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Poem 3, Balade [The Day of Grace]

[Ch III; MS #239]








3. Balade

Je cuide et croy qu’en tous les joieux jours     
Que le soleil cler et net suelt parer,
Et les heures faire leur commun cours
Pour nuit obscure a son droit amener,
Celui fu bon — je le doy honorer!
Gay, gent, plaisant, et de grace adjourna;
Phebus aussi de doulçour l’aourna,
Et le moment de ses biens enrichi
Chascun des diex, son pouoir li donna,
Quant ma dame me donna nom d’Ami.

Pitié se mist en ses plus biaux atours,
Et en excil fu Dangier oultre mer.
Confort, Deduit, Leesce, Gay Secours
Firent Refus par Bel Prier finer.
Cuer debonnaire et digne d’onnorer
Vint de moult loins ou pays par de ça —
Loyal Penser de droit l’i envoia;
Et Bien Servir mist a mort Long Detry
Et Honte, avec qui fuï ça et la,
Quant ma dame, etc.

Dont j’en loe sur toute rien Amours,
Et la doulçour de ma dame sans per,
A qui je doy de droit toutes honnours,
Servir, cremir, et loyaument amer —
Son vueil li viengne a son bon desirer —
Si vraiement qu’autre n’ameray ja.
L’eure fu bonne et Amours l’ordena,
Et pour moy fu renouvelé Mercy
Qui humblement s’aparu et monstra
Quant ma dame, etc.

3. [The Day of Grace]

I think and believe that among all the joyful days
That the clear, bright sun is wont to adorn,
When the hours make their common course
And lead dark night to its own land,
That day was good — I must honor it!
It dawned gay, noble, pleasant, and gracious;
Phebus also adorned it with sweetness,
And each of the gods endowed the moment
With their benefits, and gave it their power,
When my lady gave me the name of Friend.

Pity came forth in her prettiest attire,
While Danger was in exile overseas;
Comfort, Delight, Joy, and Happy Help,
With Fair Prayer made Refusal stop;
The debonnaire Heart, worthy of honor,
Came from far away to this country —
Loyal Thought sent her here, as was right;
And Serve-Well put to death both Long Delay
And Shame, with whom I had fled hither and yon,
When my lady gave me the name of Friend.

Therefore I praise Love above all for it,
And the sweetness of my peerless lady,
To whom by right I owe all honor,
To serve, fear, and love loyally —
May her desire be fulfilled according to her good wish —
So truly that I will never love another.
The hour was good, Love ordained it;
For me Mercy was renewed
Who modestly appeared and revealed herself
When my lady gave me the name of Friend.