Before 2224Ultima pars . . . ornat opus. Latin omitted in C, A, R.back to note source
2226morthereer. So MS. C: morthelreer. R: murtherer.back to note source
2235noone. So MS, C. R: o noone.back to note source
2241it. So MS, R. C: inserted above the line.back to note source
2244assege. So MS. C: assege assege. R: asege.back to note source
see. So MS. C: se. R: so.back to note source
2249shal be. So MS, C. R omits.back to note source
2250cragge. So MS, C. R: oragge.back to note source
2255lengthe. So C. MS: lenghe, followed by D&A. R: lynghe.back to note source
2262or. So C, R, D&A. MS: or or (uncancelled dittography).back to note source
2265kest. So MS, C. R: kest with kest inserted above the line.back to note source
2267an. So MS. C: and in. R omits.back to note source
2274as. So MS, C. R omits.back to note source
2275Me. So MS, C. R: We.back to note source
2277ram. So MS, C. R: rayne.back to note source
2278cruste. So MS, C. R: couste.back to note source
2286sle. So MS. C: sle corrected from fle. R: fle.back to note source
2291rathest. So MS, C. R: right.back to note source
2297cratys. So MS. C: cratis with rackys inserted above the line. R: rackys.back to note source
2299crate. So MS. C: crate with racke inserted above the line. R: racke.back to note source
1363–2300In a maner . . . and mon. Omitted in A (lost leaves). back to note source
2306within. So MS. C, A: in with. R: withinne.back to note source
2312that. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2313vitaile. So MS, C. A: vittaile. R: ve(?) victaile.back to note source
2317that. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2322the. So MS, C, A. R omits. back to note source
saddest. So MS, R. C: sadde. A: saddest (st inserted in line).back to note source
2325hegh. So MS. C: hegth. A: heght. R: hiegst.back to note source
Before 2329MS: And yf theire be any yon written in top margin below running title.back to note source
2329is. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2331engyne2. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2333over. So MS, C, A. R: of on.back to note source
2353make. So MS, C, A. R: make make (uncancelled dittography).back to note source
2359litil. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2360fette. So MS, C. A: sette. R: sett.back to note source
2363doubte. So MS. C, A: doute. R omits.back to note source
2366citee nys. So MS, C, A. R: cite nes cite nys.back to note source
2370forth. So MS, C. A: furth. R omits.back to note source
2375eke. So MS, A. C: ek. R omits.back to note source
2376Lo alle these wil this citee assaile. MS: alle written over an erasure. C: Lo al these wil this citee wil alle these assaile (wil alle these inserted above the line). A: Lo this citee wil all these assaile. R: To this cite will all thes assaille.back to note source
2379shelled snail. So MS. C, A: snayle shelled. R: snaile shelled.back to note source
2380it. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2381hornys. So MS, C, A. R: the hornys.back to note source
2384their. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2388theron fier. So MS. C: fyer theron. A, R: fier theron.back to note source
2391iron-steeled stronge. So MS, C. A: yron-steeled stor stronge. R: irone-steled stronge.back to note source
2396have. So MS, C, A. R: be.back to note source
it hooke. So MS. C: it hooke (o2 inserted above the line). A, R: if it hooke.back to note source
2399and2. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2401rush. So MS, A. C: rush rush. R: rushe.back to note source
2403oon. MS, C, A, R, D&A: oo.back to note source
2404a trusse. So MS, C, A. R: attonsse.back to note source
2406kecch it. So MS. C: kecchith. A: kecchith with it inserted above the line. R: kecchith it.back to note source
2411as. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2417of1. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2422every. So MS, R. C: hevy. A: every (h scraped from beginning and er inserted above the line).back to note source
2426this. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2432covere. So MS. C, A: overe. R: over.back to note source
2434ynowe. So MS, C, A. R: an inowe.back to note source
2440undir. So MS, C. A: under. R: other undre.back to note source
2445III. So MS, C, A. R:to go III.back to note source
thei thise demene. So D&A. MS: . . . e partially legible only under UV light. C: they they this demene. A: they this demene. R: thay this demene.back to note source
eke is good. So MS. C, A: ek is good. R: is good eke.back to note source
2456eny. So D&A. MS: written over an erasure. C: al. A, R: all.back to note source
2459hem. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2470in a doubte. So MS. C: in a doute. R: to devote.back to note source
2471An. So MS, C, R. D&A: And.back to note source
2479in. So MS, C. R: o in.back to note source
2488also. So MS, C. R omits.back to note source
2489it. So MS. C, R omit.back to note source
2491A fallary, a shafte is of the same. This line is mistakenly written at the end of the stanza in R. See the Introduction, pp. 12–13.back to note source
2492Thorgh. So MS, C. R: A fallery Throwe (Throwe inserted above the line).back to note source
2494this. So MS, C. R: the.back to note source
2506ther. So MS, C. R omits.back to note source
2511ye. So MS, C. R: the.back to note source
2514throgh. So MS. C: thorgh (r inserted above the line). R: thorrogh.back to note source
2517sleth. So MS, C. R: fleeth.back to note source
2518concavitee. So MS, C. R: conv concavite.back to note source
2519whelis. So MS (added in margin at end of the line in darker ink), R. C: wheelys.back to note source
2520goth. So MS, C. R: goth goth.back to note source
2522dolour. So MS, C. R: dolur dolour.back to note source
2528thei. So MS. C: they. R omits.back to note source
2535adoun. So MS, C. R omits.back to note source
2538other. So MS, C. R: ther.back to note source
2551or. So MS, C. R: and.back to note source
onys. So MS. C: ony. R: any.back to note source
2557Or. So MS, C. R: Oa(?) Or.back to note source
2565out. So MS. C: oute. R omits.back to note source
2570thenne. So MS. C: then. R omits.back to note source
2571we. So MS, C. R: we we (uncancelled dittography).back to note source
2572Aslepe. So MS. C: Asleep. R: Asl Aslepe.back to note source
2576everychon. MS: everychone. C, R: everychone.back to note source
2469–2580Present perile . . . foo bewere. Omitted in A (lost leaves).back to note source
2583postis. So MS, A, R. C: b postis.back to note source
2585wel. So MS, C, A, D&A. R: wele.back to note source
2596wise. So MS, C, A. R: good.back to note source
2598wake. So MS, C. A, R: make.back to note source
2608on other. So MS, C, A. R: other. D&A: an other.back to note source
2617Good1. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light.back to note source
2618But. So C, A, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. back to note source
2619stuf. So MS. C: stufe. A, D&A: stuffe.back to note source
2622the. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. back to note source
2625good. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. back to note source
2626nayles . . . bras. So D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. C: naylis . . . bras. A: nailis . . . bras. R: nailles . . . bras.back to note source
2628kanker. So D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. C, A, R: canker.back to note source
2634pith. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: partially legible only under UV light.back to note source
2635XV. So MS, C, A. R: How.back to note source
2653myghtier. So MS, C, A, R. D&A: mightier.back to note source
2655sturne. MS: s . . . ne partially legible only under UV light. C, A, D&A: storne. R: sterne.back to note source
2657the. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
or. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light.back to note source
2661that not. So MS, C, A. R: that. D&A: thei not.back to note source
2662victory. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. back to note source
2663marynere. So D&A. MS: ma.ynere partially legible only under UV light. C, A: maryneer. R: mariner.back to note source
2664unnapere. So MS, C. A: unnapeer. R: unrape.back to note source
2669arowe. So MS, C, R. A: abowe arowe.back to note source
2671thei amonge. So MS. C, A: they among. R: among they.back to note source
2673Sir. So C, A, R. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source
2674tan. So MS, R. C omits. A: inserted in the line.back to note source
2676of the North. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: of North.back to note source
2681lifte. C, A: lefte. R: left. D&A: lift. MS: right.back to note source
2683the . . . when. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light.back to note source
2687of. So MS, C, A. R: that.back to note source
nature. So MS, C. A: natur. D&A: nater.back to note source
tranquylle. So MS. C, A: tranquille. R:a tranquille.back to note source
2688lene. So MS, A, R. C: l levewith lene inserted above the line.back to note source
2689al. So MS. C: inserted above the line. A, R: all.back to note source
2690rore. So C, A, R. MS: fully legible only under UV light. D&A: ror.back to note source
2691this. So MS. C: is. A: is with this inserted above the line. R: is thus(?).back to note source
2692me. So C, A, R. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source
hert it. So MS, A. C: her hert it. R: hert it it.back to note source
2699Husht. So MS, C, A. R: Hushe Hush.back to note source
2704in. So C, A, R. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source
2709affrays. So MS, C. A: affrayis. R: affrais. D&A: affrayes.back to note source
2712intractabil. So MS, C, A. R: intraitabill. D&A claim MS reading is mutabil (p. 99n2712).back to note source
2717noo. So MS. C, A, R, D&A: no.back to note source
2720plesaunt. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2722Ide. So MS, C, A. R: Id Ide.back to note source
2724remembre. So MS. C: re remembye. A, R: remembr.back to note source
2726meanewhile. So MS. C, A: meanwhile. R: whill meaynwhill.back to note source
2730see. So MS, C, A. R: the see.back to note source
2733or ride. So MS, C. A: and or ride (or inserted above the line). R: nor ride.back to note source
2734a. So MS, C. A: inserted above the line. R omits.back to note source
2735is2. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2739o londe. So MS, C, A. R: to long.back to note source
2740leyt. So MS, C. A: leit. R: slet.back to note source
2741goth. So MS. C omits. A: inserted above the line. R: gooth.back to note source
2744sollennytee. So MS. C, A: solempnytee. R: solempnyte. D&A: sollemnytee.back to note source
2745used. So MS, C. A: usid. R omits.back to note source
2746arte. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light.back to note source
2753is. So MS, C, A. R: it is.back to note source
2763His bright arisith. MS: written over an erasure in a darker ink. C, A: his bright arisich. R: his bright arise. D&A: his bright aristh.back to note source
mery. So MS, A. C: mey mery. R: meri.back to note source
2766or ellis snowe. So C, A, D&A. R: or els snow. MS: or ellisnowe.back to note source
2768ayer. So MS, C, A. R: rayne.back to note source
2787been. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2790wil. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2822ye. So MS, C, A. R: the.back to note source
2827on. So MS, R. C: ion(?). A: ion (i erased).back to note source
2829a. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2836Ye. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2844ye. So MS, C, A. R: the.back to note source
2856other. So MS, C, A. R: over.back to note source
2861the2. So MS. C: te. A: to. R omits.back to note source
2878undir. So MS, A. C: under. R: in the.back to note source
2880Harry. So MS, D&A. C, A: Edward. R: Edwarde.back to note source
2894it is. So MS, C, A. R: is it.back to note source
2898bleede. So MS, C, A. R: brel bleed.back to note source
2901Mischefe. So MS. C: Myschief. A: Mischeef. R: Myscheef. D&A: Myschefe.back to note source
2902betrapped. So MS, C. A: betrappid. R: betrayed.back to note source
2909Where. So MS. C, A, R: Her.back to note source
renoun. So MS, A. C: re renoun. R: renoune.back to note source
2910forseyn. So MS. C: forseyne. A: forsaine. R: for fame.back to note source
2912forwith. So MS, C. A: forthwith. R: furthwith.back to note source
2913Sleuth. So MS. C, A: Sleught. R: Slouth.back to note source
2915Although. So MS, A. C: As though. R: Allthough.back to note source
2916th’. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2925to make. So MS, R. C omits. A: inserted above the line.back to note source
2927That. So C, A, R. MS: first letter written over an erasure.back to note source
2930either. So MS, C, A. R: ever.back to note source
2938kene is. So MS. C, A, R: is kene.back to note source
2956forlete. So MS, C, A. R: forto let.back to note source
2958to strynge. So MS, C. A: to stringe. R:to st to stryng.back to note source
2960with2. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2962her. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: h . . . partially legible only under UV light.back to note source
2963yon. So C, A. MS:. . . on partially legible only under UV light. R: yow. D&A: [yon].back to note source
2967were. So C, D&A. MS: w . . . e partially legible only under UV light. A: wer. R: wher.back to note source
2968then. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: the.back to note source
2969nerf . . . stringis. So R. MS: fully legible only under UV light. C: nerf . . . stryngys. A: nerf . . . strengis. D&A: nerf . . . stringes.back to note source
2970made herte. So C, A, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. R: mad hert.back to note source
2975is. So MS, A, R. C: to is.back to note source
2976ye. So MS, C, A. R: the.back to note source
a point. So MS, A. C: a poynt. R omits.back to note source
2977myn. So MS, C, A. R: changed to mayd.back to note source
2978me. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
2979am I. So MS, C, A. R: I am.back to note source
2981faynest. So MS. C, A, R: fayne.back to note source
londe. So MS. C, A: o londe. R: on land.back to note source
2982Joon. MS, C, A, R: Ioo. D&A: I [—] oo.back to note source
2983wrong. So MS, D&A. C: werk. A, R: werke.back to note source
2984wil I not to. So MS, D&A. C, A: dar to right go. R: dare to right go.back to note source
2985litil heer to. So MS, D&A. C, A, R: lite in errour.back to note source
2988that ayer. So MS, D&A. C: ayer. A: this ayer (this inserted above the line). R: this ner.back to note source
2991way. So C, A, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. R: wey. back to note source
2992th’electioun. So C, A, R, D&A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. back to note source
3018hemself. So C, A. MS: fully legible only under UV light. R: hemselfe. D&A: hemself.back to note source
3021werk. So MS, C. A: werke. R: ware.back to note source
3024impropur speche. So MS, C. A: impropur spech. R: inpropure spes speche. D&A: impropir speche.back to note source
3025amende. So MS. C, A, R: tamende.back to note source
3026to. So MS, C, A. R omits.back to note source
3027ortographie. So MS, C, A. R: ortogar ortographie.back to note source
after 3028Finis. So MS. C, A, R omit.back to note source