fol. 71va Listneth
alle that beth alyve,
Bothe Cristen men
and wyve;men and womenI wil
you telle a wonder casmiraculous eventHou
Jesus Crist bihated
wasdetestedline5Of the Jewes felle
and kenebitter and cruelThat was on hem siththe isene.afterwardGospelles I drawe to witnesse
GospelsOf this mater more and lesse,
And the Passioun and Nichodeme,
Gospel of Nicodemus line10Who that taketh
right good yeme,
heedAnd the gestes of emperours
deeds (tales)Of thise wonder aventours,
eventsHou Jesus was don to dedThorough the Jewes fals red.adviceline15First thai deden hym gret despyt
disdainEr he died, I tell you it,I trowe that thai bilowen noughth,liked himFor after that thai dere it boght.
dearly paid for itAs ye mowen forthward lere — learnline20Listneth now and ye schull here.Ye witen wel, and soth it is,know trueThat many on giltles honged is;That many a guiltless person is hangedAlso bifel of Jhesu Crist, it happened toTho us scheweth th’ewangelist;line25For oure trespas and noughth for hisSuffred he al her schame, iwis.
their indeedFirst thai weren wroth with hymangryAls thai weren ful of venym,For he preched everewhoreline30Among the Jewes, lesse and more,And the more thai gunne hym greveangerFor he had of hem no leve.
permission And
oft he tolde hem in
his sawespeechWhere thai trespassed ageins the lawe,line35And that in fele manere,
in worthy mannerHe rought never
theigh thai it herecared hearAnd proved it hem by holy wrightscriptureThat thai ne couthe againsaie it;could contradictAlso he telde hem everywhore
line40That thai ypocrites were,
For thai maden
swich cheireoutward appearanceAs thai liveden
in good manere,As if they livedHou thai the povere robbe and reveplunderFor al her lawe thai nolden levewould not stopline45The grettest maisters werst it kepeth,kept it worstHer wrong with hem noght ne slepeth.
TheirYut also he tolde her owen thoughthThat thai ne mightten withseie it nought;denyThat was no maistré to Crist,not difficultline50Natheles thai wondred hou he it wist.knewGraceles thai were and dym of sight,To knowe the strengthe of God almight;Altheigh thai hym in manhode soweAlthough sawHis godhede might thai noght knowe.
line55Thai schewed after
her mysdedeForth onon thai felle in dredeFor the wonders
that thai sawghe,Of his godhede than had thai
awghe;holiness aweFor no man migth swich maistré kithe
show such powerline60As he dude for hem oft sithe,many timesAs
Nichodemus hath witnessed rigthThat com to Jhesu Crist by nigthAnd sede, “Jhesu, we witen welThat thu art maister
of Israel,line65That knowlechestow noughth to beyou acknowledgeFor all the merveiles
we sen of thee;wondersAmong us ne coude
we never fyndeOn so wirche by mannes kynde,One accomplish such thingsNeither lewed man ne clerk,unlearnedline70Bot God were with hym in his werk.
UnlessTherfore, we wolde
sum tokne see —Schewe yif thou God almightty
be.”Tho seide Jhesus to Nichodeme,“Ye taken of me ful litel yeme.heedline75Theigh I you all aventours telle,eventsOf this werlde ther ye inne duelle,That ben gon
and schollen falle,have happened will happenYe leven never a word of alle.believeForthi of Heven
yif I tolde,Thereforeline80Of al that ye witen wolde,would knowfol. 71vbHou schold ye therof trowe me ought,trustWhan ye trowen me therof nought?
Natheles the aventours allThat I saie you schullen bifalle.”will happenline85Nichodemus hym trowed welbelievedAnd prively held
with hym uche del.secretly supported completelyIn the Gospel as men rede,The Jewes hym tempted oft
in dede;Thai asked hym many a wonder
sawedifficult questionline90For to ateint
hym bi her lawe,condemnThat thai mightten bi juggementIn sum manere
have hym schent.harmedAgains hym thai wroughtten in vaynworkedThat al unbynt
and byndeth agayn.
unbinds and bindsline95This werldes wytt is bot foliefoolishnessAgeins Goddes gret
maistré.knowledgeOnes thai asked hym, “Maister dere,To whom schul we yolde iche yereAl the trowage of oure londe?”truageline100Hou he ansuerd now understonde:“Of whom youre
moné hath ymage,money (coins)With name
written, yold hym trowage.”This was of hym asked
with scorneFor the wordes he seid biforne,line105That he was a Jewes kyng.
Tho ansuered thai to this thing,
“Oure moné, we maken the war,
Is made after oure kyng Cesar.”
Than seide he, “Yeldeth Cesar his rigth,line110And that is Goddes
to God almight.”
whatThere thai were confounded
ononFor thai were concluded everichon.answeredBy a womman thai tempted hym yutThat schulde be stoned, fair he quitacquittedline115For avoutré, a foule synne,adulteryThai tolde hym
thai fonde hire therinne.Jhesus stouped doun onon;
Thise wordes he wrot the erth
upon,The wrecched erthe that other wriedcoveredline120Bot God forgiveth that mercy cried.Tho he had writen
what he wolde,Hy gon the hens to biholde;
They from thereWhan thai had seighen it als he bad,Sore thai weren all adrad.
afraidline125“Take this womman that hath don mys.sinWho that withoute synne ys,Caste on hir the first ston.”Thai stale out tho sone onon,creptAll bot the
womman stode alone,line130And he
sat and loked hire on.“Where ben thise men, womman,” he seide,“That this blame on thee leide?”“Sir, I not sikerli.”
I do not know, truly“Dame,” he seide, “no more wot I.neither do Iline135Bot go now forth
with joye and wynne,delightAnd kep thee forthward fro syn.”
henceforthAlwey thus on
hym thai soughth,Bot evere thai founde it halp hem nought;For Goddes might and mannes witline140Mowen nought wel togidre sit.
Than thai gunne hym to defamebeganAnd leide on hym and dude hym schameslanderTho thai mighth spede with no resounWith falshede thai thought to bryng hym doun
line145Thei seiden, “Thu seist amys, we leven,Agayn the lawghe that is us yeven.”Against givenThai seiden, “Sith
we have the lawesSinceThat Moises taught us by his dawes,in his daysThat he of Messias took,
the Messiahline150As we fyndeth by
oure book.So held oure fader AbrahamAnd hiderward that after hym cam.That we cunne wite we brake hit nought,
can understandIn werk, in word, ne in thought.”line155He wist wel that thai mistolde,knew misspokeThat maden the lawes newe and olde.Than spak Jhesu the Jewes to:“Moises and Abraham I seigh also.
Moises the lawghe I bitought,line160That fro me to you it brought.I seie Abraham and he me;He was ful glad
me to se.Ye ben wel harder than the ston,That of you nyl knowgh me non.will not knowline165Tueie doumbe bestes, oxe and asse,TwoThai knewe
me and wist what I wasse,
And bestes wilde under wood lynde
—linden treeMe
knowthe al bot mankynde.”
All but mankind know meThe Jewes seiden that he mistolde:line170He nas nought fyfty wynter olde.
“Moises ne Abraham thu nast
noght seen;This may nought in no wise ben.
Thu semest but
a yonge man,Hou mighttestou have seyen hem than?”
might you have seen themline175“Forsothe,” he seide, “I you telle can.I was er the werlde biganbeforeAnd schal be withouten ende,Theigh al thing asondyr wende.go to piecesI am Jhesus, Goddes son:line180I saigh Abraham and Salomon.sawI com the lawghe to fulfille,
Nought o poynt therof to spille,one invalidateNe the prophetes
alle,That han yben, other ben
to falle;have been, or will beline185And also treuly I you telle,Youre michel temple I may felle greatfol. 72raAnd areisen agein
the thrid day.”
“That might noght be,” thai swore ay.In all thise wordes he hem blent,befuddledline190For by his owen body he it ment,That he scholde die and assaiestriveTo arisen the thrid day.For this word thai were neigh mad,For ever thai fond hym trew and sad.honest and solemnline195Natheles thai ansuered tho right,“Er oure temple were al dight,madeYeres weren six and fourty
fulle;Hou ever than we trowe schulle?”Right
cursed folk men
might hem calle,line200For the miracles he schewed hem alle,Bot al that he
wolde and thoughtMost sum tyme to ende be broght;Must be fulfilledThat folk was loked
to do that dede,Therfore thai mightten sore drede.line205He blamed hem for her bileve,
faithAnd seid it scholde hem sore greve.He might sone such
thing han wroght,That made al the werld of noght;from nothingAnd for he held noght her
line210To don miracles alway,The seek to hele of yvel and synne,sickFor her lawe nolde he noght blynne.stopFendes
werkes were thai none,Devil’sBot God Almightties dedes alone.line215Thai areden
hym whi he wroght than.guessedHe ansuerd as God and man:
“Is there any
of you alle,Yif youre beest
were yfalleDed doun in
pyt oither in lake,As if dead orline220Yif it schulde ben up ytake,Ar it were lorne ye wolden up drawe,lostOn the , for al youre lawe?”Thai holden hem abasshed everichon,perplexedThat thai ne couthe ansuere hym non.line225Onon thai axed hym with gret teneinsultWhat his miracles wolden
mene,That was whan he heled the seekOr seide or dude wondres eek.After tho thai comen hym toline230And axeden whi he dude so.He ansuerd after her thought,That thai ne couthe withseie hym noght.The grettest of the princes boldeAgeins Jhesu wel
hard thai holde,line235And uche made to other presentFor to ben at on assent.But
smale folk al aboute But common peopleFolowed hym with gret route;in great numbersWonder thik thai fellen hym toline240For the miracles thai seighen hym doThat thei despyt
do hym ne mightwould not harm himThat made thai token hym by nighth.Whan Jesus seigh the tyme therto,That it most nedes be do,line245He bad thai schulden hem amendeOr stronge vengeaunce he wold hem sende;
He hight to fordon hem alle promised to destroyAnd her cité schulde falle,Jerusalem that was stronge and heighe.
line250Tho gan to waxen her envie;increaseWhile it stood thai had
no doute,So riche it was and strong aboute,Natheles of this gret sawepromiseAll thai weren in michel
awe.line255For his prophecies thai hated hym sore,And for he was trewe wel the more,And for his wyt that was so gret,And for his ansuer and his thret,crowdAnd for he bare so noble fame,carriedline260That men honoured hym al by nameAnd clepeden hym Jesus verray prophete, calledBothe in toun and in strete.
Oft thai waited hym to sle,Bot for drede thai lete hym be.
line265By day thai might hym noght hentseizeFor the folk that with hym went;Many a thousand
for his sakeWolde have ben ded or he were take;beforeYif thai hadden biforehonde wistline270Thai scholde so foule have faren
with Crist,The princes thai wolden have sleynAnd al the cuntré brent ful feyn.burntGod wolde nought that it were so;Otherwise it most go.line275Whan tyme and terme was ycomeThat he suffred to be ynome,takenFul wel he had taken his merktaken note ofWhat manere men
scholde don this werk,kind ofAnd sithen it scholde alway be do,line280Sum manere folk most nedes therto;Yyt was it better thai hadden the gyltThan any other had
ben spylt.For in the book so we it fynde,Thai were the outcast of al mankynde.line285He
praied for hem on Rode tree,Rood (i.e., the cross)“Forgeven hem that it scholde be.”
In ensample of Cristen menne,That here in eny envye brenne,
burnThat we forgiven as he forgave,line290Michel mede schull we have.Great rewardFor he is so gret of curteisie,mercyHe wil no synful man dye,Bot grace and space he wil hym sende,And he wil hymself
amende.line295So mightten the Jewes have had graceOf her vileynous
trespas;fol. 72rbJesus suffred a longe stounde,for a long whileFourty yer, it is yfounde,For tokne ne for other sightsignline300Repented thai nevere day ne nighth.Bot in the Passioun as we redeThere thai wore gadered in everich stedeevery placeOft bifore thai spaken his ded,
Hou to don thai couthe no red.had no course of actionline305Thai seiden, “Whan schull we us wrekeavengeOf this prophete that hath thus speke?For yif we leten
hym thus gon,He schal fordon us everychon;destroyRomeins and other schull comen us on,
Romansline310And alle oure lawes thai willen fordon.”
undoThai seiden sother than thei wende,more truly knewFor thai were never in will to amende;Oft thai casten and wolden sondediscussedHou thai might drivon hym out of londe,driveline315Thorough her lawes by juggement,Oither thorough privé queintise to have hym schent.
secret trickery killedOnes thai hadden hym hem bitwene,amongTho thoughtten thai have wreken her tene,angerAt a stede on an heighe hyllplaceline320Thai wolde have sleyn hym withoute skill;
for no (just) causeThai wolde have done hym thereto stirt,have attacked himBot quyt
he went away from hirt.freely harmAnd ones thai wolde have stoned hym,And to drawe hym every lym;line325Thai seiden he blasfemed hym
than,He made hym God and was a man.
And oft afterward thai
lepenjumpedFor to take hym with her wepen,weaponsBot for men that yeden hym by, wentline330There durst non leie honde hym neigh.They dared not lay a hand near himAnd ones atte Flum Jurdon,Jordan RiverThere he baptized Seint Jon,
John (the Baptist)There thai waited to have hym sleyn,Bot quyt he went with might and meyn.miraculous powerline335Whan thai seieghen thai mightten noght spede,Thai thoughtten don a lither
dede;wickedThai maden there a conspiracieAmong the poeple with felony
That Messias ones seide —line340That is Jesus on oure tunge leide
—calledOut of synagoge he schulde be do,And for cursed man holden also.
This was to hym no vilenye,Al were it don with gret envieline345Alway thus failed her cast,Tyl Jesus wolde it atte lastThat the certein day was sett,Thei
hadden no might hym to get;Whan he wist it most nedes be,line350Than wolde he hem nothing fle.
Caiphas prophecied there,
Als in the Passioun we
mowen here,That a man schulde deie hem bifore,That the poeple ne were
noght ylore;lostline355The Holi Gost had brought hym this,Bot he nas nevere the
better, iwis.Theigh it were seid with good resoun,It turned hym al to confusioun,For thorough hym and his felonye,line360Encreced fast the Jewes envie;IncreasedFro that this word was seide on heigheIn al manere he schulde dyghe.Her eighen were blynde
and nought hym knewe,Their eyesThat mowen thai evermore rewe.might regretline365Therfore he went onon hem fro —Among hem more nolde he go.he would notHe went a litel there biside,Out of her sight hym to hide;Nought for drede took he his waie,line370Bot for to stable us in the faie,make us firm faithTo abiden his tyme wel and faire.There he was us a good samplaireexampleTo prelates and to other men
clergyThat in anguisch here ben,tormentline375To kepen us out of her weieThat oure enemyes us nought saietestWhan men hem seen the more thai synne;
Yif thai ben fer the more thai blynne.
fierce fail
Thus turned Jesus from hem the bake,line380That thai nought mychel of hym spak;muchIn to desert he held the sty,pathTo a citee
that ther was ney.The story seith it hat Effroem,
Effrem A
litel weie fro Jerusalem;line385With his deciples he duelled there —Nought for dred thai might hym dere,hinderBot for the poynt I seide biforne.And yut were summe forsworne,Tho seiden thai there thai yedeline390That
he was yfled for drede.Bot trewely they liyeden uchon,all liedThai nysten nought whi he was gon;did not knowThai weren nought worthi his conseil to witteThat thoughtten alday don hym despitte.
injuryline395Yut eft the schrewus weren forsuorneoften villains (shrews)In leccherie thai helden hym borne.lecheryThere weren tuelve that herden thus;Thai tolden hem thai seiden amysThat witnessed all with sawe
line400That he was borne in tho right lawe.the right law (i.e., in wedlock)Thai seiden thai seighen Joseph wedMarie, that clene lyf lede,Thai helden hym Joseps son right,A wrighttes son
he was iplight.
carpenter’s sworn to beline405His fader made al thing of nought;There is non other that so wrought.fol. 72vaThe tuelve namis tell I canThat with Jhesu helden than:Lazar, Asterus, Antonius,line410Ysaac, Finous, and Cripus,
Samuel, and Joras,Agripta, Amos, and Judas.Tweie riche men there weren alsoTwoThat helden with Jhesu tho,line415Evere in word and dedes
bothe,Wherfore the Jewes weren wrothe.
angryFor her wraththe thai nolden leveceaseNe for her love Jhesu greve.Nichodemus was that on,line420Prince of the Jewes everychon,At his dom and at his dedcommandHe praised hym in every
stede.placeForthi thai prisoned hym sone,immediatelyAnd wolden hym to deth have done.line425And so thai wolde his other felawe,For his
werk and for his sawe;That was Joseph
of Arimathie, A riche man and of kynde heighe.high rankThise
men thai thought to have sleyn,line430As I schal here after seyn.Thise were the pointes of her envie,groundsWherfore thai deden hym to dyeWithouten any other thing:Assaies, upbraides, and cursyng.
Ordeals, reproachesline435Love brast Jesus Cristes hert,brokeAnd non other pyne smert;sharpLove hym drofand love hym brought,droveFor to fynde that he sought.Whan love thirled Heven kyng,piercedline440Love passeth al thing.Love is hede and love is ende;headLoveth love as ye ben hende.
gentleWhan that Jesus was broght of lyve,killed (i.e., brought out of life)There fel wondres als once line445Centurio biheld and seid thus:“This is sothfast Goddus son Jesus.”
trulyAnd so dude Longens
the knight,
LonginusAfter that he had his sight;The
gret temple atwo toclef,cracked in twoline450And beried men ded and defburied dead and deafArisen and walkeden al aboutFrom toun to toun in muchel route,That weren wel knowe out and inOf men that weren of
her kyn.
line455Thai tolden whi thai risen thore,thereFor Jesus that dyed hem bifore.The sunne also les her light,lostAnd ston and tre loren her might, lostAnd everich thing in his kyndeaccording to its natureline460Of Jhesus deth had mynde,Outtake man that scholde be chief,ExceptAnd most scholde be Jhesu lef;Jesus should be dearThai schewed hym most unkyndenesseAgeins al his gret godenesse;In contrast toline465Al this was witnesse ageins manThat he had ytrespassed than.Sithen al quok bot mannes hert,Since trembledNe was he worthi than to smert.sufferAdam bigan first the game;
line470The Jewes ended it with schame;Bot Oure Lorde,
that curteis is,graciousDude it al for mannes blis;joyAlso for the Jewes forthi,thereforeYif thai hadden sought his mercy.
line475This dede men bigunnen to telleWhi thai risen in flesch and felleskinAnd Jhesus wolde rise the thrid day.The Jewes weren in gret afray,dismayBot thai dredden noght arightline480As thai scholden; hem failed might.
Tho he was risen the thrid morne,thirdAs his Passioun seith biforne,Aggeus,
Phinees, and Escandas,Thise thre tolden hem hou it was;
line485Tueie clerkes witnessen this also,TwoThat Sent Mychel
schewed it to,Saint MichaelCarianus
and Elyntheus
Doumbe thai weren til swete Jhesus
Fro that he rose and stighe to Hevenrose and went upline490And than tolden thai ful evenAl that was don everych delentirelyOf the lore
of Seynt Mighel
MichaelIn erthe and helle, in paradys,What Jhesus Crist had don, iwys.line495Also it witnesseth
in othere stede,There men of the story rede.Tho spak Nichodemus onon
To the Jewes everychon,“Ye wycked
men, wat have ye wroght?what have you doneline500In muchel sorough ye han us brought.sorrowAl that Josep and I you sede,said to youIt might stonde you in no stede.”Than gan Josep speke hem to,“Agein Jhesu ye han mysdo,done wrongline505For giltles ye han hym slawe;guiltless slainTherfore ye mowen ben unfawe.”must be joylessOnon the Jewes on Josep bornechargedThat he was to Jhesu sworne.
“Ye,” quoth Josep, “to hym I take,line510All youre lawes I forsake.I wot wel ye ben wroth with me,For I beried his body fre;I ne recche, so Crist me save,do not careTheigh I youre wraththe have.line515I warne you wel ye schullen abye,pay for itThat ye duden hym such vilenye.”fol. 72vbThan weren the Jewes wel neigh wood,And though he seide for her good;He is nought my frende, ye han herd told,line520That seith as myne hert wold.
Josep withouten more sakestrifeSone onon thai gonnen take;Thai putten hym in a strong prisoun,
With dubble lok al for tresoun.line525Annas and Cayphas, thise twoBeren the keies the dore to undo.The hous was hole withouten hole,entirelyFor thai thoughtten so have hym stolespirited him awayThat never frende ne scholde have wistline530Hou ne where he had ben myst.Bot Jhesus,
that is curteis at nede,benevolentThat night com hym out to lede.The Jewes soughtten hym on the morn;His deth thai holden among hem sworn.line535Anna and Caiphas undeden the dore;They sought and cleped thai hadden hym lor.
lostThai wepden and weren sory men,shed tearsOut of londe thai thoughtten flen,fledBody for body
thai token hym, line540To kepen hym uppon lyf and lym;And also thai hadden
mychel care,Where thai wolden gon or fare,Among al this so comen the knighttesThat woken Jhesu bi day and nighttes,watched overline545Therwhiles that he in the toumbe layTil it was on the thrid dayThat he out of the toumbe arosThai weren neigh wood so hem agrostrembledAnd tolden the Jewes he was arisenline550And for an aungel they
weren agrisenterrifiedThat put doun the gret stonmovedAnd set hymself there uponFor dred thai seiden that thai had,Thai fellen doun as thai wore mad
line555Also wymmen there comen thre
That soughtten Jhesu for to see;The aungel taught
hem where he is,In to Galilé gon, iwis.Than ansuerden the Jewes blake,
wicked line560“Whi nad ye tho wymmen ytake?didn’t seizeNe were ye armed swythe
wel,veryAlle foure in yrne and steel.”ironThe knighttes seiden, “Ne witeth us noght;Do not blame usWe hadden no myght hem
to have brought.”
line565Than axed Pilate
hem onon,“Whi lete ye than Jhesu gon?”Than ansuerden the knighttes bold,“Whi nadden ye Josep withholde?didn’tWe han bothe failed of oure pay;
satisfactionline570Jesus and Josep ben gon away.Delivere us hider Joseph
now,And we schull take Jhesu to you!He is risen as God ful of might:Evere we mowen dred hys right.authorityline575There com no man hym to stele,Theigh he be risen with good hele;And yut we mowen drede the more,We schullen abie his deth ful sore.”pay forThan wexen the Jewes all madgrew distraughtline580To maken her gre thai weren glad;To make peace with themThai gaven hem michel tresoreThat thai scholden speke no more.Al halp nought that thai ne tolde
Where thai comen with wordes bolde;line585It might in no wise ben yhid:be hiddenIt most nedes alway be
Than seiden the knighttes, “Secheth ye,
SeekFor Josep is now in his cité.”Than senten the Jewes Josep toline590Letres of pes
to come and go;Letters of peace Josep cam and spak hem withThe Jewes all, in pes and grith.mercyThai wente ageins hym with honour,greetedThai kist and graunted hym her socour,
kissed protectionline595And thai axed hym the resoun,Hou he com out of prisoun.“Sires,” he seide, “I telle you right,Jesus me fet the first nigth.sought (fetched)Whan he com me thought that stoundeat that timeline600That the hous res fro the grounde,roseUp in to the eir
ageins hym right,airFor he is verray God Almight.Ful the hous me thought he spraddispersedWith gret light that he had;line605For drede of hym I fel adounAs a man that was in swoun,swoon (i.e., a faint)Bot sone he me toke by the hondeAnd bad me I scholde by hym stond.
My face
he wipte and siththe me kyst;wipedline610What he was yit I nyst.did not know“Ne drede thee ich am Jesus,” he seide;“That thu beriedest in that stede;placeThu madest my grave in yone orchard:By that tokne be noght aferd.”line615Onon he led me to the grave,Ful good mynde therof I have.“Josep, here thu beriedest me,And that I schal wel yelde thee.”rewardWhan I had this grave seen,line620I nyst nevere hou he com then.In myne owen hous he me set,That non of you might hym let;
hinderIn pes ho bad me duelle thore,dwell thereAnd bad me come out no more,
line625Til fourti
daies were comen and gon,And bad I ne schulde drede you non;
fol. 1raAnd at the fourty dayes ende
Whider I wolde he bad me wende.He bid me to go where I wishedUpon the Mount of Olyvete,
Mount of Olivesline630There my Lorde that is so sweteblessedSteigh to hevene fair and wel,AscendedAlmightty God in flesshe and fel;flesh and skin (i.e., the whole body)And efte shal comen at DoomsdayTo yelde bothe gode and wick her pay.give wicked rewardline635There was a swete compaignye:Fyrst his dere moder Marie,His apostles and othere mooThat weren ywoned with hym to goo,accustomedAnd summe that arisen thoo he aroos,
line640To beren witnesse biforne his foos.
I hope yee han herd of this,And bot yee han, yee shullen, iwys!”Whan Joseph had al thus saide,Jhesus upon his
heved laide,headline645Er he up upsteigh, ich understonde,ascendedFaire and wel his rigth honde.“He kissed me and blissed alsoAnd faire he took his leve to go,And bad me drede for no Jew
—line650By this I wist he was Jhesu.And thusgate I come you this mannerSires, what cone yee seie therto?what can you sayBy this me thenketh it may acordeThat he is God Almighty Lorde,line655And tyl the fourty dayes weren ywentI nolde have comen, theigh yee hadden sente.”
Onon he thought hom to goo,And took his leve and dude also.Thoo Josep had tolde hem thisline660Than thoughtten hem thai hadden don amyswrongThai seiden, “What chaunce is this bifalleOf this prophete amonge us alle?”Josep went into his cuntreeAnd preched and taughtte the Trinité;line665Michel poeple he tourned and lerdconverted and taughtWith the wordes thai of him herd.And whan the Jewes herden this,Thai weren sore agreved, iwys.Eftsones thai laughtten
hym queyntlichSoon after caught slylyline670And sperred hym up wel pryvelich;locked secretlyIn her toun wal thai shetten hym
shut him upIn a vaughtth that was ful dym,cellAnd there he duelled seven yere.Oure Lorde hym kepte ful leef and dere;cherishedline675That nede was he had uche dayWhat he neededOf Jhesu whiles he there lay.Bot wel I woot atte last,With mychel honoure he was out cast;And his foomen aboughtten it dere,enemies paid for itline680As yee shullen hereafter here.
fol. 1rbListneth you, ich wil you rede;
I shal you telle a wonder dede,Hou curtes Jesus Crist wasgraciousTo hem that duden hym that trespas,line685And so he is yut uche dayTo us alle, I telle may.We wraththen hym with many a synne;Good it were sumtyme to blynne.ceaseAl that he may for us he doothe,line690Al day yee mowen seen the sothe.In many manere he us fondeth;testsTo wraththen hym therfore withstondeth,angeredFor in his honde he bereth
the knyfbears the knifeOf oure deth and of oure lyf.line695Also we reden of this resounThre yere biforne his PassiounThreeWith his deciples hou he kemcameToward the cité of Jerusalem,And hou he weep yee shullen seeline700And spaak thus toward the citee:
“Yif thou wist als mychel as I,Thou mostest wepe, I seie thee whi.The day bigynneth fast to highe —to come quicklyBot al that is hyd from thine eighe —eyeline705Swiche a day shal come thee onThou shalt have enemyes many on,That al aboute shullen thee bicastAnd destroyen thee atte last.Muchel sorough mowen yee have;line710You dar no mercy of hem crave.There shal no ston on othere leve,Bot doun thai shullen thee
to-dreve.”driveFoure prophetes seiden righth thus,Longe biforne oure lorde Jhesus,line715Bothe Moyses and Ysaye,IsaiahAnd Hosie
and Jeremye.
Hosea and JeremiahHe stood on the Mount of OlyveteWhan he toward the cité gan grete,Bot his deciples wenden ayline720That he had speken of .Peter ansuered for hem alle:“Lorde,” he seide, “whan shal this falle?”And Jesus wyst what he wolde mene,And seide to hem,
“Yee shullen seneline725Mony a tokne upon heighe,Of sonne and mone in the skye;sun and moonLonde shal weren agenis londe,warThe fader agenis the child shal stonde,The childe agenis kynde also;line730Manqualme shal be, with hunger and woo,Death (from plague)Qualme
of beestes and of othere kyndeIllnessThorough every londe men shullen fynde;The fruyt shal on erthe faile,Men lyven in tene and in travaile.suffering afflictionfol. 1vaYee shullen ben drawen, more and lesse,broughtline736Biforne tyrauntes in destresse,And fele for my love shullen plen,
many complainAnd summe al quyk thai shullen flen.alive flayGrete tribulaciouns men shullen seeline740Many on suffre for love of me;And I myself shal gon to dede,deathYbeten and bounden, bak and hede,And risen agein the thrid dayTo gladen myne, al that I may;line745And many other toknes shullen fallI may noughth now seie you alle.Yut cometh noughth the day so soneThat the grete dome shal be done.Heveth up youre heveden from slepe,Lift headsline750And out of synne clene you kepe!The dome shal come with grete yre,As theef
that steleth or wilde fyre,And alle thai shullen to joye wendeThat kepen hem trewely to the ende.line755By toknes that han ben sen byfore,Dredeth that is to comen the more.Hevene and erthe shulle passe bothe,Al bot myne wordes that ben sothe.”Whan
this was seide, to toun thai drough,goline760And there he wraththed summe ynough;In the temple he gan biholdeHou the Jewes boughtten and solde;He wexe ful wrooth als yarecompletelyAlso thai solden there her chaffare,goods for tradeline765Oxen, kyne, and other score,cowsWithinne the temple and othere tresore,Golde and silven there thai soldesilverTo alle men that bygge wolde,buyAnd for usure to maken chaunceusuryline770To men that comen out of Fraunce.Natheles thai solden non othere thingBot that shulde to offryngTo pilgrymes sekande that citéseekingThat comen from dyverse cuntré.line775Hym thoughth that thei
gunnen apeirediminishOf holy chirche to maken a feiremarket“Lete chepyng,” he seide, “be there it is.tradingThis hous for bedes alone, iwys.”prayersA roop he laughth that he fonde,rope seizedline780With many knottes ful his honde,And
droof out alle that there stoode;Thai weren so drad thai weren ner wode.crazedHem thoughtten his lokyng was as fyre,appearanceAnd thus he seide to hem with yre:line785“Yee maken myne hous a theves den,That first was sett for Cristen men.An hous of orisenus dighth it is,prayers madeI wil non other it be, iwys.”Bestes for hym bigunnen to fleighe,fol. 1vbAnd felden boordes with monee,
knocked down tablesline791And othere thing that stood to selle,
Ne durst abide ne lenge to duelle.
There ful faire he hem teched,And sithen ful ofte hem preched,line795Til thai token it with envieAnd bispeken his deth with felonye,
agreed uponWharfore siththe whan thai hym tookAlso we reden in the book,AsFyfty knighttes with Judas comenline800With her meignee that hym nomen,troops tookBy the resoun that he uchoneeach oneOut of the temple droof alone.Natheles whan thai hym took,For his word so sore thai quook,shookline805That thai fellen all adouneAs ded men oither men in swoughne.
in a swoonHe reised hem up as the hende,For that ded most be broughth to ende,For to saven al mankynde,line810Als we in prophecies fynde.
Gode men understondeth now,And I shal telle you alle how
The Jewes that duden Jhesu to ded,Thorough feble conseil and fals red.bad counsel treacherous adviceline815Thai weren in so gret encombraunce;ensnarementTherfore thai hadden all meschaunceThat had Jhesus byforne hem highth,And ay thai token it ful lighth;lightlyBot sithen it fel in her owen nek,on their own necksline820Thai nolden non other who dar rek.should careYut fourty yer he yaf hem space,a reprieveTo see yif thai wolden seken his grace;To vengen hym wolde he noughth sendeavengeYif that thai wolden hem amende.line825Thre thinges there weren in Israel,Whiche thai weren hereth
hem wel,Als in storye we redeth and fyndeThat fellen on the Jewes kynde.The first was cleped pylrynage,called pilgrimageline830That other thraldom and servage,Dispersioun
the thrid was tolde,Dispersion (Diaspora)That is to-dreveyng of yonge and olde.scatteringThus began her pilrynage
Thoo Jacob went with his lynage
descendantsline835Into Egipte for mychel nedeThai lyved there longe in mychel
dredeThoo Jacob ne mighth no lenger lyvenHis kynde was out of londe ydryven,Thorough the Rede See as yee han herd,Red Sealine840There Pharaou and his folk forferd.perishedMoyses was her leder thanInto the londe of ChanaanCanaanThat was the londe that he hem highthpromisedAnd there he kepte hem wel faithfol. 2raWith aungels mete he fed hem,angel’s food (i.e., manna)line846Her clothes lasted withouten
wemflawFourty wynter in deserte —That was a miracle fair and aperte!plainAnd yut for al his curteisie,line850Thai wroughtten ageins hym gret folye.Thai maden goddes of metal(i.e., idols)And honoured hem with worthschipp al;Than yolden thai Jhesu his godenesserewardedWith ful mychel unkyndenesse.
line855Nou shal I touche of her servage,
bondageThat evere shal last the worldes age;Ne shullen thai nevere duelle in tounWithouten trowage or ransomIn Babiloyne first this thraldomBabylon subjectionline860On her former fadres com,forefathersThere thai duelleden fifty yereEr than mosten gon quyt and skere.go free safeThe fiftithe yer was her solace,fiftiethForthi it is now the yer of grace;line865Thai weren than leten out of prisoun,So is that oure yer of gret perdoun.
pardonDispersioun was the thrid thing,DiasporaOf Jewen kynde the to-drevyng,scatteringThat is now fallen in this cas.line870Thorough Vaspasian and Titus it was.As Jhesus er seide thorough prophecie,“I schal delyver hem for her envieUnder lordeschipp and swiche honde.”controlThere thai shullen duelle, ich understonde,line875Withouten skapyng of prisoun,For golde, ne fee, ne raunsoun,For no mercy quyt shulde thai wendego freelyHethen to the werldes ende.From henceMesure ne mercy was non in hem,Moderationline880And swiche shullen thai have and her barnetem
offspringFor thai Maries son forsookThat was rigth heire, so seith the book,true heirFor Marie com of that lynagelineageThat he shulde
bere the heritage.inheritanceline885Of
this chaunce was spoken and foundeEr than it fel a longe stounde.The noble clerk maistre JosephusAmonge the Jewes seide thus:
“The day wil come this toun schall falleline890And the Jewes ben confounded alle;This cité shal ben overthrowe,The heighe paleys shal lye ful lowe.Messias shal sende you amongeSorough and shame and werre stronge.fierce warline895Fro Rome shullen come princes two,The fader and the son also,And shullen destroye al that thai fynde,This toun with al the Jewes kynde.This shal falle by her werkes,
fol. 2rbTaken thai nevere so wel her merkes,
no matter how much they bewareline901For thai slowghen Jhesu Crist, iwis,That God Almightty son is,And this is her rightful juggement,Bot thai comen to amendement.line905The fader gate there swiche honoureThat he shal ben emperoure.Another tyme witnesseth yeeWhan that yee the sothe ysee.”truthThus wroot he in the Jewes book,line910There thai mightten it alway look.
After Jhesus deth fellen wondres thicke,many wondersFaire and foule, gode and wyk,evilSithen thai slough the yonge Seint Jame,For he preched Cristes name.line915Seven yer after Jhesus dedeDyed James in that stede,For whiche
deth God was wrooth also.For to amende hem he was sent hem to,With conseil, bedes, and with prechyng,prayersline920In tokne of the first warnyngTo amende hem that
thai deden hym dye.caused his deathThis me thinketh was a curteisie,For it was the heighest trespas greatestThat evere in erthe yarked was.ordainedline925Forthi it is no skyl reuthe to haveit is not fitting to have pityOf hem ne kepten hemself to save;Forthi we owin make joye and gameoughtThat hem bifel sorough and shame.Jesu it grauntte for his mercyline930That uche synful be quyt therby!freedGod sent this James to Jerusalem,As I seide er, to prechen hem,beforeTo repenten of her synneThat thei weren encoumbred inne,ensnaredline935And so he dude alwaye;He ne spared noughth, the sothe to saye.He wexe of so gret renoungrewThai maden hym bisshop of the toun;
He was a man of grete penaunceline940And dude his body grete grevaunce.injuryHe wered nevere wollen ne lynnen clooth,wore wool linenNe brede
ne fyssh ete, ne flesshe that gooth,live animals (i.e., meat)For chaungeyng, wasshyng na bathing,Bot a goune of heer to his clothing;hairshirtline945And kneled so to God alwayFor the poeple nighth and day,With his knees bare upon the ston,That the hide wexe hard hem upon,skinSo that thai semeden biforneseemedline950As chamailes knees that ben of horne.
camel’s hornThis com hym of gret charité,Yif thai mightten the better have be;Wicked thai weren ay and wicked thanThat kidden than in that gode man.That was made knownfol. 2vaIt was upon a ,
Passover line956The Jewes gadered with grete deraynoiseAnd seiden thus to Seint Jame,Al on yrnest and with grame:earnest hatred“Out of this cuntree fer and hende,fairline960Michel folk wil hider wendeFor to heren thi prechyng.We bidde thou speke non othere thingAgenis oure law
with Jhesus,Yif thou wilt have thank of us.line965For yif the folk
after thi sawghewordsThorough thi prechyng from us drawghe,Michel pyne than shaltou have,Great painThe grete lorde shal thee noughth save.”Thai beden hym despise Jhesuorderedline970Whan he preched of his vertu;And yif he preised hym wel byfore,He preised hym than mychel more.And also
he preched upon a dayIn the temple ageins her pay,against their likingline975On went to hym there he stoodOneAnd drough hym doune as he were wood;pulled madAnothere laughtte a fullyng staf,
seizedAnd in the hevede therwith hym gaf.head struckHe smoot hym ther with so gret mayn,strengthline980That in the chirche shad his brayn.dashed outThus thai yelden hym his medegave him his rewardFor his travaile and his good dede!
There risen up fele that loveden Jame,manyTo taken thise men and don hem shame;line985Thoo that seighen thai flowen anonfledSo that tyme quyt thai gon.freeBot thai abiden the grete vengeaunceFor Cristes deth and for his chaunce.fateAlway they were ylich
wyk,constantly wickedline990Tyl the wreche com to the pryck,Until the point of vengeanceFor Goddes righth ne wil no wrongThat dampned hem sithen to pyne stronge.condemnedThai that wolden James socoureaidByriyeden his body with honoure.Buriedline995The Jewes clepid hym on and othercalledNoughth bot Jhesus Cristes brother;Of body, of face, and of feet,He was liche hym evere yutt.For the first tokne he was sentsignline1000To tourne the poeple was his entent.convert
Listneth now, I wil you telle,Of wondres I may you spelle,explainThat othere tokne that com there thanThat shewen amonge the Jewes gan.line1005There weren gadred on a foest,feastAlle the Jewes, lest and mest,least and greatestThat richest weren of that cité,And also fele
of the cuntré,For at morne whan thai arise,fol. 2vbThai duden her Goddes sacrifise,line1011So that nothing shulde hem greve.So bifel hem as thai
bileveFor the pride that thai were inneAnd encombred weren of
senne,sinline1015At that fest aross swiche stryfstrifeThat uche slough other with his knyf;Thritti thousande there weren sleyn,And that made many a Jew unfeyn.unhappyThe thridd tokne next was this,line1020Agenis kynde it fel, iwys,natureTo the temple an helefer was broughth, heiferThat to sacrifice was soughthAnd sodeynlich amonges hem alle,suddenlyEr men wyst, it gan doun falle.knewline1025There com out of the beestes wombe,In the stede of a calf, a lambThat abaissht alle that there stood,perplexedSo that thai weren alle wel neigh wood.insaneThe furthe tokne fel on a nyghthline1030In the temple was swiche lighthsuch lightThat alle the Jewes that it saysawWendeth it had ben lighth of day,ThoughtOn withinne the nigthIt was the nynthe houre ful rigth.3:00pm, the office of Nones (ninth hour after dawn)line1035As ich rede of this casThis the fyfte tokne was:Anothere nighth fel at cokkes crowe(i.e., dawn)That alle the gatus gunne up blowe,gates blowThat weren of yren ysperred fast
lockedline1040With suche
a dyne that thai upbrast.din burst openThorough the toun was swiche a dyneSo that thai wenden that weren thereinneThat her toun wal was fallen adouneThat enclosed al tho toune.line1045Tha sexte token was thai herden a crysixthIn the temple al on hyghThai seide “go we hethen, go we hethen.”henceAlle thai it herd and noughth ne seighen.and saw nothingIt was upon the
Whitsunday (Pentecost)line1050Withinne the even, tellen I may;eveningThe preestes comen the temple untoAls thai weren ywoned to do,accustomedFor to don her servise,Bot ful sone thai gonnen agrise;trembleline1055For the cry that was biforeThai flowen out alle that there wore.
fled wereThe seventhe tokne after that cryThai seighen a sterre lighth in the sky,Shapen als a swerd it henge,Shaped like hungline1060The poynt doun righth as a strenge.
like a stringSo it henge til it was dayeThat al the cité wel it saye;sawAnd so it honge there als yereAnd alway it semed yliche nere.
fol. 3raThe eightteth tokne sithen there kemthen there cameline1066Over the cité of Jerusalem;Thai seighen in tho ayre hem above airMen on hors yarmed hoveArmed men on horseback suspended in the airThat sumtyme faughtte and sumtyme rest.line1070What thai bitokned often thai kest;ponderedThai reden it tokneth werre stronge,serious warManqualme oither hunger stronge.Plague famineThai seiden sother than thai wende,truer knewYut thoughtten thai noughth hem to amende.line1075Hadden thai thoo turned to penaunce,Thai hadden ben from the vengeaunce.would have avoidedThe nynthe tokne after this,Ye shullen heren whiche it is,Chares and waynes also thai sayChariots wagons sawline1080Comande in cloudes hem thoughtten ay;ComingRighth now thai alle it sowe,sawAnd or thai wist, away was blowe.The tenthe tokne was the lastThat made the Jewes sore agast:line1085The fierthe yer ar the sege bigan,fourth beforeOf Jude there was borne a manJudeaOn James, Ananias sone,
OneFor alle the Jewes he nolde shone.would not fearOnes on a ,line1090Whan Jewes weren gadred in her lay,according to their religionFor to maken joye mestgreatAs bifel to the heighe fest,He stood up amonges hem alleAnd on this werlde he gan loud calle:worldline1095“From est and overe al this worlde,
South and north ich have herd,Fro the foure wyndes a voys
kemvoice cameUpon the cité of Jerusalem,And on oure temple for grete synne,line1100And on the poeple that were thereinne.Me thenkith that it bitokne mayUs wil befalle a grete affray.attackCome whan it come shal,Ful sore I drede me of that fal!destructionline1105Thus met me by a visioundreamedThat shal bifalle on this toun.”The Jewes token hym
for thisAnd beten hym and bounden hard, iwys.forcefullyBiforne Pilate thai broughten this manline1110And as he seide er, so seide he than.And thoo thai beten hym fele at ones,many at onceThat mon mightten seen his naked bones,people (men)Natheles he cryed for al this cas,“Jerusalem, allas, allas!”line1115Of this mighth hym no man styntestoppedFor betynge, thretynge, ne for dynte,beating, threatening, nor for strikingBot seide alwayes thus onon.And than thai suffred hym alle to gon,For they ne might hym noght at holde,
fol. 3rbBot alway seide as he arst tolde.firstline1121Of thise toknes hadden thai non awgheaweBot meynted forth her fals lawghe.
upheldOf her synne thai nolden biknoweconfessWhat so evere that thai sowe,sawline1125In toun in felde oither in place,For thai hadden no better grace:Natheles her lawghe gan blynneceaseAnd the niwe lawghe to bigynne.
newThoo Jhesus on rode his hede doun leideAt that time on the crossline1130And “consummatum est” seide;
It is finished (Latin)This tokned “The elde lawghe is went,And the niwe I have you sent,And my purpose is broughth to ende,For man that is my dere frende.”line1135Her owen bokes
witnesseth this;Thai weren the more to blamen, iwis,For alle thinges that weren don,Pilate dude hem writen onon,And that was sithen agenis her kyndeline1140As men in the storie fynde.Whan Seint Eleyne the croice fonde
Helen crossSithen in that ilche londesame landLonge ageins hir thai it forsookTil she overcom hem by her book.
line1145Whan God alle thise toknes sent,Yut nolden thai noughth hem repent,Ne ones of mercy hym bisoughthFor that thai hym to deth broughth.
Thai that willen no mercy craveline1150Aren non worthi for to have.Thai duden folye to hurtlen
with hymfight againstThat kepeth soule, liif, and lym;protects soul, life, and limbThe erthen vessel ne lasteth noughthearthenTo hurtlen with that of metal is wroughth.
line1155No more may mannes kende figthmankindAgeins the power of God almighth.
Lete we now the Jewes duelle;
Here gynneth her wreche for to telle.vengeanceJhesus a messagere hath sentline1160That swithe upon his erande wenteswiftlyTo the kyng, Sir Vaspasian,
That was a swithe noble man,veryAnd in meselrie
so depe hym castleprosyThat body and face foule to-brastburst stinkinglyline1165And in his nose a cankre smoottumor afflicted himThat bothe his lyppes al to
boot;stungAnd for no cost that he couthe bye
He seighe non other bote bot dye.remedy but deathNatheles in his nose woreline1170Waspes sithen that he was bore;Wasps bornOut of the holes thai hem fedden,Hevedes and wenges out thai spredden,Heads and wingsfol. 3vaAnd of thise waspes thai cleped hym thus —His righth name Vaspasianus,
line1175For thoo was no name givenTyl men seighen the childe shulde lyven.Of thise waspes his name he took
As we fyndeth ywriten in book.Swiche meselrie God hym sentline1180That al his body it overwent;coveredFole yeres so on hym it left,Many yearsTyl Jhesus wolde it were hym reft.taken fromFor yee witen ful wel alleOf alle thinges that shulden bifalle,line1185Fro the bigynnyng to the dome,judgmentHe hath sette whan thai shullen comeappointedIn werkes, in wedres, in al kynde,weatherThorough holy wrytt as men fynde.The resoun I you telle canline1190Whi God sent this on this man:God dooth nothing withouten skyl,reasonWho so understonde it wil.Righth als the Jewes with fals redcounselDuden hym that is God to dedline1195Of hevene, erthe, and of helleAnd weldeth alle that thereinne duelle,rulesAs God is lorde of alle thingesSo is the emperour kyng of kynges,And alle londes thorough resounline1200Ben at his subjeccioun.Forthi by skyl it was kestThereforeTo wreken Jhesu bicom hym bestit suited himThe grettest lorde in erthe righthBycom to wreken God almighth,It was properline1205And so he dude faire and welI shal you shewe uche a del.Yut had he noughth the empire in hondeBot after sone thorough Goddes sonde.sendingThe yvel was on hym so
rankfoulline1210That on his folk so foule he stank;Fro amonge his men he fleigh,fledAnd helde his chaumbre biside neigh.near besideUnnethe hise men for the stynkScarcelyMightten hym brynge mete or drynk;line1215With a viis
thai tourned in his metewinchWhan he shulde any ete.And thus in his bed he layThat he ne mighth out nyghth ne day,To the tyme come atte lastUntilline1220That Jesus Crist hym wolde out cast.Alle yvels comen of Goddes sonde,illnessesAnd so dude his, ich understonde.
Also the sept sages
us tellenseven sages That clerkes in the storie spellenline1225Whan Jhesus dyed amonges usWas emperour Sir Thiberius;
TiberiusOf doughttynesse he had the fame,braveryfol. 3vbAnd therfore men writen his name.For in his tyme Jhesus dyed,line1230As men it han wel aspyed.In the tyme of his eighttende yere
eighteenthJesus Crist took his deth here.Of Rome he bare the dignité;Thre and thritty yere regned he.reignedline1235In his tyme the Jewes sentA lettre endited by on assent;
writtenThereinne thai biwrayed Sir Pilate,accusedHis grete pride to abate,destroyFor hem thoughth in werk and sawghedeeds wordsline1240That he trespassed ageins the lawghe.Of his mysberyng
thai writen thusmisconductTo the emperour Sir Thiberius:That he gaf conseil ageins the pesTo slen the childer giltles,
To slay the guiltless childrenline1245And in the temple with grete ragesmadnessOf fals goddes set up ymages,
idolsAnd of her temple the tresoreThat was of offryng the storeofferingsWithouten her aller assentall of theirline1250In his owen nedes it spent.He made a conduyt merveillous
conduitWith pipe comande into his hous,comingAnd othere fele wicked outragesmany wicked excessesHe dude ageins her usages.customsline1255And thorough this sonde and this pleyntmessage complaintIn thise defautes he was ateyntdefects convictedAnd was jugged to the exileFor his trespas that was so vile.Of this Pilate herd telle,line1260And that he mighth noughth there duelle;He ordeyned a riche present,arrangedAnd with his lettre he hath it sentThat was endited fel and hard,shrewdly and forcefullyAs yee mowen here afterward.
line1265After hym regned Sir Gayus,And after hym Sir Claudyus,And sithen Nero,
cursed soule,thenThat slough bothe Peter and Poule,
And after hym com Sir Vaspasyanline1270That was an honourable man.God graunted hym thorough his sondeTo wreken his deth with his honde;Of Galice
and Gascoyne
the kyngdome Galatia GasconyWas his ar he come to Rome,beforeline1275And yut the storye telleth me thus,He had a son that highth Titus.
In the cité of Burdeux
on a day,BordeauxTitus out at a wyndow lay,And as he loked in the strem,waterline1280A shipp there com from Jerusalem.He sen where that the shipp wentIn the cee as Crist it sent;seafol. 4raAnon he sent a messagereTo come to hym that thereinne were.line1285The maister com bifore his kne;
(ship’s) master“Felawe,” quoth Titus, “wel thee be!Felawe,” he seide, “what hattestou?are you called And fro whethen comestou now?”from what place“Sir,” he seide, “I hatte Nathaan;line1290Of Jude I am a borne man.JudeaLeve sir,” he seide, “telleth meDearYif I now at Rome be.”“Nay,” quoth Titus, “withouten ensoyne;without delayThis is Burdeaux in Gascoyne!line1295From hethen to Rome, forsothe to seye,henceMen it holde a wel fer weye!Have ydo and telle me sone,What hastou at Rome to done?”“Sir, thider me sent Sir Pilate;line1300A wynde me hath dryven another gate.
pathTo Tiberius is his sonde,messageTo beren hym trowage of oure londe.”“Felawe,” he seide, “Tiberius is ded;There have ben two sithen in his stede.line1305Natheles, my leve frende Nathaan,I shal do brynge thee to that man.Upon myne costagus I schal fondeAt my expenseThat hath the empire in his honde.For us, I hope, and oure lettre,line1310Thou shalt spede wel the bettre,fareIn a covenaunt thou showe mean agreementHou my fader migth hole be,whole (i.e., healed)Of a sekenesse that hym greveth;For we hopen here and bilevethline1315That men that in the contré wonengoOf al maner yvel thai connen,all kinds of evilOither with gras, oither with ston,herb stoneAnd othere medicynes many on.”medicines“Sir,” he seide, “I am no leche,physicianline1320Bot of on I can you teche,That highth Jhesus of Nazareth;The Jewes duden hym to the deth.”He tolde hym the despyt, aplighthharm, in faithThat Jhesus tholed with unrighth:executedline1325He was a prophete over alle,He seide alwayes as sooth is falle,as truly as it happensHe clensed men of yvel and synne,purifiedWith his word that bileved herinne;He arered Lazar the knighth,
raised Lazarusline1330That foure dayes lay dangerAl he tolde hym of Jhesus dede,
As men in the Godspell rede,And of his deth and his uprist;upraisingAnd of his apostles that he wist;knewline1335And hou the Holy Gost he hem sentAfter that fourty dayes weren went;“Ten and sexty langages I herdfol. 4rbThat thai of her maister lerd,
learnedAnd bad hem gon into every londe,line1340To prechen his name thorough his sonde.
messageOf alle yvels he gaf hem mighth,To helen the seke that bileved arighth,And tho that wil noughth to hem wende,Shulden ben lorne withouten ende.lostline1345I woot wel fele of hem lyven,manyIn what londe so thai ben dryven,driven toAnd I am siker and bilevecertainNon yvel shal thi fader greveThat yif he wil bileven arighthline1350I dar bihote hym hele, aplighth.”promise health, in faithHis fader stiward Velocyan,stewardThat was a wel crafty man,Stood and herd her wordes alle,And fayn he wolde it mighth bifalle.gladlyline1355Thai took and gaven hym his mederewardAnd to the emperour dude hym lede,Sir Nero that was a cursed manThat slough hymselven sone than.
Tho he had hymself ysleyn,line1360The court of Rome was ful feyn.gladOnon thai chosen Vaspasian
To ben her emperoure than,For the noblest man of the worlde,
And heighest
of blood, as yee han herd.highest rankingline1365After that Nathaan was comen and gon,It was two yer er it were donThus fel it hym for this wonder casRighth as God wolde, so it was.Bot alle that knewen hym more and lesseline1370Maden grete mon for his sekenesse,moanIn aventure yif he shulde amendeIn case improveHis empire for to defende,Bot thai hoped and wel thai kest,knewHis son shulde don it atte best.line1375Nathaan com to the emperoure;
He shewed his nedes with honoure,He broughth hym trowage of fele yeremanyAnd Pilates letter,
as yee mowen here:
“Sire, I grete thee also my frende.asline1380Understonde that I thee sende,I have perceyved and proved welOf Cristes deth uche a del,every bitWhat wondres han siththe bifallesinceIn Jerusalem among us alle.line1385The elde Jewes kynde bihighthJewish people promisedThat Crist shulde to the erthe alighthdescendInto a mayden of her kynde,As we in oure bokes fyndeThat of a mayden he shulde be borneline1390That the poeple ne were noughth lorne,And seide he shulde be kyng of hemAnd of alle her barnetem.
offspringfol. 4vaAnd so he com als thai sede;Ageins hym alle thai gonne pledeargueline1395The prophecies whan he seide hem to,As her elders hadden do.And for he withtook hem in her lawgheopposedThai wraththed hem sore with his sawghe;angeredAl that he seide thai token in vayn,line1400Thus thai helden longe hym agayn,for a long timeSo that thai token hym atte lastAnd beten hym and bounden hym fast,And comen and delyvered hym to meAnd demed hym to hangen on tree.judgedline1405And agein hem ne durst I be,against them daredBot yif I shulde of londe fleghe.fleeI sat as justise in domes sted;
judgeI nad no gylt of his ded.had noRiche and povere
gaf up the tale,line1410And maden hym foul, bothe grete and smal.I dradde and loved the communaulté,feared people of the countryAnd durst noughth ageins hem be;And though I fonde in hym no gyltWharfore that he shulde ben spylt,line1415In my pretorye, in my mete halle,praetorium dining hallThe princes of the Jewes alleThere thai gaven hym the dome.That tyme I wolde it had ben comeFor he dude non othere wik,evilline1420Bot shewed wordes
fele and thik,many and greatDoumbe to speken, blynde to seen,Deef to heren, fendes to fleendemons drive awayFro wood men many on,madAnd croked men also to goncrippled walkline1425And fele miracles dude that man,Wel mo than I telle can.Wharfore, sir, by no resoun
Haveth me in no suspecioun,
That it was in none othere waye,
line1430What so evere the Jewes saye.For peraventure it may so beperhapsThat thai wolden put this werke on me.
And forthi sir, leveth hem noughth:It was her dede and her thoughth
beliefline1435It was her ded and nought myn!That wil I prove by al her kyn.
Thai buriyed hym and did hym kepeguardWith her knighttes that felen on slepe;On the thrid day he aroos,line1440Almightty God among his foos.enemiesThe knightes comen hem ononAnd seiden he was arisen and gon;Thai gaven the knighttes mede thoo
rewardTo saien that he was
hem froo,
line1445And thai ne mightten hem nougth withholderestrainWhere thai comen that thai ne toldenAl the sothe and al the castruthfol. 4vbOf the prophete als it was.I have done writen gret and smal,line1450What this matere touches al,All that pertains to this matterSo that of hym the storyeEvere may last in memorie.Holdeth me excused, sir, herby,thereforeFor any tale, for any cry.”line1455He was nevere the bettre excused thanAgeins God ne ageins man,For his feith was al in wynde(i.e., in transitory things)And noughth in herte ne in mynde.He ne mighth excuse hym in none wiseline1460Of that ilche fals juwyse,same false sentenceFor many faire myracles he saysawAnd hymself witnesseth ay;And Joseph hym warned of AramathieAnd Nichodemus with curtesie,line1465And so dude Centurio,Fele othere men and wymmen also,ManyThat al that Jhesus dude uche del,It was treuly don and wel.Natheles he took al to lighthall too lightlyline1470That he shulde ben God almighth.He was warned also by his wyf,
That he ne raste Jhesu his liif;takeSo bad hir the fende in a visioun,For to have letted Jhesus Passioun;hinderedline1475Fende and man bothe God blent,blindedSo that the prophecie forth went.Wostou whi he dude so?Do you knowFor that his deth shoulde forth goo:Elles the fende wolde have had alleline1480That hadden ben in synne falle,Bot Jhesus er the deth wolde cheserather chooseThan he shulde mannes soule lese.lose
And any man be that noughth hath
herdHou Pilate com into this word
worldline1485It was a kyng that highth TyrusOf Spayne, ich understonde thus;A millers doughtter of his londeHe knouleched, ich understonde.
had intercourse withShe highth Pila, her fader Atus;line1490Her son was sithen merveillous.peculiarPilatus thai cleped hym thoo,After hem bothe two.The kyng on his wiif dereGate a son the self yere;Begat sameline1495This Pila sithen broughth hem her soneWith his fader the kyng to wone.liveThise children weren togedre longeTil thai weren bigge and stronge.In alle dedes thorough kynde,natureline1500Pilate was alway byhynde,inferiorAnd that agreved Pilate sore,And prively he slough hym therfore.
secretly slewfol. 5raThe kyng it herd, sorough he made;To slen Pilate his men hym bade.line1505The kyng wolde noughth don her rede,adviceBot sente Pilate on another stede,to another placeFor he shulde by lawghe and by domelaw and judgmentUche yer a childe sende to Rome.Than thoughth the kyng, “by this sondeline1510May I best delyver myne honde.”pledgeIn trowage he hym sent for this chaunce,And for trowage the kyng of Fraunce
To Rome also sent his sone,And he and Pilate togedres wone.line1515The kynges son was mychel praised,Ye, more than Pilate, and upreisedraised upFor gentyle thewes and curteisie,mannersAnd Pilate had of this envie.In pryvé stede togedres thai drough,secret place cameline1520And there the kynges son he slough.The Romaynes token her conseil thooRomansWhat thai mightten with hym do;Biforne he slough his owen brother,And now he hath sleyn another.line1525On there spaak of th’assemblé:“Wicked and fel man he wil be;evilHe wil be mody man of thewes,a man of cruel mannersFor to adaunte felle shrewes;conquer many roguesFor he hath don to deeth tweyneline1530He were worthi to dye in peyne.Ne can I given no better redeadviceBot senden hym on another stede,Into Pounthes,
the wicked ylde,Pontius isleTo abaten his blood that is so wilde,
line1535And for to kepe that wicked cuntré.The folk is fel and so is he;Oither he shal hem overcome,Or he shal be sone ynome.takenAnd there hym may so ben yoldeline1540The pyne that he to sholde.”Thai senten hym with commissiounauthorityTo holde that ylde in his baundoun,powerAnd what with paynes and with giftes,Al that ylde to wille he shiftes;line1545And so he dude her pride abateThat men clepen hym Pounthes Pilate.He was kyd so queynte with prideknown to be craftyThorough that ylde on every side,That men dredden fer and nereline1550For to comen in his daungere.dominionThoo Heroudes
herd of Pilate this fame,And of his queyntise and of his name,craftinessHe sent hym giftes and messagersAnd praied hym to ben with hym chers;friendlyline1555And Pilate onon to hym kemcameAnd he hym made keper of Jerusalem,protectorAnd als justise of al that cuntréfol. 5rbThat men clepeth now Judé.JudeaHe peyned hym longe with hym to duelle,occupied himselfline1560For that thai weren bothe felle.evilBot Pilate wexe so riche thanOf the tresore that he wan,And for thai ne parted
her wynyng bothe,dividedTherfore Heroudes was with hym wrothe;line1565And so thai lyveden in yre and onde,anger and spiteTil Crist com thorough his holy sondeAnd was taken and to Heroudes wentAs Pilate hym thider sent,And thus thai weren bothe derefierceline1570As yee mowen in the Passioun here.
Every man that lyveth in hateMay be likned to sir Pilate,comparedThat wesshe his handes and noughth his herte,washedThat dude hym sithen sore to smerte.line1575Yut smerteth noughth Pilate alone,injured himBot the Jewes everychone,For thai baden his blood shulde falleOn hem and on her children alle.I shal you shewen it is sooth,line1580For everyche so it dooth,A floure of blood cometh hem on
menstrual blood And holdeth hem til the day be gon,And namelich on the especiallyWel harder than thai han it ayline1585Or than thai han it thorough the yereFor that day ne dar thai noughth out stere.proceedBot whan thai taken oure Cristes
lawghe,take our Christ’s law (e.g., convert)That yvel bygynneth to withdrawghe.That yvel shal no more hem greve,line1590So longe as thai wel bileve,By this tokne ben thai clene:Thus is a faire myracle I wene.For alle that wilten hym mercy crave,He is so ful that thai shullen have.line1595And also mighth sithen Sir Pilate,
Bot he bood to longe and bad to late, remained askedAnd therfore he aboughth it dere,paid dearly for itAls yee shullen herafter here.God com to seken that was forlornelostline1600And to gadre thoo that to-dreved worne.were driven away
Lucifer first
and sithen AdamMaden that he to erthe cam,For he wolde thorough his graceFulfillen agein that empty placeline1605From thethen that the aungels fellethenceInto the deppest pytt of helle.Forthi Adam and al his kyndeHe wolde have thider, as we fynde,For to beren hym compaignye;line1610And this gile God gan sone aspye,trick discoverAnd for that he fonde non of us thanFor this, siker, he bicom mancertainlyfol. 5vaAnd dyed on the Rode tre,Rood (i.e., the Cross)For to maken us alle fre.line1615And sithen he roos and helle brast,and hell burstAnd his owen out he cast
And ledde hem to the joye thoo.In helle I hope ne comen no moBot gostes that ay kepen that stede,soulsline1620And thai that duden hym to dede.
Here mowe we seen God ys howre frende:ourAgein to the story will we now wende.Back go
Tho Nathaan had his erande ydo,“Sire,” he seide, “giveth me leve to goo.line1625The day is gon, sooth to seyn,past, truth to sayThat I shulde have ben at home ageyn.I have so ben letted by the wayehinderedThat I noot
what me is best to saye.”do not knowThoo seide Nero, “Drede thee no del,line1630I shal excuse thee fair and wel.”In his lettre he dude to writeTo witnesse Nathaan and aquyteacquitOf al that fel sithen he out went,happenedAnd of the tresore that Pilate sentline1635He gaf hym giftes grete also,And therwith leve for to go.Now wendeth hom Nathaan;Now hereth of sir Vaspasyan.
Sithen bithoughth hym Velosyanline1640What Tytus had herd of Nathaan;Of his lorde he had grete caredistressAnd sore byment his yvel fare.lamented painful conditionBiforne his lorde he gan doune falleAnd tolde
hym Nathaans wordes alle;line1645Titus upon a day and heReherced this as yee mowen see,ReportedFor reuthe of hym sore he gretepity criedAnd seide he wolde his bales beteremedy his misfortunesThough he shulde of his body takeline1650Yif he wyst his pynes to slake:relieve“For liif ne deth ne wolde I lettelife nor deathTo wenden ful fer thi bete to fette,To go full far to fetch your cureFor Titus and I this othere dayHerden wordes to oure pay.satisfactionline1655Sir, hereth me, I wil you telleWhat in Cesars tyme bifelle.
There was a prophete in JudéThat preched in al that cuntré;Of alle sekenesses the poeple he heledline1660And thus the Jewes with hym deled:dealt with himHe ne dude bot grete curteisye,And toward hym thai hadden envie.His oo deciple his traitour was,
A wicked theef that highth Judas,was calledline1665His maister to the Jewes he solde,For thritty pens
that thai hym tolde;thirty pence (i.e., thirty pieces of silver) paidThat ilche theef hymself hengesamefol. 5vbUpon a tre with a strenge,ropeHis grace was no better to spede,line1670For he dude that wicked dede.And than the Jewes with falonus
redwicked adviceDuden that gode man to the dedBiforne the shrewe Sir Pilate,villainA false traitour al for hate,line1675With wronge al at one voiceNailed hym fast upon a croice;crossHe dyed and roos the thrid day.That deth we mowen riwen ay!regret foreverYif he had lyved and forth went,line1680Yut mightten we for hym have sent;Thorough hym thou migth hole have be,Loketh here now, sir, grete pyté.Sir, was noughth Pilate to blame,That dude hym giltles
al this shame?line1685This prophete that thai duden to dethHighth Jesus of Nazareth,And al this nighth me met a drem
I hadThat I was at Jerusalem;Me thoughth I stood, wel witterly,clearlyline1690Bisydes the temple of Kyng Davy,DavidAnd there bothe I herd and sayFele thinges to my pay.Many pleasureAnd sir, yif yee willen don after me,I schal wenden to that cité,line1695And brynge you tidyng, yif that I cannewsAny thing heren of that man,
And yif oughth of hym migth ben founde,anythingThat migth make you hool and sounde.
And ek also speken I woldeline1700With Sir Pilate, that traitour bolde,For he is shirreve and longe hath ybe
governorOf Jerusalem that riche citéAnd yif he aske whennes I come,from whereI shal telle hym I com fro Rome,line1705Fro Vaspasyan that hath powerOf Rome and is Neroes viker.
deputyAnd yif he aske after Nero oughth,at allYif he be seek or doune ybroughth,sickI schal seie nay, bot he graunted thee lateline1710To ansuere for hym and for his state.Thorough the prophetes help yut may it be soThat we mowen seen thee comen therto.To knowe Pilate, sir, have I thoughth,That I ne faile of hym noughth,line1715So that we mowen on of thise dawghesone daysYelden hym alle his false lawghes.Punish him forI wil seie he holdeth of you despytt,disdainSithen he dooth you no profiit;
benefit (income)Als men in registré fyndepublic registerline1720Of longe tyme it is byhynde,lateAnd that wil be a grete raunsounsum of moneyThat wil come of swiche a toun.fol. 6raI wil wende to heren hym seyneWhi he heldeth of you disdeyne.holds you in contemptline1725Gladnesse in herte ne gete I non,Til that I be comen and gon.Me liketh wel this waie fulfille.Seie me sir, what is thi wille?”
Than seide Vaspasian hym to,line1730“I praie thee goo and do righth so,And hyghe thee swithe with al thi mayne;
go quickly troopI be noughth glad til thou come agayne.And loke that thou no tresore spele,fail to useTo have sum craft that mighth me hele;healline1735For to have myne hele given I woldehealthMore perré and more goldejewelsAnd more tresore than I can telle,
So sore I smerte and foule smelle.hurtAnd therfore, for love of me,line1740Highe thee swithe to that cité.”Go quicklyThe stiward dighth hym as the hende;
like a gentlemanTo Jerusalem he gan hym wende.So fel hym aventure fair and welbefellAfter his sweven every del;dreamline1745His in was taken fast by
lodging was takenNexte the temple of Kyng Davy.NearThe lorde of the in Jacob highth;innHe was a Jew, bot I thee plighth,I promise youHe was a pryvé Cristen man.
secretline1750Ful faire he grette Velosyan.Jacob asked hym whennes he comAnd what he soughth there and whom.“Jacob,” seide sire Velosyan,“I am with Sir Vaspasian.line1755Galice and Gascoyne he hath in honde;Fro hym I come in to this londe,For he hath an yvel strongea great evil (e.g., an illness)That hath holden hym ful longe.He ne roughth nevere what he gaveHe does not care what the costline1760So that he mighth his hele have.It was tolde bothe hym and meThat on was ded in this contré,
A noble prophete that highth JhesuThorough Sir Pilate and thorough youline1765That heled alle seke and soreIn this cuntré everywhore.And now yif he were unsleynaliveMy lorde of hym wolde be ful feyn.gladNow, sir, I praie thee, seie me this,line1770Yif any thing be left of his,
And what it is and in whiche stede,And thou shalt have riche mede.”rewardThan seide Jacob the gode man,“Yee beeth welcome, sir Velosyan.line1775Ful wel I shal conseile thee,adviseBot loke thou that it conseil be;Yus hardilich er wolde I deyeassuredly I would die beforefol. 6rbThan I to any man shulde thee wreye.”exposeJacob seide, “Now am I glad!line1780It is ful longe that I it bad,prayedThat I shulde the tyme hereThat Jhesus deth venged were;And yut I hope shal come the dayThat I therof heren may.line1785Yut hope I thorough thi lorde and theeThat I shal that tyme ysee.Now hereth a wonder merveillousI telle that is amonges us:A fole, sir, walketh in this tounfoolline1790Al day with children up and doun.He seith wel often upon his gamein his revelryThat this toun shal goo to shame,And the more wo dreden hym alle,For als he seith ful often is falle.For it often happens as he saysline1795Sir, I wil tellen thee also I canas I understand (it)Hou Jhesus dyed, the gude man,Als I seigh it with myne eighen,
my eyesHou thai duden Jhesu to dyen.Thai bounden hym and beten als a theeflike a thiefline1800Al a nigth in paynes greef,great painsAnd on the morowen with oo voiceThai nailed hym fast upon the croice;He dyed and roos the thrid dayOut of the grave there he lay.line1805Marie my doughtter, I telle thee,Was on of the Maries threeThat to Jhesus toumbe wentWith boistes ful of oynementjars salveTo have alithed his body withsoothed (anointed)line1810There he was sore in lyme and lith.limb and jointAnd yif thi lorde leve hym upon,will believeI dar warante hym hele onon, guaranteeAnd he wolde to his feith hym swereLitel while shal his yvel hym dere.tormentline1815Trowe yee, sir, he wil don so?”Do you think“Nay,” quoth that othere, “I trowe noughth so,Er he wolde ben ded and grave,buriedBot yif he wist his hele to haveSo that he mighth have his hele sone,line1820He ne roughth what men duden hym to done.”He does not care orderThan spaak Jacob the gode
manTo the stiward Velosyan:“Sir,” he seide, “I knowe a wyf,womanA curteis lefdy of clene lyf,lady virtuous livingline1825I hope she be my grete frende;I shal tomorne for hir sende,And under hir and under meunder her care and mineWe shullen so conseillen theeThat thine nedes shullen ben spedline1830And than thar
thee no more ben dred.”then you needWhan the stiward this herd,With mychel joye al nighth he ferd,faredfol. 6vaAnd he seide to Jacob onon,“Tomorowe thou most with me gon,line1835And lede me to Sir Pilate.I hope we shullen his pride abate.My lorde me hath to hym ysentTo fecchen of hym Neroes rent.”
fetch income“Sir,” seide Jacob, “per ma fay,by my faithline1840I graunte wel tomorowe day.”On morne hym roos the gode knighth,Pryvelich and wel adighth,dressedAnd he and Jacob bothe twoTo the synagoge gonnen go,line1845That there was by that dawgheat that timeThe chirche of the Jewes lawghe.Sir Pilate thai founden thereThat stood his servise for to here,
And al abouten hym envirounsurroundingline1850There stoden the grettest of the toun.Jacob drough hym out of the wayedrew himselfTo heren hem bothe what thai saye.Sir Velosyan forth sprongboundedUpon his stede styf and strong,mightyline1855Bot doun wolde he noughth alighthTyle he com to Pilate righth.“Sir,” he seide, “Wel thee be!My lorde thee greteth wel by me,The kyng of Galicé, Vaspasyan,line1860He holdeth thee as for his manUnder hym thou kepest this cité,I understonde thi lorde is he;Al the trowage is byhynde
lateOf his tyme as we fynde,line1865And that wil be a grete raunsoungreat sumThat shulde come of swiche a toun.And therfore gladly witen I woldeWhi thou hast his righth withholde.I rede yif yee willen ben his frende,suggestline1870By me the trowage that yee hym sende,For bot he it have, he wil it fette;fetchThou no non ne shal hym lette.You nor anyone else preventHave ydo and ansuere me onon,For homward I most gon.”line1875“What,” quoth Pilate, “Is Nero ded?Hou longe hath he had the lordehed?”lordship“Sir, he is bicomen his lieutenaunt,And that I dar wel waraunt;And yif thou wilt noughth leven me,believeline1880Yut sumday thou shalt hym seeAnd asken yif thou wilt ben aknowewell acknowledgeOf the trowage thou shuldest hym owe.”
“Mafay,” quoth Pilate, “thou seist amys!My faith saidWere it so, I had wist er this.”line1885Thys seide Velosyan tharwhile
Sir Pilate for to bigyle,trickThat he ne shulde anothere
throweat another timefol. 6vbFailen his visage for to knowe.
faceI hote thee he dude this viageI assure you journeyline1890To knowen Sir Pilates visage;He forgate hym never a deel,not a bitSo he took his merk wel.Pilate stared as he were woodUpon Velosyan there he stood.line1895“What,” he seide, “have I no man?This knighth is comen me to slan!slayHelpeth that I venged wereOn this theef that hoveth here.”waitsThan spaak a knighth that highth Barabas,
line1900That out of prisoun delyvered wasThat ilk tyme that Jhesus dyed,sameForth he stirte and loude cryed.He sprung forth“Sir,” he seide, “this knighth is one;It were shame to us uchoneline1905To done hym any vilenye,For I hote thee
he nys no spye.spyHe semeth to ben a doughtty knighth,excellentFor he seith his
erande arighth.Bot be thou
of hardy chere,resoluteline1910For thou art most maister here.Vaspasyan drede thu no thyng,
For we shullen make thee oure kyng,you (Pilate)And yif he come thee oughth to lette,
to hinder you anyI hope rigth wel he shal be mette,confrontedline1915And er he have of us maistriecontrolHe it shal wel dere abye!suffer (pay for)And lete we now this gode man go,And grete hym wel and seie hym so.”Velosyan grette thoo alle that there stood,line1920And out he sprong as he were wood;as if he were madUnto his in he com ful righthAnd of his stede doune he lighth.horseThoo Jacob seigh hym lighth adoune,He com to hym as was resounereasonableline1925And seide, “Sir, welcome hiderward!”to this place “Ye, Jacob,” he seide, “I am passed
hard,escaped with difficultyBot now I woot that I hym knowe;Wel I holde bisett this throwe.I consider this time well spentWhan tyme cometh I hope I canline1930Knowe hym from anothere man.”“Sir,” seide Jacob, “I have seenHou yee han agreved ben,And Jhesus ne lete me nevere dyeThis despiit er he abye.despiteline1935Ac sir
be now glad, I praye thee,ButAnd welcome be thou now to me;Conforte thee now and drede thee noughth,That I thee higth I have thee broughth.Sire, take dame Veroyne here,Veronicaline1940She oweth wel to ben thee dere,oughtFor she wil shewe thee every deleHou thi lorde shal have his hele.fol. 7raPilate hateth hir and me,For we have longe frendes ybe;line1945Whan she is agreved, she cometh me to,And I wende
to hir also,goFor we ben Cristen pryvelyAnd on us long
he hath aspye,And he has long spied on usAnd so weneth he witterlyhopes cleverlyline1950For to done us vileny.”Thoo eten thai and maden glade;The stiward mychel joye madeFor he hath this womman founde.Thai souped togedre that stounde,dinedline1955And after he shewed hir his casOf his lorde hou it wasAnd seide, “Jacob, I praie theeThat this lefdy goo with meUnto my lorde seek and sore,line1960I wil hir geve grete tresore.”“Yys sir,” seide Jacob thoo,“I praie hir that she with thee goo.I hope yee wil hir savely lede,safelyAnd also wel ye don hir mede.”reward herline1965Than seide Velosyan hym to,“Al that she wil shal ben ydo.Dame,” he seide, “I praie theeThat thou graunte
to goo with me,consentAnd seie me also sum delein some partline1970How my lorde may have his hele.”“Sir,” she seide, “drede thoo noughth,For therto shal it wel be broughth,Also fer forth also we conne,
Yif he wil leven on Goddes sone,
line1975As Jhesus Crist heled me,In the londe of Galilé.With a flixa
I was ysmyten,
flux (dysentery) struckAs Jacob and othere wel it witen;Jhesu Crist I loved and dradde,line1980And therfore myne hele I hadde.The yvel lasted longe, me thoughth;To speke with Jhesu hider I soughthAnd whan that I to toune come,Than hadden the Jewes hym ynome.takenline1985Thoo I this herd, it was me looth;I did not wish itOnon I took a piece of clooth,Toward a peyntour I thoughth to gon,painterTo peynten his ymage there uponThat I mighth uche day it seenline1990And it evere in my mynde to ben;For I wyst I had hym forgoolostAnd than was me, sir, wonder woo.And as I toward the peyntour come,I mette my Lorde toward the dome,judgmentline1995Upon his shulder berande the croice;carryingI cryed to hym with loude voiceAnd seide, ‘Jhesu, me riweth thi pyne,I rue your painfol. 7rbAnd that I shal thee so sene tyne.And that I shall see you for such a short timeI have nede to speken with thee,line2000Swete Lorde, loke ones on me,For I have loved thee her bifore,Forthi I trost on thee the more.’A litel bisides yede Marye,wentAnd herde me so loude crye;line2005Anon fro me this clooth she kiptegrabbedAnd therwith Jhesus face wypte,wiped Jesus’s faceSo hard swetande than was hesweatingFor the birden of the tree.burdenI siwed after als he yedefollowed wentline2010And handled a litel upon his wede.
touched clothingI kneled and wepte and kissed his feet;He blissed me and there me lete.leftMarie bekened me so gode,beckonedAls she yede under the rode.wentline2015My clooth she me took and I it kiste —Onon I feled me hoole and triste,secureAnd in my clooth thorough his graceLeft
the semblaunt of his face.imageIn my cofre I have it sperd,
chest storedline2020And sithen the bettre I have ferd,faredAnd every day I knele thertoAls I was woned to Jhesu do,accustomedAnd evere the more that I it seeMuchel the bettre fele I me.line2025And ay sithen have I duelled here, ever sinceThat hom agein ne wolde I stere.go (i.e., steer)Natheles I wel thee now telle,
Here may I noughth longe duelle,For Pilate is my stronge foo;viciousline2030Me is the lever with thee to goo. I would preferTo fetce the semblaunt wil I gonfetch semblanceI shal me dightten and comen onon.”prepare
Velosyan was swithe gladdThat he had sped of that he badd:fulfilled what he promisedline2035“Jacob,” he seide, “here now me,Oo tidyng I wil telle thee.
Yif I lyve, Pilate shal abye,payFor that he wolde have don me dye.Yif my lorde be hayl and fere,healthy and soundline2040Hiderward I
shal hym stere,guideAnd on Pilate he shal be wrokenavengedFor the wordes that he hath spoken.Wel may he ben shrewe ageins us,a rascalThat giltles slough swete Jhesus.line2045Holde thee covert til thou it seefurtivelyI hote thee wel that it shal be.”“Ye,” quoth Jacob, “Crist leve I mayallow thatAbiden to seen that ilche day,And also sonde hym hele soneline2050That the viage mighth be done.”journey“Lorde,” seide Sir Velosyan,“Jacob, wostou yut any man do you knowfol. 7vaThat is on lyve in this tounaliveThat was at Jhesuses Passioun?”
line2055“Sir,” seide Jacob, “forsothe, iwys,Many of hem yut on lyve ys.I may seen hem uche daye,Gon byfore me in the waye,And yee willen, I wil for hem sende,Ifline2060And thai wille telle you word and ende.word and actionHer dede willen thai noughth hydeBot maken therof yelpe and pryde.boastTo speken therof thai ben so
gladThat thai ne ben nevere therof sad.”line2065“Now Jacob,” seide Sir Velosyan,My swete frende, for hem sende than.I praie thee, sir, that I had herdWith Jhesu Crist hou thai ferd.”“Sir,” seide Jacob, “I graunte thee;line2070Sone onon thou shalt hem see.”He sente pryvely for hem alle,And thai comen into his halle.He welcomed hem and dude hem glade,And gret semblaunt he hem
mademade them welcomeline2075And seide, “Lordynges, welcome yee bee,Unto my gest here and to me!guestThis is my frende and fayn wolde heregladlyHou Jhesus the prophete dyed here,For that to hym were joye and game,line2080He migth here tellen of his shame.”And onon thai setten hem doun and loughAnd weren alle glad ynough.“Sir,” seiden the two, “we hym boundeTo a piler of marbel rounde;pillarline2085There we hym beten and sore hyrteWith longe scourges felle and smertecruel whipsTil that he fomed al on blodefoamed all bloodyAnd sithen we duden hym on the rode.”Forthe than stirten othere twoostartedline2090And seiden, “Listneth
what we han doo;We hym blenten and buffeted al nighthblindfoldedAnd yut us riweth he had it so lighth!Biforne Pilate we herden hym telleThat he mighth oure temple felleline2095And raisen it on the thridde day,
And amonges us we seiden nay.Forwhi we shewed Pilate this pleyntAmonge the Jewes he was ateynt.”convictedAnd thus thai tolden on and on,line2100Til thai knowleched everychonacknowledgedAl that pyne thai duden hymAt one tyme, in everyche lym.Evere satt the stiward to byholdeTil al was seide that thai wolde.line2105“Lordynges,” he seide, “grete and smale,I thanke you of this faire taleThat yee have tolde of this man.fol. 7vbI shal rehercen it yif that I canrehearseIn another stede hou that it was line2110There men desiren to heren this cas.”And than weren thai swithe gladeFor that the gode man swiche joye made;For thai wenden wel to haven ydo,to have done wellMichel myrthe thai maden thoo.line2115Bot I hope that mychel gameTurned hem alle sithen to mychel shame!Thai token her leve and wenten away;He thanked hem for her faire playe.“Now,” seide Sir Velosyan,line2120“Jacob, yut yif that I can,And thou lyve and here duelle,Of thise tales thou shalt here telle;Grete wondres shullen falle and beAmonges the poeple in this cité,line2125For it was nevere in no stedeIn alle the storyes that men rede,That wreche ne com of mannes dedeAnd so wil fallen of this in this stede.”“Ye,” quoth Jacob, “Crist yife I mayallowline2130Abide to sen that ilche day!A frend of thee I hope to have.”“Forsothe,”
he seide, “Jacob, I shal thee save.Whan tyme cometh thou art in nede,Than oweth men frushippe shewen in dede.”
line2135Than onon Dame Veroyne com;Thai token her leve and forth thai nom,Ne listen hem stynten, withouten assoyne,They did not wish to linger, without delayTil thai comen into Gascoyne.Velosyan was of hir so gelousprotectiveline2140That he hir ledd into his hous,For there he hoped to eysen hir bestaccommodateAfter her travaile hire to rest.journeyHe went hym also swithe thanTo his lorde Sir Vaspasyan; line2145“Sir,” he seide, “be noughth of dred,”afraidFor I hope thine nedes ben sped;are successfulHave now gladnesse in thine herte,And forgete bothe sorough and smerte.painI have a womman broughth of the best,line2150And she is at myne hous to rest.She hath broughth thi bote, ich understonde, remedyFro Crist that saved alle in londe.Also I spaak, sir, with PilateSo that I knowe hym and
his state;line2155Fro hym I scaped; I am ful feyn,For I had almost ben sleyn.Sir, al is sooth, verrayment,true, truthfullyThat I tolde you ar I went;For Cristes deth I have out soughthline2160Of hem that the dede wroughth,Biforne Jacob my gode frendeIn myne in ar I wolde wende.”inn before I would gofol. 8raAnd thus he tolde hym forth arawein orderAl that he there herd or sawe.line2165Tho the kyng his armes out castAnd enbraced hym to hym fast,
tightlyAnd kissed hym often mouthe to mothe,
And mychel thank he hym couthe;gave“For thise wordes that thou hast me broughth,line2170Myne herte fast stiren and my thoughth,movesFor swiche wonder wordes here biforneNe herd I nevere sithen I was borne.And leve Y, dye Y,
I most provelive die must striveSumtyme that prophete for to love;line2175A lorde he semeth ful stedfast,That I so sone to hym am cast.
Sithen he dooth alle dedes at wille,And that hym liketh to fulfille.By this it semeth, Velosian,line2180That he be pereles, that ilche man.peerlessThine wordes I have so in recordememoryThat yif I be hool thorough that lorde,I shal hem brynge to confusiounAlle that hym duden swiche passioun.”
line2185“Sir,” quoth Velosian, “haveth no care,For siker I am thou shalt wel fare,And als I hope shal fallen
tomorowgheThou shalt be quyte of thi sorowghe.”free
Amorowen com, the day sprong,line2190Sir Vaspasyan thoughth wel long;To coroune his son thai weren aboute,crownFor of his liif thai weren in doute.
Of al the londe thoo that weren bestThere weren at the kynges fest;line2195To Titus alle thai duden hem swereThat thai shulden hym feuté bere.fealtyAt that day men mightten seeAt that fest
grete plenté;There was inough
of al thing,line2200As fel to corounyng of a kyng.befit
A stounde nedes I most dwelle,For a short timeAnd
of Dame Veroyne I most telle,In hir in she stood and saieIn her inn (lodging) sawSeint Clement
comen by the waie,line2205That in that tyme was Pope
of RomeAnd his clerkes with hym gonne come,
And by his berynge thoughth sheAn holy man he mighth be,For wise men drawen to the wyse,line2210And foles unto the foles gyse.
to the fool’s mannerShe prayed hym in pes and griththepeace and concordThat he wolde come and speke hir withthe.He come and satte by hir stillequietlyAnd asked what was hir wille.line2215“Sir,” she seide, “I praye theeA Cristen man yif thou be;Seie me yif thou be or non.”fol. 8rb“Yis, dame,” he seide, “I am on.oneSwiche as I am, witterly,line2220Seint Petres deciple was I;discipleI siwed hym in to Rome,followedThere he suffred ful hard dome.fateFro Jerusalem I com with hym thider,He and Poule bothe togidre;line2225Nero was emperour than,And yut he lyveth, that cursed man.He slough hem bothe upon a day,
And siththe I have stille duelled aysince thenTo seen yut yif God wolde sendeline2230That this folk hem amende.For longe I have praied so,God graunte us to seen thai comen therto.Forthi fro Rome hider I fley,And here I holde me alweyline2235Yif Nero mighth sone dyeOr comen out of his heresye,And that were now for us good,For Vaspasian is next of blood.
And yut may it falle als I seye,line2240For God is ny there thre or tweyenear where twoBen gadred or speken in his name,
Are gatheredAnd in his worschippe for soules frame.”profit“Ye sir,” seide Dame Verone,As God wil so be it done!line2245Sir,” she seide, “now am I glad,For I have founden that I bad.Glad am I this ilche stoundeThat I have thee here yfounde,For Peter and Poule bothe I knew,line2250That yeden with oure lorde JhesuThorough the londe of Judé:JudeaThere I them knew and thai me.Forthi dere sir, I praie theeThat thou woldest my frende be.”line2255And than she told hym al the cas,circumstancesHou and whi
she comen was.“Dame,” he seide, “I wil thee kithetellThat of thi comyng I am blithe.gladI hope thorough Goddes help and thine,line2260We shullen askapen al oure pyne.No Cristen man now dar hym shewedares show himselfBot yif he wil ben al to-hewe;cut to piecesTherfore willen we pryvelySpeken of God, bothe thou and I.”line2265“Sir,” she seide, “for this lore,I wil be with thee evermore,To duellen in thi
compaignye,Til my lorde wil that I dye.”Thus thai speken of holy wryttescriptureline2270Also thai togedre sytte,AsThat of grete whil litel hem thoughthFro that thai weren togedre broughth.fol. 8vaThan Vaspasyan in his paleysWaited after hem alweys,line2275Noo wonder thogh hym thoghte longe,
it seemed to himHis yvel greved hym swithe stronge.afflictionHe cleped Velosyan onon,“Whan shaltou gon for Dame Verone?”The stiward gooth hom also swithe,line2280After hir with herte blithe;“Dame,” he seide, “thou and thi ferecompanionBeeth rigth wel yfounden here.Now dame, thou most comen with me,For my lorde hath sent for thee.”line2285“Gladly,” she seide, “sir, yif this frendeWil with me to court wende,For he hath power by nighth and dayTo don and seien that I ne may,
And yif we hym with us ledeline2290I hope the better shullen we spede.”“Sir,” seide Velosyan thoo,“I praie thee that thou with us goo.”Thai risen and comen swithe thanBiforne the kyng Sir Vaspasian;line2295On knees uchone thai hem setteWith mychel
honoure thai hym grette.greeted“Loo sir,” seide than Velosyan,
“Here I brynge thee this wommanThat I thee highth the bote to brynge;remedyline2300Worthschipe hire in al thinge!Also this clerk with hir here,That can thee bothe wisse and lere,instruct and teachFor Dame Verone here seithBot thou conne the righth feith,are versed inline2305Thou shalt nevere be hool arighthTherwhiles thou lyvest, day ne nighth.Yut is thee better to lerne her lawgheThan with this yvel to ben yslawghe.”slain
Sir Vaspasyan for socouretheir aidline2310Welcomed hem with honoureAnd seide, “Dame, welcome mote thu be,And sir clerk, I praie thee,The righth feith that thou me kenne,teachHere biforne alle thise menne.”line2315Seint Clement thoo was gladOnon to done als he hym bad.Pes he made onon to beThorough the grete assemblé.assembly“Lordynges,” he seide, “I you praie,line2320Listneth now that I shal saie.In hawe hath ben al to longe In an enclosureCristendom with mychel wronge,And God wil nough that it spredenowAmonges hem that hym loven and drede.line2325My Lorde God of whom I spelletellMade hevene and erthe and ek helle,alsoAnd al that evere is hem withinnefol. 8vbAt hym bigan and at hym shal blynne.endAnd this is the divisiounseparationline2330Of thre manere habitacioun:dwellingsHevene he made with joye and blis,That evere shal lasten withouten mys,sinThere aungels and mannes soule shullen wonedwellEvermore with Goddes sone.line2335The erthe he made to mannes swynk,laborTo tyllen
hym clooth, mete, and drynk.earn hisFyve wittes
he hath to man givensensesTo kepen hem while that thai lyven;With eres heren, with eighen seenline2340Alle that us abouten ben,Nose to smelle swete
and soure,This is us a grete honoure;Mouth to chesen with drynk and metechooseWhiche is to taken, which is to lete.leaveline2345And yut he gaf us felyng also,touchHondes to handlen with, feet with to goo,walkAnd non of alle thise, so we rede,May stonde ne serve in others stede.Yif man with thise wil hym lede,line2350He shal have hevene blis
to mede,as rewardAnd yif he do yvel, forsothe I telle,Withouten ende
he gooth to helle.That is the thrid habitacioun,For wicked
synful mannes prisoun,line2355And thider went the first man,For he first synny bigan,sinAnd there he and his kynde lay,And shulden have don til .Bot God of us took pitéline2360And for to save us thoughth he,For mannes synne was so gretBifore God and his faders feet,Yif man shulde to halpe be broughth,Thorough mannes deth it most be boughth.line2365The synne was so foule, as we fynde,That it filed al mankynde.defiledTheigh God had an aungel sent,He migth noughth dyen verrement.
trulyMan dude the dede, man most deye,line2370And thorough pyté God seigh this waye:God migth noughth dye bot bicom man,And thus he dyed for us than.With aungels and his fader the LordeThus brougth Jhesus man to acorde.agreementline2375He defended hym with non other staf,staffBot his manhode to pyne he gaf;gaveFor mannes love thus took he dedThorough the grace of his Godhed.Of the mayden Marie he was borne,line2380Maiden clene sithen and ek biforne.In the londe of Judé he gan duellen;There fele men to hym fellenmanyfol. 9raFor
his wordes sothe thai founde,trueThoo that weren seke he made sounde.wholeline2385With this the Jewes hadden envie;Therfore thai duden hym to dye.Judas for thritty pens hym soldeTo the Jewes felle and bolde;Of his deciples he was online2390That with hym was ywoned to gon.accustomedHe henge hymself, this was his ende;He had no grace hym to amende,For he wolde no mercy sekeOf his Lorde
that was so meke,line2395That salve is to every sore.balmOvere any synne his mercy is more.Man is hym nexte of every kynde,
Als we in holy wrytt fynde;Forthi yif any man trespase,trespassline2400He faileth noughth yif he seke grace.Leve sir, loke hou this man was wood,Dear crazedThat solde his lorde that was so good.”
Than spaak Vaspasian so free,“I hote
now to that God and thee,promiseline2405That yif he wil me hool make,I schal be cristned for his sake.And I schal slee alle that I fyndeslayOf alle the Jewes and her kynde,And thritty of hem I shal selle and giveline2410For oo peny
yif that I lyve;oneFor thai hym bougth for despyt, I pliighth,For thritty pens with unrighth.injusticeAnd Jhesus, ne lete me nevere dyeTil I have wroken that felonye.”avenged treacheryline2415Than seide Seint Clement to hym stille,“Yut hope I thou shalt have thi wille,For thorough this yvel, I understonde,My lorde wil that thou shalt fondeTo wreken hym,
sir, of his fon,foesline2420And that shaltou seen onon:For thorough his vertu shaltou seeThat hole shaltou sone bee.Th’ensaumple I telle thee as it syttRighth evene in the holy wrytt;line2425He com to seken that were forloreAnd gadred that todreved wore,driven awayTo restoren that was falle,Forthi
he dyed for us alle, ThereforeTo confermen us and oure faystrengthen faithline2430And synful man to done away.The
Jewes seiden that he kemcameIn
destruccioun of hem,Bot
now ich understonde meThat thai seiden it by thee.line2435These
prophecies han ben spokenThat yut his deth shal be wroken;Muchel joy is unto us allefol. 9rbYif it thorough thee shal bifalle.Kynges worthshiped hym at his birthe,line2440With offryng and with mychel myrthe.great joyKynges weren sithen twyes in willetwice desirousThorough dynt of deth to don hym spylle;a deathblowHeroudes first thoo he was borne,And Heroudes efte whan his deth was sworne.againline2445The first Heroudes that the children slough
—I woot he suffred pyne ynough!knowAlle manere yvels, so seith the book,He had er he the deth took,Withouten the stronge pyne of helleline2450There he shal evermore duelle.Withouten gylte he hated Jhesus,And giltles the Jewes sloughen hym thus.And kynges ben loked to wreken his dedThorough the grace of his Godhed.line2455Swiche knoulechyng of kynges he namacknowledgment tookWhan he into erthe cam.And yif thou wilt wel leve in hym,believeThat he may hele thee lyf and lym,I warante he shal helen thee,line2460And by ensaumple thou mighth it see.There was a knighth ded in londe,Lazar he highth,
ich understonde,Lazarus was namedThat foure dayes in grave lay,And he reised hym that many man say.sawline2465And also as we of hym redeHe dude many another dede;Twelve desciples had he,The best men that mightten be;Whan he out of the erthe went,line2470The Holy Gost he hem sent:Sexty and ten langages, I herd,SeventyThat thai of her
maister lerd.He bad hem gon into every londeTo prechen his word, ich understonde,
line2475Of alle yvels he yaf hem mighth,To helen hem that leven arighth,believe rightlyAnd thoo that nyllen nougth to hem wendethose will notShullen ben lorne withouten ende.lostSwiche wondres herdestou nevere nonline2480That ever had shapp
of man to gon,shapeFor bothe God and man he is;There nys no God bot he, iwys.Therfore sir, leve my sawghe,believe speechAnd al thine herte to hym drawghe,line2485For al that I seie I dar witnesse,This is the feith, sir, more and lesse.I was with hem that weren hym by,And thus thai tolden me witterly,And this lefdy that here stantlady standsline2490I wil take here to warant,For she sawe
my lorde Jhesus. Now dame, I praie thee, was it thus?”fol. 9vaThan seide Veroyne at a braide,quickly“I witnesse al that he hath saide.attest toline2495Ful wel tellen I it oweoughtThat I have Jhesu Crist ysowe;seenOf grete yvel he heled me,Sumtyme I shal tellen it thee.For love and feith I hym draddeline2500On this manere myne hele I hadde.Now knele adoune with herte free;This gode man shal assoile thee.”absolveWhan this was don everydel,She took the vernycle
fair and wel.clothline2505“This had I of my lorde so kynde,For that I shulde have hym in mynde.”Seint Clement was thoo revest,
dressed in vestmentsWith riche vestement of the best,vestmentsAnd she it took to Seint Clement,line2510And he it receyved with gode entent,good purposeAnd thoo he and alle kneled adouneFor this with grete devociouneByfore the kyng Vaspasyan,That lay ful sore seek than:line2515“Sir, this is lyk thi Saveour:SaviorWith al thi mighth do hym honour.Levestou that I have seide everydel?”Do you believe“Ye,” seide Vaspasian, “ful wel.”“Kisse this than I bidde thee,Kissline2520In the vertu of the Trinité,And hoole be thou for evermore,And stonde up now us bifore,And God thee blis that is most,Fader and Son and Holy Gost.”line2525Whan the gode man had thus yspeken,The kyng gan out his lymes streken,reach out his limbsAnd stood up biforne hem alle;The yvel as a slough fro hym gan falle,
snakeskinAnd he bicom clene, smethe and myldesmoothline2530As the body of a childe.And whan he feled hym hool and clene,felt himselfMichel joye men mightten seneOf al manere of mynstralcye,revelryAnd he helde up his hondes heigheline2535And seide, “Jhesu, now trowe I wel,trustThat I have herd of thee everydel;And certes, Lorde, yif that I lyve,To thi service I shal me gyve.”Anon he fel on knees adounline2540With wel gret devocioun,Byforne Seint Clement there he stoodAnd thanked hym with mylde mood,kind moodAnd Dame Veroyne he dude also,That from so fer com hym to.line2545“Praieth for me nighth and day,I see that yee ben to his pay.likingTo myne herte youre wordes gon,fol. 9vbAnd youre dedes everychon,For I see by my grete nedeline2550That thai aren of noble spede.”good fortuneThus seide his son and alle his menne,“As is fallen, forsothe we kenne.
Thoo Nathaan com, he tolde it us;Velosian witnesseth also thus.”
line2555Tho seide Vaspasyan, “Weilaway,AlasThat I ne had Jhesu Crist ysay!seenTybery Cesar, woo thee be,Tiberius CaesarAnd that I owe to bidden thee,Thoo that Pilate, the fals knighth,line2560Slough thus my Lord with unrighth,That thou ne haddest ytaken the theefAnd done hym dye with pynes greef.done him to death grievous painsIt semed wel thou were no man,Thou suffred hym so to taken upan;line2565Bot God wolde noughth it shulde bitidehappenMowe I hym seen bot he me abide.That I shal vengen hym I am ful glad,For better bedes nevere I ne badd;orders askedFul wel is me that I schal fighthline2570For swiche a lorde and for his righth.
Bettre enprise mighth I noughth have,undertakingNe no man hymself to save.I thonke it God that non biforneMighth done it that yut was borne,yetline2575Bot now I woot he graunted it me:Lorde, yblissed mote thou be!blessedI praie thee Lorde, yif it be thi wille,Give me liif it to fulfille, lifeAnd I shal highe me that I mayhurryline2580That it were don nighth and day.Whan we have don and comen agein,We shullen ben cristned
alle wel feien.”very happilyThai token hym bituene her hondeAnd maden hym up biforne hem stonde.line2585“Dame,” he seide, “yif I may spede,prosperOf me thou getest a riche mede.rewardWhat thing thou wilt of me crave,Sikerly, thou shalt it have.”“Sir,” she seide, “saunz faile,withoutline2590I vouche saaf al this travailethink all this labor properThat I have had hider for thee,until nowAnd al that thou wilt given me,Thou give it to this gode manAnd mychel thank I thee can,line2595For with hym wil I wone and wende,live and travelEvere unto my lyves ende.”Londes and rentes he gaf hem wyde,
property substantialClothes and tresore, hors on to ride;He made her dedes that so spekendeeds affirmline2600That thai shulde hem never breken.breakSeint Clement seide, “Sir, hereth me,I rede that yee ycristned bee,
advise baptizedfol. 10raSone on hast, and youre men alle,For alle chaunces that mowen bifalle.line2605Thine ost thou migth the sikerer lede,army more securelyAnd there thou comest the better spede.”prosper“Nay,” he seide, “that wil I noughth;First here thou what I have thoughth.Do me come
Titus my sone,line2610And al my folk that non ne shone.”that none refuseTitus com his fader to,And many grete lordynges also.“Now son,” he seide, “thou shalt me swere,swearAnd also this folk that is here,line2615With me to wenden to Jerusalem,Rigth overe the cee, the heighe strem,sea greatTo destroyen hem alle and her stedecityThat duden Jhesu Crist to dede;For I shal nevere be righth faynline2620Until I see that kynde
slayn.peopleFor to wende we have enchesoun,reasonSone, namelich for this resoun:especiallyThider we moten gon this gate,wayTo wreken us on Sir Pilateline2625For my Lordes love so fre,That thus faire hath heled me,graciouslyYut dude I nevere nougth hym fore:Yet I never did anything for himForthi myne herte is ful sore.I were to blamen and alle myneline2630Yif we shulde leten that wytherwyne.
spare enemyI hote you that shal never bitideWhiles that I may gon and ride;This othere day ne mighth I stere,And now I am bothe hoole and fere.line2635I thonk it God thorough whom it was.I woot he heled me for this cas,For his deth shulde avenged be.I graunte to gon; now what seien yee?”say“Sir,” seide Titus, “So do I,line2640And alle that here ben, sikerly.”Whan this was graunted, men mightten seedecreedSong and play, gamen and glee.“For leve,” he seide, “wil I sende ononleave (i.e., permission)To Sir Nero to leten us gon.
line2645Alle I praie you dightteth you fast,prepare quicklyThat we weren redy alle on hast,in a hurryOf men, of servauntz
and vitaile,soldiers foodSo that nothing us ne faile.”Than sent he to the emperour,line2650Nero that was a cursed tretour,By a lettre as yee mowe see:“Vaspasian and Titus greten thee,For grete nede we ben in willeFor great need we desireAt Jerusalem to fulfille,line2655Of a grete vilenyeTo vengen us we moten hyghe,goOf a trespas that is us ydo
trespass that is done to usfol. 10rbWe praien thee leve thider to go.Graunte it us withouten feyntise;deceitline2660It mote be don in al every wayIt shal thee tournen to profytturnAnd to no manere despyt.”The emperoure sent hem to seie,“Gooth whan yee willeth in youre weie,line2665And on youre enemyes vengeth you,So it be noughth agein my prou.”benefitThan seiden Vaspasyan and Titus,“Blissed be oure lorde Jhesus!”Also tyt thai maden hem yareImmediately readyline2670In her waye for to fare.goSeint Clement and Dame VeroneWeren ful glad that thai shulden gone,And seiden “Sir, ar yee wennden henne,henceGraunteth youre pes to Cristen menne.
line2675For Goddes love dooth hem wytemake them knowThat no man do hem
dispyteFro that yee gon til that yee come,From the time thatBot yif he suffre therfore dome.”“Now, mafay,” quoth he, “and I graunte,by my faithline2680And thee, Clement, I shal waraunte,Thou shalt have large commissiounFro this cuntré and fro this toun,For alle that leven in God almighthMyne men shullen kepen hem day and nighth,line2685Thou and Verone bothe tweynDredeth noughth til I come ageyn.”This was cryed thorough the cuntré,That it shulde yholden be.“Kepe now wel thi clergye,clergyline2690Al that thou hast in thi baillye;controlWhan we comen hom at certeyn terme,I schal thee and thi state conferme.confirmI shal bidde hem that duellen hereThat thai alle at thine honoure were.ruleline2695Praye for us til we comen ageyn,And whan we comen in, certeyn,trulyI wil be cristned righth onone,immediatelyAnd myne men everychone.Praieth for us that God us spede,line2700And haveth now no manere drede.”“Sir, he seide, “now am I bolde:God of Hevene thi lyf holdepreserveLonge that I mote it see,And namelich, til thou cristned be.line2705And elles were a grete reuthe,pityFor thou art in the waie of treuthe.”way of truth (i.e., correct belief)“Thorough Cristes helpe I hope to gonTo don this dede and comen onon;Al that I may I shal me rapeseizeline2710So that Pilate me noughth askape.”escapeOnon
he dude his shippes dighth,prepareWel a thousande, I thee plighth,I promise youfol. 10vaWith hym and with his son also,An hundreth thousande men
and mo.line2715Seint Clement and Dame VeroneToward the cee with hem thai goneTyl thai weren yschipped alleembarkedAnd Vaspasyan to hem gan calle,“Blisse us, sir, and lete us gon,line2720And tourneth both agein hom.”turn“Sir,” he seide, “nou God you save,And with his blissyng myne yee have,And the water that yee inne wendeTil Jesu Crist ageyn you sende.”line2725And sithen that blissyng hath don goodTo alle men that passen the flood;Thorough Goddes help and Seint Clement,Sithen was there no man inne shent.destroyed
Thay droughen up sayl biforne and bihynde,drew the foreward and aft sailline2730God hem sent ful redy wynde,favorable windSo in sexe wekes over thai comensixAnd at Acres
up thai nomen.Acre they arrivedThe toun had wonder whoo
thai woreAnd weren adrad of hem ful sore.line2735Thai duden onon as thai sholde;shouldWithouten stryf the toun thai yolde.fighting surrenderedVaspasian lefte there his wardeyn,governorAnd on the morowen thay wenten then.He went forth into the londeline2740And slough and brent alle that he
slaughtered and burntAnd dryven beestes with grete routecompanyThat thai prayden al aboute.plunderedFrom Acres thai comen the first dayTo Japh
als I you tellen may,Jaffaline2745And bicasten al the tounsurroundedWith many a riche pavyloun.tentThay faughtten withouten and withinne;There mightten men seen wondres bygynne.God hem shewed swiche chaunceline2750Ageyn her rather vengeaunce;As a sign of their futureRayn and hayl, frost and snowe,hail snowAnd styf wynde that loude gan blowe,
strongHunger and thryst and grete colde,And other yvels manyfolde.many and variousline2755And Vaspasyan with al his osthostHad joye with the moost,Wider game and al plenté,Better luck (Pleasant weather)Of alle caces that mightten be,situationsAnd so he had fro that he comline2760Til he tourned agein hom.Vaspasyan his sege heldeWel longe er thai wolden it
yelde;Thai withinne sworen uchonsworeThat thai wolden yelden her nonline2765For nothing that myghth bifalle,Theigh thai beten doun her walle.The kyng swoor that he ne sholdefol. 10vbThennes til thai to hym yolde,And whan thai withinne herden this ooth,oathline2770Everyche ageins other gooth,wentWith swerdes, speres, and knyves ydrawe,So that uche hath othere yslawe,That there ne lefte man ne wyveBot tweie knighttes thereinne alyve.twoline2775Doughtty men thai weren bothe,BraveAnd neither ne was with other wrothe;angryThai hadden longe felawes ben,And neither ne wolde othere slen.Sir Japhel
I woot highth that on,line2780Bot of that other, name have I non.Thai yolden hem to the kynges socoureAnd he hem resceyved with gret honoure.He drough Japhel hym so neerThat he bicom his conseileer,adviserline2785And for Vaspasyan was ywarThat he was sib to Sir Cesar,kin CaesarAnd also of his owen blood,He seide hym als he understood,And for he knew best
the cuntréline2790His lodesman he bad hym be,guideAnd he ful wel led hemTil thai comen to Jerusalem.He left at Japh kepers gode,defendersTo kepen the cuntré with feeld and wode.
line2795Here may I telle you that yee knowenHou Jesu thanketh ay on his owen.always on his ownBiforne the tyme of this wreche,Thus he gan his folk knowlecheacknowledgeThat cristen weren in that cuntré.line2800Thai weren ywarned thennes to flee warnedThorough the Holy Gost fro this vengeaunceBot any wolde stonde to his chaunce,eventsAs summe duden that leften stille,meekly remainedAl to abiden Goddes wille.await (obey)line2805The Cristen folk fleigh and ranOnon overe the Flum Jordan,Jordan RiverAnd there thai duelleden and camWas hoten the castel of Pellam;
calledThere thai helden hem everychonline2810Til the vengeaunce were ydon.The Jewes weren trapped and helden inneThat weren encoumbred with her synne,For there nys no good dede unyoldeunrewardedNe
non wicked ne ben showe.revealed
line2815Thoo Pilate wist that Japh was ytake,takenFor tene and drede he gan to quake,angerFor ay he was in mychel dredealwaysSithen Velosyan from hym yede;For the wordes that he had spokenline2820He wolde have ben in erthe loken.locked in earthHe was in so grete douteThat he sent al aboute,fol. 11raAnd bihith hem ful grete medepromisedTo comen and helpen hym at his nede.line2825Sir Archillaus com hym to,That kyng of Galilé
was tho;Heroudes son men hym calle,He that slough the children alle,
With mychel dyne and grete boostnoiseline2830He broughth with hym a mychel ost.great hostAnd for drede, I woot also,knowAl the cuntré fel hem to,And uche man fleigh fro homeAnd alle to Jerusalem thai come,
line2835With wyf and children and her fee,propertyThere in sikernesse to be,securityFor Vaspasyan and his ostSloughen and brenten by every cost.Pilate sent his aspyesspiesline2840Sikerlich by fele styes,many pathsFor to witen hym to seieknowWhere thai comen and by what waye.Archillaus and Sir PilateRiden hem bothe out atte gate,line2845With her ost her hors to provehorses testYif thai weren to her their advantageAnd yut hadde
Pilate no grace,
For to flen out of the place,The hard qued
that he shulde haveevilline2850And thoogh he mighth self than save.For loos is better, als it is founde,lossIn wood than in toun bounde;
And so ferd he by this resountraveledWhan he fleigh agein to the toun.line2855Bot God wolde nougth that he so askape,Bot to his bale for to rape,to rush to his disasterFor he had hym space ylentgivenFourty yer to amendement.
Than comen his apsyes hom,line2860And tolden hym wel that thai comThe moost folk that evere thai say,sawAnd than was Pilate in grete afray.fearThan seide the Kyng Archillaus,“Sir, thou art most maister of us.line2865I praie
thee, sir, be bold ynow,enoughFor I dar make thee this avow,That thou shalt be so wel bifornehave the advantageOf men, of vitaile, and of corne,supplies grainThat nothing shal failen thee;line2870And hereof borowe dar I be
guarantorThat thai ben oures every man,So mychel I thee telle can.Nothing bot helde thee al stilleAnd lete hem comen at her wille;line2875For water fresh ner is nonnearerThan is the Flum Jordan,And yif thai willen hemselven save,fol. 11rbWater freshe thai mosten have.
And whan thai seen that there is non,line2880Hom agein thai moten gon;For thai aren noughth of that yware.awareTherfore the lesse is oure care.And yif thai tournen us ones the bak,And if they once turn their backs on usThai shullen ben oures, al the pak.all of themline2885I woot it is
for the prophetes sake,Al the sorough that thai make;Thai shullen with shame tournen ageyn,For thai wirchen al in veyn.”work in vainAnd whan he had his wille tolde,line2890Over the walles thai gonnen biholde,lookAnd al the feelde and al the fenmarshThai seighen bicast with hors and men,coveredWith her baners brode yspraddspreadThat al the cité was adradd.line2895In everyche wyndewe thai hem biholde,windowAnon her hertes gonnen to coldegrow coldAnd aukeward the belles runge.And the bells rang in reverse orderThere was outhest
of many a tungeoutcryWith horne and mouthe thai cryen oute.line2900The ost bicast the toun abouteThat was foure and thritty yereAfter that Jesus dyed there.Withinne thai maden sorough and care;Withoute thai maden joye and mychel fare;great commotionline2905Withinnen thai her hondes wrongen;hands wrungAnd thai withouten loude songen.
On a
the sege bigan,Passover Als the storye me telle can.Vaspasyan was than ful blitheline2910And pighth his pavylons also swithe,pitchedAnd whan thai weren pighth uchoneHe sent after Sir Japhel onone.He seide, “Japhel, I wil thee telleWe moten nedes
here duelle,line2915Til we have wonnen this citéwonAnd haven alle that thereinne be.What is to don best thou woost,For thou knowest the cuntré cost.the condition of the countryTherfore sir, I thee praieline2920That thou take onon the wayeAl aboute this ilche citéTo ordeyne for myne ost and me,arrangeAnd loke and cast what we have nedeOf alle thinges that mowen us spede.”prosperline2925Japhel rideth by every costin every directionTo ordeyne and to araye the oost;Aboute the toun he sett engynes
siege enginesTo destroien her witherwynesadversariesAnd often to the toun they
castline2930And shetten with bowe and with arblastshot crossbowWith terbardels and wylde fyre,
tar barrelsWith staf-slyngys
and othere atyre,slings equipmentfol. 11vaSowes to mynen men maden sleighe,Engines to tunnel cleverlyAnd borfreys to reisen
on heighe.
movable towersline2935That thai mightten seen envirounall aroundWhat thai duden in the toun,Men of armes thereinne to stondeTo fightten with hem honde of honde,hand to handLadders of lether and of corde,leather ropeline2940Fro the kirnels to the swordestonesAnd maistres that weren sleighe to kestthrowTo kepen the spryngales of the best,catapultsAnd many another queynt engyncrafty designTo slen hem that weren within.line2945Natheles for al this woo,It was wel longe er it were do.Of all th’assaut that was withouteafflictionThai withinne hadden no doute;The cité was so large withinne,
line2950That hem ne dredeth no manere gynnemachineFor into hem ne raughtte no castreached outBot onlich querel of arblastonly shot of crossbowsTil alle the subarbes of the tounsuburbsTo the grounde weren cast adoun,line2955And swepte clene overalUnto the bare toun wal.For than bigan her woo withinnewoeAnd her folk fast to thinne,diminishYut lasted the sege seven yere,
line2960With mychel drede and grete awere,terrorFor al that Goddes men mightte doBot for to lengthen her paynes so.
Whan Japhel had don, he com agein:“My lorde,” he seide, “I wil thee seyn,line2965Thorough thine ost by Cristes mighth,Thine men ben alle wel adighth.Bot of oo thing I have grete thoughth,concernFor fresshe water have we noughth,Bot I have cast by my skylarranged skillline2970Where to fetten it, and yee wil.”fetch ifThan seide Vapsasyan hym to“Als thou wilt, I wil do.”“Sir,” quoth Japhel, “this is my rede,Hou we shullen oure water lede;
line2975For water fresshe ner is nonThan hennes to the Flum Jordan RiverForthi we shullen slen oure prayepreyThat we token by the waye,Hors and assen, oxen and kyne,cowsline2980Mules and chamayles and grete swyne,camels swineMany a thousande we have broughth,Of hem I telle you in my thoughthI shal do sewen the hides fast,sewWith gode semes for to last,seamsline2985And don souden every semsolderFor to leden water with hem.Of some
we shullen boulges make,water skinsfol. 11vbAnd summe skynnes we shullen take And overcasten al the valeoverturn valleyline2990Of Josephath,
the depe dale,Josophat valleyAnd thus in the valeye we shullen fondeTo don oure water for to stonde.Foure hundreth men, yif that I may,Shullen fecchen us water every day,line2995Alway til the valey be hyldecoveredAnd with oure watere fulfilde.”
Whan he had seide also sone,He ne lefte noughth til was done;Pepes he made many onPipesline3000By every side out for to gonThe elde water that was astonde,standingThere com ay newe to her honde,That thorough the ost, man and beestHadden ynough, bothe mest and lest,most and least (i.e., all)line3005This com hym of a noble wytt,admirable skillfulnessHou
water stonden withouten pytt.wellAl was don by Goddes wille,For to maken the Jewes destroyedThoo thai withinnen the water sowe,sawline3010Stonden so ful in that lowe,Michel wonder was hem amongHou the water there out sprong.sprung outThai ronnen to Pilate and hym tolde,ranAnd he went thider to byholde,line3015And with hym went Archillaus,And the gode clerk Josephus,And than seiden thai alle thre,“Whennes may this water be?”Than seide maister Josephus,
line3020“Messias is ageins us.
MessiahThai han his help, I am wel ware,haveFor late was that place bare.emptyOf fresshe water ner was nonThan hennes to the Flum Jordon;line3025I ne wot from whennes
it cometh, ne hou,Bot thorough the prophetes vertu.”Than ansuered ArchillausAnon righttes to Sir Pilatus,“Sir,” he seide, “be noughth aferde,line3030For noughth thou hast ysen ne herd,Bot kepe thee in this cité stilleAnd thou shalt have al thi wille.”And as thai stoden and out bihelde,Vaspasian stood in the feldeline3035And seigh hem on the walles gonthemUp and doune ful gode won,movingAnd Sir Japhel stood hym by,And Velosyan, witterly,undoubtedlyThat of Pilate was sonest ware,first awareline3040Hou that he his mace bareclubOver his werkmen that wroughttenworkmen laboredAnd the walles thorough out soughtten.fol. 12raTho seide Velosyan, “I seeYonder
Pilate, as thenketh me.line3045Sir, speketh to hym, I you praie,For to assaie what he wil saie.”learnVaspasian loked up to the walle,And to Pilate he gan calle,“Pilate,” he seide, “speke with me.line3050I am thi lorde, as thou mighth see,And that I shal thee make aknowereveal to youYif that I mowe lyven a a little whileLoke out, traitour, with thine eighe,eyeAnd be aknowe thi felonyeline3055And al the yvel that thou hast donAgeins Jhesu and us uchon.And also thou doost us outragewickednessTo withholden oure trowage;And for thou art Jhesus traitour and myne,line3060Thou shalt have the more pyne.”Yut was noughth VaspasyanPilates lorde, ne he his man,Bot so he seide to make hym adredYif he myghth the better have sped.line3065Natheles I woot in that yer,yearPilate com in his daunger.dominionPilate ansuered hym rigth noughth,For he was greved in his thoughth;Vaspasyan was agreved alsoline3070That he ne wolde speken hym to.And tho seide Vaspasian thusTo the Kyng Archillaus:“Beaw sire,”
he seide, “thou art forsworne,
Good guilty of oathbreakingAnd thi fader Heroudes also biforne;line3075Thou aughttest better have ben with meoughtThan thereinne there I thee see.Thi fader dyed in sorough ynough,For he alle the children slough,Whan Jesus Crist was here borne,line3080For he wolde have hym ylorne.
destroyedAnd thou are now ek in willealsoThiselven also for to spille;Thi fader dyed in pynes stronge,And so shaltou er oughth longe.line3085Be thou and Pilate now ful bolde,That I have seide I wil you holde.”Al that he seide thai token in veyn,And Vaspasian went thoo ageyn.Archillaus seide thoo to Pilate,line3090“This kyng to us hath grete hate.”“Ye,” quoth Pilate to Archillaus,“It semeth he wil be wroken on us,avengedFor to ben fel hym cometh of kynde,fierce by natureAnd that I drede we shullen fynde.line3095He was of Cesar kynde,
iwis;Of the more felonye he is,violent natureAnd that he hoteth, he wil holde,promisesfol. 12rbHe ne wil leten hoot ne colde.”desist on account of weatherQuoth Archillaus, “Have no drede —line3100Michel is bitwene word and dede.
This hoold is strong ynough aboute;strongholdTheigh he prate,
yut is he withoute.chatters outsideMake he never so mychel to done,Yut cometh he noughth in so sone.line3105Bot go we to the wal agein,And do now als I shal thee seyn:Take up a floure upon the walleflowerAnd to Vaspasyan thou calleAnd seie to hym that alle it see,line3110‘Bataile, sir, I wage thee.’”
Pilate yede with herte gladwentAnd dude as Archillaus hym bad;Thoo he had seide that he wolde,Vaspasyan gan hym biholdeline3115And seide, “Pilate, I it take;This wed shal I noughth forsake,pledgeAnd swiche shame I hote thee,That thou shalt dye bote
thou flee.unlessSorough have he that you spare!May he who spares you have sorrowline3120Myne engynes, maketh you yare!
prepare yourselves And yee knighttes that ben myne,For Jhesus love to don hem pyne,Loketh nou that thai have no rest,LookAnd lete nou Pilate don his best.line3125For so Jhesu Crist me save,I ne shal blynne til I hym have,ceaseYif God wil graunte me liif therto.”And alle his frendes seiden also,“Ne ben yee withinne nevere so stronge,line3130We shullen dwellen her so longeTil we have wroken the grete wrongThat Jhesus suffred you among.”He comaundid to trumpen ononcommanded trumpetTo armen his men everychon,line3135And to the wal thai shoten and cast,shot firedAnd men withinne sloughen fast.slewThai foughtten so til it was nighthAnd that hem wanted dayes lighth.lacked daylightAnd hapfullich a quarel droughby chanceline3140And a pouver
knave it slough,poorThat yede and plaied in the strete;And he was holden a propheteOf alle the Jewes of the lawgheFor many wondres and many sawghe.propheciesline3145Vaspasian longe hem assailed,assaultedBot litel yut it hym availed;helpedNatheles many a Jew he sloughAnd dude withinne sorough ynough.
It was withinne the fifte yere
fifth year (of the siege)line3150Fro Rome there com a messagere,As Vaspasyan at the sege lay,At that tyme ageins his pay.
against his likingfol. 12vaHe brougth word to VaspasyanThat Nero was ded, that cursed man,line3155That was emperour of Rome,And her conseil there is nome.taken“Upon thee, sir, is yoven the dome,given the judgmentThat thou most nedes hom
come;For thai han alle chosen theeline3160For to beren the dignité.
Take noughth, sir, this sonde in veyn,messageFor thou mighth wenden and comen ageyn.”He went forth lyste hym noughth shonehe desired not to refuseAnd left there Titus his sone.line3165Swiche joye gan Titus undertakeThat hym toke a cardiake,
heart attackFor his faders gret honoureThat he shulde ben emperoure.With overdon joye com that woo,line3170And with overdon sorough it most goo,
As yee mowen heren in that stoundeThere Josephus sithen was yfounde.
Whan alle thoo that weren in RomeWisten of Vaspasianes come,Knewline3175Thai yeden and ronnen hym ageyn,They went and ran to meet himKyng, erl, baroun, knighth and sweyn;squireThai crouned hym there thaire emperoureWith solace, fest, and grete honoure.joyThai corouned hym in his paleyscrownedline3180In the gyse of Sarsyneys,
manner of Saracens Bot afterward Seint ClementConfermed his corounement.
And to gladen his frendes everychoncheerTo Jerusalem he went onon,line3185For hym thougth ful longe at RomeTil that he were ageyin come.And so he dude, I telle thee,With hydous poeple gret plenté.a great many people
Hereth lordynges nou eft,againline3190I mote telle there I left,Of the knave, the prophete,
That was sleyn in the strete.Tho Jacob of this knave herd,To Sir Pilate onon he ferd.line3195“Sir,” he seide, “nou is it falle;I wene we shullen seen it alleThat this Jew seide us toThritty wynter gon and mo,That this cité shulde be lorne
line3200And alle that therinne weren borne.For now I woot hymself is yslawghe,And wel the better I leve his sawghe.believe his taleI rede thou do, sir, after me,adviseAnd yelde up swithe the cité,give up quicklyline3205For evere the lenger we abide,The more shame us wil bityde.”will befall usThis was Jacob the gode manfol. 12vbThat herberewed Velosyan,lodgedAls it telleth here bifore.line3210Bot Pilate was agreved soreAnd seide, “On thee I shal be wroken,For the wordes that thou hast spoken;For thorough the conseil of theeI leve that al this sorough be!believeline3215Velosyan and thou that yeretimeCasten this thoo he was here.PlottedHe spaak to me wordes smert;Thai comen noughth sithen out of myne hert.And yif I may, I shal thee settputline3220There never frende ne shal thee fett.”fetchHe dude fettre hym swithe fastarrestAnd in swiche stede hym cast,such a placeAnd swore he shulde there lyeWithouten mete tyl that he dyeline3225In that ilche foule dongeounsame foul dungeonThere lay he sperred in that prisoun.lockedBot whan Marie his doughter
wystThat she had her fader myst,Onon she seide an
orisounprayerline3230Tyl Jhesus Crist, Goddes son.“Lorde,” she seide, “hereth me,Yif it thi swete wille be,Also wys as I thee soughth Just asWith the oynement that I broughthline3235Unto the toumbe there thou lay.Yif it were unto thi payto your likingThat I dude that ilche dede,Hereth me now at this nede!Thou helpe my fader also wysin the mannerline3240Out of the sorough that he inne is,And also wys as he loved thee,as surely asI praie thee that he unbounden be.” Whan she had seide this orisoun,God sent onon an aungel dounline3245That com to Jacob there he sattAnd for sorough sore gratt.lamented“Jacob,” he
seide, “come with me;My Lorde wil that it so be.Take to thee confort and solace,line3250And thonke hym of his holy grace.”He took hym out of the prisounAnd led hym wel withouten the tounAnd bad he shulde no man drede:“Goo, fare wel there God thee lede.”line3255Jacob thanked God ononThat
he feled hym loos so son;felt himself freeFaire on knees with bothe hondeHe went out on hands and kneesThat laused hym out of his bonde.loosedToward the ost he took his waye,line3260So that Velosyan hym sayesawAnd seide to the emperour, “I seeJacob my frende I wene it be.thinkfol. 13raNow I woot, sir, it is he righth;Ythonked be it God almighth!”line3265Thai welcomed hym fair and wel,And askeden of hym hys lyf
uche del.Anon he tolde hem al the cas,Of the Jewes hou it was,And hou he was don in prisoun,line3270And hou he com out of the toun.Thai thonkeden God as the wyseThat so thenketh upon hyse.upon his (own)Tho seide Velosyan to Jacob righth,“Jacob, wostou what I thee highth?line3275That I at nede shulde be thi frende,Als I shulde homward wendeWhan the Jewes her tales tolde,Hou thai Jhesu sloughen and solde.Als thai ben worthi, so shull thai have;line3280No maner tresore shal hem save.treasureI owe thee evere to honoure,oughtAnd namelich my lorde the emperoure,especiallyFor thorough Goddes help and conseil thineHe is askaped mychel pyne.escapedline3285On my syde also I thanke thee,partFor grete honoure thou dedest me;And yif my lorde were heled, I thee highthpromisedTo brynge hym hider with mychel mighth.Loo, hym here as thou it bad!Beholdline3290Sir, thanketh Jacob and maketh hym glad,For yee ben gretlich holden therto.”you are greatly obligatedI plighth you the emperour dude so;promiseHe seide, “Jacob, thou getest honoure,will receiveAnd the Jewes sorough wel soure.very bitter sorrowline3295I see hem falleth mychel shameThat be loked Goddes grame.are locked in God’s angerGod is with us and hem agein;against themAl that thai don, it is in veyn.Swiche is myne hope and my trest;trustline3300Her is the travayle and oure the rest.”TheirsThe emperour of hym was glad,And praied Jacob and hym badThat he seide hym sum resounHou that he mighth wynne the toun.line3305“Forsothe,” quoth Jacob, “and I shal.Go
maken a diche
aboute the wal,ditchSo that non mowe away fleemightBot yif al the ost hym seeAnd do it palicen al by the brynk,enclose edge (of the wall)line3310Heighe and stronge upe al thing.againstI wil myself therover beeTil it be don, I hote thee.Fyndeth me cost and men therto;moneyI shal noughth leven tyl it be do.”leaveline3315The emperour seide, “Graunt mercy,Thank you very muchI graunte thee wel sykerly,
Al thing that thou wilt have,fol. 13rbTymber, water, man and knave.”WoodThe emperour dude senden his sondemessageline3320For dykers thoroughout al the londe;diggersHe bad give uche man to his payFoure penyes upon the daypenceEvery maister tweie shillynges had,
master two shillingsAnd so hymself comaunded and bad.line3325Whan the diche was made uche del,It liked the emperour ful wel.pleasedAlso Jacob dude do makeTwo charnels
for the ostes sake,mass gravesFor to hiden in that stede
line3330Alle the folk that there weren dede,That the quyke ne dyed noughth for stynk of hem,living diedAnd so thai duden in Jerusalem.Natheles there weren charnels twoIn myddes of the cité also.In the middle ofline3335Bot than the Jewes lokeden outeAnd seighen the diche made hem abouteMichel sorough thai mightten have seenWho so had withinnen ben.Anon the Jewes everychoneline3340Token her red what was to done.counselThorough the conseil of Archillaus,Barabas and Josephus,
Thai seiden to Pilate her avys,“For us is fairer and more prysbetter and more worthyline3345To fightten with hem theroute, we gesse,supposeThan for to lyen here in destresse.Fairer is us on hem to dyeThan here inne as cowardes to
lye.”Thai putten out plaunkes over the dyk,planks ditchline3350Al by nighth ful pryvelyk.Pilate onon dude hym outeWith thritty thousande on a routein a great companyAnd fifty thousande men on fote,Hym to helpen the toun to-boteprotectline3355With the emperour in the felde bilastefulfilledFourtene thousande that he hem raste,foughtAlle thai duden hem for to fleigheAgein hom to her citee.Al the while that thai foughtte,line3360God lengthed the day,
as hem thoughth.Josephus was wounded sore,That noble clerk and wiis of lore,wise of learningHe couthe more in dede and dawein a dayThan alle that were in Jewes lawe.line3365Bot o thing halpe hym wel than,one helpedThat he was pryvé Cristen man;
secretlyAnd for his kynde was noughth so,familyTherfore was hym wonder woo.Thereof often he hem bisoughth,line3370Ac
therof I woot ne sped he noughth.ButWhan the citizeins seighen this fare,sawThan hadden thai bothe sorou and care,fol. 13vaThat thai so overcomen wereAnd als swithe hunger gan hem derehurtline3375So that the stronge the feble eet,weak ateYe, and the erthe under her feet,And her owen dunge also;dungHors ne hounde ne leten thai go,Horse dogNe othere beest, ne rote ne gres,root grassline3380And uche by lott other ches.
choseWhan two yer weren al agoo,That the sege bigan com al this woo;Thorough the toun bigan to faileAl manere of vitaile,foodline3385So that the strengere robbed the othere,strongerFader the son, syster the brother,Men and wymmen her children ete,And uche ete othere
by every strete.A riche lefdy of that cuntré,line3390Of large londes and of fe,propertyMarie she highth, sikerly,A Cristen womman pryvely;She had aqueyntes in Jerusalem,an acquaintanceAnd therfore she thider kem.line3395A gode lefdy that she hath knoweWith whom she thoughth to duelle a throwe,
stay a whileDame Clarice was hir name,A womman of ful holy fame.Thai lyveden there togedres longe,line3400Bot whan this woo bifel so stronge,Othere werk couthe thai non wirchecouldBot duellen mychel in holy chirche,And lyen there in afflicciouns,miseryIn penaunce and in orisouns,line3405So bifel what more or lesseThai weren bothe in so grete destresseFor defaut of mete and drynklackThat dyen thai mosten in al thing.That they must dieHem ne was no liflode leftfood and drinkline3410Bot al for robbed and for reft.Marie had a doughtter dere,That for hungere dyed there,For whom she made mychel sorougheBothe on evene and ek on morowe.morningline3415Hemselven so grete hungere haddThat Dame Clarice Marie badd,“Ete we now this childe onon,For the hungere that is us on.”“Nay,” quoth Marie, “that wil I noughth!line3420I wolde dyen ar I it thoughth.beforeOure Lorde God that is so hendecourteousOf his grace may us sende;Ne ben we noughth for this to sory,too sorryIt may stonde us to Purgatory.
serveline3425So shal alle that wel bileveThat no woo ne shal hem greve.”In this talkyng as thai satt,fol. 13vbJhesus Crist hem noughth forgatt;An aungel com from Hevene sheneshiningline3430As God sent hem bitweneAnd seide to hem, “Leteth this stryf,Leave this disagreementAnd als so longe as
yee mowen, ledeth youre lyf.leadMarie, loke that thou dooAs Clarice here seide thee to.line3435God wil so er than yee dye,God wills it so rather than that you dieFor to fulfille the prophecye
That speketh of this in waye and strete,That wymmen shulden her children ete.Ne gruccheth noughth, bot fulfillegrumbleline3440Al that is Goddes wille.Though that yee dyen in this nede,Yee geten hevene blis to mede.”as rewardWhan the aungel had seide his sawe,Agein to heven he gan drawe.withdrawline3445Thai putten the childe on a spyt,on a spitAgein the fyre to rosten it,roastAnd duden as the aungel hem bad;Thai eten therof and maden hem glad.And as Pilate sat in his toure,towerline3450Of rost he had a grete savoure;roast smellWhere it was onon was soughth,He bad it shulde be to hym broughth.Thai wenten and founden where it was,And comen and tolden hym al the cas,line3455And whan thai hadden tolde hym al this sawe,Than was Pilate nothing fawe.gladAnd the Jewes that thider dede
ronne,runThe womans chyld thei hem benome.tookThe wymen hadde sorwe and moche wooline3460For her lyflode thai beren hem froo,And for this sighth thai weren in dredeThat thai duden that wicked dede.
Pilate had hungere non,Though alle vitailes weren agon,line3465Ne none of the othere grete,noblesTheigh the povere dyed for mete;Though poorFor thai hadden the noble stones,
virtuous stonesOf vertu on hem for the nones,for that purposeAnd that made hem laste so longe,line3470Til al the poeple them amongeMightten no lenger suffre ne woldeCould wouldAnd God that had the termes tolde.IfPilate in the toun dude cryeAnd forbad
that vilenye,line3475That no man shulde no more eteIn that wise her owen bigete,manner offspringBot golde and silver eten he bad
To alle thoo that any had.And so thai eten her tresore al,line3480Bothe hewen and corven smal,chopped up carvedAnd in sum stede it is yfoundeThat summe
of hem her tresore grounde.fol. 14raYut there dyed many on,many a oneBy every strete wel good won, line3485For it was no kyndely fodenaturalIn no stede it hem stode,It stood them in no steadBot hem alle to bigile.trickWhan the toun was yolden that whileFor to have out of hem the tresoreline3490Men duden hem pyne wel the more.Uche othere mighth his foo ete,And for deynté thai helden it swete.a delicacyWyf the housbonde, housebonde the wyf,Everyche refte othere his lyf, seizedline3495Summe with teeth other to-gnowen,gnawAnd summe with hondes other to drowen.drawSo thik men dyeden by strete and weyemanyFor stynk of the men that dedun deye,And for a commune raunsouncommon amountline3500Thai beriyed the bodyes of the toun,And whan thai faileden tresore,lackedThan weren thai beriyed no more,Bot than thai laiden on hepes allelaid in heapsThat for hunger ded gonne falle.line3505And than the stynk the toun so fyldOf the careynes that layen unhild,corpses unburiedThat fader and moder, suster and brothere,Dyeden that non mighth biryen othere.buryAnd sithen whan the toun was take,line3510Titus mychel mone gan make,sorrowFor the poeple so thik layeOn hepes dede by every waye.Doune he fel wel sone on kne:“Lorde, forgive my fader and me,line3515For thorough us lyen thai noughth thus ded,Bot for her owen feble red.
counselHadden thai er yolden to us,yielded beforeHadden thai alle noughth leyen thus.”Summe ded liggeyng he fonde,lyingline3520Bitande hosen and shone
in honde;Biting leggings shoesTherby wisten thai righth ononFor hunger thai dyeden everychon.Dyches thai duden maken and bylde,There thai duden the bodyes hilde.
line3525Pilate onon his conseil took,For drede he had sore he quoke.
Thai seiden to hym, “We reden thee,Lete yelden up swithe this cité.Give upThus thenketh us alle that it is best;line3530Hereinne shullen we have no rest.”“Nay,” quoth Pilate, “yut is this my red:adviceI woot there nys no waie bot ded,no way but deathYut we shullen a while abide,For to seen what wil bityde.happenline3535Thise lordes mowen dyen that ben withoute,might dieOr we deyyen al the route;
Before die togetherThan thar us caren litel allecarefol. 14rbOn whether syde so it falle.On which sideOr we shullen don as I shal seye,line3540To sechen us help be
another weye;Casten we what we willen hem gyveConsiderThat we mowen duellen stille and lyve.”
This thai graunteden everychonAnd casten al hou thai wolden don.line3545Therwhiles that thai casten so,The emperour seide, “Jacob, goo,
And speke with summe of the cité,And wyte what poynt thai inne be,find out what situationAnd for to comen out of prisounline3550Loke yif thai wil yelden the toun,For thai ne have noughth her wille.I trowe that summe for hungere spille.dieGoo forth now, for I wyten woldeWharto we shullen us holde.To whereline3555Thai dyen for defaut there in the strete;lackThai han hunger and we han mete.Seie hem that they
comen and yelden us to,For atte last thai shullen so.”Jacob went hym to the walle;line3560A Jew he seigh and gan hym calle.“Clepe me,” he seide, “there Josephus;Summon to meBidde hym comen and speken with us.”He sent and broughth hym also swithe,And Jacob was of hym ful blithe,gladline3565And he of hym was blithe also.Quoth Josephus,
“Hou com thou us fro?”And he tolde hym als it was,And he seide thoo, “Deo Gracias!”Thanks be to God (Latin)“What,” quoth Jacob, “artou Cristen?”
line3570“Yee, felaw,” he seide, “Wiltou lysten?I am pryvé Cristen man,And my feith righth wel I can;knowTo loven Crist wel I owe,And that I am to thee biknowe,line3575This othere day thoo we out nam,we went outWhan yee us alle overcam,I was wounded there ful soreSo that I was neigh ded therfore;nearly deadAnd thorough the miracles of Jhesu,line3580I am waxen hoole ynough.grownMy fader and my moder I have tolde,To tourne hem and thai ne wolde,convertAnd for I may hem noughth turnen therto,Certes, Jacob, me is ful wo.”line3585“Ye,” quoth Jacob, “helde thee stille!Thou shalt yut have al thi wille.I shal be for thee yif that I can,vouch for youTo my lorde Sir Vaspasyan,And for alle thoo that Cristen be;line3590Whan al is don, thou shalt it see.Sey me hou yee faren withinne,Tell fareAnd whan we shullen the toun wynne.”fol. 14va“Mafey,” he seide, “I wil thee seie,By my faith (French)Ful thik oure folk bigyneth to deye, line3595And for the stynk that cometh hem fro,Hereinne dyen many moo.And therfore we have don makeAmyddes the toun a wel gret lake,pitAnd evere as thai ded doune falle,line3600Thereinne we don casten hem alle.”“Mafay,” quoth Jacob, “and so don we,And that was firste
thorough me.through me (i.e., my idea)The dyche with the heighe paleysfenceThorough me was made, and the two charnels.line3605Me thinketh thai don a gret folyefollyTo holden agein God and our partye,And yut I hope atte lastTo wynnen the toun thorou my cast,plotAs Pilate seide amyd the touninsideline3610Thoo he dude me in prisoun,WhenThat I and Velosyan
wel gode speedevery swiftlyHadden yprocured al this dede.brought aboutForsothe, he ne gabbed noughth;did not lieI wene therto it wil be broughth.line3615Forsothe, my brother Josephus,I thoughth it shulde bifallen thus,And Dame Verone, the gode womman,Biforne the stiward Velosian,stewardI made that Dame Verone yedeline3620To beten the emperoures nede;relieveForthi I am with hym pryvee,closeAnd so I hope yut shaltou be.And so helpe me Crist as I am gladThat it shal fallen als I badd;line3625The emperoure was wonder seeksickAnd wende to have ydyed eek,thoughtAnd God heled hym thorough his grace,And that hath don hym to seche this place.has caused himHe thenketh thise Jewes alle to schendedestroyline3630Er than he wil hennes wende;go henceHe ne wil never letten this tounleaveTil he have al betten it doun.struckThou mighth seen it is Goddes willeThis vengeaunce to fulfille;line3635By many toknes men mowen ysee,And thou wilt bithenken thee.reflectAlle thoo that ben therinneBen encoumbred in foule synne,ensnaredBot yif any Cristen wighthUnless personline3640Be late comen to God almighth.recentlyAnd for thei ne wollen no mercy crave,will notI hote thee, thai shullen non have,Neither of God ne of man,Ne of my lorde Vaspasyan,line3645For he and Titus his son botheWith alle the Jewes weren ful wrothe.The ooth thai maden thai wil noghth breken,fol. 14vbTo leven the sege tyl thai ben
wreken.Therfore, I praie thee, seie me sone,line3650What thai thenken therinne to done,Whether thai willen the toun thus heldenOither have ydo and up it yelden.”have done with itJosephus ansuered hym ful stille,“Jacob, it was nougth last her willeline3655That thai wolden alle don so,Whan I come to thee hem fro.Bot forsothe, I hote thee,It dureth noughth longe, as thinketh me.will not last it seemsMe were ful leef we weren withoute,I would ratherline3660For we lyven in mychel doute.I wene thai casten to make youre greeintend to make peace with youYif thai mowen with any fee.pricePraie for us and be us fore,That no Cristene man be lore!line3665Forsothe had Sir VaspasianMade hymself a Cristene man,And his son with al his ost,Er he come hider, wel thou wost,For hym had ben sykernesse;securityline3670Than wolden we han yelden us, more and lesse.Yut is us lever to dyen hereinnewe would ratherThan yelden us to a Sarasynne,
we holden us worthi moreTyl woo dryve us to suffre sore.line3675Fare wel Jacob, my leve brother,dearFor yee shullen sone wite on oither other.”one way or another“God of Hevene be with theeAnd with alle that therinne Cristene be!”The emperour he cometh than to,line3680And word for word he telleth hym so.Than ansuered the emperoure,“Sone hope I askape this erroure.escapeBy thise wordes now I seeHastilich thai shullen yolden be.Quicklyline3685Jacob, wake we that we may;It neigheth fast her terme day.”quickly nears day when payment is due
Josephus com the Jewes unto,
“Lordynges,” he seide, “What wil yee do?Vaspasyan ne Titus his soneline3690For wraththe leven thai ne conne
Because of their wrath they cannot leaveTil thai han wroken her tene,avenged their injuryAnd that shal newly be sene.So mychel I woot of hem, Sir Pilate,As I have aspyed late,spiedline3695I ne can see no waye bot on,oneThat we ne ben dede everychon.Loketh what al youre
folk wil seyeAnd do we righth as I you preye,For thai of the communealtéthe common peopleline3700Fele this woo more than we.”A cry was made, the folk com al,Bothe the gret and the smal.fol. 15raPilate seide, “What rede yee now?For we don us alle upon yow.”line3705The poeple biforne hym casten a cry,Ful reuful and ful grisely,piteous frightfulAnd seiden, “Fairer it were to dyeBetterYerne than so longe to
lye.”QuicklyAnd summe seiden hem among,line3710“We lyen here sperred al to long!confinedWe dyen here in destresse,And that is for oure wickednesse,For we duden Messias to dye.It is skyl that we it abye.reasonable pay for itline3715And that seen the Romaynes wel,For thai destroyen us and oure uche del.Sumtyme was we seiden soThat the Romaynes shulden thus do,Whan we and oure kynde ranline3720For
to destroyen thys gode man;
By this we mowen knowen and seeThe tyme is comen that it shal be.It
semeth Messias may fulfilleAnd of alle to don his wille,line3725For lenger with no manere gynnecontrivanceMowen we lasten for oure synne.He sheweth wel he is God almighth;We duden as foles with hym to fighth.acted foolsWe praiden his mercy al to late,line3730And thou also, Sir Pilate.Therfore, sir, lete us alle oute gonTo enden al oure sorough onon.”sorrowYut thai seiden hem among,“Better is short sorough than long;line3735To slen uche othere fairer it isThan yelden us up and faren amys.”Ellevene thousande there leten her lyf.
lost their livesUche slough othere with his knyf,And for the stynk that of hem came
line3740Many on her deth there nam.tookAnd than thai crieden at a cryTo Jhesu Crist that sitteth on heigh,“Agein thee, Lorde, we han mysdon,
done wrongTherfore wreche is comen us on.vengeanceline3745Now mowen we seien as we er dedeWhan he toward the croice yede;He bad us nougth wepen for his pyne,Bot for us selven and for oure kyne.kinWe mowen wariyen in oure thoughthcomplainline3750The teres that us forth broughth,tearsWe aughtten for to bidden and willenThat the erthe wolde us hillen,
coverThat we ne seighen this vengeaunce alleYif that it so mighth bifalle.line3755We mowen wariyen, al oure kynde,complainFor the sorough that we fynde,For we that lyven now abyen ful sore
fol. 15rbThat thai wroughtten us bifore.causedWithouten ende moten thai caregrieveline3760That maken us thus yvel to fare,For now is comen that he us higthtoldAgein oure wrong he dooth us rigth.Forthi, Pilate, give up the toun,ThereforeAnd lete us gon out of prisoun,line3765Or we shullen thee smertly take,And alle the grettest for thi sake,And yelden us selven the cité,ourselvesHou so it evere of us be.Of this avise thee, Sir Pilate,line3770Or thou shalt be war to late,For we mowen no lengere lyven;Hyghe thee the toun were up given.”Make hasteWhan Pilate seigh this, and Josephus,And Barabas and Archillaus,line3775Thai and the poeple wenten alleAnd to the emperour thai gonnen calle,“Have mercy on us, sir emperoure,And take us nou to thi
socoure;protectionThe tyme is comen, as we thee telle,line3780That we ne mowen no lengere duelle.We have don al that we may;Of seven yer this is the last day.
And therfore sir, we thee preyen,Whether shullen we lyven or deyen.”
line3785Tho the emperour thise wordes herd,With mychel joye therfore he ferd.Also swithe he gan doune fallequicklyOn his knees biforne hem alleAnd seide, “Welcome be Goddes sonde,byline3790For he is Lorde of al londe,And now I see he wil fulfilleThat I shal haven al my wille.”He roos and spaak unto hem alleroseAnd seide, “Hereth now what shal bifalle,line3795That yee shullen heren, speken, and see,Yee shullen no mercy fynde in me!For yee sloughen in this stedeJhesu Crist in his manhede.humanityWithouten al manere gylteline3800Yee demed hym to ben yspilte,killedAnd evermore riwen I it owe;regretNe hadden yee ben, I had hym sowe.seenYee han failed of his grace,So shulle yee don of myn in uche every placeline3805Al my wille ich have you toldeAnd wharto that yee shulle you holde.”Now seide the Kyng Archillaus,“Sir emperour, shal it ben thus?”He gan to renden a gappe wydetear3810Doun of hym after his syde,
And onon his swerd out drough
And therwith hymself he slough;fol. 15vaHe fel doune biforne hem alleInto the dyche under the walle.line3815“Forsothe,” seide the emperoure,“Archillaus was treytoure;Forthi on swiche deth he sterved,diedRighth as he hath arst deserved.firstGooth beryye hym,” he seide, “upe al thingline3820With honoure, for he was a kyng.”
Pilate and alle wenten adouneTo a gate of the toune,And out atte gate he wondeWith the keyes in his honde.line3825The gate was upon that ilche costcoastThere Titus lay with al his host,Whan the toun shulde be yolden and takeIn the pres he gan out shakearmy (host)Josephus with many a manline3830Into the cité of Joneperham,
Joneperam For to askapen al the wooThat the Jewes shulden to.The emperour wyst this on hast,And sone I woot he was bycast,surroundedline3835Wel armed men with many a wepenNighth and day the toun to kepen,And Josephus strongely withstoodAnd arst wolde sheden his bloodfirstThan to yelden hym to Vaspasyan,line3840For he was nougth a Cristene man,
Bot I am syker he dude atte last.certainThe emperoure soughth on hym so fastThat the sege he lete be,gave upAnd with ellevene felawes he gan flee
line3845Under the erthe into a kave,caveHem to socouren and to save.Whan her vitailes weren alle gone,victualsHise felawes seiden everychon,“Sire, thus mowe we noughth lye.lieline3850Ful wel we witen here shullen we dye;Uche of us shal other ete
At the last for nede of mete.Maister, at thee we willen bygynne,For thou art most maister hereinne.line3855Than shullen we han the lesse rewardOf hem that duellen afterward.”Josephus ansuerd als a manFul queyntlich, as nede was than,craftilyAnd seide, “It wolde noughth ben wel so.line3860Casteth lott bitwene two and two,Draw lots between each otherWhiche of us shal other eteAnd whiche we shullen alyve lete.leave aliveHolde yee alle,” he seide, “to this?”“Ye sir,” thai seiden, “I wys.”line3865Thus uche of hem ate otherr than,Tyl it to Josephus cam;Thoo the loth fal hym upon,lotfol. 15vbDeyen he shulde righth onon.Bot God wolde noughth he dyed than,line3870For his wytt halpe many a man.His fere gan his swerd out drawe,fellowAnd Josephus he wolde have slawe,Bot Josephus, that sotyle was,craftySeigh that he was in that cas,line3875And leepe on hym als he cam,leaptAnd his swerde hym bynam,he took from himAnd that same dome he hym gavefateThat he shulde hymselven have.And hym bileved he there alone,line3880So that he com out onone,With his swerd in his honde,And to the emperoure he wonde.And thoo the emperour to hym drough,And seide, “Felawe, wo artou?”wholine3885“Sir,” he seide, “I am Josephus,That wroot the storye amonges us
Of al that yee here writen yfyndeAmonge the Jewes of oure kynde.”“Forsothe,” he seide, “thou seist amys!wronglyline3890For yif thou haddest ben so wys,Why naddestoun warned hem to savedidn’t youFro the armes that thai shullen have?”harm“Sire,” seide Josoephus hym to,“On thoo that lyven, Y it doline3895That I warned hem of this cas,Fele yeres er it was.Many years agoAnd of her bokes I take witnesse,That I have writen, so I gesse.”And men that lyveden many online3900Witnessed it everychon,
And alle thai witnessed in that stedeThat Josephus had writen and sede.Than seide Jacob for hym thore,“Al that he seith I wil be fore.”line3905Than seide Sir Vaspasian,“Josephus, artou a Cristen man?”“Ye sir,” he seide, “Sikerly,CertainlyBot I have borne it prively.”endured secretlyAnd righth onon he was unbounde,
untiedline3910And he thanked hym that ilche stoundeAnd seide, “Sir, yif thou loke,Yut shaltou fynde in the bokebookThat I seide thine was the honoureOf
Rome to ben emperoureline3915Fourty dayes er it fel,
before it happenedAnd hou Titus foryede his hele,gave upAnd thorough the conseil of me,I hope yut hole
shal he be.”Than was
the emperour ful glad,line3920And seide, “Than have I that I bad,”And seide, “Maister Josephus,I nolde forgon my son Tytus,will not forsakefol. 16raAnd I wist hou his lyf to saveFor nothing that I mighth have.line3925Michel honoure thee shal ben giveYif thou helpe that he lyve.”“Sir,” he seide, “have thou no drede.I hope ful wel shul we spede.”prosperHe broughth hym to Titus also swithe,line3930That of his comyng was glad and blithe.Whan Titus herd his fadirs sawghe,To Josephus he gan hym drawghe,turn toAnd loved and leved hym sithen moostSave his fader of al the oost.line3935“Whan shal be don thou highttest us,That my fader tolde us?”“Sir,” he seide, “tomorowe dayIt shal be don, yif that I may.”“Come tomorowe and ete with us than.”line3940“I shal be redy yif that I can,On a forward that thou ne wraththe theepromise do not become angryFor what man that I brynge with me.I shal come by this covenaunt.”agreement“Perfay,” quoth Titus, “and I graunt.”By my faith
line3945Josephus in thoughth gan castAnd bithoughth hym atte last:“With a joye com this yvel, perfay,And with a sorough it most away.”Onon he dude to aspien thansearch outline3950Yif there were evere any manThat Titus had hated strongefiercelyAnd the wraththe had lasted longe,And hym was tolde there was swiche on.He dude hym comen forth onon,line3955And righth onon he lete calleThe stiward of the kynges halle.Thoo seide Josephus, “Gode felawghe,Wiltou don after my sawghe?Loke thou assente to me nowconsentline3960For Titus love and for his prow.”benefit“Sir, I sey
thee sikerlich,I graunte to don wel blethelich.”gladly“Wel,” seide Josephus also sone,“As mete tyme is atte none,meal noonline3965Do me setten a litel bordetableRighth biforne Titus thi lorde,And there at shal this man be sette,And loke that hym be mete fetteWel grete plenté and riche drynk,line3970Righth as shal comen bifore the kyng.And yif I rehete hym, do thou also.”make much of“Sir,” quoth the stiward, “it shal be do.”Al
this was don word for word;Josephus satt at the kyngis bord.line3975Titus was agreved and thoughthHow was this man hider broughth;Thus he satt agreved longefol. 16rbThat mete ne drynk nolde he non fonge.takeFor tene he chaunged al his mood,angerline3980And sithen an hete com in his blood
heatThat his yvel than hym forsookAnd nevere after hym ne took.Josephus bihelde this manAnd reheten hym bigan,make much ofline3985And the stiward dude alsoWith faire semblant as fel therto.hospitalityTitus tourned hym ful smert,sharply“Josephus, I thanke thee in myne herte!I bad thee brynge a man with thee;line3990I wende noughth it had ben he.Thou bad I shulde me wraththe noughthWith no man that thou hider broughth,And I graunted thee sikerly.It shal ben holden treuly,be keptline3995For thou dude it for myne hele,
I thanke it thee I have it wele.noblyThou shalt be me dere while I lyve,
And hym my wraththe I forgyve.”Thoo his fader wyst hou it was,knewline4000I woot he made gret solas,joyAnd after this over alle thinges,Josephus was next the kynges.
Go we now to Pilate ageyn,For of hym I have to seyn.line4005Hereth hou he gan his profre makeofferFor the toun and for his sake,To witen yif thai mighth saved beWith golde or silver or other fee.paymentTitus seigh Pilate and was ful glad;line4010No better tydynges he ne bad.tidingsPilate seide, “I praie thee,Sir Titus, that thou here me.For to ben stille I wil thee giveremain hereEvery yere while that I lyve,line4015So that thi fader wil me save,And my baily stille to have,officeI wil given hym this trowage:An hundreth sparehaukes ramage,wild sparrowhawksAn hundreth gentyl faukons
also,falconsline4020And houndes thritty mute therto,
packsAn hundreth palles of sylk and golde,fine clothsThe richest that ben boughth or solde,And ten leopardes and lyons
ten,And ten beres fro the den,bearsline4025And fyve mules charged wel,loadedWith golde and sylver everydel,And with alle the best stones,That mowen ben founden for the nones.for the momentWite at thi lorde yif he wil so,Find outline4030And seie me swithe what I shal do.”Titus was glad that ilk tydetimeFor he the gate opened wyde,fol. 16vaAnd for he seigh Sire PilateRedy to yelden hym atte gate.line4035He com and tolde his fader this,And he onon gan wepe for blis.The fader seide mekely
this tale:humbly“Forsothe, son, I am his bale;destructionThough he wolde give me al this worlde,
line4040He ne shal nevere the better ben herd.And though he mighth thelen als myche shamesuffer as much shameAs alle the men that beren name,Fro man was made to the werldes ende,He were more worthi, my leve frende.line4045Take thi folk and goo hym to,And telle hym that I seide so.Take hym son upe my blissyng,withAnd loke thou do hym in good kepyng,secure keepingAnd do thee forth in to the toun,line4050And I shal kepen envirounsurroundedThat non askape bot I it see.escapeAnd Jacob here take with thee,For he knoweth the
Cristen men,And ek the wymmen, whiche there ben,line4055For thou woost wel I have sworneThat non of hem ne shal be lorne.lostAnd alle thoo that yee shullen selleAs thai ben sleyn lete hem telle.”Titus onon than forth sprongline4060With his oost gret and long,Thai ne wolden no lengere abideBot fylden the dyche in every side.filledThai casten the gates open wyde,Sir Titus onon gan in rideline4065With thritty thousande armed wel,Bothe in yrne and in steel.ironHe took Pilate there he stode,Thritty knighttes hym keped gode.guardedI woot that he ful sore quookline4070Whan the knighttes
hym undertook!took into custodyTitus lett take all that he mett,And thoo that hidden hem, he dude hem fett.fetchHe comaunded his men als blyveTo kepen that thai token alyve;
line4075He dude bynde hem everychonbindThat hem ne askaped lyves non,aliveBot yif any braak his nekwere to breakOr drenched hem in any bek.drown streamThe Jewes weren leide on hepes grete,
line4080Fast ybounden, honde and fete.Als Titus rood up and douneAnd felde the walles of the toune,
On the wal he found a plas,placeWel thicker than that other was.line4085He had wel mychel ferlykgreat wonderWhi it was there so thikke.Tyl it was open nolde he blynneceasefol. 16vbFor to wyten what was therinne;And at the last in he wanline4090And fonde therinne an olde hore man,
gray-hairedAl glad and wel hiwed of the best,of good complexionAs on that were comen fro the fest.feastHe asked hym hou he there cam,And what tyme and thorough wham,line4095And what he highth wonderly.marvelouslyAnd he seide, “Joseph of Aramathy.First I was in prisoun as men herd,For Jhesus love wel fast ysperd,locked upAnd that was don for his berying,buryingline4100And here was I don for my prechyng.Righth now I woot seven yere ben gon,Thai shetten me in this wal of ston.shutAtte first Jhesus fette me outeAnd bad me have righth no doute,line4105To kithe me love was his thoughth,revealSithen he me hath forgeten noughth.SinceMy lorde me hath fed and kepte to now,For I shulde be delivered thorough yow;To thi fader and to thee and to youres alle,line4110This honourable grace be ordeyned to
falle,That men shulden therof longe yelpespeakAnd after tourne youre soules to helpe.Jhesus Crist wil that it be so;He ordeyned this dede for you two.”line4115Titus thanked oure heven kyngOf Joseps wordes and his fyndyng.discoveryTo his fader onon he hym sent,That honoured hym with gode entent;
With hym and Titus he was pryvé,line4120And honoured with her bothers
meignee,both of their armiesFor he was most honourable manAfter Titus and Vaspasyan,And than Japhel and Josephus,And Jacob that loved Jhesus.line4125While Titus alle the Jewes soughth,Jacob other men togedre broughth,Alle that leveden on Jhesu Crist,believedFeble thai weren for hunger and threst.Weak thirstHe led hem softe with honouregentlyline4130Righth biforne the emperour.The emperour gret hem everychonAnd dude hem eten wel gode won,
according to good customAnd thanked God that thai were save,
And that he mighth hem lyves have.
aliveline4135He dude hem bathen and clothen uchonWith white clothes that faire shoon,shone beautifullySo that his oost shulde hem knoweAnd honouren hem whan thai hem sowe.sawOf the Jewes thai hym toldeline4140Al that evere he witen wolde,And that he shulde no tresoure gete,For uche a Jew hath his y-ete,each Jew had eaten hisfol. 17raBothe clothes, palles and baudekyn,Eastern silks (brocade)And athere of wolle and of lyn,wool linenline4145And vessel mychel of riche prysOf al manere metal that is,And fele beestes wilde and tame,And hordes of hous al same,household stores togetherBot thai han oughth in erthe hydought to haveline4150Ellas nothing is thee her bityd.
So that nothing would have happened to them“Now,” seide the emperour, “is it so?I wolde non othere thai hadden do.Her tresore coveite I noughth to wynne,desireFor it is ful of falshede and synne.falsehoodline4155Al that is left is myne uche del,And that thai han eten paieth me wel,rewards me wellFor now shal I fulfillen my sale
And everyche bygger haven his tale.buyer totalFor I thenk to avaunce mynebenefitline4160And the more shal be her pyne.A fair grace is us bitydThat thai han eten is noughth hyd;For the biyete and for the prow,profit benefitMyne men shullen don hem sorough ynow,line4165And alle othere that willen hem bye.In al this londe I shal don cryeannounceThat al manere Cristene wighthpersonThat of the Jewes han despyt yplighthsworn disdainShullen comen and bye my waregoodsline4170And evermore the better fare.That is my joye and my game;Thai mowen noughth have to mychel shame.”
Rigth onon than sent heThorough the londe of Judé,line4175And comaunded every Cristene manComen to Sir Vaspasyan,Upon lyf and upon lyme,Her avauncement for to nyme.reward takeNon withstood that he ne kemline4180To the cité of Jerusalem.Than dude he cryen thorough his oostThat alle shulden come, lest and most.He seide to hem, “Yee han herd toldeFor thritty pens Jhesus was solde,line4185In despyt of Cristene lawghe,And sithen the Jewes han hym slawghe.Yee that ben comen into this stede,Cometh forth and awreketh his dede!avengeI seie you, who so wil bygge any,buyline4190I selle hym thritty for a penyOf alle the Jewes and her kynde,And loketh what yee in hem fynde;For I dar you wel warraunte,guaranteeYee shullen ben riche of the remenaunte.remainderline4195Whan thai ben opened everychon,
Yee shullen fynde tresore gode won.Uche man take his part of allefol. 17rbOf uche heved as wil bifalle;In her wombes thai han it broughth,stomachsline4200It ne thar nevere ben ferther
soughth.need neverAnd whan yee han out the tresore,That yee seen there nys no more,Loke yee don hem al the peyneThat any man can wyte or seyne.line4205Honge hem, bren hem, dooth hem drawe,burn torn apart (drawn and quartered)Flee hem, bore hem, dooth hem saweFlay pierce cut themRoste hem, scolde hem, bete hem, and putte,scald smiteAnd al on peces her body cutte,And thus fordooth hem, liif and lyme:destroyline4210So shullen men quyten hem her venyme.reward them for their corruptionAnd Goddes blissyng have thay ayThat serven hem so tyl !
treatCometh now and byggeth fastEvere while the route wil last.”crowdline4215Thai comen and boughtten up everychon,And uche opponed his folk onon,And after duden her enemyesAs hem was boden the same wyse.commandedThere mightten men seen, sikerly,line4220Gronyng, gruntyng, sorough and cry.Groaning, gruntingWhile al this sorough was ywroughth,madeI hote thee, Titus sleep righth noughth;I assure youHe rood overal thorough the toun,And al that there was he felde adoun.knockedline4225With pycoys and
many a knighthpickax mattock Felden the walles doune righth,And al the toun sikerlyk,And filden there with the grete dyk.filled ditchThai swepten al clene al that thai fonde,sweptline4230So that after hem ne lete thai nawght
stonde,Bot the temple Salamon
sikerly, temple of SolomonAnd the castel with the toure Davy.tower of DavidFor love of hem thai leften stilleThe prophecies to fulfille:line4235“There schal no ston on othere dwelle,Bot men shullen it doune felle.”
Thai fulfilled the prophecyeIn alle thinges that thai mightte aspye.Thai duden beryye the bodyes alleburyline4240In dunge hepes withouten the walle;dung heaps outsideThai boughtten and solden by hem oneOn that othere syde the other uchone.The summe of Jewes boughth and soldenumberAs thai weren sleyn thai weren tolde;countedline4245The noumbre was, as yee mowen lithe,hearAn hundreth thousande elleven sithe,111,000And the summe
of alle that les her liif,lostWith hunger or with swerd or kniif,Withouten thoo that weren solde, I understande,Excludingline4250Was foure hundreth and seventene thousande.
417,000And this wreche shal lasten ayvengeanceAnd evermore tyl ,fol. 17vaUpon al the Jewes kyndeIn what londe so men hem fynde.landline4255Evere thai shullen ben, I plighth,In despyt with gode skil and righth;reasonThai shullen nevere duellen in no londeBot for raunsoun,
Ich understonde.paymentThis was, I wene, grete vengeaunceline4260Thorough Goddes owen ordinaunce.There may no mannes slaughth ben hydmanslaughterThat it ne shal sumtyme be kyd;revealedLoke than yif Goddes sones sholdeThat alle thinges had in holde.grasp
line4265Thoo al the cité was doune cast,Titus toke Pilate atte lastAnd broughth hym bifore his faders kne.“Fader,” he seide, “loo, here is heThat slough Jhesu that was thi leche,physicianline4270And this traitour I thee biteche.”Than ansuered Sir
Vaspasyan,“Me thinketh I mighth noughth haten this man.”Twies or thries thus he seide,thrice“Hou shulde my wraththe ben on hym leide?line4275Me thenketh I ne can see non other,I mighth loven hym as my brother.Helpe, sum man, I mighth hym knowe,That he lede us thus no throwe.”not lead us a whileForth there com than a wel olde man,line4280“Sir emperour, I thee telle can,Hereth me and yee shullen wyte;I shal telle you as it is wryte.Whan Jhesus dyed, so seith oure book,Pilates knighttes from hym tookline4285His clothes and
deled amonges hem,And there was a kirtel that had no sem
garment that had no seamThat thai leten ben and parted it noughth,Bot hom to Pilate it was broughth.He woot ful wel that I ne lyye,that I do not lieline4290He hath it kepte sithen in tresorye.Seint Marie the kirtel waaf,woveAnd Jhesu Crist hir son it gaf.gaveSir, he dude it on hym thanhe (Pilate)Whan the gret hunger bigan;line4295Gode stones and that clooth Made that he feled no looth. harmWhile he it hath, he mighth gonAmong his frendes, among his fon.enemiesLonge it is gon he was a fyle;He has been a wretch for a long timeline4300I knowe hym wel and al his gyle.treacheryTake the kirtel fro the traitour,And were it thiself, sir emperour;It fel noughth hym therewith be clad
is not fittingAfter hym that first it had.line4305Also wel to hym it fallesAs a donge heep ben spredde with palles!A dung heap spread with fine clothUpon hym thou mighth it fynde:fol. 17vbWhiles he it hath on, thou beest al blynde,So tourne it of hym bifore thi kne.kneeline4310On hym I woot that I it see.”Whan the kirtel was fro hym ytake,Michel sorough he gan make.The emperour on hym gan loke,And on hym his heved he shokeheadline4315And seide, “Stronge theef, thu shalt be shent,Vile thief destroyedFor thou hast us so longe ablent!blindedFy on thee, theef! For longe whileThou hast us led al with gile.guileYif I may, theef, thou schalt abye,line4320And in stronge tourment thou shalt dye,Elles had I lorne al my journéOr else lost travelThat I made to this cité.For thou art worthi more shame aloneThan the Jewes everychone.”line4325As the story witnesseth and seith,A barel of steel
was for hym greith,barrel arrangedAnd al quyk he was thereinne ydo.alive putHereth now what thai duden also.Thai thoughtten han caste hym in the cee,sealine4330Bot for this resoun thai leten be,His paynes to lengthen, verreyment.trulyUnto Vyenne
he was sent,VieneThat tyme there was the heighe prisounThat longed to Rome and to the croun.belonged crownline4335The barel was seled with his seal,sealedSo that he were kepte wel,And evermore he shulde there ybeIn pyne and woo tyl that he dye.Out of the barel he was ydoline4340Whan he com the prisoun to,And he was in agein doneWhan he was ded also sone.After he was deadHe was tyed with a cheynechainTo a stake with fettres tweyne,stake shacklesline4345And gynes
on his handes tway,ropesBot it were the heigher day.Unless holyThere he lay two yer er he was ded,And lyved with water and barly bred,barleyBot on every heighe day
line4350Than he was served to his pay,to his likingOf gode mete and of drynk,And a man it to hym brynge.So fer the devel was hym withinneThat ones ne rewed hym his synne,he did not once regretline4355Bot lay there as an hethen hounde
heathen houndUpon the bare swepen grounde.sweptAy he lay righth as he yede,Ne was hym chaunged no manere wede,clothingIn wel mychel unclennessefilth (uncleanness)line4360And wel mychel and gret destresse.The story telleth also he laySo longe hym thoughth that on a day,fol. 18raHe wex al ful of his lyf,grew tiredAnd of on he borowed a kniiffrom someone knifeline4365For to paren a pere,
he drough,pare a pear drewAnd therwith hymselven he slough.The sept sages
thus willen you telle,Seven SagesAs men in the jestes
spelle,stories tellHou he dyed thai senten to seie thanline4370To the emperoure Sir VaspasyanAnd the emperoure seide onon,“To fouler deth mighth he nougth gonThan slee hymself with his owen honde,
For wers was non, ich understonde,none was worseline4375Whiles he lyved, ne more forlorne
That evere was of moder borne,For he assented by dome and redjudgment and adviceTo don Jhesu Crist to ded.He ne migth noughth, I understonde,line4380Have ben sleyn with a fouler
honde.I vouche wel saaf he ended so,think it properAls he dude, so lete hym go.”Out of the prisoun thai hym drough,Wel vileynlich ich hote yow,disrespectfullyline4385And sperred hym in the barel ageyn,lockedAs biforne yee herd me seyen.Thai beriyed hym by a watres sydeburiedThere no man shulde go ne ride,In a stede that was al wast.wasteline4390There fele men weren siththe sore agast;manyFor stynk and cry thai hadden doutefearOf fendes that walked hym aboute
aroundWharthorough many on took there the deth, Through which placeWhat of stynk and of his breth.stenchline4395Fro that syde the folk hym droughFor the men that it slough,And than thai token hem to redeupon adviceTo remeven hym to another stede,removeAnd so thai duden atte last,line4400And in a water thai hym cast.threwThere he fleet longe up and dounefloatedTo many mannes confusiouneruinNow in the myddes, now by the brynk,middle edgeThat doun to grounde migth it noughth synk,line4405So the devels gonnen hym posse and bere
began moveThat he ne mighth resten no where.I trowe the soule had litel restWhan the body was so forkest,tossed aboutAnd yif the fendes shewed hem mychel byfore,
shovedline4410Than they
shewed hem wel more.With derknesse, stynk and hidous cries,darkness horribleMen thoughtten it dyned into the skies;resoundedBy the water mighth no man wendeInto no londe fer ne hende,no land far or nearline4415And theigh the cuntré wenden and seynThat the water had borne hym agein.Tyl on a day a shipp com glidesailfol. 18rbFor by fast in a nones tyde,middayAlle thai weren in grete afrayline4420Whan that thai the barel say.sawWith mychel woo londe thai nam,And into Vyenne thoo thai camAnd tolden the folk of that citéHou thai hadden the barel ysee,seenline4425Up and doun floterande fast,floatingWharfore thai weren sore agastFor derknesse and for devels cryAnd for stynk thai felten hem by.Than the clergie of the tounclergyline4430Amonge the poeple with resoun,With holy bedes and with penaunce,prayersThat God delyvered hem of that chaunceLeyen fast in orisoune,Lay down prayerTyl God sent his grace adoune.line4435A voice there com that bad hem gonTo the watres side onon,And there thai shulden sone seenHou it shulde of that barel ben.Alle that mightten gon and rideline4440Wenten hem to the watres syde.A roche bigan to oppen wyderockAs thai alle seighen that ilche tyde,And aboven hem roos a wyndes blastgust of windThat made hem alle sore agast;line4445Therwith com both lighth and thonderlight and thunderAls the werlde shulde gon asonder.go to piecesThis weder forth the barel blew,And into the roche wel righth it threw.Whan it was in, it loke agein,line4450That roche that thai alle it seyn.Thai thankeden God in that stede;Thereafter ne hadden thai no drede.And evere sithen into this day,The hole is open there he lay.line4455With ston ne erthe ne may it ben dytt,closedIn tokne of that foule pytt,For he ne was worthi, ich understondeTo have rest in water ne londeHe that demed Jhesu to ben yspyltput to deathline4460To shameles deth withouten gylt.
Now wil I telle an aventoureOf Judas,
Goddes traytoure.First yhereth hou he was borneAnd sithen thorough falshede forlorne.line4465His owen fader highth Ruben,And woned in Jerusalem;livedSabaria his wyf highth,And was Judas moder righth.Upon that nigth that he was geten,conceivedline4470Ful the hous of devels seten;The house was full of devilsOn slep Sabaria mette a wonder casdreamedIn that ilche nighth of her son Judas,fol. 18vaHou that the devels tolde alle this tale,This childe shal be the Jewen bale;the Jews’ destructionline4475Thorough hym shullen thai sorough yfyndeAlle thoo that ben of the Jewes kynde.Of hire sweven she upbrayde,dream started upAnd to Ruben this tale she sayde,“We have don this nighth a deddeedline4480That al oure kynde may evermore drede;A childe is geten bitwene us twoThat shal brynge us alle to wo.Ruben, ich wil be siker biforne,Yif the childe of me be borne,line4485Hou so evere I with hym spede,I kepe hym never fostre ne fede.”foster nor feed“Dame,” quoth Ruben, “Artow wood?Are you crazyThou hast a spirit other than good.What lyst thee, dame, for to telle?What do you wantline4490Sweven nys bot a foles spelle.”
A dream is but a fool’s tale“Sir,” she seide, “this is myne afray;fearIt was me tolde thus as I lay.Yif I have conceyved as I wene,It schal tourne many on to tene.”to griefline4495Ruben gan this al forgete,Tyl that his wyf was al grete.great (with child)The childe was borne whan tyme cam;Michel sorough for hym thai nam.To kepen hym forth thai hadden care,line4500And thai wolden hym nougth forfare.destroyAnon thai ordeyned and hem bithougth,A nywe boot
for hym was wrougthnew boat madeIn to the cee he was ydighth,sea putAnd leten hym goo where he mighth.cast adriftline4505This boot was to and fro ycast,To londe it com atte lastIn an ylde that Caryoth highth,island IscariotAnd there he took his name arighth.The quene com pleyeande of the londeamusing herselfline4510With her maydens by the strondeshoreOf this boot she was wel ywareAnd onon therto gan fare.“Maydens,” she seide, “cometh with me;A boot cometh seilande on the cee.sailingline4515Sum wonder I hope it be, iwys,Go we and sen what it is.”The boot in the sonde gan fastsand began to stickAs the water wawghes it cast,wavesDrye foot upon the gravelsandline4520Thai wenten therto fair and wel.A childe in riche clothes woundeIn this boot thai han yfounde.Thai seighen it was a knave, I wys;boyThan made the lefdy mychel blis.line4525She seide to hir maidens ilchone,“Childe ne had I nevere non.I shal done it kepen and save,fol. 18vbOure heritage yut may he have.inheritanceThis chaunce is for us ful faire:line4530Now hath my lorde and I an haire.”heirHomwardes onon thai wolde,And to hir lorde this tale
she tolde.Thorough her bothers red, therfore,both of their adviceShe made as she with childe wore,pretendedline4535And so was don to understondeTo alle the lordes of the londe.Thai maden hym borne, and forth it toldeThorough the londe to yonge and olde.For hym was made joye and game;line4540Judas Carioth thai gaven hym name.Thai duden hym yeme as thai cone,cared for him couldRighth als he were the kynges sone.Sone afterward tyme byfel,As God wolde, faire and wel,line4545A knave childe conceyved the quene,That Judas mordred sithen, I wene.murderedWhan he was borne thai weren glad,For it was the first that thai had.Thoo thai weren waxen and thryvenWhen grown maturedline4550In play often thai foughtten and stryven;Judas often mysseide that otherspoke ill ofThat he wende had ben his brother.thoughtSone croketh that wil be wrong;
becomes crookedIn eelde mote biten
that yonge stong.
must bite stungline4555So gan Judas wyk to be,Bothe thorough blood and destynee.The nettle greveth the swete rose,
By thise two children we mowen suppose,For Judas often that childe smootsmoteline4560And made hym wepen teres hoot,weep hot tearsAnd thoo the quene it understood,Hire thoughth the gamme nothing good.She took it swithe sore to hertAnd dude Judas to skoure smertbeatline4565And tolde hym he nas nothing hem sybberelatedBy flessh ne blood, bon ne rybbe,boneBot that he was a fundelyngfoundlingBothe to hir and to the kyng.“And therfore smyte noughth my sone,line4570Yif thou wilt with us wone.”For this leten hym ne lysthe did not desire to ceaseThe kynges son to beten and byst.beat and strikeThoo Judas wyst and understoodThat he com thider by the flood,waterline4575He wende noughth it were so,He did not believeBot that for wraththe it had ben do;He was so cherilich with kyng and quene,lovingly treatedForthi he wende it mighth noughth bene.Ac the maydens witnessed that thingButline4580That weren at his fyndyng,And than he herd of hem this fame,reportHe took to hym ful mychel shamefol. 19raFor he wende ever and ooHe were the kynges son til thoo.line4585Wel pryvely that childe he slough,And rigth onon he hym withdrough;He was aferde to lesen his hedeafraid lose his headOither to han suffred sum othere dede,And so he shulde had he abyde.remainedline4590And therfore on his feet he hym dudeWith messagers of that londeThat beren trowage, I understonde,carried truageThat wenten to Jerusalem,In her compaignye thider he kem.line4595To Pilates court he hym drough,And there he wexe sone couth ynoughgrew renownedWith sotilté and with queyntisetrickery guileAnd with giftes to hym and hiseAs in the proverbes ben ytolde,line4600Bothe of yonge and of olde,That gode men togedres drawe,And everyche fole to his felawe,
So ferden Pilate and Judas,So glad oither of othere was.line4605Her maners acorded everydel,manners agreedForthi oither loved othere wel.eachYif Pilate to yvel redy was,Yut redyer was Judas;
Fro that thai weren togedres yknoweknownline4610Thai weren togedres a gret
throwe.a long timeIt bifel that Pilate went on a dayeInto the cité hym for to playe,And for to avisen hym up and dounobserveTo the kepyng of the toun.line4615And als he loked on every side,He seigh a tree that spred wydeIn an orchard there it stood.That sighth menged al his bloodprovoked himFor hym thoughth he was warline4620That tre the fairest appels
baarapplesThat evere he seigh in his lyve.His herte stood on hem so blyveThat he ne wist what to done;Bote he had of hem soneUnlessline4625He thoughth his herte wolde to-brest,burstNe wolde he never have no restTyl he mighth at his willeOf that fruyt have his fille.And of this foule temptaciounline4630Com sithen gret confusioun;This orchard was, wel I woot,Judas faders Carioth,Man that was most pryveeWith Pilate of al his meignee.companyline4635Pilate on this fruyt so thoughth,Til he hem had ne lefte he noughth,And forth onon he cleped Judas,fol. 19rbAnd seide, “Thou most me helpen
in this cas,For I woot thu nylt leve for no greefwill not cease for any troubleline4640To don that thing that me is leef.dearThis othere day I went adounAnd seigh here withouten the tounIn an orchard upon a treThe fairest apples that mightten be.line4645Now as thou wilt myn hele save,Helpe me of that fruyt to have,I praie thee, Judas my derlyng,Hastilich upon al thing.”QuicklyJudas seide, “Sir, I thee plighth,promiseline4650Thou shalt have therof tonighth,I hote thee er we slepen botheWho so be therof glad or wrothe.”Judas dude hym thider ononthereAs hym was taughtte for to gon;line4655An hard hap than was hym bifornebad fateThat evere was he geten or borne.He stirte in as hym ne
roughth,jumped caredThere Ruben woned that wist he noughth.dwelledHe understood nevere biforneline4660That he was there yborne,Ne his kynde ne couthe hym knowe,Though thai every day hym sowe.sawThai wenden noughth that it were heThat with Pilate was so pryvé;closeline4665Thai wenden the cee had hym forfareAnd fordon her alder care.destroyed previousBot his destynee so ne wolde,destinyFor it most nedes be as it scholde.Theigh men wenden stoppen Goddes cast,try to stop intentionline4670It wil forth gon atte last.Whan he into the orchard cam,Of the apples fast he nam;tookHe loked aboute hym and helde hym trest,secureAnd the fruyt in his bosome threst.line4675And therwith come Ruben thoo,And seigh hym hou he plucked so,pulled (i.e., picked apples)And wexe onon ful of yreangerAnd seide, “Whi doostou so, beau sire?good sirWhat hastou in my cloos to done?gardenline4680Highe thee out, I rede thee sone,Get outAnd yelde up the fruyt that thou hast,And make amendes for the wast,wasteAnd yut thou shalt ful dere abyepay forThis apert vilenye.”overt villainyline4685Judas ansuerd hym with prideAnd seide, “I nyl leve,
theigh thou chide,will not scoldAnd bot thou sone goo by this day,Thou shalt abyen, yif that I may.”pay for it“Yee,” quoth Ruben, “Is it so?”line4690And onon he stirte hym to,leaptAnd by the throte uche othere laughttethroat grabbedAnd togedres longe thai faughtte,fol. 19vaSo that Judas atte lastFro Ruben his fader brast,broke apartline4695And laughtte a ston that he fonde,grabbedAnd hente his fader by the honde,seizedAnd bete hym bihynde on the hede,That he fel doun under hym dede.Out of the orchard blyve he fleye,quickly flewline4700And hom to Pilate he took his weye.Pilate had sone the fruyt ynometakenAnd mychel thank he hym cone.couldAl his cas he tolde hym sone
That was for the apples done.line4705“Ye,” quoth Pilate, “recche thee noughth.don’t worryThere woot no man who it wroughth.Bere thee wel and holde thee stille,And thou shalt have al thi wille.Alle the godes that hise woregoods wereline4710I graunte thee for evermore,And the wyf that was hisShal ben at thi wille, iwys.”Whan it toward evene cam,eveningThe wyf into hir orchard nam,wentline4715After hir housbonde she soughth fast,And com and fonde hym atte last,Stark ded ful sikerly.Utterly deadShe wende it had ben sodeynly,suddenFor she wyst noughth of that cas,knewline4720Whanne ne thorough whom it was.Erly amorowe whan it was day,Early in the morningShe yede to Pilate for this affray.disturbance“This nighth I fonde myne hosebonde ded;I ne woot hou ne thorough whas red.whose biddingline4725Leve sir, helpe me at this res,Dear emergencyFor I am now al helples.”“Dame,” quoth Pilate, “Drede thee no del,Thou shalt ben holpen swithe wel.Do beriye hym swithe and have no care,line4730For I have ordeyned al thi fare.Dame, I thenke to given theeThe man that is pryvyest with me;closestTake hym here by the honde,For he shal be thine housebonde.”
line4735She ne durst ones seien nayedared not once say noBot Pilate and Judas for to paye.pleaseThoo thai weren ywedded, Judas and she,And hadden a while togedres be,Upon a nighth she hire biwent,turned paleline4740And weep and sore hire byment.mournedJudas asked, “What is this fare?Whi makestou, dame, thus mychel care?Is there oughth that agreveth thee?anythingTelle on, thou shalt avenged be.” line4745“Sir,” she seide, “I may wel sorowe,Bothe on even and on morowe.evening morningI may be ever careful wyfsorrowfulfol. 19vbWhan I thenk upon my lyf;Ruben and I a childe we had,line4750For hym ne be
I nevere glad,For in the cee we hym cast,And there we seighen oure son last.I woot he is ded sikerlich,And his fader sodeynlich,line4755And now Pilate with bote yarezealous reliefHath ynewed al my care.made newAgein my wille he wedded meAgainstTo lede my lyf, Judas, with thee.”Thoo Judas understood this cas,line4760He seide that he hir son was.“Allas,” she seide, “artou so?For now is woo upon woo,Here is sorough upon sorough,Hou shulde we evere ben borough?”savedline4765Thoo Judas wyst his moder his wyfknew his mother was his wifeAnd had bireft his fader his lyf,robbedOf thise synnes he gan hym repent.His moder redde hym that he wentadvisedTo seken Jhesu the prophete,line4770His synnes foule for to bete.atone forTo Jhesu com this Judas,And cried hym mercy for his trespas;Jhesus graunted hym ful soneAnd gaf hym penaunce for to done.line4775So wel he dude that he hym badeThat his deciple he hym made,discipleHe plesed so wel Jhesu hymselve,He made hym on of th’apostles twelve,And though he were to Jhesu leef,dearline4780Yut he was pryvelich his theef.For Jhesus dude hym that honoureThat he made hym his procuratoure,stewardTo beren the purs
for queynt and wyscarry prudence certainlyOf that was geven hym and hys.line4785And as men reden, the tenth
partHe helde hym self to hym ward.And to hasten his confusiounhasten his destructionAs telleth in the Passioun,
Thoo Marie with the oynementline4790Alithed Jhesu with gode entent,AnointedThat was riche, he understood,That (the ointment) costlyAnd therfore he was wel neigh woodAnd wex wrooth with MarieFor it com noughth to his bailye.keepingline4795Worth thre hundreth pens cast it heestimatedRedy to sellen of her monee.And for to restoren thatt oynement,compensate forThorough the fendes procurement,For the tenthe
peny his lorde he soldline4800Thritty pens, it wolde ben told.
Sorough and shame, wanhope and woodespairUndertook Judas thoo,fol. 20raThat he nolde God no mercy crye,he would not cry for mercy to GodFor his
falshede ne for his felonye.betrayalline4805And sithen he knew hym and his fame,him (Jesus) reputationHe was the more for to blame,For he seigh hym evere
curteis,To hem that bisoughtten hym alweys,entreatedThat weren seek or in trespassickline4810Merciable and meke he was.Merciful and meekBot he most nedes ben lorne,lostAs it was loked hym biforne.ordained to himThan to the Jewes agein he cam,
With her monee that he namtookline4815And seide, “Loketh there youre monee;I have synned and so duden yee.”The Jewes seiden, “Thine is the synne —Thou us bede Jhesu to wynne.offered takeThorough thee we comen hym to;line4820Forthi thenk what
thou haste ydo.”what you have doneWhan he seigh no better bote,remedyHe dude hym smertly on his fote.went quickly on footInto a wast pryvé stedesecret waste place (i.e., a waste land)A wicked maister gan hym lede,masterline4825And there upon an hildre tree,
elderHe henge hymself in pryveté.His wombe cleef in two and rente,stomach split toreHis guttes to his feet wente;He ne mighth noughth flee that foule wreche,vengeanceline4830For he ne wolde God knowleche.Up in the eir he most dye,airFor he dude aungels vilenye,And to us he dude also,Therfore he most dyen so,line4835For he solde Jhesu oure aller frende,
the friend of us allFor to dyen in Jewes kynde.Thus suffred he his penaunceTo fulfillen the grete vengeaunce.Bitwene and ,line4840Tho Jhesus sent the Holy Gost,Peter stood among hem alleAnd seide, “Yee witen what is bifalle;On is lore that was oure brother.lostAmonge us we moten chese another.chooseline4845We moten alle ben hole twelve,must all be a full twelveAs oure maister bad hym selve,For to prechen in every londe,And thus he bad us, I understonde.Of oure deciples chese weline4850Of alle thoo that under us be,Sexty and twelve under alle;Loketh to whom it wil bifalle.”Thai casten loth by and by;cast lotsAlweys it fel on Seynt Mathy.
Matthiasline4855Thus thai fulfilden her talecompleted totalThat Judas had broken with bale.evilThus com Judas to his ende,fol. 20rbTo dampnacioun withouten ende.damnation
Now let we Judas and Pilate dwelle,line4860Of the emperour I wil you telle.At Jerusalem while that he lay,His men wenten nighth and dayInto the cuntré abouten hemMany a myle fro Jerusalem,mileline4865For al manere of vitailekind of victualsWhan that any gan hem fayle.lackTounes, castels, and cité,Thai token thoroughout al Judé,And duden Goddes lawghe to takeline4870And her fals bileve forsake,beliefAlso wide as thai wentThorough the
emperours comaundement;And hem that wolden noughth, thai slough
With sorough and pyne ynough.line4875Thai token into her baundouncontrolThe keyes of citees, castels, and toun,
And duden hem all, lesse and more,Sweren hem feuté
that there wore,fealtyAnd to his eyres withouten ende,heirsline4880Where so thai duelleden, fer or hende.far or nearOf lawghes he made amendement,After his manere with gode entent;He stabled alle thinges that he on thougthconfirmedSo that there failed righth noughth,line4885And thus wroughth Sir VaspasiandidThat he had thank of God and man,And Sir Titus dude
also,For he halpe wel therto.Than bithoughth hym the emperour,line4890“Now mote I do myne men honouremustThat han duelled here with me,In grete travaile for this cité.For deth ne lyf ne for woo,Ne for no wantyng from me goo,inadequacyline4895On no manere wise thai nolde,Bot alway stifly with me holde.”strongly“Nou graunt mercy,” he seide, “lordynges,many thanksThat yee me have holpen to ende thise thynges.”The riche he gaf londes and rentes,lands and incomeline4900The mene men grete avauncementz,common promotionsAnd the povere men that litel wonnenpoor won littleAnd kepten inward and noughth out ronnen,Hem he feffed fair and welendowedWith the citezeinus loos catel.
citizens’ forfeited propertyline4905Of al that evere there was founde,I woot thai leften al bare grounde;There hous and wal wel fast stood,house and wallThai swepten al clene away the good.possessions
Than took he leve of the londe
line4910And toward shippes he gan fonde;proceedThai setten her wardeyns, his son and he,governorsIn tounes and in the cuntré,fol. 20vaAnd thai and al her compaignye,With song and mychel melodye,line4915Whan al was don unto the ende,Homward thai gonnen for to wende.Thai saileden so til that thai comeHool and sounde agein to Rome.WholeAgeins hym com Seint Clement,Towardsline4920And al the clergie with hym went,With song and faire processiounThe belles rongen thorough the toun.
Dame Verone with Seint Clement cam,And the emperoures honde thai nam,tookline4925And he kissed hem bothe twoWith wepyng, and Titus also.Anon whan Verone Jacob sawe,To hym swithe she gan
drawe;She kyssed hym and clipte many a sitheembraced many timesline4930And seide, “Jacob, ay be thou blithe!”To Japhel and Josephus she dude also,And
to alle the othere that comen there tho,And namelich to Josep of Aramathie,especiallyFor he was noblest of that compaygnye.line4935Seint
Clement and Dame Verone thanBlissede thoo Sir Vaspasyan,BlessedThat had the Holy Gost
wonne and soughth,And alle the Cristene saved and broughthOut of travaile into rest,toilline4940To lyven in Goddes servise best.Evermore while thay lyve,Uche man his warison is yyive,reward givenThat thai mightten faire lyve by,Thai and her heires sykerly.line4945Seynt Clement seide to Vaspasyan,“Me liketh that thou art lyves, man,aliveAnd that thou shalt Cristen be,As thou and thine byhightten me.promisedSir, I praie thee highe sonehurryline4950That yt were in dede done,And bot thou do withouten ooth,unless oathGod wil sone be with thee wrooth.He hath broughth thee to thine aboveHis laghghe to undertake and love.”lawline4955Than seide the emperour ful sone,“Dightte thee, sir, that thing were done.”PrepareSeint Clement of this was gladAnd made redy als he hym bad;He dude hem shaven more and lesseline4960Her hevedes
in tokne of clennesse,headsAnd clothen hem in white wede
clothingAlle that to Cristendom yede,And for to maken solempnitéceremonyThat thai alle alyves be.line4965Als holelich righth as thai wenttogetherTo resceiven the sacrement;sacramentIt semed that God wolde hem save,fol. 20vbThat made hem mychel joye to have.And than weren thai alle shryvenconfessedline4970And absolucioun he has hem given,absolutionHe cristned the emperour ononbaptizedAnd his men everychon.
Seint Clement song hem a masse,Thai offreden bothe more and lasse,line4975Her righth feith he hem taughtteThat weren wrothe he made saughtte;troubled harmonyThai lerned of hym so the laghghe,lawThai lyveden sithen after his saghghe.teachingThe emperour made many a kyrkechurchline4980Of the temples that weren derk;
darkThere maumetries hadden ben,idolsRiche atyre men mightten sen.Rich apparelWel richely he dude to wircheAl that shulde to Holy Chirche,line4985Of golde and silver and riche stones,With crafty werk for the nones,And riche fee
he yaf hem toOf londes and rentes also.He lete conferme the Cristen lawgheline4990Thorough everyche londe with strengthe and awghe.He lete sperre the vernycle wel,encloseIn golde and cristal everydel,crystalIn crystal he dude it couche,Men to seen and noughth to touche,
line4995And to Petres mynster
gaf it righth:Peter’s churchOf Dame Verone vernycle it highth.
Seint Clement took the coroune thancrownAnd sete it on Sir VaspasianAnd oyned hym with an oynementanointedline5000As falleth to kynges corounement.coronationVaspasyan thoughth God to quemeserveAnd took a riche dyademe,diademThat is a mytre with coroune,head covering with a crownThis falleth the Pope with resoune.befitsline5005He sacred the Pope
Seint ClementconsecratedAnd sett on hym this with gode ententAnd bitook hym the Popes
staf,gaveThat was his croice that he hym gaf,And seide, “Pope
I conferme thee,line5010Of alle clerkes most thou beThat is thorough everyche londe,I wil that thai ben under thine hondeAnd thorough thee her lawghes be laddAs Peter and other biforne thee hadd.line5015And al the power that Pope
shal have,In alle poyntes I vouche save;In every partOure gostly fader I holde thee,
spiritual fatherUnder God Almightty in Trinité.”Whan this was don in joye and pes,line5020The emperour anon hym cheschoseThorough every londe for to sendePes to make, lawghes to amende,fol. 21raAnd so it was holde upe lyf and lyme,For hym and for his sones tyme,line5025And lyved in swiche devociounThat of hym com sithen gret renoun,For God shewed sithen in that stedeBiforne his tumbe there he was dede,tombAs we in his story fynde,line5030There heled the croked and the blynde.
After hym regned Titus his sone,Emperoure of curteys wone,gracious conductThat evere yut was of tolde;In gestes he is so holdetalesline5035That witnesseth he was alweysOf godenesse and giftes so curteys.Communelich he had seide and sworne,Commonly“This day I have foul forlornelostWhan I ne have none giftes given.line5040Hou shulde ich thusgates lyven,thereforeI that so mychel tresore have,Bot I sum man therof gave?For God sent me this richesseTo parten with hem that han lesse.”shareline5045Now I hope seien fewe sothinkAs Titus was ywoned to do.accustomedNow bothe Vaspasian and Titus,Biteche you swete Jhesus!Commend
A merveile I may you telle
line5050Yif yee willeth a stounde duelle,a whileWhat wonder toknes God sentSiththe the emperour was hom went,In tokne of that destruccioun.Thai that ne dyed in that synful toun
Those that did not dieline5055And weren assentaund
to his ded,compliant deathIn word, in werk, and in red,Fro that thai toughtten it til it were donthoughtRest ne was with hem non,Theigh thai aboden longe her penaunceThough delayedline5060Or he sent them this vengeaunce.BeforeSumme of the grettest that leften alyveremainedOf the Jewes comen ful blyve,There the toun stood of JerusalemWhereHer merkes on the ground thai nem,measurements tookline5065For to have bilded the toun ageyn.builtBot I hope thai wroughtten in veyn,worked in vainFor God wolde ther kynde no moreShulde lyven to dwellen thore.
Should live to dwell thereThai loked doune a litell
stounde:line5070Croices hem thoughtten leien on the grounde,Crosses lyingOf dew blood red
unto her sighth,wet, bloody redThat made hem flen ful swithe, iplighth.flee I promiseThe rede croices bitokned ononred crossesThat her vengeaunce was noughth gon.line5075Another day agein thai comen,And her merkes there thai nomen,For thai wenden to speden bett;fare betterfol. 21rbThan fonden thai her clothes bysettcoveredFul of swiche croices as thai saysawline5080Bifore hem on that othere day.Of this sighth hem thoughth no play;they thought it no gameRighth onon thennes thai fley.The thrid day thai comen efte — againThem hadden ben better thai hadden lefte!line5085Two warnynges thai hadden at willeYif thai wolden have holden hem stille.Thai auntreden hem for to seeventuredYif hym mightten have founded that cité.Looth hem was that place forgoo,Loath (reluctant)line5090Yif thai mightten have comen therto.And als thai stouped her merkes to take,Thai hadden no mighth thennes to shake For to tellen no carpentereWhat mesure thai token there.
line5095Out of the erthe spronge a fer,fireWith sparcles hote and glowede
cler,hot sparks shining embersThat forbrent hem alle there,burntThat body and bones askes were.
ashesThus ended thoo foles with that fyre,line5100Ne hadden thai non othere hyre,paymentFor thai duden withouten skyllgood judgmentAnd alweys
ageynus Goddes will.alwaysThai mosten nedes alle forfare:be destroyedHelpeth it noughth for hem to care.line5105Thus the Jewes destroied woreAls the prophetes seiden bifore,Bot yut is noughth the vengeaunce gon,Tyl Goddes grete dome be don.last judgmentLoke what man wolde so han bedeline5110As Jhesus Crist hymself dede;He that is God and Lorde of alleA meke God we mowe hym calle,That so longe his wreche withdroughwithheldFor the Jewes that hym slough,line5115For the toknes he dude hem sende,Yif thai wolde hem oughth amende,And so longe it forth gloodpassedThat fourty yer he abood.
Sithen he is so meke, loke hym to:line5120Lere we of hym to suffre so.LearnJosephus the gode clerk,He witnesseth al this werk;He mighth the better the sothe writen,truthFor he sawe
the vengeaunce smyten,saw struckline5125Also he wroot al the storyOf al that fel into the Jewery.all that befellAnd so witnesseth yonge Seynt Jame,That suffred than so mychel shame,And the knave, the prophete,line5130That was sleyn in the strete,Why Jacob was agreved soreAs yee han herd here bifore.fol. 21vaNichodemus bereth witnesseOf thise thinges, more and lesse,line5135And of this thinges maketh mencyounIn Nichodemes Passioun,the Gospel of NicodemusAnd in the gestes of emperourestalesOf thise wonder aventours.
eventsIn the Godspel also it sytt,Gospelline5140And fele prophetes witnesseth it,manyAnd the foure Godspellers uchon Gospellers (i.e., Evangelists)To this wreche acorden in on.vengeance agreeOf al this werk that was wroughth,Out of her bokes it is broughth.
line5145Honoured be Oure Lorde so hende,courteousNow is this story broughth to ende!Yblissed moten thai alle beOf Jhesu Crist in Trinité,That thusgate his deth han wroken,in this wayline5150As I have biforne spoken.I hope that thai have, I wys,To her mede Hevene blys;rewardGod graunte us alle ther to be,Amen, amen, par charité!