5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 |
DEMON I am youre Lord Lucifer that out of helle cam, Prince of this werd and gret Duke of Helle, Wherefore my name is clepyd Sere Satan Whech aperyth among yow, a matere to spelle. I am norsshere of synne to the confusyon of man, To bryng hym to my dongeon, ther in fyre to dwelle. Hosoevyr serve me, so reward hym I kan, That he shal syng “Wellaway!” ever in peynes felle. Lo, thus bountevous a lord, than, now am I To reward so synners, as my kend is. Whoso wole folwe my lore and serve me dayly Of sorwe and peyne anow, he shal nevyr mys. For I began in hefne, synne for to sowe Among all the angellys that weryn there so bryth. And therfore was I cast out into helle ful lowe, Not withstandyng I was the fayrest and berer of lyth. Yet I drowe in my tayle of tho angelys bryth With me into helle — takyth good hed what I say! I lefte but tweyn agens on to abyde there in lyth; But the thrydde part come with me, this may not be seyd nay. Takyth hed to youre prince, than, my pepyl everychon And seyth what maystryes in hefne I gan ther do play. To gete a thowsand sowlys in an houre, me thynkyth it but skorn1 Syth I wan Adam and Eve on the fyrst day! But now, mervelous mendys rennyn in myn remembrawns. Of on Cryst wiche is clepyd Joseph and Maryes sone. Thryes I tempte hym be ryth sotylle instawnce Aftyr he fast fourty days ageyns sensual myth or reson, For of the stonys to a mad bred, but sone I had conclusyon.2 Than upon a pynnacle, but angelys were to hym assystent His answerys were mervelous: I knew not his intencyon, And at the last to veynglory, but nevyr I had myn intent. And now hath he twelve dysypulys to his attendauns! To eche town and cety he sendyth hem as bedellys, In dyverce place to make for hym purvyauns. The pepyl of hese werkys, ful grettly merveyllys: To the crokyd, blynd, and dowm, his werkys provaylys. Lazare, that foure days lay ded, his lyff recuryd! And where I purpose me to tempt, anon he me asaylys — Mawdelyn playne remyssyon, also he hath ensuryd. Goddys Son he pretendyth, and to be born of a mayde, And seyth he shal dey for mannys salvacyon; Than shal the trewth be tryed and no fordere be delayd! Whan the soule fro the body shal make separacyon, And as for hem that be undre my grett domynacyon, He shal fayle of hese intent and purpose, also. Be this tyxt of holde remembryd to myn intencyon: “Quia in inferno nulla est redempcio.” But whan the tyme shal neyth of his persecucyon, I shal arere new engynes of malycyous conspiracy: Plenty of reprevys I shal provide to his confusyon! Thus shal I false the wordys that his pepyl doth testefy! His discipulis shal forsake hym, and here mayster denye. Innoumberabyl shal his woundys be of woful grevauns! A tretowre shal countyrfe his deth to fortyfye.3 The rebukys that he gyf me shal turne to his displesauns! Some of hese dyscypulys shal be chef of this ordenawns That shal fortefye this term: “That in trost is treson.” Thus shal I venge be sotylté al my malycyous grevauns, For nothyng may excede my prudens and dyscrecyon. Gyff me youre love! Grawnt me myn affeccyon, And I wyl unclose the tresour of lovys alyawns! And gyff yow youre desyrys aftere youre intencyon! No poverté shal aproche yow fro plentevous abundauns. Byholde the dyvercyté of my dysgysyd varyauns, Eche thyng sett of dewe naterall dysposycyon, And eche parte acordynge to his resemblauns, Fro the sool of the foot to the hyest asencyon: Of fyne cordewan, a goodly peyre of long, pekyd shon,4 Hosyn enclosyd of the most costyous cloth of crenseyn; Thus a bey to a jentylman to make comparycyon, With two doseyn poyntys of cheverelle, the aglottys of sylver feyn;5 A shert of feyn Holond — but care not for the payment — A stomachere of clere Reynes, the best may be bowth;6 Thow poverté be chef, lete pride ther be present, And all tho that repreff pride, thu sette hem at nowth; Cadace, wolle, or flokkys — where it may be sowth —7 To stuffe withal thi dobbelet and make thee of proporcyon: Two smale legges and a gret body, thow it ryme nowth, Yet loke that thu desyre to an the newe faccyon; A gowne of thre yerdys — loke thu make comparison Unto all degrees dayly that passe thin astat. A purse withoutyn mony, a daggere for devocyon, And there repref is of synne, loke thu make debat. With syde lokkys I schrewe thin here, to thi colere hangyng down,8 To herborwe qweke bestys that tekele men onyth; An hey, smal bonet for curyng of the crowne, And all beggerys and pore pepyll have hem on dyspyte. Onto the grete othys and lycherye gyf thi delyte. To maynteyn thin astate, lete brybory be present, And yf the lawe repreve thee, say thu wylt fyth And gadere thee a felachep after thin entent. Loke thu sett not be precept nor be comawndement, Both sevyle and canoun, sett thu at nowth; Lette no membre of God, but with othys be rent.9 Lo, thus this werd at this tyme, to myn intent is browth. I, Sathan, with my felawus, this werd hath sowth, And now we han it at houre plesawns! For synne is not shamfast, but boldnes hath bowth. That shal cause hem in helle to han inerytawns. A beggerys dowtere to make gret purvyauns To cownterfete a jentylwoman, dysgeysyd as she can. And if mony lakke, this is the newe chevesauns: With her prevy plesawns, to gett it of sum man, Her colere splayed and furryd with ermyn Calabere or satan, A seyn to selle lechory to hem that wyl bey. And thei that wyl not by it, yet inow shal thei han, And telle hem it is for love — she may it not deney. I have browth yow newe namys, and wyl ye se why? For synne is so plesaunt, to ech mannys intent. Ye shal kalle “pride,” “onesté,” and “naterall kend,” “lechory”;10 And “covetyse,” “wysdam” — there tresure is present. “Wreth,” “manhod,” and “envye” callyd “chastément” —11 Seyse nere sessyon, lete perjery be chef — “Glotenye,” “rest” — let abstynawnce beyn absent, And he that wole exorte thee to vertu, put hem to repreff. To rehers all my servauntys, my matere is to breff, But all these shal eneryth the dyvicyon eternal. Thow Cryst, by his sotylté, many materys meef, In evyrlastynge peyne with me dwellyn thei shal. Remembre oure servauntys whoys sowlys ben mortall, For I must remeffe for more materys to provyde. I am with yow at all tymes, whan ye to councel me call. But for a short tyme, myself I devoyde. |
(see note) world called Sir; (t-note) matter to declare nourisher Whosoever Woe is me; fierce generous nature; (t-note) will follow my teaching enough; miss Heaven; (see note); (t-note) bright light; (see note) drew; those; bright; (see note) heed two to one; (see note) third; denied heed; everyone deceits; caused; (see note) (t-note) Since; won thoughts; (see note) one; (t-note) Thrice; insistence might; (t-note) Then; helping (see note) pride; wish disciples them; heralds preparations marvelous mute (dumb); prevail restored soon; assails full pardon; ensured pretends to be says; die; man’s further When; from them; great his By; text of old Because in hell, there is no redemption; (see note) when; near arrear; devices; (see note) reproofs twist their Innumerable; pain (t-note) harm plot; (see note) saying; (see note); (t-note) by subtlety Give; Grant reveal; love’s alliance give yourself over to from plentiful disguised duplicity; (see note) due natural order its sole; highest point; (t-note) made of; crimson boy (t-note) fine linen; (t-note) Though; in force reprove doublet though; matches not to have; fashion three yards social ranks; your estate where reproof (t-note) living animals (lice); at night high; covering the head despise them; (t-note) oaths; lechery give your estate; thievery reprove; fight; (t-note) gather; posse value; by civil [law]; canon [law] world; brought fellows; world; sought have; our pleasure shy; bought it them; have an inheritance beggar’s daughter; provision disguised lack; way; (t-note) secret pleasure satin sign; buy buy; enough; have them brought; names; (see note) man’s Assize courts; supreme; (see note) be reproof name; too brief enter; division Though; stirs up whose souls are depart; matters (see note) remove; (see note) |
125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 |
JOHANNES BAPTISTA I, Johan Baptyst, to yow thus prophesye That on shal come aftyr me and not tary longe. In many folde more strengere than I Of whose shon I am not worthy to lose the thonge. Wherefore I councel thee, ye reforme all wronge In youre concyens of the mortall dedys sevyn And for to do penawns, loke that ye fonge, For now shal come the kyngdham of hevyn. The weys of oure Lord cast yow to aray And therin to walk, loke ye be applyande And make his pathys as ryth as ye may, Keepyng ryth forth and be not declinande, Neyther to fele on ryth nor on lefte hande, But in the myddys, purpose yow to holde. For that, in all wyse, is most plesande As ye shal here whan I have tolde. Of this wey, for to make moralysacyon: Be the ryth syde ye shal undyrstonde mercy, And on the lefte syde lykkenyd dysperacyon. And the patthe betwyn bothyn — that may not wry — Schal be hope and drede, to walke in perfectly, Declynyng not to fele for no maner nede. Grete cawsys I shal shoue yow why, That ye shal sowe the patthe of hope and drede. On the mercy of God, to meche ye shal not holde As in this wyse, behold what I mene: For to do synne, be thu no more bolde In trost that God wole mercyful bene. And yf be sensualyté, as it is ofte sene, Synnyst dedly — thu shalt not therfore dyspeyre, But therfore do penawns and confesse thee clene. And of hevyn, thu mayst trost to ben eyre. The pathe that lyth to this blyssyd enherytawns Is hope and drede, copelyd be conjunccyon. Betwyx these tweyn may be no dysseverawns: For hope withoutyn drede is maner of presumpcyon, And drede withowtyn hope is maner of dysperacyon. So these tweyn must be knyt be on acorde. How ye shal aray the wey, I have made declaracyon, Also the ryth patthis agens the comyng of oure Lord. |
(see note); (t-note) one times stronger shoes; loosen conscience; seven deadly sins penance, look; begin to prepare striving straight turned astray too far; right; (t-note) middle pleasing hear when to teach spiritually; (t-note) By; right likened to despair err Turning; too much; reason reasons; show seek; (t-note) too much; depend upon mean trust; will be by You sin mortally yourself clean trust to be an heir lies; blessed coupled by union Between; two; difference dread two; knit together prepare; (t-note) straight paths for |
[Here shal Annas shewyn hymself in his stage beseyn after a busshop of the hoold (old) lawe in a skarlet gowne. And over that, a blew tabbard furryd with whyte and a mytere on his hed after the hoold lawe, twey doctorys stondyng by hym in furryd hodys, and on beforn hem with his staff of astat. And eche of hem on here hedys a furryd cappe with a gret knop (knob) in the crowne, and on (one) stondyng beforn as a Sarazyn, the wich shal be his masangere, Annas thus seyng: (see note) |
165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 |
ANNAS As a prelat am I properyd, to provyde pes. And of Jewys, jewge, the lawe to fortefye. I, Annas, be my powere, shal comawnde, dowteles, The lawys of Moyses, no man can denye. Hoo excede my comawndement, anon ye certefye! Yf any eretyk here reyn, to me ye compleyn. For in me lyth the powere, all trewthis to trye, And pryncypaly, oure lawys, tho must I susteyn. Yef I may aspey the contrary, no wheyle shal thei reyn,12 But anon to me be browth and stonde present Before here jewge wich shal not feyn, But aftere here trespace to gef hem jugement Now, serys, for a prose, heryth myn intent. There is on Jhesus of Nazareth that oure lawys doth excede. Yf he procede thus, we shal us all repent, For oure lawys he dystroyt dayly with his dede. Therefore be youre cowncel, we must take hede What is best to provyde or do in this case, For yf we let hym thus go and ferdere prosede, Ageyn Sesare and oure lawe we do trespace. ANNAS’ DOCTOR 1 Sere, this is myn avyse that ye shal do: Send to Cayphas for cowncel, knowe his intent, For yf Jhesu procede and thus forth go, Oure lawys shal be dystroyd, thes se we present. ANNAS’ DOCTOR 2 Sere, remembre the gret charge that on yow is leyd: The lawe to kepe, which may not fayle. Yf any defawth prevyd of yow be seyd, The Jewys, with trewth, wyl yow asayl. Tak hed whath cownsayl may best provayl! After Rewfyn and Leyon, I rede that ye sende — They arn temperal jewgys that knowth the perayl — With youre cosyn Cayphas, this matere to amende. ANNAS Now, surely this cowncel revyfe myn herte! Youre cowncel is best as I can se. Arfexe, in hast, loke that thu styrte And pray Cayphas, my cosyn, come speke with me. To Rewfyn and Leon, thu go also And pray hem thei speke with me in hast, For a pryncipal matere that have to do Wich must be knowe or this day be past. ARFEXE My soveryn, at youre intent, I shal gon. In al the hast that I kan hy Onto Cayphas, Rewfyn, and Lyon And charge youre intent that thei shal ply. |
designated; peace judge; uphold by Whoever; report now heretic lives here lies; truths those (t-note) soon; brought their; who; hesitate their trespass to give them; (t-note) sirs, in plain words, hear one regret by his deeds by; counsel (t-note) further Against Caesar Sir; advice; (t-note) counsel (t-note) this see; presently Sir (t-note) fault proved heed what counsel; prevail advise; (see note) judges; peril; (t-note) (see note) counsel revives; heart counsel; see haste, look; start; (see note) ask them; haste most important before this day speed I can muster request; follow |
[Here goth the masangere forth, and in the menetyme Cayphas shewyth himself in his scafhald, arayd lych to Annas, savyng his tabbard shal be red furryd with white, twey (two) doctorys with hym arayd with pellys (fur) aftyr the old gyse and furryd cappys on here (their) hedys; Cayphas thus seyng: |
210 215 220 225 230 235 240 |
CAYPHAS As a primat most preudent, I present here sensyble13 Byschopys of the lawe with al the cyrcumstawns. I, Cayphas, am jewge with powerys possyble To distroye all errouris that in oure lawys make varyawns. All thyngys I convey be reson and temperawnce, And all materis possyble, to me ben palpable. Of the lawe of Moyses, I have a chef governawns To severe ryth and wrong in me is termynable. But ther is on Cryst that in oure lawys is varyable. He perverte the pepyl with his prechyng ill. We must seke a mene onto hym reprevable, For yf he procede, oure lawys he wyl spyll! We must take good cowncel in this case: Of the wysest of the lawe that kan the trewthe telle, Of the jewgys of Pharasy, and of my cosyn Annas. For yf he procede, be prossesse oure lawys he wyl felle.14 CAYPHAS’ DOCTOR 1 Myn lord, plesyt yow to pardon me for to say The blame in yow is, as we fynde, To lete Cryst contenue thus day be day With his fals wichcraft, the pepyl to blynde. He werkyth fals meraclis ageyns all kende And makyth oure pepyl to leve hem in. It is youre part to take hym and do hym bynde And gyf hym jugement for his gret syn. CAYPHAS’ DOCTOR 2 Forsothe, sere, of trewth this is the case: Onto oure law ye don oppressyon, That ye let Cryst from you pace And wyl not don on hym correxion! Let Annas knowe youre intencyon With prestys and jewgys of the lawe, And do Cryst forsake his fals oppynyon, Or into a preson lete hem be thrawe. CAYPHAS Wel, serys, ye shal se withinne short whyle — I shal correcte hym for his trespas. He shal no lenger oure pepyl begyle; Out of myn dawngere he shal not pas! |
due formalities powers conflict by are clear (see note) To judge; final; (t-note) one; who; inconstant; (t-note) way to reprove him; (see note) destroy counsel (t-note) Pharisees; cousin; (see note) (t-note) may it please you; (t-note) (t-note) allow Christ [to]; by false miracles contrary to all nature; (t-note) believe in them; (t-note) bind him give sir, truly; (t-note) harm pass offer him priests; judges make Christ; doctrine prison; thrown; (t-note) sirs; see longer; fool power; pass |
[Here comyth the masangere to Cayphas, and in the menetyme, Rewfyn and Lyon schewyn hem (themselves) in the place in ray (striped) tabardys furryd and ray hodys, abouth here neckys furryd, the massangere seyng: (see note) |
245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 |
MASANGER Myn reverent sovereyn, and it do yow plese, Sere Annas, my lord, hath to you sent. He prayt you that ye shal not sese Tyl that ye ben with hym present. CAYPHAS Sere, telle myn cosyn I shal not fayl. It was my purpose, hym for to se For serteyn materys that wyl prevayle Thow he had notwth a sent to me. MASANGER I recomende me to youre hey degré; On more massagys I must wende. CAYPHAS Farewel, sere, and wel ye be. Gret wel my cosyn and my frende. [Here the masager metyth with the jewgys, sayng: MASANGER Heyl, jewgys of Jewry, of reson most prudent! Of my massage to you, I make relacyon: My lord, Sere Annas, hath for you sent, To se his presens withowth delacyon. REWFYN Sere, we are redy at his comawndement, To se Sere Annas in his place. It was oure purpose and oure intent To a be with hym withinne short space. LEYON We are ful glad his presence to se, Sere, telle hym. We shal come in hast. No declaracyon therin shal be But to his presens, hye us fast. MASANGER I shal telle my lord, seris, as we say: Ye wyl fulfulle al his plesawns. REWFYN Sere, telle hym we shal make no delay, But come in hast at his instawns. [Here the masangere comyth to Annas, thus seyng: MASANGER My lord, and it plese you to have intellygens: Ser Cayphas comyth to you in hast. Rewfyn and Lyon wyl se youre presens And se yow here, or this day be past. ANNAS Sere, I kan thee thank of thi dyligens. Now ageyn my cosyn I wole walk. Serys, folwyth me onto his presens, For of these materys, we must talk. |
Sir asks; cease Sir be effective; (t-note) not sent word; (t-note) high rank errands; go Greet; (t-note) judges delay have been explanation let us hurry sirs pleasure request if it; news; (t-note) before to my cousin |
[Here Annas goth down to mete with Cayphas, and in the menetyme, thus seyng: |
285 |
CAYPHAS Now, onto Annas let us wende, Ech of us to knowe otherys intent. Many materys I have in mende, The wich to hym I shal present. CAYPHAS’ DOCTOR 1 Sere, of all othere thyng, remembre this case: Loke that Jhesus be put to schame. CAYPHAS’ DOCTOR 2 Whan we come present beforn Annas, Whe shal rehers all his gret blame. |
go Each; the others’ mind which (t-note) We; repeat; crimes |
[Here the buschopys with here clerkys and the Pharaseus mett at the myd place, and ther shal be a lytil oratory with stolys (stools) and cusshonys clenly beseyn, lych as it were a cownsel hous, Annas thus seyng: (see note); (t-note) |
290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 |
ANNAS Welcome, Ser Cayphas and ye jewgys alle! Now shal ye knowe all myn entent. A wondyr case, serys, here is befalle On wich we must gyf jewgement Lyst that we, aftyre the case, repent Of on Cryst, that “Goddys Sone” some doth hym calle. He shewyth meraclys and sythe present That he is Prynce of Prynces alle! The pepyl so fast to hym doth falle! Be prevy menys as we aspye Yf he procede, son sen ye shalle That oure lawys, he wyl dystrye. It is oure part, this to deny. What is youre cowncell in this cas? CAYPHAS Be reson, the trewth here may we try. I cannot dem hym withouth trespace Because he seyth in every a place That he is Kyng of Jewys in every degré! Therfore he is fals, knowe wel the case: Sesar is kyng, and non but he! REWFYN He is an eretyk and a tretour bolde To Sesare and to oure lawe, sertayn! Bothe in word and in werke, and ye beholde — He is worthy to dey with mekyl peyn! LEYON The cawse that we been here present To fortefye the lawe and trewth to say: Jhesus ful nere oure lawys hath shent! Therfore, he is worthy for to day! ANNAS’ DOCTOR 1 Serys, ye that ben rewelerys of the lawe, On Jhesu, ye must gyf jugement. Let hym fyrst ben hangyn and drawe And thanne his body in fyre be brent. ANNAS’ DOCTOR 2 Now shal ye here the intent of me: Take Jhesu that werke us all gret schame! Put hym to deth! Let him not fle, For than the comownys, thei wyl yow blame. CAYPHAS’ DOCTOR 1 He werke with wechecrafte in eche place — And drawyth the pepyl to hese intent. Bewhare, ye jewgys! Let hym not passe! Than be my trewthe, ye shal repent! CAYPHAS’ DOCTOR 2 Serys, takyth hede onto this case, And in youre jewgement be not slawe. Ther was nevyr man dyd so gret trespace As Jhesu hath don ageyn oure lawe. ANNAS Now, bretheryn, than wyl ye here myn intent? These nyne days, let us abyde. We may not gyf so hasty jugement, But eche man inqwere on his syde. Send spyes abouth the countré wyde To se and recorde and testymonye. And than hese werkys he shal not hyde Nor have no power hem to denye. CAYPHAS This cowncell acordyth to my reson. ANNAS And we all to the same. |
(t-note) amazing give judgment; (t-note) Unless; feel sorry for one; God’s performs miracles; then claims follow By secret means; spy soon see destroy; (t-note) (t-note) counsel By reason judge; sin (t-note) state of affairs Caesar heretic; traitor; (see note) Caesar; certainly die; much pain To uphold nearly; destroyed to die Sirs; rulers; (t-note) give hanged and drawn; (see note) burned (t-note) causes us commoners; you; (t-note) witchcraft; (t-note) his will Beware; judges Then by; troth; (t-note) judgment; slow against then; hear wait; (see note) on his own witness then his works to deny them (see note) (t-note) |
345 350 355 |
JHESUS Frendys, beholde the tyme of mercy, The whiche is come now withowt dowth! Mannys sowle in blys, now shal edyfy, And the Prynce of the Werd is cast owth! Go to yon castel that standyth yow ageyn. Sum of myn dyscyplis, go forth ye to. There shul ye fyndyn bestys tweyn, An asse tyed and her fole, also. Unlosne that asse and brynge it to me pleyn. Iff any man aske why that ye do so, Sey that I have nede to this best, certeyn, And he shal not lett yow, youre weys for to go, That best brynge ye to me. APOSTOLUS 1 Holy prophete, we gon oure way. We wyl not youre wourd delay. Also, sone as that we may We shal it brynge to thee. |
(t-note) doubt Man’s; be exalted World; out behind you disciples; (see note) shall; find two beasts foal Untie; directly (t-note) beast, certainly prevent beast word soon |
[Here thei fecch the asse with the fole, and the Burgeys seyth: (see note) |
360 365 370 375 380 385 |
BURGENSIS Herke ye, men! Who gaff yow leve, Thus this best for to take away? But only for pore men to releve This asse is ordayned, as I yow say. PHILIPPUS Good sere, take this at no greff. Oure mayster us sent hedyr this day. He hath grett nede, withowt repreff. Therfore, not lett us, I thee pray, This best for to lede. BURGENSIS Sethyn that it is so, that he hath yow sent, Werkyth his wyll and his intent. Take this beste as ye be bent And evyr wel mote ye spede. JACOBUS MINOR This best is brought ryght now here, lo! Holy prophete, at thin owyn wylle, And with his cloth anon also, This bestys bak we shal sone hylle. PHILIPPUS Now mayst thu ryde whedyr thu wylt go, Thyn holy purpos to fulfylle. Thy best ful redy is dyth thee to. Both meke and tame, the best is stylle, And we be redy also. Iff it be plesynge to thi syght, Thee to helpe anon forth ryght. Upon this best that thu were dyght, Thi jurney for to do. |
gave you permission beast; (t-note) to relieve; (t-note) provided for; (t-note) sir; grief here reproof do not prevent us; (t-note) beast Since beast; you wish may you prosper beast now beast’s back; cover beast; ready for you beast now beast; prepared for you |
[Here Cryst rydyth out of the place and he wyl, and Petyr and Johan abydyn stylle. And, at the last, whan thei have don ther prechyng, thei mete with Jhesu. (see note) |
390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 |
PETRUS O, ye pepyl dyspeyryng, be glad! A grett cawse ye have, and ye kan se: The Lord that allthynge of nought mad Is comynge youre comfort to be! All your langoris, salvyn shal he! Youre helthe is more than ye kan wete. He shal cawse the blynde that thei shal se, The def to here, the dome for to speke! Thei that be crokyd, he shal cause hem to goo In the wey that Johan Baptyst of prophecyed: Sweche a leche kam yow nevyr non too! Wherfore what he comawndyth, loke be applyed! That som of yow be blynd, it may not be denyid, For hym that is youre makere, with youre gostly ey, ye shal not knowe. Of his comaundementys, in yow gret necglygens is aspyed. Wherefore def, fro gostly heryng, clepe yow I howe. And some of yow may not go, ye be so crokyd, For of good werkyng in yow is lytyl habundawns. Tweyn fete hevery man shuld have, and it were lokyd,15 Wyche shuld bere the body gostly, most of substawns: Fyrst is to love God above all other plesawns; The secunde is to love thi neybore as thin owyn persone; And yf these tweyn be kepte in perseverawns, Into the celestyal habytacyon, ye arn habyl to gone. Many of yow be dome. Why? For ye wole not redresse Be mowthe youre dedys mortal, but therin don perdure, Of the wych, but ye have contrycyon, and yow confesse. Ye may not inheryte hevyn, this I yow ensure. And of all these maladys, ye may have gostly cure, For the hevynly leche is comyng now, for to vicyte. And as for payment, he wole shewe yow no redrure, For with the love of yowre hertys, he wole be aqwhyte. JOHANNES Onto my brotherys forseyd rehersall, That ye shuld geve the more veray confydens, I come with hym as testymonyall For to conferme and fortefye his sentens. This Lord shal come without resystens Onto the cetyward, he is now comyng! Wherefore dresse you with all dew dylygens To honowre hym as youre makere and kyng. And to fulfylle the prophetys prophesé, Upon an asse he wole hedyr ryde Shewyng yow exawmple of humylyté, Devoydyng the abhomynable synne of pryde Whech hath ny conqweryd all the werd wyde, Grettest cause of all youre trybulacyon. Use it hoso wole, for it is the best gyde That ye may have to the place of dampnacyon. Now, brothyr, in God, syth we have intellygens That oure Lord is ny come to this ceté, To attend upon his precyous presens, It syttyth to us, as semyth me, Wherfore to mete whit hym — now go we. I wold fore nothyng we where to late. To the cetéward, fast drawyth he! Me semyth he is ny at the gate! [Here spekyth the foure ceteseynys, the fyrst thus seyng: CIVES 1 Neyborys, gret joy in oure herte we may make That this hefly kyng wole vycyte this cyté! CIVES 2 Yf oure eerly kyng swech a jorné shuld take To don hym honour and worchepe, besy shuld we be! CIVES 3 Meche more than to the hevynly kyng bownd are we, For to do that shuld be to his persone reverens. CIVES 4 Late us than welcom hym with flowrys and brawnchis of the tre, For he wole take that to plesawns becawse of redolens.16 |
despairing; (see note); (t-note) reason; if you can everything; nothing made miseries, heal know blind; see deaf to hear; mute (dumb) crippled; them Such a doctor has never come to you see to it; (t-note) (t-note) spiritual is perceived spiritual; I ought to call you walk; crippled works; abundance (see note) spiritual body desires your two; with perseverance (heaven); able to go mute; will continue assure spiritual physician; visit harshness; (see note); (t-note) hearts; paid brother's aforesaid words true belief witness corroborate; speech prepare yourselves; due prophet’s; (see note) will ride here humility Driving out nearly; wide world Practice it whoso will Since; the knowledge nearly; city It is fitting meet with not be late for anything Toward the city It seems to me; nearly (t-note) heavenly; visit earthly; such; journey Much; bound honor Let; (t-note) |
[Here the foure ceteseynys makyn hem redy for to mete with oure Lord goyng barfot and barelegged, and in here shyrtys savyng, thei shal have here (their) gownys cast abouth theme. And qwan thei seen oure Lord, thei shal sprede ther clothis beforn hyme, and he shal lyth and go therupon. And thei shal falle downe upon ther knes all atonys (at once), the fyrst thus seyng: (see note) |
450 |
CIVES 1 Now, blyssyd he be that in oure Lordys name To us in any wyse wole resorte! And we beleve, veryly, that thu dost the same, For be thi mercy shal spryng mannys comforte! |
Lord’s; (see note) will come truly by; man’s |
[Here Cryst passyth forth. Ther metyth with hym a serteyn (certain number) of chylderyn with flowrys and cast beforn hyme. And they synggyn “Gloria laus,” and beforn, on seyt (one says): (see note) |
455 460 465 470 475 480 |
Thow sone of Davyd! Thu be oure supporte At oure last day whan we shal dye! Wherefore, we alle atonys to thee exorte, Cryeng, “Mercy, mercy, mercye!” JHESUS Frendys, beholde the tyme of mercy, The wich is come now, withowtyn dowth. Mannys sowle in blysse now shal edyfy, And the prynce of the werd is cast owth! As I have prechyd in placys abowth And shewyd experyence to man and wyf, Into this werd Goddys Sone hath sowth For veray love, man to revyfe. The trewthe of trewthis shal now be tryede, And a perfyth of corde betwyx God and man, Wich trewth shal nevyr be dyvide, Confusyon onto the fynd Sathan. PAUPER HOMO 1 Thu Sone of Davyd! On us have mercye! As we must stedfast belevyn in thee! Thi goodnesse, Lord, lete us be nye, Whech lyth blynd here and may not se. PAUPER HOMO 2 Lord, lete thi mercy to us be sewre, And restore to us oure bodyly syth. We know thu may us wel recure With the lest poynt of thi gret myth! JHESUS Yowre beleve hath mad you for to se And delyveryd you fro all mortal peyn. Blyssyd be all tho that beleve on me And se me not with here bodyly eyn. |
help; (t-note) die at once without a doubt Man’s; be exalted; (t-note) world about (see note); (t-note) world; sought true; revive tried perfect accord divided fiend Son; (t-note) believe nigh sure sight cure least bit; might belief; made from those their; eyes |
[Here Cryst blyssyth here eyn (their eyes) and thei may se, the fryst seyn: |
485 |
PAUPER HOMO 1 Gromercy, Lord of thi gret grace! I that was blynd now may se! PAUPER HOMO 2 Here I forsake al my trespace And stedfastly wyl belevyn on thee. |
Many thanks; (t-note) sin (t-note) |