[Ad mea facta Pater assit Deus et sua mater.1; (t-note) |
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 |
DOCTOR Ryht worchepful sovereynes, liketh yow to here Of the Assumpcion of the gloryous Moder Mary That Seynt Jhon the Evangelist wrot and tauht as I lere In a book clepid Apocriphum, wythoutyn dyswary. At fourten yer sche conseyved Cryste in hire matere clere, And in the fiftene yer, sche childyd, this avowe dar I, Here lyvyng with that swete sone thre and thretty yere. And after his deth in erthe, twelve yer ded sche tary. Now acounte me thise yeris wysely: And I sey the age was of this maide Marye, When sche assumpte above the ierearchye, Thre score yer as Scripture dothe specyfye. Legenda Sanctorum autorysyth this trewely. She was inhabith in Juré by the Mounte of Syon After the Assencion of hir sone, conseyved in spoused. Alle the holy placys in erthe that Criste duellyd on, Devouthly sche went hem, honouryng the Godhed. Ferste, to the place there Criste cristenyd was clepid Flum Jordon: 2 There, he fastyd and takyn was by malicious falshed; There, he beryed was and roos victoryously alon; There, he assendid alle hevenys, God in his manhed. Thus was sche ocupyed, I rede, And meche she was in the temple preyand. Now, blissid mot sche be, we owe to be seyand. How sche was assumpte, here men schul be pleyand — Preyng you of audience, now ses and tak hede! MILES Pes now youre blaberyng in the develis name! What lousy begchis mow ye not se! Owre worthy prynsis, lo, are gaderid in same That are statis of this lond, hye men of degré. By there hye wisdam, they schal now attayne How alle Juré beste governyd may be. And of this pillid prechouris that oure lawis defame, They schul ben slayn, as they say, or fayn for to fle! Wherfore in pes be ye, And herkenyth onto hem, moste stille I. For what boy bragge outh, hym spille I As knave wyth this craggyd knad, hym kylle I! Now herkenyth oure pryncis, alle kneland on kne! EPISCOPUS LEGIS Now, ye prynsis, I, prest of the lawe, Of this demaunde responcyon, I aske here anon— Ys there ony renogat among us, fer as ye knawe, Or any that pervertyth the pepil wyth gay eloquens alon? Yif there be, we muste onto hem set awe, For they feyne falsly oure feyth — hem preve I houre fon. Sweche schul ben bounden up be the beltys til flyes hem blawe, And gnaggyd up by the gomys tyl the devyl doth hem grone. 3 We may not won To sweche harlotis settyn reddure That geynseyn oure lawe and oure scripture. Now let sere pryncis in purpure In savynge of oure lawys, now telle on! PRINCEPS 1 Sere, syn we slew hym that clepid hym oure kyng And seyde he was Goddis sone, lord over all, Syn his deth, I herd of no maner rysyng, And, lo, yif he hadde levyd, he had mad us his thrall. EPISCOPUS Therfore, oure wysdam was to schortyn his endyng: Whoso clyme over hie, he hath a foule fall. PRINCEPS 2 Ya, yit of on thing I warne yow at the gynnyng — His dame is levyng, Mary that men call. Myche pepil halt hire wythall. Wherfore in peyne of reprefe Yif we suffre hyre thus to relefe, Oure lawys sche schal make to myschefe And meche schame don us, she schall! EPISCOPUS A, sere, ye ben bolde inow! Art thou ferd of a wenche? What trowyste that sche myht don us agayn? PRINCEPS 3 Sere, there are other in the contré that clenche And prechyn he is levyng that we slewe, they seyn! And yif they ben sufferyd thus, this will bredyn a stench, For thorow here fayre speche, oure lawys they steyn! And therfore, devyse we now upon this pleyn bench What is beste for to do, hem for to atteyn. We are but loste yif they reyn. EPISCOPUS Why, let se, than. Sey me youre ententis. PRINCEPS 1 Let us preson hem til here myht schent is! PRINCEPS 2 Bettyr is to slen hem wyth dentis! PRINCEPS 3 Nay, best is to hang hem wyth peyn! EPISCOPUS Nay, seris, nowth so. Youre better avyse Have in syth before, what after may tide. Yif we slewe hem, it wolde cause the comownys to ryse, And rathere the devyl sle hym than we schulde that abide. 4 But be that seustere ded — Mary, that fise — We shal brenne her body and the aschis hide, And don her all the dispith we can here devise, And than sle tho disciplis that walkyn so wyde, And here bodyes devyde! Halde ye not this beste as is sayde? PRINCEPS 1 Wyth youre wysdam, sere, we are wel payed. EPISCOPUS Than, ye knyhtis, I charge yow beth arayed! And, ye turmentouris, redy that tyde! When Mary is ded, And but she deye the sunere, the devyl smyte of her hed! [Hic est Maria in templo orans et dicens: MARIA O hye Wysdam in youre dygne deyté! Youre infynyth lovnesse mad oure salvacyon, That it lyst you of me, sympilest, to take here humanité. Wyth dew obeschyauns I make you gratulacyon. And gloryous Lord and Sone, yif it like youre benygnyté, Nouth to be displesid wyth my desideracyon — Me longith to youre presense, now conjunct to the Unité Wyth all myn herte and my sowle, be natures excitacyon, To youre domynacyon. For all creaturis in you don affye And myche more owe I, youre moder be alye, Syn ye wern born God and man of my bodye, To desyre yowre presens, that were oure ferst formacyon. SAPIENTIA My suete moderis preyere onto me doth assende. Her holy herte and her love is only on me, Wherfore, aungyl, to her thou schalt now dyssende, Seyinge her sche shal comyn to myn eternyté. Myn habundaunt mercy on her I extende, Resseyvynge her to joye, from worldly perplexité, And in tokyn therof this palme now pretende, Seyinge her sche fere no maner of divercyté. ANGELUS 1 By youre myth I dissende to youre moder in virginité. ANGELUS 2 For qwyche message injoyeth the hefnely consorcyté. |
(see note); (t-note) read called Apocrypha; doubt; (see note) sinless state I dare declare thirty-three years skillfully count for me; (t-note) ascended; angels; (see note) years Saints’ legends affirm; (see note) lived in Israel wedlock places on earth; (t-note) [to] them falsehood victoriously alone; (t-note) manhood read much; praying ought taken to Heaven; playing Asking; cease; take heed Stop; blabbing; devil’s; (t-note) bitches may rulers; gathered together lords; of rank their; discern; (see note) Jewry tonsured preachers; (see note); (t-note) be slain; glad to flee peace them, I must be quiet; (t-note) cries out; I’ll kill; (t-note) jagged club; (t-note) listen to; kneeling princes; priest; (see note); (t-note) a response; now any renegade; far people; skillful make them fear refrain rogues to deal harshly gainsay sir princes; purple speak since; who called himself God’s Since; no such uprising lived; made; slaves hasten his end climbs too high; (see note) one; beginning mother; living attend upon her danger of reproof allow her; remain; (see note) bring to ruin much; cause us enough; afraid think you; against us; (t-note) insist; (t-note) preach that breed; (t-note) through their; stain in full council to bring them to judgment hold sway then; Tell me; intent; (t-note) imprison them; ruined; (t-note) slay them with blows; (t-note) them; pain; (t-note) sirs, not; advice; (t-note) Have in mind; may happen (t-note) once; sister is dead; old fart; (t-note) burn; ashes do [to] her; disgrace then slay those disciples their bodies cut up Think; should be pleased Then; knights; prepared tormentors; now (see note); (t-note) sooner; off Here is Mary in the temple praying and saying noble deity; (see note) infinite humility made it pleased obedience; give thanks it pleases Not; desire joined by; urging have faith by marriage; (t-note) Since form given sweet mother’s; (see note) heart angel; descend [to] her abundant Receiving proffer adversity might; descend; (t-note) which; fellowship |
[Hic discendet angelus, ludentibus citharis, et dicet Marie:5; (see note); (t-note) |
120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 |
ANGELUS 1 Heyl, excellent prynces, Mary most pure! Heyl, radyant sterre: the sunne is not so bryth! Heyl, Moder of Mercy and mayde most mure! The blessyng that God gaf Jacob upon you now is lyth! MARIA Now wolcom, bryth berde, Goddis aungel, I seuer! Ye ben messager of Allmyhty — wolcom wyth my myhtis. I beseke you now, say me, upon youre hie nortur: What is the very name that to youre persone dith is? ANGELUS 1 What nedith you, lady, my name ben desyrand? MARIA A, yis, gracyows aungyl, I beseke you requyrand. ANGELUS 1 My name is gret and merveylous. Treuly you telland, The hye God, youre sone abidyth you in blis. The thrydde day hens, ye schul ben expirand And assende to the presence, there my God, youre sone, is. MARIA Mercy and gromercy, God, now may I be seyand, Thankyng you, suete aungyl for this message, iwys! ANGELUS 1 In tokenyng whereof, lady, I am here presentand — A braunce of a palme owth of paradise com this. Before youre bere, God biddith it be bore. MARIA Now, thanke be to that Lord of his mercy evermore! ANGELUS 1 Yowre meknesse, youre lounesse, and youre hie lore Is most acceptable in the Trynité syth. Youre sete ryall in hefne apparaled is thore. Now dispose yow to deye, youre sone wyl, thus rith.6 MARIA I obbeye the commaundement of my God here before, But on thyng I beseke, that Lord of his myth: That my brether, the appostelis, myht me be before To se me, and I hem or I passe to that lyth. But they ben so deserverid, me thynkyth it nyl be. ANGELUS 1 A, yis, lady, inpossible to God nothyng, trowe ye. For he that sent Abbacuc with mete to Babylonye from Juré,7 Into the lake of lyonys to Danyel, the prophete Be an her of his hed, lo, so myhty was he! Be the same myht God make may the appostolis here mete! And, therfore, abasche you not, lady, in yowre holy mende. MARIA No more I do, glorious aungyl in kynde. Also I beseke my son I se not the fende, What tyme outh of this word, I schal passe hens, His horible lok wold fere me so hende; Ther is nothyng I dowte but his dredfull presens. ANGELUS 1 What nedith it to fere you, empres so hende, Syn be the fruth of youre body was convycte his vyolens? 8 That horible serpent dar not nyhyn youre kende. And yowre blosme schal make hym recistens That he schal not pretende. Desyre ye outh ellys now rythis? MARIA Nouth but blessyd be my God in his myhtys. ANGELUS 1 To yow I recomaunde me than, moste excellent in sithis, 9 And wyth this, ageyn, to God I assende. [Hic ascendit angelus. MARIA Now, Lord, thy swete holy name, wyth lounesse I blysse Of qwyche hefne and erthe eche tyme pshalmodyeth10 That it lykyth youre mercy, me to you to wysse My sympil sowle in serteyn, youre name magnefyeth. Now, holy maydenys, the servauntis of God, as I gysse: I schal passe from this world as the aungyl sertefyeth. Therfore to my sympil habitacyon, I telle you now this, I purpose me to go, besekyng yow replyeth And assedually wachith me be dayes and nythis.11 VIRGO 1 We schal, gracyous lady, wyth alle oure mythis. Schal ye from us passe, swete sonne of socoure, That are oure sengler solas, radyant in youre lythis, Youre peynful absence schal make me doloure. VIRGO 2 Moste excellent princes in all vertu that dith is: Alle hefne and erthe, lady, you doth honure. We schal wachyn and wake as oure dewe and ryth is Into the tyme ye passe to that hye toure. Wyth . . . . MARIA God thanke you, and so do I. Now I wyl dispose me to this jurné redy. So wolde God, my brether were here me by To bere my body that bare Jhesu, oure Savyoure. |
princess; (see note); (t-note) star; (t-note) demure gave; alighted; (t-note) bright bird; swear; (see note) welcome; my strength beseech; tell; courtesy assigned to you Why; are desiring; (t-note) I entreat you as a suitor telling third; be expiring great mercy; saying; (t-note) sweet; indeed token; presenting; (t-note) branch; out bier; carried; (see note) (t-note) humility; learning; (t-note) Trinity’s sight royal seat; prepared there (t-note) one; beseech; might brethren; might them before; light scattered; will not yes; you think (see note) den of lions By a hair; (t-note) might; meet; (t-note) distress; mind; (see note); (t-note) by nature beseech; see; fiend; (see note) Until; world look; frighten; greatly fear frighten; gracious; (t-note) approach your nature child (Jesus); opposition attempt it anything else right now to be blessed by (t-note) Here the angel ascends humility; bless; (see note) to guide; (t-note) particular maidens; think angel confirms beseeching your reply; (see note) (t-note) might; (see note); (t-note) sun of succor singular; light give me agony princess; fixed; (t-note) heaven; honor watch; due; right; (t-note) high tower (heaven) (t-note) (t-note) journey prepare brethren bore |
[Hic subito apparet Sanctus Iohannes Evangelista ante portam Marie.12 |
190 195 |
JOHANNES A, myrable God, mech is thy myth! Many wonderis thou werkyst, even as thi wyll is! In Pheso I was prechyng, a fer contré ryth, And by a whyte clowde, I was rapt to these hyllys. Here dwellyth Cristis moder, I se wel in syth. Sum merveylous message is comyn that mayde tyll. I wyl go saluse that berde that in vertu is moste brith, And of my sodeyn comyng, wete what is the skele. |
wonderful; much; might; (t-note) Ephesus; far brought; hills Christ’s mother; sight unto that maiden; (t-note) salute; woman; bright; (t-note) know; reason; (t-note) |
[Hic pulsabit super portam, intrante domum Marie sibi dicente:13 |
200 205 210 215 220 225 230 |
Heyl, Moder Mary, mayden perpetuall! MARIA A, wolcome, mayde Johan, wyth all myn herte in specyall! For joye of youre presence, myn herte gynnyth sweme. Thynke ye not, Johan, how my child eternall When he hynge on cros, sayd us this teme: “Lo, here thy sone, woman.” So bad he me you call, And you, me, “Mother,” eche othir to queme. He betok you the governayl there of my body terestyall, On mayde to another, as convenyens wold seme.14 And now, that gracyows Lord hath sent me yow, sone. JOHANNES Now, good fayr lady, what is ther to done? Tellyth the cause why I am heder sent. MARIA Swete sone Johan, so wyll I anone. Oure Lord God sent to me an aungyl that glent And sayde I schulde pass hens where thre were in one. Tho, I askyd the aungyl to have you present. JOHANNES A, holy moder, schul ye from us gone? My brether, of this tydyngis sore, wyl repent That ye shuld ben absent! Ever trybulacyon, Lord, meche thu us sendyst: Thou, oure mayster and oure comfort, from us ascendist And now oure joye, thy moder, to take thou pretendist. Thanne, all oure comfort is from us detent! But what seyde the aungyl, moder, onto you more? MARIA He brouth me this palme from my sone thore, Qwyche I beseke as the ayngyl me bad That aforn my bere, by you it be bore, Saynge my dirige, devouthly and sad, For, Johan, I have herde the Jewys meche of me spelle. JOHANNES A, good lady, what likyth it you to telle? MARIA Secretly, they ordeyne in here conseytis felle When my sowle is paste, where Godis liste is, To brenne my body and schamly it quelle! For Jhesu was of me born that they slew with here fistis, And therfore, I beseke you, Johan, both flech and felle, Helpe I be beryed, for yn yow my tryst is. JOHANNES Fere yow not, lady, for I schal wyth you duelle. Wolde God, my brether were here now and wyst this. |
mother; (see note) chaste John begins to swoon (t-note) hung; these words he told me to call you you [to call] me; gratify quickly; (t-note) to do here son; soon gleamed; (t-note) three Then; (t-note) brethren; sad news; sorry (t-note) much; (t-note) ascended; (t-note) intend taken the angel, mother; (see note); (t-note) brought; there asked for; bade me before my bier; carried dirge talk much plan in their wicked minds; (see note) past; God’s joy; (t-note) burn; shamefully destroy their hands skin me [to] be buried; trust stay brethren; knew |
[Hic subito omnes apostoli congregentur ante portam, mirantes.15; (t-note) |
235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 |
PETRUS A, holy brether! Wyth grace be ye met here now! Lord God, what menyth this sodeyne congregacyon? Now, swete brother Powle, wyl ye take this upon yow? Preye to God for us all, we may have relacyon. PAULUS Good brother Peter, how schuld I here pray now That am lest and most unworthy of this congregacyon? I am not worthy to ben clepyd apostle, sothly I say yow, For as a woodman ageyn Holy Cherche I mad persecucyon. But, nevertheless, I am by the grace of God in that that I am lo. PETRUS A, gret is youre lowness, Powle, brother evermo. PAULUS The keyes of hevene, Peter, God hath you betake. And also ye ben peler of lith and prynce of us all! It is most sitting to you this preyere to make, And I, unworthy, wyth yow preyen here schall. PETRUS I take this upon me, Poule, for youre sake. Now, Almythty God that sittiste above cherubyn halle, In sygne of thyn Holy Cros, oure handis we make, Besekyng thy mercy may upon us falle, And why we ben thus met, yif it lyke us lare. JOHANNES A, holy brether, alle welcom ye are! Why ye be met here I schal you declare: For Mary, Goddys moder, by message is sent That from this wrechid world to blysse sche schal fare, And at her deying, sche desyryth to have us present. PETRUS A, brother Johan, we may syhyn and care — Yif it displese not God — for these tydyngis ment. PAULUS Forsothe, so we may, Peter, hevyin evermare That oure moder and oure comfort schuld be us absent, But nevertheles, the wyl of God fulfyllid mot be. JOHANNES That is wel seyd, Poule, but herof bewar ye. That non of you for her deth schewe hevy speche, For anon to the Jewys, it schuld than notyd be That we were ferd of deth, and that is ageyn that we teche. For we seyn all tho belevyn in the hol Trynyté, They schul ever leve and nouth deye — this truly we preche. And yif we make hevynesse for her, than wyl it seyd be: “Lo, yone prechouris, to deye, they fere hem ful meche!”16 And, therfore, in God, now beth glad everychon! PETRUS We schal don as ye sey us, holy brother Johan. Now we beseke you, let us se oure moder Marie. JOHANNES Now, in Goddys name, to her, than, all let us gon. Sche wyl ben ful glad to se this holy companye. PETRUS Heyl, moder and maydyn! So was never non, But only ye, most blissid, treulye! PAULUS Heyl, incomparabil quen, Goddis holy tron! Of you spreng salvacyon and all oure glorye! Heyl, mene for mankynde and mendere of mys! MARIA A, wyth all myn hol herte, brether, ye are wolcom, iwys! I beseke you now to telle me of youre sodeyne metyng. PETRUS In dyveris contreys we prechid of youre sone and his blis. Diveris clowdys eche of us was sodeynely curyng; We in on were brouth before youre gate here, iwys!17 The cause why, no man cowde telle of oure comyng. MARIA Now I thanke God of his mercy! An hy merakle is this! Now I wyl telle yow the cause of my sonys werkyng: I desyrid his bodily presence to se. JOHANNES No wonder, lady, thow so dede ye. MARIA Tho my sone Jhesu, of his hye peté, Sent to me an aungyl, and thus he sayd That the thredde nyth I schuld assende to my sone in Deité. Thanne to have youre presence, brether, hertly I prayed, And thus, at my request, God hath you sent me. PETRUS Wys, gracyous lady — we are ryth wel payed. MARIA Blissid brethere, I beseke you, than, tent me. Now wyl I rest me in this bed that for me is rayed. Wachith me besily wyth youre laumpys and lithtis.18 PAULUS We schal, lady. Redy all thyng for you dith is. MARIA Now, sone schul ye se what Godis myth is. My flech gynnyth feble be nature. [Hic erit decenter ornatus in lecto. PETRUS Brether, eche of you a candele takyth now rithis, And lith hem in haste whil oure moder doth dure. And bisyli let us wachyn in this vergyne sythis That when oure Lord comyth in his spoused pure, He may fynde us wakyng and redy wyth oure lithtis, For we knowe not the hour of his comyng now sure. And yn clennesse alle, loke ye be redy. MARIA A, swete Sone, Jhesu, now mercy I cry! Over alle synful, thy mercy let sprede! |
sudden gathering an explanation (t-note) the least; (t-note) called madman; made lowly; (t-note) humility entrusted to you; (t-note) pillar of light; ruler fitting; (t-note) (t-note) Beseeching are; please us [to] learn; (see note) brethren (t-note) God’s mother go dying sigh and mourn; (t-note) intended news grieve evermore must be (see note) mournful immediately afraid; against what; (t-note) [to] all those [who]; whole; (see note); (t-note) live; not die laments everyone tell us (t-note) then; (t-note) anyone blessed, truly queen, God’s; throne sprang mediator; mender of sin indeed; (see note) sudden meeting (t-note) could great miracle son’s work that you did so Then; pity; (see note) angel third night Wise; pleased then, attend to me prepared Prepared soon shall; God’s might grows weak by Here she shall be appropriately adorned in a bed; (t-note) Brethren; right now; (see note) light them; still lives intently; virgin’s sight; (t-note) spiritual wedlock lights purity (see note) sinful [people] |
[Hic dissendet Dominus cum omni celesti curia et dicet:19; (t-note) |
315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 |
DOMINUS The voys of my moder me nyhith ful ny. I am dyssend onto her of whom I dede sede. [Hic cantabunt organa. MARIA A, wolcom, gracyous Lord! Jhesu, Sone, and God of Mercy! An aungyl wold a suffysed me, hye Kyng at this nede. DOMINUS In propure person, moder, I wyl ben here redy Wyth the hefnely quer, yowre dirige to rede: Veni tu electa mea et ponam in te thronum meum Quia concupivit rex speciem tuam.20 MARIA Paratum cor meum Deus, paratum cor meum, Canabo et psalmum dicam Domino.21 APOSTOLI Hec est que nesciuit thorum in delictis, Habebit requiem in respectu animarum sanctarum. 22 MARIA Beatam me dicent omnes generaciones, Quia fecit michi magna qui potens est, et sanctum nomen eius.23 DOMINUS Veni de Libano, sponsa mea; veni coronaberis.24 MARIA Ecce venio quia in capite libri scriptum est de me, Ut facerem voluntatem tuam Deus meus, Quia exultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo.25 [Hic exiet anima Marie de corpore in sinum Dei.26 DOMINUS Now com, my swete soule in clennesse most pure And reste in my bosom brithtest of ble. Alle ye myn apostelis, of this body takyth cure. In the Vallé of Josephat, there fynde schul ye A grave new mad for Maryes sepulture. There, beryeth the body wyth all youre solempnité And bydyth me there stylle thre dayes seuere, And I schal pere ageyn to yow to comfort your advercyté. Wyth this swete soule, now from you I assende. PETRUS In oure tribulacyouns, Lord, thou us defende. We have no comfort on erthe but of thee alon. O, swete soule of Mary, prey thy sone us defende. Have mynde of thy pore brether when thou comyst to thi tron. CHORUS MARTYRUM Que est ista que assendit de deserto, Deliciis affluens, innixa super dilectum suum?27 ORDO ANGELORUM Ista est speciosa inter filias Jerusalem sicut vidistis eam, Plenam caritate et dilectione; sicque in celum gaudens suscipitur, Et a dextris Filii in trono glorie collocatur.28 [Hic cantabit omnis celestis curia. PRIMA VIRGO Now, suster, I beseke you, let us do oure attendaunce And wasche this gloryous body that here in oure sith is, As is the use among us wythoutyn ony varyaunce. Now, blessid be this persone that bar God of Mythis. VIRGO 2 I am redy, suster, wyth all myn hol affyaunce, To wesche and worschepe this body so brith is. All creaturys therto owyn dew obeschaunce, For this body resseyved the Holy Gostis flithtis. [Et osculabunt corpus Marie. JOHANNES Now, holy brother, Peter, I hertely you pray To bere this holy palme before this gloryous body, For ye ben prince of apostelis and hed of oure fay. Therfore it semyth you best to do this offis, treuly. PETRUS Sere, and ye slept on Cristis brest, seyng all celestly — Ye are Goddis clene mayde, wythoutyn ony nay.29 This observaunce is most like you to do dewly. Wherfore tak it upon you, brother, we pray, And I schal helpe for to bere the bere. PAULUS And I, Peter, wyth oure brether in fere, This blessid body schal helpe to the ground. This holy cors now take we up here, Seyng oure observaunce wyth devouth sound. [Hic portabunt corpus versus sepulturam cum eorum luminibus.30 PETRUS Exiit Israel de Egipto, domus Iacob de populo barbaro. Alleluia.31 APOSTOLI Facta est Iudea sactificacio eius, Israel potestas eius. Alleluia.32 [Hic angeli dulciter cantabunt in celo, “Alleluia.”33 EPISCOPUS Herke, sere princys! What noyse is all this? The erthe and the eyer is ful of melodye! I herde never er swyche a nowse now, iwys! Con ye outh say what they signefye? PRINCEPS 1 I, not be my God that of myht mech is, Whatsumever they be — hougely they crye! I am aferd there wyll be sumthyng amys. It is good, prevely among us, we spye Wythowte. PRINCEPS 2 Now I have levyd this thre skore yer, But sweche another noyse herd I never er! Myn herte gynnyth ogyl and quake for fer! There is sum newe sorwe sprongyn, I dowte. PRINCEPS 3 Ya, that there is sothly, I say yow. The prophetis moder, Mary, is ded. The disciplis her beryn in gret aray now, And makyn alle this merthe in spyth of oure hed. EPISCOPUS Fy on yon lousy doggys! They were better nay! Outh! Harrow! The devyl is in myn hed! Ye dodemusyd prynces, faste yow aray, Or I make avow to Mahound — youre bodyes schul blede! Now, that quene is ded. Ye coward knytys in plate And ye tormentours, thryfe schul ye late! Faste, harlotys! Go youre gate, And brynge me that bychyd body, I red! PRINCEPS 1 Dowte you not, sere bischop, in peyne of repref, We schal don schame to that body and to tho prechours. PRINCEPS 2 Sere, I schal geyne tho glabereris or gramly hem gref! Tho teynt tretouris schul tene yif my loke on hem louris.34 PRINCEPS 3 To hurle wyth tho harlotys, me is ful lef. I schal snarle tho sneveleris wyth rith scharp schowris.35 EPISCOPUS Hens than, a devylis name, and take me that thef! And brynge me that bygyd body, evyn tofore these touris!36 And here disciplis, ye slo! Hye you hens, harlotys, atonys! The devyl boyes mot breke youre bonys! Go, stent me yone body wyth youre stonys! Outh! Harrow! Al wod now I go! |
draws closer descend; was born Here the organs will play; (see note) (t-note) would have; need In my own person choir; dirge; direct; (see note) (see note); (t-note) (see note) (t-note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (see note) appearance; (t-note) care (see note) newly made; Mary’s sepulcher solemnity await me there; assured appear again (t-note) protect (t-note) pray (see note) (t-note) Here all of the heavenly court sings; (t-note) sister; beseech; (see note) wash; sight custom; any bore sister; faith wash; bright owe due obeisance received; Holy Ghost’s flights And they kiss Mary’s body heartily ask chief; faith truly; (t-note) (see note) (t-note) accordingly ask bear the bier; (see note) with us; (t-note) corpse Speaking (see note); (t-note) sound earth; air before such; indeed Can you tell much might Whatever; loudly amiss secretly Out there threescore years before; (t-note) begins to shutter; fear sorrow growing, I fear truthfully; to you; (t-note) prophet’s mother; (t-note) bear in great ceremony to spite our dignity dogs; to stop; (t-note) stupid; do something; (t-note) swear; Mohammed; shall whore; (t-note) knights; armor your time is up Quicky, scoundrels; Go your way vile; I tell you sir; disgrace those (t-note) (t-note) their; slay Go; scoundrels, at once devil’s boys may; bones stop; stones Out; crazed; (t-note) |
[Hic discendunt principes cum suis ministris ut feroci percucientes petras cum eorum capitibus.37; (t-note) |
410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 |
PRINCEPS 2 What, devyl! Where is this mené? I here here noyse, but I se ryth nouth! Allas! I have clene lost my posté! I am ful wo! Mad is my thowth! PRINCEPS 3 I am so ferd, I wold feyn fle! The devil hym spede, hedyr me brouth! I renne! I rappe — so wo is me Wyndand wod — wo hath me wrouth! To deye I ne routh. PRINCEPS 1 A, cowardis! Upon you, now fy! Are ye ferd of a ded body? I schal sterte therto manly! Alle that company, fere I ryth nouth! [Hic saltat insanus ad feretrum Marie et pendet per manus.38; (t-note) Allas, my body is ful of peyne! I am fastened sore to this bere! Myn handys are ser, bothe tweyne O, Peter, now prey thy God for me here! In Cayfas halle, when thou were seyne, And of thee, Peter, a mayde acusid there — I halpe thee tho! Now helpe me ageyne! That I were hol, outh of this fere! Sum medycyn me lere! PETRUS I may not tend to thee, sere, at this hour, For ocupacyon of this body of honour, But nevertheles, beleve in Jhesu Criste, oure Saveyour, And that this was his moder that we bere on bere. PRINCEPS 1 I beleve in Jhesu, mannys salvacyon! PETRUS In Goddis name, go doun than, and this body honure. PRINCEPS 1 Now, mercy God, and gromercy of this savacyon! In Jhesu and his moder to beleve, ever I seuere. PETRUS Than take yone holy palme and go to thi nacyon And bid hem beleve in God yif they wyl be pure, And towche hem ther wyth both hed, hand, and facyon. And of her sekenesse, they schal have cure, And ellis in here peynys indure. PRINCEPS 1 Gromercy, holy fader Peter! I schal do as ye me teche her, Thankyng God ever in my speche her Wyth hye repentaunce and herte most mure. [Hic portabunt feretrum ad locum sepulture. PETRUS Now, holy brether, this body let us take, And wyth alle the worschepe we may ley it in the grave, Kyssyng it alle atonys for her sonys sake. Now, insence ye, and we schal put her in this cave. [Hic ponent corpus in sepulcrum, insensantes, et cantantes.39 JOHANNES De terra plasmasti me et carne induisti me; Redemptor meus, Domine, resuscita me in novissimo die.40 Now, God, blysse this body, and we oure synge make. |
company hear their; see nothing strength full of woe; thought afraid; gladly flee take him who brought me here; (see note) run; rush about Raving madness; caught me up; (see note) I don’t care if I die afraid go there, boldly I fear not at all pain bier withered, both of them; (t-note) Caiphas’; seen; (see note) accused then; in return whole; fearful condition Teach me some sir honorable body bear on this bier; (t-note) man’s; (t-note) then great mercy promise Then; people them them; face their whatever else their; (t-note) Many thanks; father teach me here here humble Here they carry the bier to the sepulcher brethren; (see note) at once; son’s burn incense (see note); (t-note) sign [of the cross] make |
[Hic, unanimiter, benedicent corpus in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.41 |
460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 525 |
The fruth that it bar, oure soules schal save. Now reste we us, brether, upon this pleyn lake Tyl from oure God and oure Lord tydyngis we have, Here must we belave. PAULUS So muste we, Johan, as ye say, Thanne byde we here and pray, Besekyng hym of comfort that best may, Restyng here abowtyn this grave. [Hic vadit Princeps ad Judeos cum palma.42 PRINCEPS 1 Ye Jewys that langour in this gret infyrmyté, Belevyth in Crist Jhesu, and ye schal have helthe! Throw vertu of this holy palme that com fro the Trinyté Yowur sekenesse schal aswage and restore yow to welthe.43 PRINCEPS 2 I beleve in Crist Jhesu, Goddis Sone in unyté, And forsake my maumentryes, fals in here felthe. [Hic tangat credentes cum palma et sanati sunt.44 A, I thanke thee, gracyous Lord, and thy moder of peté! PRINCEPS 3 What, harlotys? Forsake oure lawe? PRINCEPS 2 So hald I best thee do! PRINCEPS 3 Hens fro me in the develis name ye go! I deye! Outh! Outh! Harro! The wylde develys mot me to drawe! DEMON 1 Herke, Belsabub and Belyal, Sere Sathan in the herne: Us fettyn oure servauntis to this preson! Blow flamys of fer to make hem to brenne! Mak redy ageyn! We com to this, demon! DEMON 2 Faste for tho harlotis, now let us renne To caste hem in this pet here that depe is adon! They schul brenne and boyle and chille in oure denne! Go we now, a develys name as faste as we mon! Harrow! Harrow! We com to town! DEMON 1 Drag we these harlotis in hye Into the pet of helle for to lye! DEMON 2 Gowe now, helle houndis, ye crye! Sere Sathan may heryn oure son. DOMINUS Now, aungyl and alle this court celestyall, Into herthe now discendityh wyth me To reyse the body of my moder terestyall And bryng we it to the blysse of my deyté. Assent ye here to, now, the Unyté? ANGELI Ya, for yowre hye mercy, Lord, al hefne makyth melodé! [Hic discendit et venit ad apostolos, dicens:45; (see note) DOMINUS Pes be to yow alle, my postelis so dere! Lo, me here, yowre Lord, and youre God, now rythtis. PETRUS A, wolcom, Criste, oure comfort, in thy manhed clere! Gret, merveylous God, mekyl now thy myth is! DOMINUS What worschepe and grace semyth you now here That I do to this body, Mary, that hytht is? JOHANNES Lord, as thou rese from deth and regnyst in thyn empere,46 So reyse thou this body to thy blysse that lyth is: Us semyth this ryth is. MYCHAEL Ya, gloryous God, lo, the sowle here prest now To this blissid body, likyth it you to fest now? Hefne and erthe wold thynke this the best now, Inasmyche as sche bare you, God, in youre mythitis. [Hic vadit anima in corpus Marie. DOMINUS Go, thanne, blyssid soule to that body ageyn! Arys now, my dowe, my nehebor, and my swete frende! Tabernacle of joye, vessel of lyf, hefnely temple to reyn:47 Ye schal have the blysse wyth me, moder, that hath non ende, For as ye were clene, in erthe, of alle synnys greyn; So schul ye reyne in hefne, clennest in mend. MARIA A, endles worchepe be to you, Jhesu, relesere of peyn! I and alle erthe may blisse ye, com of owre kend. Lo, me redy wyth you for to wend. DOMINUS Aboven hefnys, moder, assende than, we, In endles blysse for to be. MICHAEL Hefne and erthe now injoye may ye, For God, throw Mary, is mad mannys frend. [Et hic assendent in celum cantantibus organis.48 Assumpta es, Maria, in celum. DOMINUS Yow to worchepe, moder, it likyth the hol Trinyté 49 Wherfore I crowne you here in this kyndam of glory. Of alle my chosyn, thus schul ye clepyd be Qwen of Hefne and Moder of Mercy. MICHAEL Now blysid be youre namys, we cry! For this holy assumpcyon, alle hefne makyth melody! Deo gracias. |
bore; (see note) open grave; (t-note) (t-note) believe languish God’s idols; their filth mother of pity evil scoundrels think devil’s die are tearing me apart Harken; pit Let us fetch; (t-note) them burn (see note) those scoundrels; run pit; down deep burn; boil; freeze devil’s; may; (t-note) scoundrels; quickly pit Go Sir; hear; sound angel; (see note) earth; descend raise; terrestrial mother (t-note) Peace; apostles; (see note) right now manhood pure Great; great; might does it seem to you that is called; (t-note) raise; joyful This seems right to us ready to join (soul and body) Heaven; earth bore; powers Here the spirit will go into Mary’s body blessed; (t-note) (see note) earth; all sins’ stain reign; mind releaser of pain bless; come; our kind I am ready; to go; (t-note) the heavens; ascend then Heaven; earth through; made man’s friend Mary, you are taken up into heaven; (see note); (t-note) (see note) kingdom shall you be called Heaven blessed; names; (t-note) (see note) Thanks be to God; (t-note) |