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N N N T T N T N N N T T N N T T T T T T T N T T N N T T |
Part One The Outer Rule (Hours and Prayers) Her biginneth the earste boc of ures ant ureisuns the gode beoth to seggen. Hwen ye earst ariseth, blescith ow ant seggeth, In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti, Amen. Ant biginneth anan, Veni, Creator Spiritus, with up ahevene ehnen ant honden toward heovene, buhinde o cneon forth- ward up-o the bedde, ant seggeth swa al the ymne ut with the verset, Emitte spiritum tuum, ant te ureisun, Deus, qui corda fidelium. Her-efter, scheoiende ow ant clathinde ow, seggeth Pater noster ant Credo; Jesu Criste, fili Dei vivi, miserere nobis, qui de Virgine dignatus es nasci, miserere nobis. This word seggeth eaver athet ye beon al greithe. This word habbeth muchel on us ant i muth ofte, euch time thet ye mahen, sitten ye other stonden. Hwen ye beoth al greithe, sprengeth ow with hali-weater, thet ye schulen eaver habben, ant thenchen o Godes flesch ant on his deore-wurthe blod, thet is abuve the hehe weoved, ant falleth adun ther-towart with theose gretunges: Ave, principium nostre creationis, Ave, precium nostre redemptionis, Ave, viaticum nostre peregrinationis, Ave, premium nostre expectationis, Ave, solamen nostre sustentationis. Tu esto nostrum gaudium, Qui es futurus premium. Sit nostra in te gloria Per cuncta semper secula. Mane nobiscum, Domine. Noctem obscuram remove; Omne delictum ablue; Piam medelam tribue. Gloria tibi, Domine, Qui natus es de virgine. Cum Patre, et cetera. Alswa ye schule don hwen the preost halt hit up ed te measse, ant bivore the Confiteor hwen ye schule beon i-huslet. Efter this falleth o cneon to ower crucifix with theose fif gretunges, ine munegunge of Godes fif wunden: Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi quia per sanctam crucem redemisti mundum. Tuam crucem adoramus, Domine. Tuam gloriosam recolimus passionem. Miserere nostri qui passus es pro nobis. Salve, crux sancta, Arbor digna, Cuius robur preciosum Mundi tulit talentum. Salve, crux, que in corpore Christi dedicata es, et ex membris eius tanquam margaritis ornata. O crux, lignum triumphale, Mundi vera salus, vale. Inter ligna nullum tale Fronde, flore, germine. Medicina Christiana Salva sanas, egras sana. Ant with this word beateth on ower breoste: Quod non valet vis humana, sit in tuo nomine. Hwa-se ne con theos five, segge the earste Adoramus te, cneolinde, fif sithen ant blescith ow with euch-an of theose gretunges. Ant with theose wordes, Miserere nostri, qui passus es pro nobis, beateth ower heorte ant cusseth the eorthe i-cruchet with the thume. Th'refter wendeth ow to ure Leafdi onlicnesse ant cneolith with fif Avez, aleast to the othre ymagnes, ant to ower relikes luteth other cneolith, nomeliche to the halhen the ye habbeth to thurh luve i-turnd ower weofdes, swa muche the reathere yef ei is i-halhet. Ther-efter anan-riht ure Leafdi uht-song - ant seggeth o this wise: yef hit is werc- dei, falleth to ther eorthe; yef hit is hali-dei, buhinde sum-deal dune-ward seggeth Pa- ternoster ant Credo ba stille. Rihteth ow up th'refter ant seggeth, Domine, labia mea aperies. Makieth on ower muth a creoiz with the thume. Ed Deus in adiutorium, a large creoiz with the thume ant with the twa fingres, from buve the forheaved dun to the breoste, ant falleth to the eorthe - yef hit is werc-dei with Gloria Patri, other buheth dune-ward, yef hit [is] hali-dei athet Sicut erat. Thus ed euch Gloria Patri ant ed te biginnunge of the Venite, ant i the Venite, ed Venite, adoremus, ant ed te Ave, Maria, ant hwer-se ye eaver hereth Maries nome i-nempnet, ant ed euch Pater noster thet falle to ower ures ant to the Credo ant to the collecte ed eaver-euch tide, ant ed te leate-meste vers of eaver-euch ymne, ant ed te leaste vers withuten an of the salm, Benedicite, omnia opera Domini, Domino. Ed alle thes ilke, yef hit is hali-dei, buheth sum-del dune-wart. Yef hit is werc-dei, falleth to ther eorthe. Ed te biginnunge of eaver- euch tide, with Deus in adiutorium, makieth rode-taken as ich ear tahte. Ed Veni, Creator buheth other cneolith efter thet te dei is. With Memento, salutis auctor, falleth eaver adun, ant ed tis word, Nascendo formam sumpseris, cusseth the eorthe, ant alswa i the Te Deum laudamus, ed tis word: Non horruisti virginis uterum, ant ed te messe i the muchele Credo, ed ex Maria Virgine ant Homo factus est. Euch-an segge hire ures as ha haveth i-writen ham, ant euch tide sunderliche, ase forth as ye mahen, seggeth in his time, ear to sone then to leate yef ye ne mahen eaver halde the time. Uht-song bi niht i winter, i sumer i the dahunge. This winter schal biginnen ed te Hali-Rode Dei ine hervest, ant leasten athet Easter. Prime in winter earliche, i sumer bi forth-marhen, Pretiosa th'refter. Yef ye habbeth neode for eani hihthe to speoken, ye muhe seggen hit bivoren ant efter uht-song anan yef hit swa neodeth. Non eaver efter mete - ant hwen ye slepeth, efter slep - hwil thet sumer leasteth bute hwen ye feasteth, i winter bivore mete hwen ye al veasteth, the Sunne-dei thah efter mete for ye eoteth twien. Ed te an salm ye schulen stonden yef ye beoth eise, ant ed te other sitten, ant eaver with Gloria Patri rungen up ant buhen. Hwa-se mei stonden al on ure Leafdi wurthschipe, stonde o Godes halve. Ed alle the seove tiden singeth Pater noster ant Ave Maria ba bivoren ant efter; Fidelium anime efter euch tide, bivore the Pater noster. Ed threo tiden seggeth Credo with Pater noster: bivoren uht-song ant efter prime ant eft[er complie]; from ower complie athet efter Pretiosa haldeth silence. Efter even-song anan ower Placebo euche niht seggeth hwen ye beoth eise, bute hit beo hali niht for feaste of nihe lesceuns the cume ine marhen, bivore cumplie other efter uht-song. Dirige with threo salmes ant with threo lesceuns euche niht sundri. In aniversaries of ower leoveste freond seggeth alle nihene. I stude of Gloria ed euch psalmes ende, Requiem eternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Ed Placebo sitteth athet Magnificat, alswa ed Dirige bute ed te lesceuns, ant ed te Miserere ant from Laudate al ut. Requiescant in pace i stude of Benedicamus seggeth on ende. Ine marhen other i niht efter the suffragies of uht-song seggeth commendaciun, sittinde the salmes, cneolinde the ureisuns other stondinde. Yef ye thus doth euche niht bute ane Sunne-niht, ye doth muche betere. In a-mel-dei we seggeth ba Placebo ant Dirige efter the mete-graces. I twi-mel-dei efter non, ant ye alswa mote don. Seove psalmes seggeth sittinde other cneolinde with the letanie. Fiftene psalmes seggeth o this wise: the earste five for ow-seolf, ant for alle the ow god doth other unnen. The othre five for the peis of al Hali Chirche, the thridde five for alle Cristene sawles. Efter the forme five, Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison; Pater noster...et ne nos; Salvos fac servos tuos et ancillas tuas, Deus meus, sperantes in te; Oremus: Deus cui proprium est. Efter the othre five alswa: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison; Pater noster . . . et ne nos; Domine, fiat pax in virtute tua, et abundancia in turibus tuis; Oremus: Ecclesie tue quesumus, Domine, preces placatus. Efter the thridde five, the ye schulen seggen - withuten Gloria Patri - Kyrie eleison; iii Pater noster . . . et ne nos; A porta inferi, erue, Domine, animas eorum; Oremus: Fidelium Deus omnium. Seove salmes ant thus theose fiftene seggeth abuten under, for abute swuch time as me singeth measse in alle religiuns ant ure Laverd tholede pine up-o the rode, ye ahen to beo nomeliche i beoden ant i bonen, ant alswa from prime athet mid-marhen hwen preostes of the worlt singeth hare meassen. Ye mahen, yef ye wulleth, seggen ower Pater nostres this wise: "Almihti Godd, Feader, Sune, Hali Gast, as ye beoth threo an Godd, alswa ye beoth an mihte, an wisdom, ant an luve, ant thah is mihte i-turnd to the in Hali Writ, nomeliche, thu deore-wurthe Feader; to the wisdom, seli Sune; to the luve, Hali Gast. Yef me, an almihti Godd thrile i threo hades, thes ilke threo thinges: mihte for-te servi the, wisdom for-te cweme the, luve ant wil to don hit - mihte thet ich mahe don, wisdom thet ich cunne don, luve thet ich wulle don aa thet te is leovest. As thu art ful of euch god - alswa nis na god wone ther-as theose threo beoth: mihte ant wisdom ant luve i-veiet togederes - thet tu yetti me ham, Hali Thrumnesse, i the wurthschipe of the." Threo Pater nostres; Credo; Verset: Benedicamus Patrem et Filium, cum Spirito Sancto; Laudemus et superexaltemus eum in secula; Oremus: Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui dedisti famulis tuis in confessione vere fidei eternae gloriam [trinitatis] agnoscere. Alpha et Omega, hwa-se hit haveth, other [sum other] of the hali thrumnesse segge the wulle. "A Jesu, thin are! Jesu, for mine sunnen ahonget o rode, for the ilke fif wunden the thu on hire bleddest, heal mi blodi sawle of alle the sunnen thet ha is with i-wundet thurh mine fif wittes. I the munegunge of ham thet hit swa mote beon, deore-wurthe Laverd:" Fif Pater nostres; verset: Omnis terra adoret te, et psalmum dicat nomini tuo; Oremus: Juste Judex - yef thu const, other of the creoiz sum other - Deus, qui unigeniti tui, Domini nostri Jesu Christi, pretioso sanguine vexillum sancte crucis - this is an of the beste. "For the seove yiftes of the Hali Gast, thet ich ham mote habben, ant for the seove tiden thet Hali Chirche singeth, thet ich deale in ham, slepe ich other wakie, ant for the seove bonen i the Pater noster ayein the seoven heaved ant deadliche sunnen, thet tu wite me with ham ant alle hare brokes ant yeove me the seovene selie eadinesses the thu havest, Laverd, bihaten thine i-corene i thin eadi nome:" Seove Pater nostres; verset: Emitte spiritum tuum; Oremus: Deus, cui cor omne patet; Ecclesie tue quesumus, Domine; Exaudi quesumus, Domine, supplicum preces. "For the ten heastes the ich i-broken habbe, summe other alle, ant me-seolven - towart te hwet-se beo of other-hwet untreoweliche i-teohethet - i bote of theose bruchen for-te sahtni me with the, deore-wurthe Laverd:" Ten Pater nostres; verset: Ego dixi Domine miserere mei; Sana animam meam, quia peccavi tibi; Oremus: Deus cui proprium est misereri. "[I] the wurthgunge, Jesu Crist, of thine tweof apostles, thet ich mote over-al folhin hare lare, thet ich mote habben thurh hare bonen the tweolf bohes the bloweth of chearite, as Seinte Pawel writeth, blisfule Laverd:" Tweolf Pater nostres; verset: Annuntiaverunt opera Dei, et facta eius intellexerunt; Oremus: Exaudi nos, Deus salutaris noster, et apostolorum tuorum nos tuere presidiis. H[a]lhen the ye luvieth best - in heore wurthgunge seggeth other leas other ma, as ow bereth on heorte, ant thet verset efter-ward with hare collecte: "[F]or alle theo the habbeth eani god i-do me, i-seid me other i-unnen me, ant for alle the ilke the wurcheth the six werkes of misericorde, mearciable Laverd:" Six Pater nostres; verset: Dispersit, dedit pauperibus. Justicia eius manet; Oremus: Retribuere dignare, Domine. Hwa-se wule, segge the salm Ad te levavi bivore the Pater nostres ant Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison. "For alle the sawlen the beoth forth-fearen i the bileave of the fowr Goddspelles, the haldeth al Cristendom up-o fowr halves, thet tu the fowr marhe-yeven yeove ham in heovene, milzfule Laverd:" Fowr Pater nostres. Yef ye seggeth nihene - as ther beoth nihene englene weoredes - thet Godd thurh his mearci hihi ham ut of pine to hare feolah-redden - ye doth yet betere. Ant her, alswa ye wulleth, seggeth De profundis bivore the Pater nostres, ant Kyrie eleison (iii); verset: A porta inferi; Oremus: Fidelium. Bi dei sum time, other bi niht, gederith in ower heorte alle seke ant sarie thet wa ant poverte tholieth, the pinen the prisuns tholieth ant habbeth ther ha liggeth with irn hevie fetheret, nomeliche of the Cristene the beoth in heathenesse, summe i prisun, summe in ase muche theowdom as oxe is other asse. Habbeth reowthe of theo the beoth i stronge temptatiuns: alle hare sares setteth in ower heorte ant siketh to ure Laverd thet he neome reowthe of ham ant bihalde toward ham with the ehe of his are. Ant yef ye habbeth hwile, seggeth the salm Levavi oculos; Pater noster; verset: Convertere, Domine - usquequo. Et deprecabilis esto super servos tuos; Oremus: Pretende, Domine, famulis et famulabus. I the measse hwen the preost heveth up Godes licome, seggeth this vers stondinde: Ecce salus mundi, verbum Patris, hostia vera, viva caro, deitas integra, verus homo. Ant thenne falleth adun with theose gretunges: Ave, principium nostre creationis, Ave, pretium nostre redemptionis, Ave, viaticum nostre peregrinationis, Ave, premium nostre expectationis, Ave, solamen nostre sustentationis. Tu esto nostre gaudium, Qui es futurus premium. Sit nostra in te gloria Per cuncta semper secula. Amen. Mane nobiscum, Domine. Gloria tibi, Domine. Set quis est locus in me quo veniat in me Deus meus, quo Deus veniat aut maneat in me, Deus qui fecit celum et terram? Itane, Domine, Deus meus, est quicquam in me quod capiat te? Quis michi dabit ut venias in cor meum et inebries illud, et unum bonum meum amplectar te? Quis michi es? Miserere ut loquar. Angusta est tibi domus anime mee. Quo venias ad eam, dilatetur abs te. Ruinosa est: refice eam. Habet que offendant oculos tuos, fateor et scio, set quis mundabit eam? Aut cui alteri preter te clamabo? Ab ocultis meis munda me, Domine, et ab alienis parce famule tue. Miserere, miserere, miserere mei, Deus, secundum magnam - ant swa al the salm ut with Gloria Patri; Christe, audi nos twien; Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison; Pater noster; Credo carnis resurrectionem et vitam eternam. Amen; Salvam fac famulam tuam, Deus meus, sperantem in te. Doce me facere voluntatem tuam, quia Deus meus es tu. Domine, exaudi orationem meam, et clamor meus ad te veniat. Oremus: Concede, quesumus, omnipotens Deus, ut quem enigmatice et sub aliena spetie cernimus, quo sacramentaliter cibamur in terris, fatie ad fatiem eum videamus, eo sicuti est veraciter et realiter frui mereamur in celis, per eundum Dominum. Efter the measse-cos, hwen the preost sacreth - ther foryeoteth al the world, ther beoth al ut of bodi, ther i sperclinde luve bicluppeth ower leofmon, the into ower breostes bur is i-liht of heovene, ant haldeth him hete-veste athet he habbe i-yettet ow al thet ye eaver easkith. This ureisun bivore the muchele rode is of muche strengthe: Abute mid-dei hwa-se mei - hwa-se ne mei thenne, o sum other time - thenche o Godes rode, ase muchel as ha eaver con mest, other mei, ant of his derve pine. Ant biginne th'refter the ilke fif gretunges the beoth i-writen th'ruppe, ant alswa cneolin to euch an ant blescin, as hit seith ther, ant beate the breoste ant makie a thulli bone: Adoramus te, Christe. Tuam crucem. [Salve, crux sancta.] Salve, crux que . . . . O, crux lignum. Aris thenne ant bigin the antefne Salva nos, Christe salvator, per virtutem sancte crucis with the rode-taken, ant segge stondinde the salm Jubi- late with Gloria Patri. Ant thenne the antefne segge eaver thus: Salva nos, Christe salvator, per virtutem sancte crucis ant blescin with Qui salvasti Petrum in mare, miserere nobis ant beate the breoste ant tenne falle adun ant segge Christe, audi nos. Jesu Christe, audi nos; Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison; Pater noster . . . et ne nos; Verset: Protector noster aspice, Deus, et respice in faciem Christi tui; Oremus: Deus, qui sanctam crucem as ear. Eft biginne Adoramus as ear, alle five; Salva nos, Christe, the antefne, as ear; the salm Ad te levavi; the antefne as ear al ut, ant tenne as ear to the eorthe; Christe, audi nos twien; Kyrie eleison iii; Pater noster . . . et ne nos; Verset: Protector noster, as ear; Oremus: Adesto, quesumus, Domine, Deus noster, et quos sancte crucis letari facis - thridde chearre riht alswa, ant feorthe chearre, ant fifte: na-wiht ne changeth bute the salmes ant te ureisuns. The forme salm Jubilate, the other Ad te levavi, the thridde Qui confidunt, the feorthe Domine, non est exaltatum, the fifte Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius. Ant in euch beoth fif vers. The fif ureisuns beoth: Deus, qui sanctam crucem; Adesto, quesumus, Domine; Deus, qui pro nobis filium tuum; Deus, qui unigeniti; Juste Judex; with O beata et intemerata. Ant hwa-se ne con theos fif ureisuns, segge eaver an. Ant hwa-se thuncheth to long, leave the salmes. "Leafdi Seinte Marie, for the ilke muchele blisse thet tu hefdest in-with the i thet ilke time thet Jesu Godd, Godes sune, efter the engles gretunge nom flesch ant blod in the ant of the, underfeng mi gretunge with the ilke Ave ant make me telle lutel of euch blisse ute-with, ah frovre me in-with ant ernde me theo of heovene. Ant ase wis as i the ilke flesch thet he toc of the nes neaver sunne, ne i thin - as me leveth efter the ilke tacunge, hwet-se bivore were - clense mi sawle of fleschliche sunnen." Biginne the Ave athet Dominus tecum as me biginneth antefne, ant tenne the salm, ant efter the salm al ut fif sithen, ant thus to euch salm Ave, Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum; Magnificat; Ave, Maria al ut fif sithen. "Leafdi Seinte Maria, for the ilke muchele blisse thet tu hefdest tha thu sehe the ilke blisfule bearn i-boren of thi cleane bodi to mon-cunne heale, withuten eaver-euch bruche, with i-hal meithhad ant meidenes menske, heal me thet am thurh wil tobroken, as ich drede, hwet-se beo of dede. Ant yef me in heovene seon thi blisfule leor, ant bihalde lanhure meidenes menske, yef ich nam wurthe for-te beon i-blisset in hare ferredden." Ave, Maria gratia plena, Dominus tecum; Ad Dominum cum tribularer; Ave as ear five. "Leafdi Seinte Marie, for the ilke muchele blisse thet tu hefdest tha thu sehe thi deore deore-wurthe sune efter his derve death arisen to blisful lif, his bodi seve-valt brihtre then the sunne, yef me deien with him ant arisen in him - worltliche deien, gasteliche libben - dealen in his pinen feolahliche in eorthe, for-te beon i blisse his feolahe in heovene. For the ilke muchele blisse thet tu hefdest, Leafdi, of his blisful ariste efter thi muchele sorhe, efter mi sorhe thet ich am in her, lead me to thi blisse." Ave, Maria gratia plena, Dominus tecum; Retribue servo tuo; Ave fif sithen. "Leafdi Seinte Marie, for the ilke muchele blisse thet tu hefdest tha thu sehe thi brihte blisfule Sune, thet te Giws wenden for-te athrusmin i thruh, se wurthliche ant se mihtiliche on Hali Thursdei stihe to his blisse into his riche of heovene, yef me warpe with him al the worlt under fet ant stihen-nu heorteliche; hwen ich deie, gasteliche; o Domes-dei al licomliche to heovenliche blissen." Ave, Maria gratia plena, Dominus tecum; In convertendo; Ave fif sithen. "Leafdi Seinte Marie, for the ilke muchele blisse thet fulde al the eorthe tha he underveng the into unimete blisse ant with his blisfule earmes sette the i trone ant cwene crune on heaved, brihtre then the sunne, heh heovenliche cwen, underveng theos gretunges of me swa on eorthe thet ich mote blisfulliche grete the in heovene." Ave, Maria gratia plena, Dominus tecum; Ad te levavi; Ave fif sithen, ant thenne thet verset: Spiritus sanctus superveniet in te, et virtus altissimi obumbrabit tibi; Oremus: Gratiam tuam; Antefne: Ave, Regina celorum, Ave, Domina angelorum, Salve, Radix Sancta, Ex qua mundo lux, Vale, valde decora, Et pro nobis semper Christum exora. Verset: Egredietur virga de radice Jesse, et flos de radice eius ascendet. Oremus: Deus, qui virginalem aulam. Antefne: Gaude, Dei Genitrix, Virgo inmaculata, Gaude, que gaudium ab angelo suscepisti, Gaude, que genuisti eterni luminis claritatem, Gaude, Mater. Gaude, sancta Dei Genitrix Virgo, Tu sola Mater innupta, Te laudat omnis filii tui creatura Genitricem lucis, Sis pro nobis pia Interventrix. Verset: Ecce, Virgo concipiet et pariet Filium, et vocabitur nomen euis Emmanuel; Oremus: Deus, qui de beate Marie Virginis utero. Antefne: Gaude, Virgo, Gaude, Dei Genitrix, Et gaude, gaudium, Maria, omnium fidelium. Gaudeat ecclesia in tuis laudibus assidua, Et, pia Domina, gaudere fac nos tecum ante Dominum. Verset: Ecce, concipies in utero et paries filium, et vocabis nomen eius Jesum; Oremus: Deus, qui salutis eterne beate Marie virginitate fecunda humano generi. Antefne: Alma Redemptoris Mater, que pervia celi Porta manes et stella maris, succurre cadenti Surgere qui curat populo; tu que genuisti - Natura mirante - tuum sanctum Genitorem, Virgo prius ac posterius, Gabrielis ab ore Sumens illud "Ave," peccatorum miserere. Her sitteth the Avez, fifti other hundret, other ma other leas efter thet me haveth hwile. On ende thet verset: Ecce, ancilla Domini. Fiat michi secundum verbum tuum; Oremus: O Sancta Virgo virginum. Hwa-se wule mei stutten th'ruppe anan-rihtes efter the forme ureisun, Gratiam tuam, ant segge thenne hire tale of Avez efter the leaste salm, Ad te levavi. Eaver bivore the salm biginnen an Ave athet Dominus tecum ant segge stondinde the salm. The salmes beoth i-numene efter the fif leattres of ure Leafdis nome - hwa-sa nimeth yeme - ant al this ilke ureisun efter hire fif heste blisses eorneth bi five. Tele i the antefnes ant tu schalt finden in ham gretunges five. The ureisuns thet ich nabbe buten ane i-mearket beoth i-writen over al withute the leaste. Leoteth writen on a scrowe hwet-se ye ne kunnen. Thus ich biginne mine Avez other- hwiles: "Leafdi, swete Leafdi, swetest alre leafdi, Leafdi, leovest Leafdi, lufsumest Leafdi. O pulcherrima mulierum. Leafdi Seinte Marie, deore-wurthe Leafdi, Leafdi cwen of heovene, Leafdi cwen of are, Leafdi, do me are. Leafdi meiden Moder, Meiden Godes Moder, Jesu Cristes Moder, Meiden of milce, Moder of grace. O Virgo virginum, Maria Mater gratie, Mater misericordie, Tu nos ab hoste protege Et hora mortis suscipe. Per tuum, Virgo, Filium, Per Patrem, Paraclitum, Assis presens ad obitum Nostrumque muni exitum. Gloria tibi, Domine, qui natus es de Virgine, et cetera. Ant fallen to ther eorthe ant cussen hire with this leaste vers, hwa-se is hal i-heafdet, ant tenne Avez tene ant tene togederes, the teohethe eaver thus forth: Ave, Maria gratia plena, Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui; Spiritus sanctus superveniet in te, et virtus altissimi obumbrabit tibi. Ideoque et quod nascetur ex te sanctum vocabitur Filius Dei. Ecce ancilla Domini, fiat michi secundum verbum tuum - ant cusse the eorthe on ende, other degre, other bench, other sum-hwet herres, ant biginnen, "Leafdi, swete Leafdi," as ear. The forme tene the fifti cneolinde up ant dun; the othre cneolinde i-riht up stille, buten ed te Ave, Marie sum semblant with the other cneo a lutel; the thridde tene adun ant up-o the elbohen riht to ther eorthe; the feorthe, the elbohen o degre, other o bench, ant eaver to the Ave lute with the heaved; the fifte tene stondinde, ant eft biginne the turn as i the frumthe. Al thet ye eaver seggeth of thulliche othre bonen, as Pater nostres ant Aves on ower ahne wise, salmes ant ureisuns, ich am wel i-paiet. Euch-an segge ase best bereth hire on heorte verseilunge of sawter, redunge of Englisc other of Frensch, halie meditatiuns, ower cneolunges hwen-se ye eaver mahen i-yemen, ear mete ant efter -eaver se ye mare doth, se Godd ow eche forthre his deore-wurthe grace. Ah lokith swa, ich bidde ow, thet ye ne beon neaver idel, ah wurchen other reden, other beon i bonen, ant swa don eaver sum-hwet, thet god mahe of awakenin. The ures of the Hali Gast -yef ye ham wulleth seggen, seggeth euch tide of ham bivoren ure Leafdi tide. Toward te preostes tiden hercnith se forth as ye mahen, ah with him ne schule ye nowther verseilin ne singen thet he hit mahe i-heren. Ower graces stondinde bivore mete ant efter, as ha beoth i-writen ow. Ant with the Miserere gath bivoren ower weoved ant endith thear the graces. Bitweone mel, the drinken wule, segge Benedicite. Potum nostrum Filius Dei benedicat. In nomine Patris - ant blesci efter-wart. Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini, qui fecit celum et terram. Sit nomen Domini benedictum, ex hoc nunc et usque in seculum. Benedicamus Domino. Deo gratias. Hwen-se ye gath to ower bedd i niht other in even, falleth o cneon ant thencheth i hwet ye habbeth i the dei i-wreathet ure Laverd, ant crieth him yeorne merci ant foryevenesse. Yef ye habbeth ei god i-don, thonkith him of his yeove, withute hwam we ne mahen ne wel don, ne wel thenchen, ant seggeth Miserere ant Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison; Pater noster . . . et ne nos; Verset: Salvas fac ancillas tuas, Deus meus, sperantes in te; Oremus: Deus cui proprium est; ant stondinde, Visita, Domine, habitationem istam; ant aleast thenne, Christus vincit †, Christus regnat †, Christus imperat †, with threo creoiz with the thume up-o the forheaved, ant thenne Ecce crucem Domini; fugite partes adverse; vicit leo de tribu Juda, radix Davith. Alleluia. A large creoiz as ed Deus in adiutorium with Ecce crucem Domini, ant tenne fowr creoiz o fowr half with theose fowre efter- warde clauses: Crux † fugat omne malum. Crux † est reparatio rerum. Per crucis hoc signum † Fugiat procul omne malignum. Et per idem signum †, Salvetur quodque benignum. On ende, [on] ow-seolf ant o the bedd bathe, In nomine Patris et Filii. I bedd se vorth se ye mahen, ne do ye, ne ne thenchen na thing bute slepen. The ne con other uht-song, other ne mei hit seggen, segge for uht-song thritti Pater nostres ant Ave, Maria efter euch Pater noster, ant Gloria Patri efter euch Ave, aleast Oremus (hwa-se con): Deus cui proprium est; Benedicamus Domino; Anime fidelium. For even-song twenti, for euch other tide segge fiftene o this ilke wise, bute thet ed uht-song schal seggen earst hwa-se con, Domine, labia mea aperies, et os meum; Deus in adiutorium, ant ed Complie, Converte nos, Deus salutaris; Deus in adiutorium. Ed alle the othre tiden, Deus in adiutorium. Hwa-se is unheite forkeorve of uht-song tene, of euch of the othre five - the halven-dal of euch-an, yef ha is seccre. Hwa-se is ful meoseise, of al beo ha cwite. Neome hire secnesse nawt ane tholemodliche, ah do swithe gleadliche; ant al is hiren thet Hali Chirche ret other singeth. Thah ye ahen of Godd thenchen in euch time, meast thah in ower tiden, thet ower thohtes ne beon fleotinde thenne. Yef ye thurh yemeles gluffeth of wordes, other misneometh vers, neometh owe[r] Venie dun ed ter eorthe with the hond ane - al fallen adun for muche misneomunge, ant schawith ofte i schrift ower yemeles her-abuten. This is nu the forme dale, the haveth i-speken hider-to of ower servise. Hwet-se beo u ther-of, theose riwlen her-efter ich walde ha weren of alle - as ha beoth of ow, thurh Godes grace - i-halden. |