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Our gratitude, first and foremost, to Russell A. Peck, General Editor of the Middle English Texts Series, for allowing us to add this fascinating poem to its ever-growing list of books. Assistant Editor Pamela Yee has been extraordinarily helpful in moving the volume through its various stages of production. Staff editors Mead Bowen and Ashley Conklin were instrumental in completing the most labor-intensive steps of production, the manuscript read and bibliography checks. Alan Lupack and Anna Siebach-Larsen joined them in providing an extraordinary number of helpful suggestions to improve the text.

We also owe thanks to James Freeman at Cambridge University Library for examining the collation of the Cambridge manuscript and also for checking some of its difficult to read bits under ultraviolet light, to Hanno Wijsman at the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes, Paris, for assisting with the Sankt-Peterburg manuscript, and to the many librarians and keepers of manuscripts for their helpfulness, expertise, and patience.