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Textual Notes

TitleThe bataile of Jerusalem. So MS, A. O: The vengeance of god taken upon the Jewys for Chrystus deathe. Cov: Here biginnith the sege of Jerusalem bi Vaspasian.back to note source

1Listneth. So MS. Addit: Herkneth.back to note source

alyve. So MS, O, C, D, Addit. A, Herbert: in live.back to note source

2men. So MS, C. O, A, Herbert, D, Addit: man.back to note source

3wil. So MS, A. O: wul. Addit: wolle. C: shal. Cov: shalle.back to note source

4Hou. So MS. O, A, C, Addit, Cov: how. D: howe.back to note source

bihated. So MS. O, D: byhated. A: byhatede. Addit: Hatyd. C: yhated.back to note source

5felle. So MS. Addit: fell. C, D: fel.back to note source

7Gospelles I drawe to witnesse. So MS. C: þe holy gospel y tak to wytnesse.back to note source

8more and lesse. So MS, A, C, D, O. Addit: more ne lasse.back to note source

9Passioun and Nichodeme. So MS, C, Addit. A: passioun of nichodeme. O: passion of nycodeme. D: passioun of nicodeme. Cov: passioun of Nichodeme also.back to note source

10taketh. So MS, A. D, Cov: takith. O: nymeþ. Addit: nume.back to note source

good yeme. So MS. Cov: goode heede Þereto.back to note source

12Of thise wonder aventours. So MS, C, O. D: that tellen of these aventour. A: That tellen of þese aventures. Addit: Of þese wondyr anen to crie.back to note source

15gret despyt. So MS, C, O. A: grete. D: greet. Addit: mikyll.back to note source

18thai dere it boght. So MS. Addit: þay hyt dere aboȝt. O: þey hit dere abouȝte. A: they hit dere aboght. D: that thei it dere abouȝt. C: sithen þei have yt ful dere abought.back to note source

22–26That many on . . . her schame, iwis. So MS. Cov includes additional lines: For our trespas it was and nat for his / Suffrid he here shame I wys / As many oone gilteles yhongid ys / And so bifelle of Ihesu Crist / As us sheweth the evaungelist.back to note source

33Paraph mark in left margin.back to note source

hem in. So O, A, C, D. Addit: ham. MS: telde in his.back to note source

35that in fele manere. So MS. A: þei deden in fele manere. D: that thei diden in fele manere. C: þat right in fel manere.back to note source

36rought never. So MS. A: chargeth noght. C: þei shulden yt weel.back to note source

39telde hem everywhore. So MS. O, D: tolde hem everywhere. A: tolde everywhere. Addit: told hym far and nere. C: tolde among hem þere.back to note source

41maden. So MS. C: shewed. O: line absent.back to note source

42As thai liveden. So MS. O: as ȝyf þey lyfed. A: as þei lyveden. Addit: þat þey levyd. C: as þough þei lyvede. D: as they leveden. Cov: And yif thei lived.back to note source

46Her wrong with hem noght ne slepeth. So MS. C: þerfore þe veniaunce þerof not longe slept.back to note source

53–54Altheigh thai hym in manhode sowe / His godhede might thai noght knowe. So MS. Addit: All þow he hym saw in his manhed / þey myȝt not know his god hed.back to note source

55schewed after. So MS. C: used forþer here. O: sued after. Cov: sewed after.back to note source

57wonders. So MS. O, C, D: wondres. Addit: wondyrs. A: wordes.back to note source

58thai. MS: i inserted above line.back to note source

59For no man migth swich maistré kithe. So MS. Addit: for nevir soche maystrie be þe. D: for no man ne myȝte suche maistries kiþe.back to note source

61Paraph mark in left margin.back to note source

64That thu art maister. So MS, O, D. Addit: þew art þe most maystyr. A: Thou art moost mayster. C: þu art most mayster.back to note source

66merveiles. So MS. Addit: merakyllis.back to note source

67coude. So O, D. MS: muþe. A: couthe. Addit: chowde. C: can.back to note source

70in his werk. So MS, A, Cov. Addit: and his werke. C: and hys werk. O, D: in his werke.back to note source

71Therfore, we wolde. So MS. O: forþy we wolden. D: forthy we wolde. A: forthy wolde. Addit: for why we wolde. C: Wherfore we wolden.back to note source

72God almightty. So MS. A: Goddes sone. Cov: allemyghti God.back to note source

77gon. So MS. O: gode.back to note source

79Forthi of Heven. MS: Forthi of of heven. O: forthy of heven. D: forthy of hevene. A: for thogh I of heven. Addit: forwhy of hevyn. C: and þerfore yf y of hevene. Cov: For thouȝ of heven.back to note source

82Whan ye trowen me therof nought. So MS. A: Whan ȝe þat other troweth nouȝt. Addit: Wan þou trowist þat oþer noȝt.back to note source

88The Jewes hym tempted oft. So MS, Cov. A: The jewes curst Crist temptede oft. Addit: þe iewis hym temptis oft. C: þe jewys tempted ihu ful often. D: the jewes crist tempted eft.back to note source

89wonder. So MS, O, A, D. Addit: wondyr. C: wondre.back to note source

90For to ateint. So MS. O: for to ateynt. A: And ofte opposede. Addit: For to temptyn. C: For to have atteynte. D: For to ateinten.back to note source

92In sum manere. So MS. C: Yn ony wyse.back to note source

94That al unbynt. So D, MS. O: þat al onbynt. A: þat al unbyndeth. Addit: þat alle unbynt.back to note source

96gret. So MS. O, A, Addit, D: grete. C: owene.back to note source

101youre. So MS, O, A, Addit, C. D: oure.back to note source

102name. So MS, O, A, C, D. Addit: man.back to note source

103asked. MS: ked inserted above line.back to note source

105was a Jewes kyng. So MS. O: was god and jewes kynge. A, D: was god and Jewes kyng. C: was god a and jewes kynge. C: was god and jewys kyng. Cov: was god and jewes kinge.back to note source

106Tho ansuered thai to this thing. So MS. A: in hym þei had noo trewe levyng.back to note source

107Oure moné, we maken the war. So MS. O: Oure money sire we maken þe war. A: Oure money sire we make þe war. Addit: Oure mone sire we makyþ þe ware. C: Oure money þei seyde we maketh yare. D: oure moneye sir we make the war.back to note source

110that is Goddes. So MS. Addit: And þat is to god ys to god all myȝt.back to note source

111confounded. So MS, O. A: confoundet. Addit, Cov: confoundid. C: confunded. D: answered.back to note source

116tolde hym. So MS, C. O, D: tolden hym. Addit: told hym. A: accusede hir to hym.back to note source

117onon. So MS, D. O: ryȝt onon. A: right anoon. Addit: riȝt anone. C: and þat right anon.back to note source

118the erth. So O, Addit. MS: there. A, C: þe erthe. D: þe erþe.back to note source

121writen. So MS. A: unswared.back to note source

122Hy gon the hens to biholde. So MS. Cov: Gothe the lettris he saide and beholde.back to note source

124Sore thai weren all adrad. So MS. O: I plyȝt ȝou þei were adradde. A: I seye to ȝou þei were adradde. C: As y yow telle þei were adrad. D: I bihote ȝow þei were alle adrad.back to note source

129the. MS: the the.back to note source

130he. So MS. O, A, Addit, C, D: Jesus.back to note source

133not sikerli. So MS. O: not never sikerly. A: not noght sikerly. Addit: notȝ never sikirly. C: not sykerly. D: not nevere sekerly. Cov: wote never sikirly.back to note source

135forth. So MS. O, Addit, C, D: dame. A: þou dame.back to note source

137thus on. So O, A, C, D. MS: þer ȝ. Addit: on.back to note source

141Than. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

144to bryng hym doun. So O. MS: illegible here. Addit: bryng hym adoun. C: to bryngen hym adoun.back to note source

147Sith. So MS. O, A, Addit: sire. D: sir. C: also.back to note source

149Messias took. So MS. O, C, Addit: messias toke. D: messias goodliche took. A: messias godelich toke.back to note source

150by. So MS, O, Addit. A, D: in. C: yn.back to note source

153brake hit nought. MS: brake noughth. O: braken hit nouȝth. A: breke it noght. Addit: brekyþ hit noȝt. C: breke yt nought. D: breken it nouȝt. Cov: breke it nought.back to note source

162glad. So MS. O: jolyf. A: joiefull. Addit: yoyfuul. C: joyeful. D: joieful. Cov: ioiefulle.back to note source

166knewe. So MS. O: seyȝen. A: segh. Addit: seyn. C: seyen. D: syȝe.back to note source

wist what I wasse. So A, Cov. MS: illegible here. O: west what I wasse. Addit: wyst what y was. C: wyste what y wasse. D: wist what i was.back to note source

167lynde. So C, D, O, A. MS: illegible here.back to note source

168Paraph mark in left margin.back to note source

mankynde. So MS, O, Addit, C. A, D: mannes kynde.back to note source

170fyfty wynter olde. So O, A, C. MS: xl wynter elde. Addit: fifte ȝere olde. D: fifty wynter oolde.back to note source

171nast. So MS. O, A, D: hast.back to note source

172in no wise ben. So A, C. MS illegible here. O: in none wyse been. Addit: yn none wise bene. C: nought yn no wyse ben.back to note source

173but. So O, A, C, D. Addit: bot. MS: for.back to note source

174seyen hem than. So O. C: seyen hem. A: seen hem. Addit: sey ham. D: han seen hem þan. MS: seie ham.back to note source

183prophetes. So MS. C: profettes. O, A, Addit, D: prophecies.back to note source

184other ben. So O. MS: oither hem. A: or shull. Addit: oþer be. C: or ben. D: or shal.back to note source

187areisen agein. So MS. O: areys hit uppe. A: reisen hit up. Addit: rere hyn up. C: arered yt up. D: reisen it up.back to note source

197six and fourty. So Addit. MS: vi and xl. A, C: sex and fourty. D: sixti and fourty. O: syxsty and forty. Cov: sixtie and fourtie.back to note source

199Right. So MS, Addit, C, D. O: ryȝth.back to note source

men. So O, A, Addit, D. C: me. MS: he.back to note source

201he. So MS. O, Addit, D: Jesus. A: Jhesus. C has extra lines here: þei wolde not leven on hym be no wey / But evere dured forth yn here false lay.back to note source

203loked. So MS. Addit: lokid. O, A: ordeyned. D, Cov: ordeined. C: holpen hym.back to note source

205bileve. So MS. C: vylene.back to note source

207such. So O. D, A, C: suche. Addit: swich. MS: suich.back to note source

213Fendes. So MS. O, A, D: worldes. Addit: worldys. Cov: Worldis. C: suche. C has extra lines here: þerfore þei nolde hym a lyve y here / And yut worldes werks wrought he none.back to note source

215areden. So MS. O, C: asked. A, D: askede. Addit: axid.back to note source

216as God and man. So O, A, C, D. MS: als a good man. Addit: as god and god and man.back to note source

217any. So MS. O, C: non. A, D: noon. Addit: none.back to note source

218youre beest. So A. MS: youre o beest. O: ȝoure best. Addit: youre beste. C: þe best hys beste. D: oone of ȝoure bestis.back to note source

219in1. So O, A, D. Addit, C: yn. MS: and.back to note source

226wolden. So MS. O: wold. A, Addit: wolde. C: shulde. D: myȝte.back to note source

234wel. So MS. O, A, C, D: ful.back to note source

237But. So O, A, C, D. MS: Ac. Addit: Bot.back to note source

241That thei despyt. So A, C. O: þat þey despyt. Addit: þat þay despite. D: that dispit. MS: For thai no spyt.back to note source

246sende. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

251had. So MS, A, Addit, D. O: ne hadden. C: hadde.back to note source

254michel. So MS. C: ful grete.back to note source

262Bothe in toun and in strete. So MS. O, Cov: where he walked in toune or strete. C: where he walked yn toun oþer strete. A, D: where he walkede in toun or strete. Addit: whare so þay walkyd toun of strete.back to note source

264be. So MS. A, D: goon.back to note source

267thousand. So O, C, D. MS: man. A: thousandes. Addit: þusoond.back to note source

270faren. So MS. A: pynede.back to note source

278What manere men. So A, D, Cov. MS: Whan men. O: what maner men. Addit: what maner hy. C: what manere of men. back to note source

282any other had. So MS. O: eny oþer so had. A: any oþur nacioun. D: ony othir nacioun.back to note source

285He. So O, A, C, D. MS: þe. Addit: ȝet.back to note source

288in eny envye brenne. So O. MS: in envie ne brenne. A: in any envye ben. Addit: yn eny brenne. C: yn envye bren. D: in any envie ben.back to note source

294hymself. So O, C. MS: hym. A: hymselfe. Addit: hamself. D: hymsilfe.back to note source

296vileynous. So MS. A: grevose and grete.back to note source

302–03There thai wore gadered . . . / . . . thai spaken his ded. So MS. Lines absent in O, Cov.back to note source

307leten. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: lete.back to note source

309Romeins and other schull comen us on. Line absent from C.back to note source

310fordon. So MS, O, Addit, C. A: fordoon. D: fodoon.back to note source

320withoute skill. So MS. O: with skylle. A: by her skyll. Addit: wiþ will. C: ful stylle. D: by here wille.back to note source

322quyt. So O, A, Addit. MS: crist. C: quyte. D: quite.back to note source

325hym. So MS. O, A: hymself. Addit: hem. D: hymsilfe.back to note source

326a man. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: no man.back to note source

327thai. So MS. C: þay. O, A: her boyes. C: here here boyes. D: here boyes.back to note source

336lither. So MS. A: evell.back to note source

338felony. So MS. O, C, D: felonye. A: vileny.back to note source

340That is Jesus on oure tunge leide. So MS. C: þat ihu on hem þe wronge wolde ley.back to note source

342also. MS: al inserted above line.back to note source

348Thei. So A, C. MS, O: that. Addit: þay. D: they.back to note source

351Caiphas. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

352we. So MS. O, A, Addit, D: men. C: me. Cov: ye.back to note source

354ne were. So O, A, Addit, D. C: were. MS: nere.back to note source

356the. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: tho.back to note source

363blynde. So A, C. MS: holden. O: heled. D: blinde. Addit: brynd. Cov: hillid.back to note source

373To prelates and to other men. So O. MS: Tuo prelates and tuo other men. A: two prelates and two other men. Addit: A preletis an oþer mene. C: Boþe to prelates and to oþer men. D: to prelates and to oþere men.back to note source

373, 377In the MS, there is a connection drawn between these two lines.back to note source

373, 377In the MS, there is a connection drawn between these two lines.back to note source

379Thus. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

382citee. So MS, A, D. O: cyte. Addit, C: cite.back to note source

383Effroem. So MS. O, D: Effreem. A: Eifraym. Addit: Effrem. C: Effraym. Cov: Effraem.back to note source

384A. So O, D, A, Addit, C. MS: At.back to note source

390That. So MS. D: they. O: þey. A, C: þei. Addit: þay.back to note source

394That thoughtten alday don hym despitte. So MS. Addit has an extra couplet after this line: Byhynd hys bak þay on hym liede / Afur hys slyn kyn þan þay aspide. Cov contains two extra lines: Behynde his bak thei on hym lyed / After his kynde than thei aspied.back to note source

399with sawe. So MS, O. A: with oon sawe. Addit: all bi on saw. C: with one sawe. D: with oone sawe.back to note source

404iplight. So MS, D. A: yplyght. O: yplyȝth. Addit: ypliȝt.back to note source

410Cripus. So MS. Addit, C, D, Cov: crispus. O: cryspus.back to note source

411Jacob. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: joab.back to note source

415dedes. So O, A, C, D. Addit: dedis. MS: bodes.back to note source

422every. So O, A, C, D. MS: uche a. Addit: everch.back to note source

426his1. So MS. O, A, C, D, Addit: þat.back to note source

427Joseph. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: Josep.back to note source

429Paraph mark in left margin.back to note source

434cursyng. So MS. O, A, D: skornynges. Addit, C: scornynge.back to note source

442hende. So O, A, C, D. MS: ende.back to note source

447Longens. So A, Addit, C, D. MS, Cov: Longius.back to note source

449Paraph mark in left margin.back to note source

454of2. So MS. O, A, D: with. Addit: wiþ. C: wheche manere.back to note source

471Bot Oure Lorde. So MS. O: but god lor. A: But god lorde. Addit: Bot god oure lorde. C: But yut oure lord god. D: but goode lorde. Cov: But god þe lorde.back to note source

481Tho. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

483Aggeus. So MS O, A, Addit. C: And ages. D: augeus.back to note source

486Mychel. So O. A: michell. Addit, D: michel. C: myghel. MS: miȝhel. Cov: michelle.back to note source

487Carianus. So MS. O, Cov: Caricius. D: Carisius. Addit: Carrasius. C: and þat was carrianne. A: Caryne.back to note source

488Doumbe thai weren til swete Jhesus. MS: doumbe thai weren / til swete ihu. O: dombe þey were til swete ihs. A: Both þese in certeyn / Doumbe þei were til swete Jesus. Addit: Som þay were to suete ihus. C: Dombe þei were tyle swete ihus. D: doumbe þei were til swete jesus.back to note source

492Of the lore. So O, A, D. Addit: þruȝ þe lore. C: þrow þe lore. MS: þe lore.back to note source

495Also it witnesseth. So A. O: also wyttenesseþ. Addit: Also hit wittened. C: As yt ys wytnessed. MS: hise witnesseth. D: Also it witnessith.back to note source

499wycked. So O. A: wickede. Addit: wickid. C: wykked. D: wicked. MS: wicken.back to note source

531Jhesus. So MS. O, A, C, D: crist. Addit: cryst.back to note source

536They sought and cleped thai hadden hym lor. MS: and soughtten in clepeden thai hadden hym lor. O: þey souȝt & cleped þey han hym lore. A: þei clepede and soght and haveth hym lore. Addit: þay soȝt & clepid þay had hym lore. C: þe soughte & cleped & hadde hym lore. D: they souȝten him cleped him þei han hym lore.back to note source

541And also thai hadden. So A: And as þei stode in. O: And als þay stoden in. Addit: And as þey stode yn. C: And so þei stoden yn. D: And als þei stoode in. MS: also thai hadden.back to note source

550they. So O, Addit. A, C, D: þei. MS: hy.back to note source

554mad. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

557taught. So MS. O: telde. A, Addit, C, D: tolde.back to note source

561swythe. So O, C. A: swith. Addit: swiþ. D: swithe. MS: sinþe.back to note source

564myght hem. So C, A. Addit: miȝt ham. MS: might. O, D: myȝt.back to note source

brought. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

569pay. So MS. O, A, C, D: pray. Addit: prey.back to note source

571Joseph. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: josep.back to note source

586be. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

587Than. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

Secheth ye. So MS, O. A: Seerche ȝe. Addit: seke ȝe.back to note source

594socour. So MS, A, D. O: socoure. Addit: onoure.back to note source

601Up in to the eir. So MS. Cov: Upon hiȝe ayens.back to note source

608by hym stond. So O. D: by hym stonde. A: up stande. C: be hym stond. MS: illegible here.back to note source

609face. So O, A, C, D. MS: nebbe.back to note source

622let. So MS, Addit. O, A, C, D: lette.back to note source

624more. So MS, O, A, C, D. Addit: mare.back to note source

625fourti. So MS. O: forty. Addit, C, D: fourty. A: sexty. Cov: XL.back to note source

626drede you non. MS: drede youre non.back to note source

627And at the fourty dayes ende. This line appears at the beginning of the MS, fol. 1r. MS is bound non-sequentially, with the first 626 lines appearing at the end of the MS, fols. 71v–72v, in compressed columns (two lines of text per MS line).back to note source

640biforne his foos. So MS. O: byforn his foos. Addit: he hem chose.back to note source

644his. So MS, O. D, A: myn. Addit: my.back to note source

669laughtten. So MS. O: laughten. Addit: caught. D: cauȝte. C: kaughte. A: toke.back to note source

681Listneth. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

693bereth. So MS. O, Addit: haþ. A, C, D: hath.back to note source

712thee. So MS. Addit, C: all.back to note source

716Hosie. So MS. O: Helye. A: Ely. Addit: Hely. C, D: Elye. Cov: Helie.back to note source

731Qualme. So MS, D. O: on alive. A: Moreyne. Addit: Qualm. C: and eken moren.back to note source

737plen. So MS. O, Cov: fleen. Addit: flee. A, D: sleen. C: slen.back to note source

752theef. So MS. Addit: barning brynstone.back to note source

759Whan. MS: a inserted above the line.back to note source

775thei. So A, D. MS: hy. Addit: þey.back to note source

781And. So MS. O, A, Addit, C, D: He.back to note source

789–90Bestes for hym . . . boordes with monee. So MS. These lines in Cov have an important adjustment and read: The jewes gunne from hym to flee / and leften her boordes with monee.back to note source

790felden boordes with monee. So MS. O: felden bordes with monee. A: fallede doun boordes with her monee. Addit: fell doun bordys wiþ mone. C: fellen a down the bordys with the mone. D: felden doun burdes with here mone.back to note source

791to selle. So MS, O, A. Addit, D: to felle. C: to fyll.back to note source

796deth with felonye. So MS, O, C. D: dethe with felonye. Addit: deþ wiþ felony. A: deth with vilenye.back to note source

811Gode. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

812how. So O, A, Addit. D: howe. MS: bow.back to note source

826hereth. So MS, O, A, D. Addit: hireþ.back to note source

830–34That other thraldom . . . with his lynage. So MS. Lines absent in Cov.back to note source

836mychel. So MS, O. Addit: mochil. A: grete. C: gret. D: greet.back to note source

846withouten. So MS, C. A, Addit: without. O, D: withoute.back to note source

855Nou. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

880barnetem. MS: tem inserted above line. Cov: children bidene.back to note source

884he shulde. So MS, D, Cov, Addit. O: sche shulde. A: she shulde. C: he shold.back to note source

885Of. So O, A, D. Addit: Oof. C: And of. MS: Er.back to note source

899her werkes. So MS. C: heore cursyd werkys.back to note source

900Taken thai nevere so wel her merkes. So MS. Line absent in Cov.back to note source

911After. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

917whiche. MS: whice.back to note source

921hem that. So O, A, C, D. MS: hem of that.back to note source

942brede. So MS, O, D. Addit, A: bred.back to note source

963law. So O, Addit. A, C, D: lawe. MS: laghghe.back to note source

965folk. So MS. O, A, Addit, D: folke. C: pepull.back to note source

973also. So MS, O. A, Addit, C, D: as.back to note source

989they were ylich. So O. A: þei were ylike. Addit: þay were ilich. D: þei were yliche. MS: thai yliche. C: line absent.back to note source

1001Listneth. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

1008fele. So O, A, Addit, D, Cov. MS: fole.back to note source

1012thai. So MS. O, D: they. A: þei. Addit: þay.back to note source

1014of. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

1039of yren ysperred fast. So O. MS: of yrne. A: of iren ysperede faste. Addit: of yre sparrid fast. C: with yren ibarryd ful fast. D: of iren yspered fast. Cov: or iren isperred fast.back to note source

1040suche. So O, D. Addit: such. MS: swice.back to note source

1056wore. So O, A, Addit, D. MS: were.back to note source

1060strenge. So MS, O. A: strynge. Addit, D: streng. C: stryng.back to note source

1064yliche nere. So MS, A. O: ylych nere. Addit: hliche nere. C: ilich nere. D: iliche neer.back to note source

1087On James, Ananias sone. So O. A: His name was hoten Ananus sone. Addit: Of ierusalem amayus sone. C: They callyd hym ihu anamas sone. D: His name was hoten ihu amaunes sone. MS: On ihus yat was godys sone. Cov: One James Ananias sone.back to note source

1095worlde. So O, D. MS: werd.back to note source

1097a voys. So O, Addit, D. A: a voice. C: a blast. MS: illegible here.back to note source

1107hym. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: hem.back to note source

1119For they ne might hym noght at holde. MS: For he ne might hym noȝt at holde. O: For they ne myght hym naght at holde. A: For þey ne might hym not at holde. Addit: For hy ne myȝt hym noȝt holde. D: for þei myȝte hym nouȝt with holde.back to note source

1144Til she overcom hem by her book. So MS. A: þey levede neither woorde ny booke.back to note source

1148For that thai hym to deth broughth. So MS. Several manuscripts have an additional couplet after this line, as follows. O: but al his wraþ had in veyn / for alle þe toknes þat þey had seyn. A: But all his wrath turnede to vayn / For all þe tokenes þat þei sayn. Addit: Bot all his wraþ torned in vayne / For all þe tokenes þay þay sayne. C: but all togedur they turned to veyn / for all the tokenus þat þey had seyn. Cov: But alle his wrath hadde in veine / For alle the tokenes that thei had seine.back to note source

1151hurtlen. So MS. O: hurtel. A: hurtle. Addit: horle. C: hortyll. D, Cov: strive.back to note source

1157Lete. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

1166al to. So O, A, Addit, D. C: all to. MS: also.back to note source

1167bye. So MS. O, A: laye. Addit, C: ley. D: leye.back to note source

1209so. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

1223Also. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

1241mysberyng. So O, D. A: misberynge. Addit: misbering. MS: onys beryng.back to note source

1265After. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

1267the. So MS, O, Addit, D. A, C: þat.back to note source

1273Galice. So A, Addit, D. C: Galis. MS, Cov: Galile. O: Galilee.back to note source

1331of Jhesus dede. So MS. Cov: of þe jewes deedis.back to note source

1363worlde. So O, A, D. MS: werd.back to note source

1364heighest. So MS. O: heyest. A, D: nexte. Addit, C: next.back to note source

1375emperoure. So MS. C: Syre Vaspasian.back to note source

1379Sire. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

1392barnetem. So MS. Cov: childre bigooten.back to note source

1409povere. So MS. O, A, Addit, C, D: pore. MS: poile.back to note source

1420wordes. So MS, O, D. A, Addit: wondres. C: wondyrs.back to note source

1427by no resoun. So MS, O, D. A: by noo resoun. Addit: for no resoun. C: for no maner of reson.back to note source

1428suspecioun. So MS, O, Addit, D. A: suspectioun. C: suspeccion.back to note source

1429othere waye. So MS. O: other waye. A: oþer way. Addit: oþer wey. C, D: other way.back to note source

1432put this werke on me. So MS, O. A: pytte þe work on me. Addit: pot þes worke on me. C: put thys werk on me. D: putte þis werke on me.back to note source

1436kyn. So MS, A, D. O, Addit: kynne.back to note source

1443mede thoo. So MS, O, A. Addit: knitis mede. D: mede tho.back to note source

1444was. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

stolen. So O, A, C, D. MS: stolne. Addit: stole.back to note source

1483And. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

hath. So O, A, Addit, D. MS: har.back to note source

1502hym therfore. So MS, O, D. C: the child therefore.back to note source

1533Pounthes. So MS. O: ponithos. A: peyntes. Addit: pnthos. C: pounce. D: pouns. Cov: Pouns.back to note source

1534wilde. So MS. Cov: vile.back to note source

1563thai ne parted. So MS. O: they ne perted. A: they ne partede. Addit: þe ne partid. D: þei ne parted.back to note source

1587Cristes. So MS. Cov: cristen.back to note source

1601Lucifer. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

1623Tho. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

1628That I noot. MS: I that I noot. Emended for sense.back to note source

1639Sithen. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

1644tolde. So MS, A, Addit, D. C: told. O: telde.back to note source

1671falonus. So MS. O: feloun. Addit: felonus. C: heore fals. D: felynous.back to note source

1684hym giltles. So MS. Cov: hym.back to note source

1696Any thing heren of that man. So MS. O: ȝif y may auȝt heren of þat man. A: If I may heren oght of þat man. Addit: If y miȝt hire oȝt of þat man. C: ȝif I may here ouȝt of that man. D: ȝif i may heren of þat man.back to note source

1698sounde. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: sonde.back to note source

1729Than. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

1731with al thi mayne. So MS. O, D, Cov: and come ageyn. A: and come agayn. Addit: and come agayne. C: with all þyn mayn.back to note source

1737And more tresore than I can telle. So MS. O: ȝe more þan y þe can telle. A: ȝe more þan I can of telle. Addit: ȝe more þan y þe can tell. C: ȝe much more than I can tell. D: ȝe wel more thanne I can of telle. Cov: ȝe more than I can telle.back to note source

1741hende. So O, A, Addit, D. C: hend. MS: hurde.back to note source

1745fast by. So O, A, Addit, C. D: faste by. MS: sikerly.back to note source

1762in this contré. So D, C. MS: in in this cite. O: in þys cyte. A: in þis citee. Addit: yn þes cite.back to note source

1821gode. So MS, O, Addit. A, D: kynde. C: kynd.back to note source

1830thar. So MS. O: þere. Addit: dare. D: darst. C: shalt.back to note source

1881–82And asken yif . . . / . . . shuldest hym owe. So MS. Lines absent from A, D.back to note source

1885tharwhile. So MS. O: ther while. A: the while. Addit: þat while. C: for a wyle. D: there þat while.back to note source

1887anothere. So MS. O, A, Addit, C, D: another.back to note source

1906thee. So MS, O, A. D: yow.back to note source

1908his. So O, A, Addit, C, D. Gap in MS.back to note source

1909thou. So MS, A, D. O, Addit, C: thu.back to note source

1911thu no thyng. So MS, O, C. Addit: þu noþing. D: the nothing. Line absent in A.back to note source

1913lette. So O, Addit, D. A: lete. C: lett. MS: bette.back to note source

1926passed. So MS, O. Addit: passid. A, D: ascaped. C: scapyd.back to note source

1935Ac sir. So MS. O, A, Addit: Sire. D: Sir. C: And syre.back to note source

1946And I wende. So MS, A. O: And Y wende. Addit: And y wend. C: and when I am grevyd I goo. D: And ofte I wende.back to note source

1948long. So MS. O, C: boþ. D: boþe.back to note source

1968That thou graunte. So MS. O: Thu wilt. A: þat þou wilt. Addit: þat þu. C: That thu woll. D: that thou.back to note source

1973conne. So MS. D: konne. O: kunne. A: coon. Addit: cone. C: con.back to note source

1974Goddes. So MS, A, D. O: godes. Addit: Mari. C: goddus.back to note source

1977a flixa. So MS. O: a flyxe. A: þe flux. Addit: þe flix. C, D: the flux.back to note source

2010And handled a litel upon his wede. So MS. C: and hopyd of hym to have goode mede.back to note source

2018Left. So O, Addit. A: Lefte. C: Laft. D: bilefte. MS: lefce.back to note source

2027Natheles I wel thee now telle. So MS. O: Naþeles y wul þe now telle. A: Nevertheles sire I the telle. Addit: Naþeles siþ y will þe tell. C: Natheles syre as y the tell. D: Natheles sir as I the telle.back to note source

2033Velosyan. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2036Oo tidyng I wil telle thee. So MS. Line absent in Cov.back to note source

2040I. So MS. O: y. A, Addit, C, D: he.back to note source

2063so. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

2074he hem. So MS, O, D. A: unto hem. Addit: he ham. C: hem he.back to note source

2090And seiden, “Listneth. So MS. O: whiltou heren. A: wilt þou heere. Addit: wyll þow here. C: And wylt thu here. D: Sir wele ȝe heren. Cov: Wolt thou hire.back to note source

2132Forsothe. So MS, O. A: Per fay. Addit: maffay. C: ȝis hardely. D: mafreye.back to note source

2135Than. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2154and. So MS, O, Addit. A, C, D: by.back to note source

2166And enbraced hym to hym fast. So MS, O. Addit: And enbracyd to hym faste. A: And byclipte Velocian faste. C: A lord he semeth full syker & faste. D: and byklipte velosian ful faste.back to note source

2173And leve Y, dye Y. So C. MS: Lyve I dye I. O: Lyf y dye. A: Wheþer I live or dye. Addit: Love y dye. D: Lyve i dyne.back to note source

2175–76A lorde he semeth ful stedfast / That I so sone to hym am cast. So MS. O: a lorde he semeþ ful stedefast. These lines are inverted in A, Addit, C, D. Addit: þatt i so sone to hym am caste / A lorde he semyd full stedefste. C: that þus sone on hym myn hert is cast / a lord he semeth full syker & stodefast. A: That I to hym þus am cast / A lorde he bysemeth ful studefast. D: that i to hym thus sone am cast / he semede a lorde ful stidefast.back to note source

2187shal fallen. So O. Addit: schall falle. A: shall be. C: y by tymes. MS: forsoþe.back to note source

2189Amorowen. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2198At that fest. So MS, O. A: Of myrthe and game. Addit: Fest & game. C: Revell & game. D: of murthe and gamen.back to note source

2199inough. So Addit, C, D. O: ynow. A: ynogh. MS: a feste. Cov: ynowgh.back to note source

2201A. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2202Addit: a passage of approximately 182 lines appears in the wrong place. Lines 2201–2382 are inverted with lines 3820–4002.back to note source

2205Pope. So MS. Cov has an erasure over this word.back to note source

2206gonne come. So MS. O, A, C, D: come.back to note source

2256Hou and whi. So MS, O. C: how and whi. A, D: why and wherfore.back to note source

2267thi. So MS, D. O, A, C: thy.back to note source

2275Noo wonder thogh hym thoghte longe. So A. O: No wonder þon hym þouȝt longe. C: And no wondur theygh hym thouȝt long. D: no wonder they hym þouȝte ful longe. MS: No wonder þeiȝ hym longe.back to note source

2296mychel. So O. MS: mmychel. A: mikell. C: mykell. D: mochel.back to note source

2297Velosyan. So MS. O, D: Velosian. A: Velocian. C: Velosyan.back to note source

2309Sir. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2336tyllen. So C. D: telen. A: husband. MS: tiliyen. O: illegible here. Cov: tilien.back to note source

2341smelle swete. So O, Cov. A: smellen swete. C: smellen bothe swete. D: smellen þe swete. MS: smelle with swete.back to note source

2350Hevene blis. So MS. O: Heven blis. A: heven blisse. C: hevyn all. D: blisse.back to note source

2352ende. MS: ennde.back to note source

2354wicked. So MS, D. O: wycked. A: wickede. C: wykked.back to note source

2383Addit: At this point, the manuscript aligns with other manuscripts.back to note source

2394Lorde. So MS, O, Addit. A, D: Maister. C: mayster.back to note source

2403Than. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2404hote. So MS. Cov: promice.back to note source

2428Forthi. So MS, D. O, A: Forthy. Addit: For why. C: Therefore.back to note source

2431The. So MS, O, A, Addit, D. C: But the.back to note source

2432In. So MS, O. A, D: In the. Addit, C: Into.back to note source

2433Bot. So MS. O, A, Addit, C, D: But.back to note source

2435These. So MS. O, Addit: Thes. A, D: The. C: For the.back to note source

2472her. So O, A, Addit. C: heore. D: here. MS: þair.back to note source

2474ich understonde. So MS, O. Addit: i undyrstone. A: þurgh his sonde. D: þoruȝ his sonde. C: all throuȝ his sonde.back to note source

2480shapp. So O. D, Cov: shape. Addit: schape. A: ȝifte. MS: shaft.back to note source

2491sawe. So O. MS: saghȝe. A: segh. Addit: say. C: sygh. D: seiȝ.back to note source

2552As is fallen, forsothe we kenne. So MS. C: iblessyd be ihu oure lord amen.back to note source

2555Tho. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2609Do me come. So O, Addit, D, Cov. A: Doo me come. C: and make com hydur. MS: Do me to come.back to note source

2630wytherwyne. So MS. Cov: þat cursid lyne.back to note source

2647servauntz. So MS. O: servaunt. A, D: armes. Addit: servauntys. C: armus.back to note source

2676man do hem. So O, A, Addit, C. MS: man ne do hem. D: to hem they do.back to note source

2711Addit: marginal note reading de ingressione Vespasiani ad nauem cum omni populo versus Ierusalem [about the entrance of Vespasian onto the ship with all the people against Jerusalem] before this line.back to note source

2729Thay. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2733whoo. So MS. O, A, Addit, C, D, Cov: what.back to note source

2740he. So A, Addit, C, D. O: þey. MS: thre.back to note source

2762it. So MS. O, A, Addit, C, D: hem.back to note source

2789best. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

2795Here. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2814Addit: heading reading de tristicia pilati [about the sadness of Pilate].back to note source

2815Thoo. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2847hadde. In the MS, hadde is circled in the margin and inserted with a caret to preserve rhyme and what passes for meter.back to note source

hadde Pilate no grace. So D. O: had pilate no grace. A: had Pilate noo grace. Addit: hadde pilat no grace. MS: and ȝut pilate no grace hadde.back to note source

2849qued. So MS. Cov: dethe.back to note source

2865praie. So MS. O, Addit: pray. A, C, D: rede.back to note source

2885I woot it is. So MS. O, A: hit is. Addit: it ys. C: and hit is. D: it is.back to note source

2898outhest. So O, C. D: outeheste. A: houthest. Addit: ontys. MS: oticheste.back to note source

2907On. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2914nedes. So MS, O, A, D. Addit, C: nedys.back to note source

2929they. So Addit, C, D. O: þay. A: þei. MS: thare.back to note source

2932staf-slyngys. So MS, Addit. C, D: staf slynges. O: staffe slynges.back to note source

2934reisen. So MS. O, C: reysen. A, Addit, D: risen.back to note source

2959yere. So MS, O. A, Addit, C: ȝere. D: ȝeere.back to note source

2963Whan. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

2987some. So O. A, D: somme. Addit: som. C: sum. MS: summe.back to note source

3006Hou. So O. MS: oon. A: to do. Addit: done. C: to make. D: to done.back to note source

3020ageins us. So MS. O: aȝeyns us. Addit: Aȝens ous. A: wroth with us. C: now wroth with us. D: wrothe with us.back to note source

3025I ne wot from whennes. MS: wot from circled in margin and inserted after ne with a caret.back to note source

3044Yonder. So MS. O, A: þat is. Addit: þat ys. C: that ȝondur is. D: that is.back to note source

3073Beaw sire. So MS. O: Beau sire. Addit: Bele sir. C: Now beau syre. A: By all þinges. D: By al thyng.back to note source

3080For he wolde have hym ylorne. So MS. Cov has an extra couplet after this line: Therefor the children he slouȝ alle / For he wende þat god shulde in þat lotte have falle.back to note source

3102prate. So MS. Addit: prete. O, A, C, D, Cov: threte.back to note source

3118bote. So MS. O, Addit, C: or. A, D: er.back to note source

3119–20Sorough have he . . . maketh you yare. Lines inverted in O.back to note source

3140pouver. MS: ppouver.back to note source

3149It. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

3152ageins his pay. After this line, Cov includes a Latin note: hic vaspasianus electus est in Imperatorem [here Vespasian is elected to the imperial throne].back to note source

3158hom. So MS. O, C: home. A: þider. Addit: þedyr. D: thedir.back to note source

3166That hym toke a cardiake. So A, D. MS: Þat hym took þe cardiacle. O: That hym toke a cardiacke. Addit: þat hym toke a cordyake. C: that hym then toke a cardyake.back to note source

3189Hereth. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

3229an. So MS. O, A, D: this. Addit: þes. C: thys.back to note source

3247he. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

3256That. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: of that.back to note source

3266hys lyf. MS: a caret appears after hys, which is written hy with a macron over the y. hys lyf appears in a box at the end of the line.back to note source

3306Go. So MS, O. Addit, D: do. A: doo. C: leteth.back to note source

3316I graunte thee wel sykerly. MS: i graunte thee al wel sykerly.back to note source

3329For to hiden in that stede. MS: forto hiden hem in that stede.back to note source

3348cowardes to. MS: to inserted after cowardes above line with a caret.back to note source

3370Ac. So O. MS: At. A, Cov: But. Addit: As. C: Natheles. D: And.back to note source

3396duelle a throwe. So Addit. MS: duelle throwe. O: dwellen a þrow. A: dwell a throwe. C: dwell a throw. D: dwellen a þrowe.back to note source

3432so longe as. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

3457dede. MS: added in right margin.back to note source

3474forbad. So MS, O, C. Addit, A: forbede. D: forbed.back to note source

3482summe. So MS. O: some. A: þei. Addit: som. C: sum. D: they.back to note source

3525Pilate. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

3526he quoke. So MS, O, Addit, C, D. A: he qwoke.back to note source

3536Or we deyyen al the route. So MS. O: or we amyddes al þe doute. A: or elles we in myddes her route. Addit: as do we wiþeoute doute. C: and that happeli or we amyddus all heore rout. D: or elles we amiddes the route. Cov: or we amyddis alle the rout.back to note source

3540help be. MS: be inserted after help above line with a caret.back to note source

3546goo. So MS, A, D. O, Addit: go. C: tho.back to note source

3557they. So O, Addit, D. A: þei. MS: hy.back to note source

3602firste. So D. MS: frst. O: furst. Addit: fyrst.back to note source

3611Velosyan. So MS. O: Velosian. A: Veroigne. Addit, Cov: Verone. D: Veroyne.back to note source

3648ben. MS: ben ben. Emended for sense.back to note source

3673For. So MS, O. A, D: But. Addit: Butt. C: And.back to note source

3687Josephus. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

3690conne. So MS, O. A: cone. Addit: come. D: konne.back to note source

3697youre. So MS. O, A, C, D: oure. Addit: our.back to note source

3708to. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

3720There is a lacuna in O beginning after this line; the text picks up again at line 3775.back to note source

3723It. So MS, D. A, Addit: Hit. C: And hit.back to note source

3743mysdon. So MS, C. A, D: mysdoon. Addit: mysdone.back to note source

3757For we that lyven now abyen ful sore. MS: rough sketches of stylized faces drawn in same ink as the text appear in the margin below this column.back to note source

3778thi. So MS, A, Addit, D. O, C: thy.back to note source

3785Tho. MS: decorated initial capital. Cov: Whan.back to note source

3810Doun of hym after his syde. So MS. Cov: And gnewe of hym alle his hide.back to note source

3821Pilate. MS: decorated initial capital. Addit: the 182-line inversion begins again here: the lines that are properly lines 2201–2382 appear here, lines 3820–4002.back to note source

3900Witnessed it everychon. So MS. Line absent from A, C, D.back to note source

3914Douce, a partial manuscript, begins here and continues to the end of the poem.back to note source

3918hole. So MS. Douce: holpyn.back to note source

3919was. So MS, O. A: wex. C: waxith. D, Douce: wax.back to note source

3945Josephus. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

3961sey. So O, A. MS: see. D: seie.back to note source

3973Al. So MS, O, D. A, C: all.back to note source

3995for myne hele. So Cov. MS: for nyme hele. O, A, D, Douce: for myn hele. C: for my hele.back to note source

4003Go. MS: decorated initial capital. Addit: the manuscript realigns with other manuscripts from here to the end of the poem.back to note source

4020And houndes thritty mute therto. So MS. O: & houndes þrytty mute þerto. A: Of houndes xxxti medes þerto. Addit: Of houndys þtretty hundred þerto. C: And of houndus þrytty innotus eken therto. D: and an hundred hondes þat be mete þerto. Douce: Of houndis þritty muȝt and mo.back to note source

4037mekely. So MS, O. A, D: me liketh. Addit: me likeþe. C: me lyketh. Douce: me lykyþ. Cov: me likith.back to note source

4039worlde. So O, A, Addit. C: werld. D: werde. MS: werd. Douce: word. Cov: world.back to note source

4053the. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

4070the knighttes. So MS. O, A, D: the knyghtes. Addit, Douce: þe knyȝtys. C: the knyȝtus.back to note source

4110be ordeyned to. So MS. O: he wul hit. A, D: he wil it. Addit: he wyll yt. C: he wol hit. Douce: it shal be. Cov: he wolle it fall.back to note source

4118That honoured hym with gode entent. So O. A: þat honoured hym with mychel entent. Addit: þat honoured hym with grete entent. C: þat wurship hym with good entent. D: that honoured hym wiþ mochel entent. MS: Hat honoured hym with god entent. Douce: þat turned hym to good entente.back to note source

4120bothers. So MS, O. A, Addit, D, Douce: bothe. C: both.back to note source

4132won. So MS, O, C. A, D: woon. Addit: wone.back to note source

4133save. So O, A, C, D, Douce. Addit: saffe. MS: alive.back to note source

4134lyves have. MS: illegible addition above the line between these words.back to note source

4172shame. MS: me inserted above line.back to note source

4200ferther. So O, Addit, D. A: forther. C: ferthere. Douce: feþere. MS: feirer.back to note source

4225and. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

4230nawght. MS: nawȝt added in margin.back to note source

4247summe. So MS, C, D. A, Addit: somme. O: sume. Douce: noumbre.back to note source

4265Thoo. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

4271Sir. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

4285and. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

4303clad. So MS, A, C, D, Douce. O: cladde. Addit: clas.back to note source

4345gynes. So MS. Cov: manaclis.back to note source

4368jestes. So O, A. Addit, D: gest. C: gestys. MS: goste. Douce: geste.back to note source

4375forlorne. So MS, O. A, D, Douce: lorn. Addit: forlore.back to note source

4380fouler. So MS, O, Addit. Douce: foulere.back to note source

4409byfore. MS: fore inserted above line.back to note source

4410they. So O, C, Douce. A: þei. Addit: þay. D: thei. MS: hy.back to note source

4461Now. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

4532tale. So MS. O: case. A, D: caas. Addit, Douce: cas.back to note source

4554biten. So MS, O. Douce: bytyn.back to note source

4608was Judas. So A, Addit, C, D, Douce. MS: was liþer Judas. O: was lyþer Judas.back to note source

4610a gret. MS: added at end of line with a box around it.back to note source

4638helpen. So O. MS, A, D: helpe. Addit, C: help. Douce: helpyn.back to note source

4657hym ne. So MS, A, D. Addit, C: he ne.back to note source

4686leve. So O, A, Addit, C, D. MS: lete. Douce: letyn.back to note source

4703Al his cas he tolde hym sone. So MS. C: there is a gap of 28 lines here; the poem picks up again at line 4730.back to note source

4750be. So O, A, Addit. C: shall. D: shal. MS: worþe.back to note source

4785tenth. So Addit, C. D: tenþe. A: tethe. O: tende. MS: tiende.back to note source

4799tenthe. So A, Douce. Addit: ten. C: tennth. D: tiþe. O: tende. MS: tiende.back to note source

4804his. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

4807evere. So MS. O, C: ever. A, D: ay. Addit: evyr.back to note source

4820what. So O, A, Addit, C, D, Douce. MS: whhat.back to note source

4859Now. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

4872Thorough the. MS: the inserted after Thorough above line with a caret.back to note source

4876The keyes of citees, castels, and toun. So MS. O ends here.back to note source

4887dude. So MS, Addit. A: yhad. C: eken. D: it hadde. Douce: so hadde.back to note source

4909Than. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

4928gan. So A, Addit, D, Douce. C: can. MS: ga.back to note source

4932And. So A, Addit, C, D, Douce. MS: ant.back to note source

4935Seint. So MS, D. Addit, C, Douce: Seynt. A: Sire.back to note source

4937Gost. So MS, Addit. A, D: lande. C, Douce: lond.back to note source

4960hevedes. So MS. Cov: beerdis.back to note source

4972And his men everychon. So MS, Addit. A: And Titus his sone and everychon. C: And tytus his son also & sethen everychon. D: And Titus his sone and everychoon. Douce: and titus his sone & everychon.back to note source

4995Petres mynster. So A. Addit: Petyrys mayster. C: seynt petrus mynstre. D: petres maister. MS: name hem. Douce: petris menstre. Cov: Petir his maister.back to note source

4997Seint. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

5005Pope. MS: pope.back to note source

5007Popes. MS: popes.back to note source

5009Pope. MS: pope.back to note source

5015Pope. MS: pope.back to note source

5049A. MS: decorated initial capital.back to note source

5054Thai that ne dyed in that synful toun. So MS. A: þat God wolde of þat synfull toun. Addit: þat ded wold of þat senfull toune. C: That God wold han of that synfull town. D: that God wolde of that synful toun. Douce: þat God wolde of þat synful toun.back to note source

5055assentaund. So MS. A, C: assentant. Addit, D: assentaunt. Douce: assentid.back to note source

5068Shulde lyven to dwellen thore. So MS. Cov has two additional lines following this one: But thei shulden her wonynge wide / Ordeine aboute in eche a side.back to note source

5069a litell. So A, Addit. C: a lytyll. D: a litel. MS: þat ilche.back to note source

5096glowede. MS: de inserted above line.back to note source

5102alweys. So MS. A: allweyes. Addit: allwey. C: allgatys. D: alweies. Douce: alwey.back to note source

5118That fourty yer he abood. So MS. Cov ends here.back to note source

5124sawe. So A. Addit: sey. C: syȝ. D: siȝe. MS: saghȝe. Douce: seyȝ.back to note source

5138aventours. So A, D, Douce. Addit: aventourys. C: aventourus. MS: aventoutoures.back to note source

ExplicitHere endeth the vengeaunce of Goddes deth. So MS. A: Thus endeth þe seege of Jerusalem / Rede hit for trewe and for noo dreme. Addit: Here endiþ þe vengaunce of godys deþe / mercy lady help. C: liber joannis blandi / explicit hit sedes uf obsidium de / civitate jerusalem / ihs est amor meus [the book of charming John / this place ends the siege of / the city of Jerusalem / in this sign is my love]. D: Here endith the sege of jerusalem. Douce: Here hendiþ þe sege of jerusalem.back to note source