loute it alle. Of alle the nedys of this land We schole thee unto counseyl calle.7 "Heyghe and lowe schal serve thee soo. Kateryne, doo as I thee bede! And yit I wole thee more doo, Yyf thou wylt doo aftyr my rede: Of marbylston schal I do make A ryche temple whenne thou art ded; Among oure goddys thou schalt be take And layde in sylvyr and gold so red." "Be stylle, thou fool! I saye to thee, Thou redes me to ful mekyl synne! What man wolde idampnyd be In helle for ony worldys wynne? I have to Jhesu Cryst my love: He is my spouse, bothe oute and inne; I hope to come to His hevene above, There joye and blysse schal nevere blynne. "He is myn hope, my joye mest, My Lord, my God in Trynyté, My leef, my lyf, my love best - To swylke a lemman take I me. And yyf me were boote to speke, Of thy counseyl now wolde I be Thy goddys for to brenne and breke8 - For thou madyst hem, and they nought thee." Be that sche hadde here wurdys sayde, Hym thoughte hys herte scholde breke on fyve; For yre and wraththe he styrte and brayde And bad hys men hastely and blyve: "With whyppys and scourgys doth here sterte! Byndith and betith, whyl sche is on lyve,9 And in presoun then doth here smerte! What boote is thusgate for to stryve?" They maden here body al red blood ren That fyrst was whyt as whales bon, And aftyr sayde he to hys men: "Prysouns here now swythe anon! Hungyr schal sche hastely feel: Mete ne drynk ne gevith here non, Lytyl ne mekyl - now wete thou weel - 10 Tyl twelve dayes be comen and gon! "Out of this land I wole, for sothe - Me behoves nought longe dwelle, To grete men and wyse bothe Of these auntrys for to telle.11 Counseyl I have withouten dred Hou I schal this maydyn quelle; But sche take another red, Sche schal wete of woo ful welle." Whenne the emperour was iwent, The qwene sayde untyl a knyghte - Of knyghtys he was cheef and gent: Porphurye, seys the book, he hyghte - The qwene sayde: "With Kateryne Doo me speke, yyf that thou myght! Longyng I have in herte myne To speke with here this ylke nyght." That ylke nyght forgat he nought To doo the qwenys comaundemente: Unto presoun tho he here brought And prevyly with here he wente. They sawgh therinne ful mekyl lyght: Goddys aungelys thedyr were sent, That seten aboute that swete wyght, Anoyntyd here with oynement. Aungelys they seen here cors anoynte, Ylke a wem and ylke a wounde. Thorwgh Jhesu myght in every joynte They maden here bothe heyl and sounde. They hadde nought at the presoun dore Istonden but a lytyl stounde, Of the lyght they were adred so sore In swownyng fel they to the grounde. The maydyn ros and to hem came And spak to hem with mylde mood: "Rysys up in Goddys name, And loke ye ben of counfort good!" On Jhesu Cryst sche bad hem leve, That for mankynde schedde Hys blood. And whanne sche hadde this counseyl geve, Up they resen and by here stood. Thenne spak the qwene sone anon: "Kateryne, fol weel is thee! With Jhesu Cryst meche mayst thou don, We have seen al thy prevyté." "Looke thou," sche sayde, "upon Hym trowe That Lord is of swylke pousté! He nele forgete, He wole hem knowe That serve Hym with herte free. "I rede thee, dame, for thy behove, Forsake Maxence and al hys myght For that ylke Kyngys love That made bothe day and nyght, Hevene and erthe, beste and man, Sunne and mone that schynys bryght. The joye of Hevene schalt thou han, And thou alsoo, I say, sere knyght!" Thenne spak that knyght to Kateryne: "What kyn joye may that be?" Kateryne sayde weel and fyne: "Porphyrye, I wole telle it thee: It is the joye withouten ende That eeren ne eyghen may here ne see, No tungge of speke, herte thynke in mende - That lovith God lel, this ordeynith He.12 "Ther is non in that ryche empere That hungyr has, cold, ne threste; Drede ne wraththe is ther non there, But love and lykyng, joye and reste." Thorwgh the wurdys that sche spake Or mydnyght they were ful preste To suffre deth for Goddys sake; They levyd in Jhesu alther beste. They here betaughte Jhesu, oure Lord, And siththen wenten bothe away. Two hundryd knyghtys servyd here at bord. Whan sche tolde hem that othir day Hou Goddys aungelys here servyd had In presoun, that fayre may, They levyd on Jhesu, as sche hem bad, And forsoken here false lay. For sche ne moste have neyther mete ne drynk Thorwgh comaundement of the emperour, Twelve dayes, nevere a pynk, Sche hadde a betere vyaundour: Cryst sente to here goostly foode Fro Hevene, that is oure Saveour. Aungelys that broughten here lyflode Ther sche sat presounnyd in a tour. And whenne the twelve dayes were gon, Thenne com Jhesu, hevene Kyng, With aungelys and maydenys many on, For to speke with Hys derelyng. He sayde, "For me thou hast ben led In ful gret stryf and gret fandyng. Looke that thou be nought adred. I geve thee, doughtyr, my blessyng. "Often I have thy prayers herde, Whenne that thou hast me besought; I schal nought fayle thee - be nought aferde - To jugement whenne thou art brought. Looke thou be stedefast, trewe and sekyr! Of alle here peynys geve thou nought. For of the blysse thou may be sekyr That I have to myn handwerk wrought." Whenne He hadde sayde these wurdis thoo, Out of the presoun gan He glyde To Hevene blysse, ther He com froo, Hys aungelys upon ylke a syde. Whenne Maxcense hadde idon his dede, Hom he come with mekyl pryde; With dukes, eerlys, and knyghtys he yede, And pagys rennyng be here syde. Upon that other day ful sone He askyd of the maydenys staat, Yif that sche were on lyve or none:13 "Sche is ful feble, weel I waat. Fette here forth now, my gayler! For hungyr and thyrst sche is ful mate." The gayler broughte here to hym ther, Ther as he sat in ryal sate. Whenne sche was before hym led, He sayde, "Welcome, damyseel! Thou hast ben ful harde isted Bothe in yryn and in steel; But yit me thynkith that thou leve may And that me lykith swythe wel. Jhesu, that thou hast spoken of ay, Thee behovith forsaken every del. "For I wolde nought do thee to dede, To my presoun I dede thee goo. But sertys now thou mostyst nede To chese thee on of thyngys twoo: Oyther upon my goddys leve And Cryst forsake for everemoo, Or we schal thynke bothe morwe and eve With stronge paynys thee to sloo." Thenne spak the maydyn there sche stood Among the Sarezynys so blak, As Jhesu here taughte, that is so good, With mylde wurdys withouten lak: "Though I schole deye, thou may me trest: Jhesu ne schal I nevere forsake;14 For Jhesu love I am ful prest Gladly here my deth to take. "For though that thou bethynke thee Aftyr peynys grete and sare And doo hem alle to pyne me, To suffre hem I wil be yare. Nevere in my lyf, be God above, My flesch, my blood ne wole I spare To spende hem for that Lordys love; For me He suffryd mekyl mare. "Blely wole I martyryd be For Hym with peynys grete and smale: He has me callyd to Hys frayré, That schal be boote of al my bale." Sche stood with a ful blythe mood Before Maxence, to tellen here tale. But there he sat he wex nygh wood; For tene and angyr he was al pale. He skypte and styrte and sore gan grame. Ther com a Sarezyn forth anon - Cursates, the book saith, was his name. "Sere kyng," he sayde, "I am thy mon. Yit I can a turnement make: Of swylke on herdyst thou nevere er telle;15 Whanne sche it seeth, I undyrtake, Another lessoun sche wole spelle. "Foure wheles make schal I, The twoo schole turne agayn the twoo, Ful thykke idreven by and by With wythir-hokes, here to sloo.16 Among the foure sche schal be went. Here body schal have meche woo: In smale peses sche schal be rent, On erthe schal sche nevere eft goo." Thenne bad Maxcence hys gayler That he scholde the mayden take And leden here into presoun ther, The whyles he scholde the wheles make. And or the thrydde day were gon, They weren iwrought al for here sake. So grym they were to loke upon That many a man they garte quake. Whenne the wheles weren al yare, In the cyté were they set; Many Sarezyn before hem ware. The maydyn was ful gretly thret.17 Thanne bad the emperour hys men That sche were out of presoun fet. To ben awreke weel wende he then Of that maydyn withouten let. They ledde here to that ylke stede There sche scholde in hem gon.18 Many a modyr chylde ther yede For to loken here upon. Sche knelyd adoun that place amydde, To God of Hevene sche bad here bone. But lystnes now what hap betydde! Goddys help here com ful sone. The whelys for to breke asundyr, Aungelys were sent fro God anon. On Sarezynys that were ther undyr Venjaunse took He sone upon. Among the folk they gunne to dryve - Foure thousand there dede they slon. Of hethene men were ded ful ryve, But evyl hadde the maydyn non. The Crystene men that there were Of this myracle they were ful glad. The kyng ne wyste what he dede there, So sorweful was he and so mad. The Sarezynys that ascape myghte Hyyd hem faste - they weren adrad For that ylke perylous syghte; Of sorewe were they nevere so sad.19 Soone aftyr this folk was flowe than, Untyl hym sayde hys wyf, the qwene: "Weylaway, thou wrehche man! Wherof makys thou thee so kene? He hath weel kyd that God is He, That born was of the maydyn schene. I forsake alle thyne and thee And al thy myght forevere clene.20 "Agayn the Lord that thou woldyst greve Thy stryvyng is nought wurth a schyde; That these Crystene men on leve, Hys myghtynesse it goth ful wyde.21 Crye Hym mercy of thy gylt! For yyf that thou to longe abyde, When thou art ded thou schalt be pylt In helle pyne for al thy pryde." He wex for wroth bothe wood and wylde, And to the qwene he sayde then, "Thou art dysseyvyd - the devyl thee hylde! - Thorwgh wyhchecraft of Crystene men. I swere thee be my goddys goode And be al that I can sayn: But thou the sunnere chaunge thy moode, With wykkyd deth thou schalt be slayn. "But thou forsake Jhesu ful prest, This schal be thy jugement: Fyrst thy pappys of thy brest With yrene hookes schole be rent; And afftyrward withinne a thrawe Thou schalt be hevedyd, ar evere I stent, With houndys and foules al todrawe,22 Thorwgh myn owne comaundement." Whenne this emperour was war That sche nolde nought turne here thought, On alle maner than bad he thar That sche schoolde out of towne be brought. Thenne lokyd sche to Kateryne, And myldely sche here besought To don here erende in that pyne23 To God of Hevene, that al hath wrought. Thenne sayde Kateryne, here trewe frende: "For sothe, dame, I telle it thee: Of the joye withouten ende Trust and sekyr may thou be, Yif thou thy deth in Hys name has That spredde Hys body upon the Tree, As Hys swete wylle was, For to maken oure soules free." Men drowen here pappys of here brest And hedyd here, as I have told. Than bad the emperour ful feste That no man scholde be so bold For to beryyn here body - For houndes scholde have it at wolde. The soule com ful hastyly Before Jhesu, that it fore was solde. Thenne aftyrward, whenne it was nyght Aftyr thys stronge passyoun, Com Purphurye, the goode knyght, And fond here lye withouten the toun. In Crystene beryeles with good entent He beryyd here with devocyoun, Agayn the kyngys comaundement - To suffre deth he was ful boun. Thenne aftyr on that othir day Men tolden the emperour ful rathe That sche was beryyd, soth to say. Than spak he wurdys grymme and wrathe: "Enserches faste who this hath don, My serjauntys that I clothe and fede!" Manye a man that gylt hadde non Was flemyd and prysounnyd for that dede. Before this cruel emperour Ful boldely com Sere Purphury And seyde hym, there he sat ful sour, Ryght ful of yre and felony, "I wole thee telle who dede this dede, Siththe thou hast so gret desyr: I, Goddys servaunt, withouten drede, I have beryyd Hys martyr. "Thou was ful wood wytles, sertayn, And lytyl thoughtyst thou on thy dede, Aftyr that thou haddyst here slayn The erthe whan thou here forbede.24 In helle pyne schal be thy playn Withouten ende for thy qwed. To Jhesu Cryst I take me ay And I forsake thy false red." Thanne he began to crye and rore, And often he callyd hymself "caytyf," As he hadde be woundyd thore With swerd, with spere, or with knyf. Often he sayde, "Allas, allas, That evere I was born of wyf! Now Purphurye forsake me has Wardayn of myn owne lyf!" He hadde sorwe and care most, Wundyr woo he was in wede. He sayde, "Now I have hym ilost, The beste knyght of al my lede! My beste help bothe fer and nere Overal he was at my moste nede. The wyhche schal it abye ful dere Thorwgh whom he hath don this dede!" Hys knyghtys drowgh the knyght saunfayle To and from in prevyté, Thorwgh whom it was and whos counsayle That he wolde icrystenyd be. When they hadde counsayllyd to and fram The knyghtys sayden, "Now so wil we! We take us unto Crystyndam; For drede of deth wole we nought fle." Often he was in ful wroth plyte, But nevere so wroth as he was thoo! Here hedes he bad anon off smyte - But therof gaf they nought a sloo.25 Here bodyys he bad in feeld be caste With houndys to gnawe and bestys thoo.26 Here soules come ful swythe in haste There joye and blysse is everemoo. Pray we now bothe fyrst and laste, Lytyl and mochyl, I rede thertoo, That whanne that we be hens ipaste, That oure soules mowe do soo. Thenne aftyr on that othir day The kyng was set in hys chayere; Sarezynys that heelden here lay On ylke a syde they sat hym nere. Kateryne he bad forth brynge; To fetten here wente hys jayler. Beforn hym com that holy thynge With blythe mood and gladful cheer. Wrothly on here than lokyd he And spak to here with gret envye: "Mekyl woo hast thou do me, Thou wyhche, ful of felounnye! Thou hast maad my folk forlorne And that thou schalt ful dere abye. Ne schalt thou nevere eft me scorne, Betraye me with thy sorserye! "But thou wylt leve on alle wyse Upon my goddys that al may weelde, And mekely don hem sacrefyze, Knele and up thyn handes helde, This ylke day - and that als tyte - Withowten the toun ryght in the felde My men schole there thyn hed off smyte, And so schole we thy servyse yelde." This mayde forbar hym nought that tyde. Sche sayde, "Nay, thou teraunt, nay! That day ne schalt thou nevere abyde That I schal leve upon thy lay. Blessyd be Hevene Kyng above, He hath me lent ful stable fay. Blely wole I for Hys love Thole deth this ylke day. "Doo forth faste as thou began, Thou fendes leme, thou fendes gaste! For al that evere thou thynke kan, I wole hem suffre al in haste, For Jhesu love, my Spouse gay, That born was of a maydyn chast. My soule to Hym beteche I ay, For I have lovyd Hym althermast." Thanne that Sarezyn bad hys men That they scholden lede that maydyn gent Out of the burghe gates then And geven here there here jugement. Ful blythe and glad that fayre may Out of the tounward sche went. With many a man that ylke day In the toun sche was bement. Whan sche was led to the place, for sothe, There sche scholde ihedyd be, Wyves fele and maydenys bothe Folewyd here of that cyté, Makyng sorewe and wepynge harde For that maydyn fayr and free. Sche turnyd anon unto hemwarde And sayde as I schal telle thee: "I pray yow alle that ye gon hom, Ye wyvys and ye maydenys bryght! Dystourbles nought my martyrdom, But bes ful glad: for He me hyght, That Lord that is over alle thynge, Soone aftyr when I martyryd be, To Hevene blysse He schal me brynge." Sche knelyd doun and up gan see, To heveneward, there sche hadde tyght. Sche sayde, "Jhesu, my love fre, Of al that I leve in the ryght, Lord, this day I thanke thee. I thanke thee, Lord, now ful of myght, For thou hast maad me on of thyne, To wone among thy maydenys bryght In Hevene, ther nevere schal be no pyne. "Hevene and erthe, bothe lyght and derk, Watyr and land, sunne and mone, And al this world - this was thy werk, That heyghe syttyst in holy trone. I beseke thee today That thou graunte me a bone Out of this world ar I go away - For that I wot schal be ful soone: "Alle that in the name of me My passyoun wole here or rede, Or have me in good memory In ony lond or ony lede: Lord, yyf they praye in ryghtful case, In poynt of deth or other nede, Thou graunte hem for thyn holy grace Of here prayer weel to spede. "To suffre deth I am here, loo, Ful prest, Lord, for love of thee. This macegref is here alsoo With drawen swerd, to hede me - My soule greve he ne may, For therof hath he no pousté. Tak it to thee now, I thee pray, Into the blysse that evere schal be!" Soone as sche hadde maad an ende Of here orysoun and here prayer For alle that here hadde in mende, And for hereself in this maner, A voys fro hevene oure Lord dede sende, That alle it herde that ther were: "My gatys ben open, my leve frende. Come to me, my doughtyr dere! "To suffre the deth in the name of me, Doughtyr, drede thou no wyght! Befor me schalt thou corownyd be, For hedyr hast thou longe ityght. The cumpany of aungelys schene Schal come agayn thy soule bryght And brynge thee to this place clene Ther evere is day and nevere nyght. "Come, my doughtyr! come now smerte, For herd is now thyn orysoun. For alle that thee have in here herte And blely here thy passyoun, And alle that on thee calle in nede With hertely devocyoun, Of here prayer schole they spede And therto have my benysoun." Of this answere, when it was herd, Iwundryd was many a man. Sche stoupyd doun undyr the swerd - Here swyre was whyt as ony swan. Swythe he smot here hed off there, But for the blood the mylk out ran. Above here stood that manquellere - He was ful blak, he was ful wan. Anon come aungelys from the ayr And flowen awey with here body And beryyd it, that swythe was fayr, In the Mount of Synay, There gaf the lawe God of Hevene Unto the prophete Moysy. The soule com to Jhesu evene With moche merthe and melody. That day sche deyde - wetith weel it! - Syxe aungelys deden here body lende Into the Mount, there it is yit And schal be to the worldes ende. Of syke folk were ther nevere so fele - Alle that evere wolde thedyr wende,27 Oure Lord sente hem boote and hele, That alle bales may amende. The toumbe that sche was layd in ther, It was al maad of marbylston. A strem of oyle fayr and cler Sprong therof ryght ful good won - And so it hath don seththyn evere, Evere siththe that sche was slawe. Alle Crystene folk that thedyr kevere Here body wurschepith wundyr fawe. Here day it fallith in Novembre, In world as sche was martyryd here,28 On the sevynthe kalendes of Decembre, As wreten is in kalendere. He that wrot here lyf thus, And alle that it rede and here, The joye of hevene hem geve Jhesus,29 For Maryes love, Hys modyr dere! The heyghe Kyng of alle menkynne, That spredde Hys body upon Tree, Brynge us out of dedly synne And sende us love and charyté, That we mowe to that stede wynne, Withouten ende in joye to be, That Seynt Kateryne is inne - Amen, amen, pur charyté! [Explicit.] |
(see note) dwell [the] pain(s) of hell Listen (t-note) happened (see note) many great called harsh and cruel (see note) believed; religion true God bold; (see note) always made war destroyed (see note); (t-note) Alexandria; message visit [the shrine or altar of] Cattle; as their offering above all other considerations Live birds to save their [own] lives hesitate went for this reason make angry [he] himself Minstrels; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) She had reached the age of eighteen; (t-note) In; strong/confident even if that brought disgrace/danger given (t-note) Minstrels entertained; (t-note) asked; father's servants caused; (t-note) raised herself very certainly; (see note) (t-note) (see note) (Maxentius's) palace enjoying the festivities Sorrowful they either had to idols made of wood at all costs Or Where; (t-note) greeted Righteous suffered power the most excellent Creator of us all wellspring of wisdom; (see note) Sir offer such great doubt idols; in this manner; (see note) deception (MED deceivaunce) treachery astonished At; face foolish dispraise consider; value Truly (t-note) educated in our excellent religion; (see note) attentive powerful; betake yourself Such as; (see note) in progress offering obedient reward what; I [will] forgive [He] who created her [as] into to be called living devils; (t-note) come to visit One [Lord] of all; (see note) Who was stirred stratagems; clever tricks caused; to be written rapidly; (see note) [Saying] how; very young; (t-note) their sealed gave sealed; proof of authenticity; (t-note) delay promised them moreover (t-note) (t-note) [As] soon; gone Who; given [bids] that messenger debate; (t-note) By [the time] that teach; (see note) trust (faith) readily time wise in knowledge (see note) kept [imprisoned] there subjects Their arguments; one by one Each She found her arguments in her heart; (see note) companion (t-note) Everyone each moment very great modesty ideas (devices) is there apostles far and wide truth to them by argument alone; (t-note) scholars satisfied (see note); (t-note) anger; grew nearly insane whether they could say anything Against (see note) Sir; think; been mistaken are better for us believe Who bore courageously; (t-note) We would be very unwilling to be lost (damned) change at all; (t-note) angered; fierce lord ordered them to be bound; (t-note) pay them as they deserved burned; torch; (t-note) caused; fire; (see note) hair; (t-note) injury; completely free; (t-note) there brotherhood (t-note) by my faith; (see note) decided To convert to my religion head; (see note) I have no desire to take it away; (t-note) honored in private and in public; (see note) city i.e., everyone; pay homage to it do even more for you; (t-note) as I advise marble; (see note) received enclosed any worldly joy (t-note) everywhere (always) (t-note) cease greatest darling; (t-note) such a lover (t-note) By the time into five pieces trembled and twisted quickly make her jump make her suffer What good does it do to argue like this? run [with] red blood (see note) Imprison her will [go]; (see note) I [must] have advice; doubt Unless she decide differently know a lot about misery gone; (t-note) to leader; nobly born was called Arrange for me to speak (t-note) (t-note) secretly surrounded; person saw; body Each mark of injury Jesus' well short time Rise; (t-note) be of good courage believe given this advice rose spontaneously; (t-note) you are very fortunate much secret(s) such power will not; acknowledge; (see note) advise; benefit same animal sir; (t-note) kind [of]; (t-note) (see note) ears nor eyes; hear mind great kingdom; (see note) thirst pleasure Before; prepared best of all committed her to then her (i.e., the queen); at the table; (t-note) the next day their; law Since; (t-note) not even a bit; (see note) provider of food spiritual ration to live on; (see note) imprisoned (t-note) conflict; temptation afraid; (t-note) confident their tortures sure for my creatures; (see note) (see note) went; (t-note) by their the next (t-note) Fetch; jailer defeated afflicted survive (live) always It behooves you; completely Since I did not want to put you to death certainly; must necessarily To choose for yourself one of [these] two things Either plan tortures; kill where (see note) without fault prepared tortures afflict ready by hold back much more Gladly brotherhood remedy; suffering where anger and rage jerked; trembled; was vexed; (t-note) (see note) an instrument of torture I assure you; (t-note) figure out; (see note) against the [other] two perish pieces; torn She will never walk on earth again jailer While; wheels caused to tremble ready fetched avenged; expected Against; hindrance place mother's child to look at her request listen; event happened came to her (t-note) Vengeance began to move forcefully a very large number injury Hastened; (t-note) (t-note) fled To him (the emperor) miserable Why do you insist on being so obstinate? revealed, made known bright want to injure; (t-note) splinter of wood Beg Him for mercy wait too long thrust deceived; may the devil skin you; (see note); (t-note) witchcraft by my kind gods Unless; very soon (the sooner) a cruel (savage) right now breasts; upper body; (see note) torn moment beheaded, before I pause aware would not at all change her mind (t-note) Confident; sure receive extended; Cross tore; breasts; upper body beheaded strictly; (see note) bury in [their] control for whom it was given; (t-note) violent (cruel) found; lying outside burying-place Against ready promptly Search out officers; (see note) (t-note) put to flight; imprisoned embittered wickedness (see note) furiously irrational complaint; (t-note) evil deeds forever counsel (see note) "poor wretch" As [if] from a woman Guardian in [his] madness; (see note) people (subjects) witch; pay for led; without a doubt; (see note) [Asking] through whom deliberated back and forth wrathful state then Their heads (t-note) I.e., everyone; (t-note) have gone (passed) hence; (t-note) throne (seat of authority) had kept their own religion fetch (t-note) hostility (malice) witch; wickedness utterly lost pay for again sorcery believe completely govern raise (hold) immediately reward your service on that occasion tyrant live to see granted; faith Gladly Suffer Go on limb of the devil (fiend); spirit All [the punishments] you can possibly devise without hesitation excellent pure (chaste) commit (commend) I ever most of all noble city gates maiden away from the town By; same lamented beheaded Many [married] women; (see note); (t-note) toward them Trouble (Disturb) be; has promised gazed approached spiritually believe rightly one of your own; (t-note) beseech boon (reward) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) [among] any people righteous cause graciously to fare eager executioner behead power (t-note) remembrance So that all those who were present heard it beloved not at all (no whit) In my presence journeyed glorious to meet pure (shining); (see note) quickly gladly sincere They shall have their prayer answered also; blessing Amazed neck (see note) executioner (man-killer) pale (pallid); (see note) flew; (t-note) very much Mount Sinai; (see note) Moses directly rejoicing note it well bring until health sufferings in great abundance ever since slain make their way thither gladly occurs; (see note) (see note) high stretched out; Cross attain to that place for the sake of God's love |