5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 |
[Hic de muliere in adulterio deprehensa. JHESUS Nolo mortem peccatoris.1 Man, for thi synne take repentaunce. If thu amende that is amys, Than hevyn shal be thin herytaunce. Thow thu have don agens God grevauns, Yett mercy to haske, loke thu be bolde. His mercy doth passe, in trewe balauns, All cruel jugement be many folde. Thow that your synnys be nevyr so grett, For hem be sad and aske mercy. Sone of my Fadyr, grace ye may get With the leste teer wepynge owte of youre ey. My Fadyr me sent, thee, man, to bye All thi raunsom, mysylfe must pay. For love of thee, mysylfe wyl dye. Iff thu aske mercy, I sey nevyr nay. Into the erth from hevyn above, Thi sorwe to sese and joye to restore! Man, I cam down all for thi love! Love me ageyn — I aske no more. Thow thu myshappe and synne ful sore, Yit turne agen and mercy crave. It is thi fawte and thu be lore: Haske thu mercy and thu shalt have. Upon thi neybore be not vengabyl Ageyn the lawe if he offende. Lyke as he is, thu art unstabyl, Thyn owyn frelté evyr thu attende. Evermore thi neybore helpe to amende, Evyn as thu woldyst, he shulde thee. Ageyn hym wrath if thu accende, The same in happ wyll falle on thee. Eche man to othyr be mercyable, And mercy he shal have at nede. What man of mercy is not tretable Whan he askyth mercy, he shal not spede. Mercy to graunt I com, indede. Whoso aske mercy, he shal have grace. Lett no man dowte for his mysdede, But evyr aske mercy whyl he hath space. SCRIBA Alas, alas! Oure lawe is lorn! A fals ypocryte, Jhesu, be name — That of a sheppherdis dowtyr was born — Wyl breke oure lawe and make it lame! He wyl us werke ryght mekyl shame! His fals purpos — if he upholde — All oure lawys he doth defame! That stynkynge beggere is woundyr bolde! PHARISEUS Sere Scrybe, in feyth! That ypocryte Wyl turne this londe al to his lore! Therfore I councell hym to indyte And chastyse hym ryght wel, therfore! SCRIBA On hym beleve many a score: In his prechynge he is so gay, Ech man hym folwygh ever more and more! Agens that he seyth, no man seyth nay. PHARISEUS A fals qwarel — if we cowde feyne — That ypocrite to puttyn in blame! All his prechynge shulde sone disteyne And than his wurchepp shuld turne to shame. With sum falshede to spyllyn his name, Lett us assay his lore to spylle, The pepyl with hym yff we cowde grame. ACCUSATOR Herke, Sere Pharysew and Sere Scrybe: A ryght good sporte I kan yow telle! I undyrtake that ryght a good brybe We all shul have to kepe councell: A fayre yonge qwene hereby doth dwelle, Both fresch and gay upon to loke, And a tall man with her doth melle. The wey into hyr chawmere ryght evyn he toke. Lett us thre now go streyte thedyr, The wey ful evyn I shall yow lede, And we shul take them both togedyr Whyll that thei do that synful dede. SCRIBA Art thu sekyr that we shal spede? Shall we hym fynde whan we cum there? ACCUSATOR Be my trowth, I have no drede. The hare fro the forme we shal arere. PHARISEUS We shal have game and this be trewe! Lete us thre werke by on assent. We wyl her brynge evyn beforn Jhesu, And of her lyff the truth present, How in advowtrye hyr lyff is lent! Than hym beforn whan she is browth, We shul hym aske the trew jugement, What lawfull deth to her is wrouth. Of grace and mercy hevyr he doth preche, And that no man shulde be vengeable. Ageyn the woman, if he sey wrech, Than of his prechynge he is unstabyl! And if we fynde hym varyable Of his prechynge that he hath tawth, Than have we cawse bothe juste and able, For a fals man that he be cawth. SCRIBA Now be grete God, ye sey ful well! If we hym fyndyn in varyaunce, We have good reson, as ye do tell, Hym for to brynge to foule myschauns. If he holde stylle his dalyauns And preche of mercy — hir for to save — Than have we mater of gret substauns, Hym for to kylle and putt in grave. Grett reson why I shal yow telle, For Moyses doth bydde in oure lawe That every advowterere we shuld qwelle, And yitt with stonys thei shulde be slawe. Ageyn Moyses if that he drawe That synful woman with grace to helpe, He shal nevyr skape out of oure awe, But he shal dye lyke a dogge whelpe. ACCUSATOR Ye tary ovyrlonge, serys, I sey yow They wyl sone parte, as that I gesse! Therfore, if ye wyl have youre pray now, Lete us go take them in here whantownnesse. PHARISEUS Goo thu beforn, the wey to dresse. We shal thee folwe within short whyle. Iff that we may that quene dystresse, I hope we shal Jhesu begyle. SCRIBA Breke up the dore, and go we inne! Sett to the shuldyr with all thi myght! We shal hem take evyn in here synne, Here owyn trespas shal them indite. |
This deals with the woman taken in adultery; (see note) (t-note) amiss Then; your inheritance; (t-note) trespass to ask balance; (see note) by Though; sins them Soon smallest tear; eye to redeem (see note) sorrow to cease (see note) Though; stray fault if you are lost Ask neighbor; vengeful Against apt to fall attend to (see note); (t-note) would Against; kindle perhaps merciful approachable prosper fear; misdeeds the opportunity lost hypocrite; by shepherd’s daughter cause us great if he succeeds wonderously Sir; hypocrite teaching advise [that we] accuse him eloquent follows what; contradicts could contrive to blame be sullied then falsehood; ruin try; teaching to destroy could anger Then; soon; desires Sir Pharisee bawdy tale; (see note) (see note) this secret harlot; (see note) beautiful stalwart; is having intercourse; (see note) her chamber; directly three; there sure; succeed truth; fear burrow; flush out; (see note) sport if three; with one mind (t-note) adultery her life Then before him; brought is fitting ever vengeful pronounces punishment Then; inconsistent; (t-note) taught Then caught by; rightly grief should persist in; dalliance her matter tell you this adulterer; kill slain Against; contradicts to help that woman escape; power puppy I think prey their wantonness to ready whore (t-note) them; their Their; accuse them |
[Hic Juvenis quidam extra currit in deploydo, calligis non ligatis et braccas in manu tenens; et dicit Accusator:2 (t-note) |
125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 |
ACCUSATOR Stow that harlot, sum erthely wyght, That in advowtrye here is fownde! JUVENIS Yiff any man stow me this nyth, I shal hym geve a dedly wownde! If any man my wey doth stoppe, Or we departe, ded shal he be! I shal this daggare putt in his croppe! I shal hym kylle, or he shal me! PHARISEUS Grett Goddys curse mut go with thee! With suche a shrewe wyll I not melle! JUVENIS That same blyssynge I gyff yow thre And qwheth yow alle to the devyl of helle! In feyth, I was so sore affrayd Of yone thre shrewys — the sothe to say — My breche be nott yett well upteyd! I had such hast to renne away Thei shal nevyr cacche me in such afray. I am full glad that I am gon! Adewe, adewe — a twenti devyl way! And Goddys curse have ye everychon! SCRIBA Come forth, thu stotte! Com forth, thu scowte! Com forth, thu bysmare and brothel bolde! Com forth, thu hore and stynkynge bych clowte! How longe hast thu such harlotry holde? PHARISEUS Com forth, thu quene! Come forth, thu scolde! Com forth, thu sloveyn! Com forth, thu slutte! We shal thee tecche with carys colde, A lytyl bettyr to kepe thi kutte! MULIER A, mercy! Mercy, serys, I yow pray! For Goddys love, have mercy on me! Of my myslevynge, me not bewray! Have mercy on me, for charyté! ACCUSATOR Aske us no mercy! It shal not be! We shul so ordeyn for thi lott That thu shalt dye for thin advowtrye! Therfore, com forth, thu stynkynge stott! MULIER Serys, my wurchepp if ye wyl save, And helpe I have non opyn shame, Bothe gold and sylvyr ye shul have, So that in clennes ye kepe my name. SCRIBA Mede for to take, we were to blame To save suche stottys! It shal not be! We shal brynge thee to suche a game That all advowtererys shul lern be thee. MULIER Stondynge ye wyl not graunt me grace, But for my synne that I shal dye, I pray yow kylle me here in this place And lete not the pepyl upon me crye. If I be sclaundryd opynly, To all my frendys, it shul be shame. I pray yow, kylle me prevyly. Lete not the pepyl know my defame. PHARISEUS Fy on thee, scowte! The devyl thee qwelle! Ageyn the lawe shul we thee kyll? Fyrst shal hange thee — the devyl of helle — Or we such folyes shulde fulfyll! Thow it lyke thee nevyr so ill, Befforn the prophete thu shalt have lawe! Lyke as Moyses doth charge us tyll, With grett stonys thu shalt be slawe. ACCUSATOR Com forth apase, thu stynkynge scowte! Before the prophete thu were this day, Or I shal geve thee such a clowte That thu shalt fall down evyn in the way. SCRIBA Now, be grett God, and I thee pay, Such a buffett I shal thee take That all the teth, I dare wel say, Withinne thin heed for who shul shake. PHARISEUS Herke, sere prophete, we all yow pray — To gyff trewe dom and just sentence Upon this woman, which this same day In synfull advowtery hath don offense. |
Arrest; someone adultery stops; night (t-note) Before; (t-note) belly (or throat) before he shall [kill] me; (t-note) May God’s curse scoundrel; mix give you three bequeath you (t-note) scoundrels; truth underpants; tied run assault; (t-note) the devil take you each one of you slut; rascal; (see note); (t-note) wretch; harlot bitch; (see note) have you done harlot filthy woman deadly concerns cunt; (see note) sirs; (see note) sinful life; expose adultery slut (see note) no public shame silver unspotted A bribe; would be ashamed sluts have such play with you adulterers; by you Since people slandered (see note) privately; (t-note) people; shame wretch; kill Against We would first Before; follies Although you would hate it charged us to do; (see note); (t-note) slain quickly; wretch a blow by; if I strike you; (see note) deliver (t-note) head for woe judgment adultery |
[Hic Jhesu, dum isti accusant mulierem, continue debet digito suo scribere in terra.3 |
200 205 |
ACCUSATOR Se, we have brought her to your presens Becawse ye ben a wyse prophete That ye shal telle, be consyens, What deth to hyr ye thynke most mete. SCRIBA In Moyses lawe, ryght thus we fynde That such fals lovers shul be slayn! Streyte to a stake we shul hem bynde And with grett stonys brest out ther brayn! Of your concyens, telle us thee playn: With this woman, what shal be wrought? Shall we lete her go qwyte agayn, Or to hir deth shal she be brought? |
by your sense of justice her; fitting Moses’ him (the offender) their brains In your judgment done free her |
[Jhesus nichil respondit sed semper scrybyt in terra.4 |
210 215 220 225 230 |
MULIER Now, holy prophete, be mercyable! Upon me, wrecch, take no vengeaunce, For my synnys abhomynable! In hert I have grett repentaunce! I am wel wurthy to have myschaunce, Both bodyly deth and werdly shame, But, gracyous prophete, of socurraunce, This tyme pray yow, for Goddys name! PHARISEUS Ageyn the lawe thu dedyst offens: Therfore, of grace speke thu no more! As Moyses gevyth in law sentens, Thu shalt be stonyd to deth, therfore. ACCUSATOR Ha don, sere prophete! Telle us youre lore! Shul we this woman with stonys kyll, Or to hir hous hir home restore? In this mater, tell us youre wyll. SCRIBA In a colde stodye me thynkyth ye sytt. Good sere, awake! Telle us youre thought: Shal she be stonyd? Telle us youre wytt: Or in what rewle shal sche be brought? JHESUS Loke which of yow that nevyr synne wrought But is of lyff clennere than she? Cast at her stonys, and spare her nowght, Clene out of synne if that ye be. |
merciful; (t-note) In [my] heart grief worldly succor (t-note) Against; did punishment Get on with it; decision Shall her; return deep thought; (see note) sir judgment under what law committed life cleaner not Sinless |
[Hic Jhesus iterum se inclinans scribet in terra; et omnes accusatores, quasi confusi, separatim in tribus locis se disiungent.5; (see note) |
235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 |
PHARISEUS Alas, alas! I am ashamyd! I am aferde that I shal deye! All myn synnys — evyn propyrly namyd — Yon prophyte dede wryte befor myn eye! Iff that my felawys that dude aspye, They wyll telle it bothe fer and wyde! My synfull levynge, if thei out crye, I wot nevyr wher myn heed to hyde. ACCUSATOR Alas, for sorwe, myn herte doth blede! All my synnes, yon man dude wryte! If that my felawys to them toke hede, I kannot me from deth acquyte. I wolde I wore hyd sumwhere out of syght That men shuld me nowhere se, ne knowe, Iff I be take, I am afflyght In mekyl shame I shal be throwe. SCRIBA Alas, the tyme that this betyd! Ryght byttyr care doth me enbrace! All my synnys be now unhyd! Yon man befor me, hem all doth trace. If I were onys out of this place, To suffyr deth gret and vengeauns able, I wyl nevyr come befor his face Thow I shuld dye in a stable. MULIER Thow I be wurthy for my trespas To suffyr deth abhomynable — Yitt, holy prophete, of youre hygh grace, In your jugement, be mercyable! I wyl nevyrmore be so unstable. O, holy prophete, graunt me mercy! Of myn synnys unresonable, With all myn hert I am sory! JHESUS Where be thi fomen that dude thee accuse? Why have thei left us to alone? MULIER Bycawse they cowde nat hemself excuse, With shame they fled hens, everychone. But, gracyous prophete, lyst to my mone: Of my sorwe take compassyon. Now all myn enmyes hens be gone, Sey me sum wurde of consolacyon. JHESUS For tho synnys that thu hast wrought, Hath any man condempnyd thee? MULIER Nay, forsoth that hath ther nought, But in youre grace I putt me. JHESUS For me, thu shalt nat condempnyd be. Go hom ageyn and walk at large. Loke that thu leve in honesté And wyl no more to synne, I thee charge. MULIER I thanke yow hyghly, holy prophete, Of this grett grace ye have me graunt. All my lewde lyff I shal doun lete And fonde to be Goddys trewe servaunt. JHESUS What man of synne be repentaunt, Of God if he wyl mercy crave, God of mercy is so habundawnt That, what man haske it, he shal it have. Whan man is contrite and hath wonne grace, God wele not kepe olde wreth in mynde: But bettyr love to hem he has, Very contryte whan he them fynde. Now God that dyed for all mankende: Save all these pepyl, both nyght and day, And of oure synnys he us unbynde, Hyghe Lorde of Hevyn that best may. Amen. |
(see note) afraid; (t-note) every one did fellows; did spot it far proclaim it will never know; head sorrow; heart did fellows acquit myself were hidden nor taken; afraid thrown happened distress revealed them; has traced; (see note) at once (t-note) Even though; (see note) (see note); (t-note) merciful immoral heart foes; did two not themselves everyone listen; petition Say to me committed; (t-note) none live granted me forsake try; God’s (see note); (t-note) abundant whoever asks When wrath him when died (see note); (t-note) |