To aid the reader wishing to compare the text of Knyghthode and Bataile with the original Latin text of Vegetius’s De re militari (or any of its other vernacular translations or paraphrases), we have noted the general section number in Vegetius, where applicable, into our editorial subheadings within the edition that follows.As a reference text for Vegetius (and thus of the section numbers and sentence breakdowns in what follows), we have utilized Reeve’s edition of the Latin text, not the widely read English translation by Milner. A more specific concordance is provided here, where the line numbers of Knyghthode and Bataile (left of each column) are given their corresponding section numbers in Vegetius (right). Indented and italicized line numbers break down correspondences within a larger sction of the text. In what follows:
~ indicates a loose paraphrase
— indicates there is no correspondence to the line(s) within Vegetius
Proem | |
1-88 |
- |
Part I | |
89-92 |
1.prol. first sentence only |
91 |
- |
93-165 |
- |
166-72 |
~ Synopsis |
173-82 |
1.2 |
177 |
- |
183-200 |
1.3 |
201-21 |
1.4 |
222-28 |
1.5 |
229-51 |
1.6 |
252-91 |
1.7 |
292-319 |
1.8 |
320-40 |
1.9 |
341-47 |
1.1 |
348-75 |
1.11 |
349-52 |
- |
376-96 |
1.12 |
397-417 |
1.13 |
418-31 |
1.14 |
432-52 |
1.15 |
442-43 |
- |
447 |
- |
453-66 |
1.16 |
467-73 |
1.17 |
474-80 |
1.18 |
481-87 |
1.19 |
488-93 |
2.14 |
494 |
1.20 final sentence only |
495-501 |
1.21 |
502-15 |
1.22 |
516-29 |
1.23 |
530-50 |
1.24 |
551-64 |
1.25 |
565-92 |
1.26 |
593-613 |
1.27 |
614-20 |
- (1.28 omitted) |
Part II | |
621-41 |
- (2.prol. omitted) |
624-25 |
2.4 penultimate sentence only |
642-69 |
2.1 |
656 |
- |
670-76 |
2.2 first four sentences only |
677-79 |
2.4 first sentence only (2.3 omitted) |
680-705 |
2.5 |
706-53 |
2.6 |
754-802 |
2.7 |
803-51 |
2.8 |
852-879 |
2.9 |
880-93 |
2.1 |
894-907 |
2.11 |
908-21 |
2.12 |
922-35 |
2.13 |
936-77 |
2.14 (2.15-2.25 omitted) |
Part III | |
978-1026 |
- (3.prol. omitted) |
1027-82 |
3.1 |
1048-52 |
2.2 |
1083-1110 |
3.2 |
1111-73 |
3.3 |
1174-1250 |
3.4 |
1179-80 |
- |
1203-07 |
- |
1251-1306 |
3.5 |
1276-78 |
- |
1307-1446 |
3.6 |
1439 |
- |
1442 |
- |
1447-81 |
3.7 |
1466-67 |
- |
1482-1579 |
3.8 |
1486-88 |
- |
1499-1500 |
- |
1576 |
- |
1580-1619 |
3.9 |
1586 |
- |
1593 |
- |
1598 |
- |
1616 |
- |
1620-21 |
- |
1622-1705 |
3.1 |
1656 |
- |
1668-70 |
- |
1681-84 |
- |
1692 |
- |
1706-32 |
3.11 |
1733 |
- |
1734-54 |
3.12 |
1752 |
- |
1755-61 |
3.13 |
1762-1864 |
3.14 |
1787 |
- |
1820 |
- |
1849-52 |
- |
1859 |
- |
1865-66 |
- |
1867-1901 |
3.15 |
1887 |
- |
1902-22 |
3.16 |
1923-51 |
3.17 |
1938-39 |
- |
1944-50 |
- |
1952-99 |
3.18 |
1967 |
- |
1996 |
- |
2000-06 |
3.19 |
2007-45 |
- |
2046-2132 |
3.2 |
2076 |
- |
2078 |
- |
2133-60 |
~ 3.21, 3.22, 3.25 (3.23-3.24 omitted) |
2158 |
- |
2161-2216 |
3.26 |
2164-67 |
- |
2217-2223 |
- |
Part IV | |
2224-44 |
- (4.prol. omitted) |
2245-58 |
4.1 |
2259-65 |
4.2 |
2266-79 |
4.3 |
2280-86 |
4.4 |
2287-93 |
4.5 |
2294-99 |
4.6 |
2300 |
- |
2301-14 |
4.7 |
2315-35 |
4.8 |
2336-45 |
4.9 |
2346-56 |
4.1 |
2357-63 |
4.11 |
2364-70 |
4.12 |
2371-77 |
4.13 |
2378-2401 |
4.14 |
2402-26 |
4.23 |
2427-47 |
4.15 |
2436-40 |
- |
2443 |
- |
2448-56 |
4.16 |
2449 |
- |
2457-82 |
4.17 |
2458 |
- |
2468 |
- |
2471 |
- |
2475 |
- |
2478 |
- |
2483-2503 |
4.18 |
2504-10 |
4.19 |
2511-20 |
4.2 |
2513 |
- |
2521-24 |
- |
2525-38 |
4.21 |
2539-41 |
4.22 first sentence only |
2542-52 |
- |
2553-87 |
4.24, 4.25 |
2564 |
- |
2571-73 |
- |
2588-2601 |
4.26 |
2602-07 |
4.28 (4.27 omitted) |
2608 |
4.27, 4.28 referred to |
2609-11 |
4.30/4.31 interchapter synopsis |
2612-15 |
4.31 first sentence only |
2616-29 |
4.34 (4.32, 4.33 omitted) |
2625 |
- |
2630-50 |
4.35, 4.36 |
2651-64 |
4.37 |
2665-2706 |
4.38 |
2671 |
- |
2691-92 |
- |
2707-48 |
4.39 |
2749-73 |
4.41 (4.40 omitted) |
2753 |
- |
2767 |
- |
2774-88 |
4.42 |
2789-90 |
- |
2791-2811 |
4.43 |
2793-94 |
- |
2800-01 |
- |
2812-34 |
4.45 |
2835-2909 |
~ 4.44, 4.46 |
2910-27 |
- |
2928-51 |
~ 4.46 |
2935 |
- |
2937 |
- |
2941 |
- |
2946-48 |
- |
2952-54 |
~ 4.22 |
2955-62 |
~ 4.9 |
2963-65 |
- |
2966-72 |
~ 2.25, 3.24, 4.22 |
2973-3028 |
- |