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The Simonie

[Symonye and Covetise, or On the Evil Times of Edward II]

(Auchinleck MS fols. 328r-334v; and MS Bodley 48 fols. 325v-331r)



Whii werre and wrake in londe and manslauht is i-come, 1
Whii hungger and derthe on eorthe the pore hath undernome,
Whii bestes ben thus storve, whii corn hath ben so dere, 2
Ye that wolen abide, listneth and ye mowen here
   The skile.3
I nelle liyen for no man, herkne who so wile.
God greteth wel the clergie, and seith theih don amis,
And doth hem to understonde that litel treuthe ther is;
For at the court of Rome, ther Treuthe sholde biginne,
Him is forboden the paleis, dar he noht com therinne 4
   For doute;
And thouh the Pope clepe him in, yit shal he stonde theroute. 5
Alle the Popes clerkes han taken hem to red,
If Treuthe come amonges hem, that he shal be ded.
There dar he noht shewen him for doute to be slain, 6
Among none of the cardinaus dar he noht be sein,
   For feerd,
If Symonie may mete wid him he wole shaken his berd. 7
Voiz of clerk is sielde i-herd at the court of Rome;
Ne were he never swich a clerk, silverles if he come, 8
Though he were the wiseste that evere was i-born,
But if he swete ar he go, al his weye is lorn 9
Or he shal singe Si dedero, or al geineth him noht. 10
For if there be in countré an horeling, a shrewe,
Lat him come to the court hise nedes for to shewe,
And bring wid him silver and non other wed,
Be he nevere so muchel a wrecche, hise nedes sholden be spede 11
   Ful stille,
For Coveytise and Symonie han the world to wille. 12
And erchebishop and bishop, that ouhte for to enquere
Off alle men of Holi Churche of what lif theih were,
Summe beth foles hemself, and leden a sory lif,
Therfore doren hii noht speke for rising of strif
   Thurw clerkes,
And that everich biwreied other of here wrecchede werkes. 13
But certes Holi Churche is muchel i-brouht ther doune,
Siththen Seint Thomas was slain and smiten of his croune. 14
He was a piler ariht to holden up Holi Churche,
Thise othere ben to slouwe, and feintliche kunnen worche, 15
Therfore in Holi Churche hit fareth the more amis.
But everi man may wel i-wite, who so take yeme,
That no man may wel serve tweie lordes to queme.
Summe beth in ofice wid the king, and gaderen tresor to hepe, 16   
And the fraunchise of Holi Churche hii laten ligge slepe 17
   Ful stille;
Al to manye ther beth swiche, if hit were Godes wille. 18
And thise ersedeknes that ben set to visite Holi Churche,
Everich foundeth hu he may shrewedelichest worche; 19
He wol take mede of that on and that other,
And late the parsoun have a wyf, and the prest another,
   At wille:
Coveytise shal stoppen here mouth, and maken hem al stille.
For sone so a parsoun is ded and in eorthe i-don, 20
Thanne shal the patroun have giftes anon;
The clerkes of the cuntré wolen him faste wowe,
And senden him faire giftes and presentes i-nowe,
   And the bishop;
And there shal Symonye ben taken bi the cop.
Coveytise upon his hors he wole be sone there,
And bringe the bishop silver, and rounen in his ere
That alle the pore that ther comen, on ydel sholen theih worche,
For he that allermost may give, he shal have the churche,
Everich man nu bi dawe may sen that thus hit is. 21
And whan this newe parsoun is institut in his churche,
He bithenketh him hu he may shrewedelichest worche; 22
Ne shal the corn in his berne ben eten wid no muis,
But hit shal ben i-spended in a shrewede huis;
   If he may,
Al shal ben i-beten out or Cristemesse day.
And whan he hath i-gadered markes and poundes,
He priketh out of toune wid haukes and wid houndes
Into a straunge contré, and halt a wenche in cracche;
And wel is hire that first may swich a parsoun kacche
   In londe.
And thus theih serven the chapele, and laten the churche stonde.
He taketh al that he may, and maketh the churche pore,
And leveth thare behinde a theef and an hore,
A serjaunt and a deie that leden a sory lif;
Al so faire hii gon to bedde as housebonde and wif,
   Wid sorwe.
Shal there no pore lif fare the bet nouther on even ne on morwe. 23
And whan he hath the silver of wolle and of lomb,
He put in his pautener an honne and a komb,
A myrour and a koeverchef to binde wid his crok, 24
And rat on the rouwe-bible and on other bok
   No mo;
But unthank have the bishop that lat hit so go. 25
For thouh the bishop hit wite, that hit bename kouth, 26
He may wid a litel silver stoppen his mouth;
He medeth wid the clerkes, and halt forth the wenche,
And lat the parish for-worthe - the devel him adrenche
   For his werk!
And sory may his fader ben, that evere made him clerk.
And if the parsoun have a prest of a clene lyf,
That be a god consailler to maiden and to wif,
Shal comen a daffe and putte him out for a litel lasse,
That can noht a ferthing worth of god, unnethe singe a masse 27
   But ille.
And thus shal al the parish for lac of lore spille.
For riht me thinketh hit fareth bi a prest that is lewed, 28
As bi a jay in a kage, that himself hath bishrewed:
God Engelish he speketh, ac he wot nevere what; 29
No more wot a lewed prest in boke what he rat
   Bi day.
Thanne is a lewed prest no betir than a jay.
But everi man may wel i-wite, bi the swete Rode,
Ther beth so manye prestes, hii ne muwe noht alle be gode.
And natheles thise gode men fallen oft in fame,
For thise wantoune prestes that pleien here nice game,
   Bi nihte,
Hii gon wid swerd and bokeler as men that wode fihte.
Summe bereth croune of acolite for the crumponde crok,
And ben ashamed of the merke the bishop hem bitok;
At even he set upon a koife, and kembeth the croket,
Adihteth him a gay wenche of the newe jet, 30
   Sanz doute;
And there hii clateren cumpelin whan the candel is oute.
And thise abbotes and priours don agein here rihtes;
Hii riden wid hauk and hound, and contrefeten knihtes.
Hii sholde leve swich pride, and ben religious.
And nu is pride maister in everich ordred hous;
Religioun is evele i-holde and fareth the more a-mis. 31
For if there come to an abey to pore men or thre,
And aske of hem helpe par seinte charité,
Unnethe wole any don his ernde other yong or old,
But late him coure ther al day in hunger and in cold,
   And sterve,
Loke what love ther is to God, whom theih seien that hii serve!
But there come another and bringe a litel lettre,
In a box upon his hepe, he shal spede the betre;
And if he be wid eny man that may don the abot harm,
He shal be lad into the halle, and ben i-mad full warm
   Aboute the mawe.
And Godes man stant ther-oute - sory is that lawe!
Thus is God nu served thurwout religioun;
There is He al to sielde i-sein in eny devocioun.
His meyné is unwelcome, comen hii erliche or late; 32
The porter hath comaundement to holde hem widoute the gate, 33
   In the fen.
Hu mihte theih loven that Loverd, that serven thus His men?
This is the penaunce that monekes don for ure Lordes love:
Hii weren sockes in here shon, and felted botes above.
He hath forsake for Godes love bothe hunger and cold;
But if he have hod and cappe fured, he nis noht i-told 34
   In covent;
Ac certes wlaunknesse of wele hem hath al ablent. 35
Religioun was first founded duresce for to drie,
And nu is the moste del i-went to eise and glotonie. 36
Where shal men nu finde fattere or raddere of leres?
Or betre farende folk than monekes, chanons, and freres?
   In uch toun
I wot non eysiere lyf than is religioun.
Religioun wot, red I, uch day what he shal don.
He ne carez noht to muche for his mete at non;
For hous-hire ne for clothes he ne carez noht;
But whan he cometh to the mete, he maketh his mawe touht
   Off the beste;
And anon therafter he fondeth to kacche reste.
And yit there is another ordre, Menour and Jacobin,
And freres of the Carme, and of Seint Austin,
That wolde preche more for a busshel of whete
Than for to bringe a soule from helle out of the hete
   To rest.
And thus is coveytise loverd bothe est and west.
If a pore man come to a frere for to aske shrifte,
And ther come a ricchere and bringe him a gifte,
He shal into the freitur and ben i-mad ful glad,
And that other stant theroute, as a man that were mad
   In sorwe.
Yit shal his ernde ben undon til that other morwe.
And if there be a riche man that evel hath undernome,
Thanne wolen thise freres al day thider come;
And if hit be a pore lyf in poverte and in care,
Sorwe on that o frere that kepeth come thare 37
   Ful loth;
Alle wite ye, gode men, hu the gamen goth.
And if the riche man deie that was of eny mihte,
Thanne wolen the freres for the cors fihte.
Hit nis noht al for the calf that kow louweth,
Ac hit is for the grene gras that in the medewe grouweth
   So god.
Alle wite ye what I mene, that kunnen eny god. 38
For als ich evere brouke min hod under min hat,
The frere wole to the direge, if the cors is fat.
Ac bi the feith I owe to God, if the cors is lene,
He wole wagge aboute the cloistre and kepen hise fet clene
   In house.
Hu mihte theih faire forsake that hii ne ben coveytouse?
And officials and denes that chapitles sholden holde,
Theih sholde chastise the folk, and theih maken hem bolde.
Mak a present to the den ther thu thenkest to dwelle,
And have leve longe i-nouh to serve the fend of helle
   To queme.
For have he silver, of sinne taketh he nevere yeme.
If a man have a wif, and he ne love hire noht,
Bringe hire to the constorie ther treuthe sholde be souht,
And bringge tweye false wid him and him self the thridde,
And he shal ben to-parted so faire as he wole bidde
   From his wif.
He shal ben holpen wel i-nouh to lede a shrewede lyf. 39
And whan he is thus i-deled from his rihte spouse,
He taketh his neiheboures wif and bringeth hire to his house;
And whiles he hath eny silver the clerkes to sende,
He may holde hire at his wille to his lives ende
   Wid unskile;
And but that be wel i-loked, curs in here bile.
And yit ther is another craft that toucheth the clergie,
That ben thise false fisiciens that helpen men to die;
He wole wagge his urine in a vessel of glaz,
And swereth that he is sekere than evere yit he was,
   And sein,
"Dame, for faute of helpe, thin housebonde is neih slain."
Thus he wole afraien al that ther is inne,
And make many a lesing, silver for to winne.
Ac afterward he fondeth to comforte the wif,
And seith, "Dame, for of thin I wole holde his lyf,"
   And liye,
Thouh he wite no more than a gos wheither he wole live or die.
Anon he wole biginne to blere the wives eighe;
He wole aske half a pound to bien spicerie.
The viii shillinges sholen up to the win and the ale,
And bringe rotes and rindes bret ful a male
   Off noht; 40
Hit shal be dere on a lek, whan hit is al i-wrouht. 41
He wole preisen hit i-nohw, and sweren, as he were wod,
For the king of the lond the drink is riche and god;
And geve the gode man drinke a god quantité,
And make him worse than he was - evele mote he the,
   That clerk,
That so geteth the silver, and can noht don his werk!
He doth the wif sethe a chapoun and piece beof, 42
Ne tit the gode man noht therof, be him nevere so leof;
The best he piketh up himself, and maketh his mawe touht,
And geveth the gode man soupe, the lene broth that nis noht
   For seke;
That so serveth eny man, Godes curs in his cheke!
And thilke that han al the wele in freth and in feld,
Bothen eorl and baroun and kniht of o sheld,
Alle theih beth i-sworn Holi Churche holde to rihte.
Therfore was the ordre mad for Holi Churche to fihte,
   Sanz faille;
And nu ben theih the ferste that hit sholen assaile.
Hii brewen strut and stuntise there as sholde be pes;
Hii sholde gon to the Holi Lond and maken there her res,
And fihte there for the Croiz, and shewe the ordre of knihte,
And awreke Jhesu Crist wid launce and speir to fihte
   And sheld;
And nu ben theih liouns in halle, and hares in the feld.
Knihtes sholde weren weden in here manere,
After that the ordre asketh also wel as a frere. 43
Nu ben theih so degysed and diverseliche i-diht,
Unnethe may men knowe a gleman from a kniht,
   Wel neih;
So is mieknesse driven adoun, and pride is risen on heih.
Thus is the ordre of kniht turned up-so-doun,
Also wel can a kniht chide as any skolde of a toun.
Hii sholde ben also hende as any levedi in londe,
And for to speke alle vilanie nel nu no kniht wonde 44
   For shame;
And thus knihtshipe is acloied and waxen al fot-lame. 45
Knihtshipe is acloied and deolfulliche i-diht;
Kunne a boy nu breke a spere, he shal be mad a kniht.
And thus ben knihtes gadered of unkinde blod, 46
And envenimeth that ordre that shold be so god
   And hende;
Ac o shrewe in a court many man may shende.
And nu nis no squier of pris in this middel erd,
But if that he bere a babel and a long berd,
And swere Godes soule, and vuwe to God and hote;
But sholde he for everi fals uth lese kirtel or kote,
   I leve,
He sholde stonde starc naked twye o day or eve.
Godes soule is al day sworn, the knif stant a-strout,
And thouh the botes be torn, yit wole he maken hit stout;
The hod hangeth on his brest, as he wolde spewe therinne,
Ac shortliche al his contrefaiture is colour of sinne,
   And bost,
To wraththe God and paien the fend hit serveth allermost.
A newe taille of squierie is nu in everi toun:
The raye is turned overthuert that sholde stonde adoun.
Hii ben degised as turmentours that comen from clerkes plei;
Hii ben i-laft wid pride, and cast nurture awey
   In diche;
Gentille men that sholde ben, ne beth hii none i-liche. 47
And justises, shirreves, meires, baillifs, if I shal rede aricht,
Hii kunnen of the faire day make the derke niht;
Hii gon out of the heie wey, ne leven hii for no sklaundre, 48
And maken the mot-hall at hom in here chaumbre,
   Wid wouh;
For be the hond i-whited, it shal go god i-nouh.
If the king in his werre sent after mihti men,
To helpe him in his nede, of sum toun .ix. or .x.,
The stiffeste sholden bileve at hom for .x. shillinges or .xii., 49
And sende forthe a wrecche that may noht helpe himselve
   At nede.
Thus is the king deceyved, and pore men shent for mede.
And if the king in his lond maketh a taxacioun,
And everi man is i-set to a certein raunczoun,
Hit shal be so for-pinched, to-toilled, and to-twiht,
That halvendel shal gon in the fendes fliht
   Off helle.
Ther beth so manye parteners may no tunge telle.
A man of .xl. poundes-worth god is leid to .xii. pans rounde;
And also much paieth another that poverte hath brouht to grounde,
And hath an hep of girles sittende aboute the flet.
Godes curs moten hii have, but that be wel set
   And sworn,
That the pore is thus i-piled, and the riche forborn!
Ac if the king hit wiste, I trowe he wolde be wroth,
Hou the pore beth i-piled, and hu the silver goth;
Hit is so deskatered bothe hider and thidere,
That halvendel shal ben stole ar hit come togidere,
   And acounted;
An if a pore man speke a word, he shal be foule afrounted.
Ac were the king wel avised, and wolde worche bi skile,
Litel nede sholde he have swiche pore to pile; 50
Thurfte him noht seke tresor so fer, he mihte finde ner,
At justices, at shirreves, cheiturs, and chaunceler,
   And at les; 51
Swiche mihte finde him i-nouh, and late pore men have pes.
For who so is in swich ofice, come he nevere so pore,
He fareth in a while as thouh he hadde silver ore;
Theih bien londes and ledes, ne may hem non astonde. 52
What sholde pore men ben i-piled, when swiche men beth in londe
   So fele?
Theih pleien wid the kinges silver, and breden wod for wele.
Ac shrewedeliche for sothe hii don the kinges heste;
Whan everi man hath his part, the king hath the leste,
Everi man is aboute to fille his owen purs;
And the king hath the leste part, and he hath al the curs,
   Wid wronge.
And sende treuthe into this lond, for tricherie dureth to longe. 53
And baillifs and bedeles under the shirreve,
Everich fondeth hu he may pore men most greve. 54
The pore men beth over al somouned on assise; 55
And the riche sholen sitte at hom, and ther wole silver rise
   To shon.
Godes curs moten hii have, but that be wel don!
And countours in benche that stondeth at the barre,
Theih wolen bigile the in thin hond, but if thu be warre.
He wole take .xl. pans for to doun his hod,
And speke for the a word or to, and don the litel god, 56
   I trouwe.
And have he turned the bak, he makketh the a mouwe. 57
Attourneis in cuntré theih geten silver for noht;
Theih maken men biginne that they nevere hadden thouht.
And whan theih comen to the ring, hoppe if hii kunne.
Al that theih muwen so gete, al thinketh hem i-wonne
   Wid skile. 58
Ne triste no man to hem, so false theih beth in the bile.
And sumtime were chapman that treweliche bouhten and solde;
And nu is thilke assise broke, and nas noht yore holde.
Chaffare was woned to be meintened wid treuthe,
And nu is al turned to treccherie, and that is muchel reuthe
   To wite,
That alle manere godnesse is thus adoun i-smite.
Unnethe is nu eny man that can eny craft
That he nis a party los in the haft;
For falsnesse is so fer forth over al the londe i-sprunge, 59
That wel neih nis no treuthe in hond, ne in tunge,
   Ne in herte.
And tharfore nis no wonder thouh al the world it smerte.
Ther was a gamen in Engelond that durede yer and other: 60
Erliche upon the Monenday uch man bishrewed other;
So longe lastede that gamen among lered and lewed
That nolde theih nevere stinten, or al the world were bishrewed, 61
And therfore al that helpe sholde fareth the more amis.
So that for that shrewedom that regneth in the lond,
I drede me that God us hath for-laft out of His hond,
Thurw wederes that he hath i-sent cold and unkinde.
And yit ne haveth no man of Him the more minde
Unnethe is any man aferd of Godes muchele miht.
God hath ben wroth wid the world, and that is wel i-sene;
For al that whilom was murthe is turned to treie and tene.
He sente us plenté i-nouh, suffre whiles we wolde,
Off alle manere sustenaunce grouwende upon mode
   So thicke;
And evere ageines His godnesse we weren i-liche wicke.
Men sholde noht sumtime finde a boy for to bere a lettre,
That wolde eten eny mete, but it were the betre.
For beof ne for bakoun, ne for swich stor of house,
Unnethe wolde eny don a char, so were theih daungerouse
   For wlanke;
And siththen bicom ful reulich that thanne weren so ranke.
For tho God seih that the world was so over gart,
He sente a derthe on eorthe, and made hit ful smarte.
A busshel of whete was at foure shillinges or more,
And so men mihte han i-had a quarter noht yore
So can God make wane, ther rathere was won. 62
And thanne gan bleiken here blé, that arst lowen so loude, 63
And to waxen al hand-tame that rathere weren so proude.
A mannes herte mihte blede for to here the crie
Off pore men that gradden, "Allas, for hungger I die
   Up rihte!"
This auhte make men aferd of Godes muchele miht.
And after that ilke wante com eft wele i-nouh,
And plenté of alle gode grouwende on uch a bouh.
Tho god yer was agein i-come, and god chep of corn,
Tho were we also muchele shrewes, as we were beforn,
   Or more.
Also swithe we forgeten His wreche and His lore.
Tho com ther another sorwe that spradde over al the lond.
A thusent winter ther bifore com nevere non so strong.
To binde alle the mene men in mourning and in care
The orf deiede al bidene, and maden the lond al bare
   So faste.
Com nevere wrecche into Engelond that made men more agaste.
And tho that qualm was astint of beste that bar horn,
Tho sente God on eorthe another derthe of corn,
That spradde over al Engelond bothe north and south,
And made seli pore men afingred in here mouth
   Ful sore;
And yit unnethe any man dredeth God the more.
And wid that laste derthe com ther another shame,
That ouhte be god skile maken us alle tame.
The fend kidde his maistri, and arerede a strif,
That everi lording was bisi to sauve his owen lyf,
   And his good.
God do bote theron, for His blessede blod!
Gret nede hit were to bidde that the pes were brouht,
For the lordinges of the lond, that swich wo han i-wrouht,
That nolde spare for kin that o kosin that other; 64
So the fend hem prokede uch man to mourdren other
   Wid wille,
That al Engelond i-wis was in point to spille.
Pride prikede hem so faste, that nolde theih nevere have pes
Ar theih hadden in this lond maked swich a res 65
That the beste blod of the lond shamliche was brouht to grounde,
If hit betre mihte a ben; allas, the harde stounde
That of so gentille blod i-born swich wreche was i-kid.
Allas, that evere sholde hit bifalle that in so litel a throwe,
Swiche men sholde swich deth thole, and ben i-leid so lowe.
Off eorles ant of barouns baldest hii were;
And nu hit is of hem bicome riht as theih nevere ne were
God loke to the soules, that hii ne be noht lorn!
Ac whiles thise grete lordinges thus han i-hurled to hepe, 66
Thise prelatz of Holi Churche to longe theih han i-slepe.
Al to late theih wakeden, and that was muchel reuthe;
Theih weren ablent wid coveytise, and mihte noht se the treuthe
   For mist.
Theih dradden more here lond to lese, than love of Jhesu Crist.
For hadde the clergie harde holden to-gidere,
And noht flecched aboute nother hider ne thidere,
But loked where the treuthe was, and there have bileved,
Thanne were the barnage hol, that nu is al to-dreved
   So wide.
Ac certes Engelond is shent thurw falsnesse and thurw pride.
Pride hath in his paunter kauht the heie and the lowe,
So that unnethe can eny man God Almihti knowe.
Pride priketh aboute, wid nithe and wid onde;
Pes and love and charité hien hem out of londe
   So faste
That God wole for-don the world we muwe be sore agaste.
Alle wite we wel it is oure gilt, the wo that we beth inne; 67
But no man knoweth that hit is for his owen sinne.
Uch man put on other the wreche of the wouh;
But wolde uch man renczake himself, thanne were al wel i-nouh
But nu can uch man demen other, and himselve nouht.
And thise assisours that comen to shire and to hundred,
Damneth men for silver, and that nis no wonder.
For whan the riche justise wol do wrong for mede,
Thanne thinketh hem theih muwen the bet, for theih ham more nede 68
   To winne.
Ac so is al this world ablent, that no man douteth sinne.
But bi seint Jame of Galice, that many man hath souht,
The pilory and the cucking-stol beth i-mad for noht,
Fore whenne is al a-contith and y-cast to the hepe,
Bred and ale is the derer and nevere the beter chepe
   Fore that.
So is trecherie a-bove, and treuthe is al tosquat.
Hit is rewthe to speke therof, ho-so right durste deme: 69
Of bedeles and of bayleffes that hath the townes to yeme,
That suffer such falsnesse reyne in breth and ale,
And thow the pouer hem pleyne, ne mow they get no bale,
   I wen,
And haulf is stole that they take of wretchethe pouer men. 70
A sely workman in a toun that lyve in trewthe fre
And hath a wif or children, peraunter to or thre,
He sueteth many a suetes drope, and swynk he never so sore 71
Alday fore a peny or fore a peny more,
   Be cas,
At eve whan he setteth hit, half is stole alas!
Thes bakers and this brewers beth so bolde in here yifte
That fore a litel mercyment or fore a symple gifte,
On may fore xij d. at a court do xlti schillingwerd schame, 72
But how so ever hit falle, the pouer han al the grame
   At mele.
Now God amende pouermen that can wel dight and dele.
That riot reyneth now in londe everiday more and more,
The lordis beth wel a-paith therwith and lisneth to here lore,
But of the pouer mannes harm, therof is now no speche.
This bondes warien and widous wepen and crie to God for wreche
   So fast, 73
How myghte hit be but such men mystymeth ate last.
Fore al is long on lordis that suffre thus hit go.
They scholde mayntene the porayle, and they do noght therto, 74
But take methe and sle the fole in as moche as they may.
The pore han her purgatorie; the riche kepe her day
   In helle.
That so scorneth God and Hise, can I non other telle. 75
How myghte hit be but God hem wreke of schame that never doth
That clerk ne knyght, hie ne lowe, loveth right no soth.
Now noght this sely chepmen in that they bye or selle
Or with hepe or with croc . . .
   Of gyle.
Yit thynket hem that cometh with wrong yeldeth best the wile. 76
But crafty Kyng of kende that ever set al thyng,
He sey how al misfarde and how they ledde the kyng.
He sente bote of bale and awrak here deth,
But thus seth men falsnesse, how hit to grounde geth
   On ende.
Fore hit may never be les, that wrong wil hom wende.
But covetise overcombreth so al that now lyve
That ho-so were riche ynow and hadde aght to gyve,
He may han at his wille the lewthe and the clerk,
And make a fals fondement and schende al the werk
   At anes.
But such baret breweres, ybrent be here bones! 77
That fore alle the hard happes that God on erthe schewes,
Unnethe is eny the warrer that ne wile be schrewes.
Flaterers and fals, wikketh and unwrast,
Of al the wreche that is come, be we noght agast
   Ne aferd;
And therfore hath this schamnesse thus schak us be the berd.
But alther ferst grevaunce fel to the pouer wrecchen
That lay doun be the strete - for hunger dethe they strecchen.
On men fel the ferst wo: such was here hap,
And seththe on the riche cam the after-clap
   Fol sore.
And yit is to drede ther wile come more.
But Lord, fore that blisseth bloth that ran out of Thi side,
Graunt us rightfol lif to lede wile we here abide,
So that we mow oure giltis knowe with sorwe and schrifte of mouthe,
And ever to serve God the bet, for that I haf yow seith nowthe
   Y-told, 78
And come to Hym that fore us was to the Jwes sold.
Explicit Symonye and Covetise
(see note)
famine; earth; seized
won't lie; listen whoever
they do wrong
where; originate (see note)
have decided
cardinals; seen
(see note)
Voice; seldom heard
(see note)
fornicator; rascal
Of; they
are fools themselves; lead
they dare say nothing
Because of
indeed; much
(see note)
stout pillar
In truth
it goes worse
know; takes heed
the pleasure of two lords
(see note)
Very dormantly
bribes from one (person) or
their; silent
court; woo
whisper; ear
in vain; they
most of all
For sure
barn; by; mice
cursed house
rides; with; (see note)
foreign; holds; bed
well for her
wool; lamb
snare; whetstone
reads; ribible; (see note)
No other (book)
takes bribes; supports
go to ruin; drown
father be
good advisor
fool; less
lack; teaching; be destroyed
cursed; (see note)
know; Cross
they may not
their foolish
They walk around; shield
crumpled; (see note)
gave them
cap; combs the locket; (see note)
(see note)
Without doubt; (see note)
"recite compline"; (see note)
act contrary to their rights; (see note)
(see note)
now; every
(see note)
two poor
by Saint Charity
Scarcely; errand whether
hip; prosper
too seldom seen
(see note)
monks; our
They wear; shoes
(see note)
hardship; bear
ruddier complected [men]; (see note)
better off
each town
no more comfortable
read; each
too; noon
stomach taut
From the best [food]
tries to nap
Minorites; Dominicans
Carmelites; Austins
preach; wheat
lord; east
stands outside
errand; unfulfilled
die; power
fight over the body
(see note)
as I; hold
funeral; body
move; clean
deans; chapters; (see note)
dean where; (see note)
consistory court where
two false people with
parted; lawful
maintain her
Without just cause
unless; well-looked after; their
(see note)
wave; glass
lack; almost
alarm; those who
But; tries
for you; preserve
lie; (see note)
knows; goose
deceive the wife
buy spices
eight; pay for
(see note)
enough; mad
may he ill prosper
touches; glad (lief)
stomach taut
For a sick person
one shield
Without fail
strife and foolishness
their assault
(see note)
clothed; arrayed
Scarcely; minstrel
meekness; high
upside down
town scolder
polite; lady
(see note)
hindered; grievously disposed
If a boy knows how
one churl; ruin
worth; middle earth
Unless; wears; bauble
vow; promise
oath; tunic
twice a
sticks out; (see note)
boots; strut around
(see note)
most of all
style; (see note)
raiment; crosswise
(see note)
have abandoned
In a ditch
sheriffs; mayors
They know how
hall of justice; (see note)
(see note)
war; (see note)
nine; ten
ruined; bribery
assigned; amount
belabored; reproached; (see note)
one half
goods; pence
floor; (see note)
robbed; indulged
But; knew it; (see note)
scattered around
half; stolen before
accounted for
wickedly attacked
Need; near; (see note)
let; peace
(see note)
Why; (see note)
(see note)
But cursedly; bidding
beadles; (see note)
To be shown
unless; beware
forty; (see note)
Attorneys; doing nothing
widespread; (see note)
Trade; wont
great pity
struck down
knows any
(see note)
(see note)
injure; (see note)
Early; Monday; cursed
cursedness; (see note)
dismissed us
weather; unnatural
once; vexation; sorrow
Of; growing; earth; (see note)
equally wicked; (see note)
servant; (see note)
eat any food unless
beef; pork; provisions
labor; disinclined
pitiful; arrogant
when; saw; proud; (see note)
famine; painful; (see note)
not long
Of; complain
ought to
scarcity; abundance
growing on every bough
When; market for wheat
Then; scoundrels
Quickly; punishment; teaching
Then; sorrow; (see note)
cattle died straightaway
when; plague; ceased; (see note)
simple; hungry
reason; obedient
displayed; mounted
provide a remedy
prodded; murder
So that; about to die
they would not
baronage united ; separated
have been; time
Came about
devastation; shown
short a time
earls; barons; boldest
look after; lost
great pity
feared; lose
held close together
trap; high
rides; with discord; envy
Peace; hasten
destroy; must; afraid
Each; blame; wickedness
(see note)
is no
peaceful justice; bribery
Just; blinded; fears
(see note)
more expensive
utterly put down
beadles; manage
rain; bread; (see note)
though; poor; redress
by chance two
By chance
puts it down
their bribery
fee; (see note)
(see note)
happens; have; harm; (see note)
On such occasions (or, For supper); (see note)
poor men; dig; delve
wanton behavior reigns
get satisfaction
are ruined at the end
bribes; slay
have their suffering
punish them
nor truth
simple merchants
(see note)
nature; ordained; (see note)
saw; went wrong
remedy of destruction; avenged
comes home to roost
whoever; anything
have; ignorant man
foundation; ruin
At once
tough circumstances
warier; scoundrels
wicked; frail
shame; beard; (see note)
first; wretches
(see note)
their fortune
it may be feared
blessed blood
lead while
on our behalf; Jews