Skip to main content- A British Library Additional 36523
- Addit British Library Additional 36983
- C British Library Harley 4733
- CA Gower, The Confessio Amantis, ed. Peck
- Chester The Chester Mystery Cycle, ed. Lumiansky and Mills
- Cov Coventry, City Records Office MS 325/1
- CT Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, ed. Benson
- D Bodleian Digby 230
- Douce Bodleian Douce 126
- EH Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History
- GN Gospel of Nicodemus, ed. Hulme
- Herbert Titus and Vespasian, ed. J. A. Herbert
- HJW Mason, A History of the Jewish War A.D. 66–74
- JW Josephus, The Jewish War, ed. Thackeray
- LA Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda Aurea, trans. Ryan
- MED Middle English Dictionary
- MS Bodleian Laud Misc 622 [base text]
- Munro Munro, “Edition and Study”
- N-Town The N-Town Plays, ed. Sugano
- O Beinecke Osborn A.11
- PL Patrologia Latina, ed. Migne
- SJ The Siege of Jerusalem, ed. Livingston
- Towneley The Towneley Plays, ed. Stevens and Cawley
- Whiting Whiting, Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases
- York The York Corpus Christi Plays, ed. Davidson